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Limited Skins


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In my oppinion this whole "Limited deluxe skin" sucks,I understand it's a strategy to make people buy plat with cash,but you spend so much waiting for that one skin and then 2 weeks laters it's gone,what if you are in vacantion and can't reach the computer?And I see DE spending A LOT of time making all of these skins,but if we could have and alternative or maybe an rare alert for the skin O think it would be ok.What are you'r oppinios on the always limited skins?

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I've seen a double post. I've seen a triple post. I have NEVER seen a quadruple post. I'm impressed.


Onto the topic. You're telling them to give you all their hard work for free- AFTER they sell them to people saying they are time limited. Uh........ no. Don't be entitled. If you're stuck on vacation during the TWO WEEK period they sell them; that sucks but it's all on you. You could have someone you know that plays gift it to you to pay them back later. If that doesn't work, you can wait until next year (speaking from how they've appeared in the past, they will likely cycle in every year). There is no reason to change the way they are presented to us whatsoever.

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Also, "to make people buy plat with cash" is not true, you can buy anything you want with farming. If you know your way with the trade chat it's easy enough.


Also, rearer alerts? are you SURE you thought that well? people already complain about alerts and how some people have been "missing helmets for months" and you want a rarer alert? I'm honestly not sure how that's supposed to be better than a limited skin for 14 days.

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In my oppinion this whole "Limited deluxe skin" sucks,I understand it's a strategy to make people buy plat with cash,but you spend so much waiting for that one skin and then 2 weeks laters it's gone,what if you are in vacantion and can't reach the computer?And I see DE spending A LOT of time making all of these skins,but if we could have and alternative or maybe an rare alert for the skin O think it would be ok.What are you'r oppinios on the always limited skins?

That why they are called limited deluxe skins, only those that can pay and that are at the right moment can buy it, is not DE fault that you go on vacation when there is something with limited time.


Making those skins it cost a lot of time and work but there are a lot of player that buy them, so DE work doesnt waste.


¿An alert? ¿For something that has limited time and that cost platinum at the same time?, DEFINITELY NO, that would be a punch on the face for those that bought the skin or the pack in the right time.

Edited by chofranc
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Just Reminding you


Limited != Exclusive


all non founders items can and may return, we already had that controversy with the Proto Excalibur, that said the new saryn Skin is by far the best they have put on sale to date, Proto, Nemesis and Gersemeni had sligthly modded models and cool skins but Saryn's looks almost like a whole different frame the model was completedly changed and it has Cloth Physics (im not to discuss how realistic they look )  and PBR. definitedly a great buy

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In my oppinion this whole "Limited deluxe skin" sucks,I understand it's a strategy to make people buy plat with cash,but you spend so much waiting for that one skin and then 2 weeks laters it's gone,what if you are in vacantion and can't reach the computer?And I see DE spending A LOT of time making all of these skins,but if we could have and alternative or maybe an rare alert for the skin O think it would be ok.What are you'r oppinios on the always limited skins?

Hmmmmmmmm I wonder, what does DE want? 


Money, of course they are going to make bullS#&$ timed exclusives that basically say "I have money to waste!!! So I deserve better things than the rest of the player base!!!"

I've seen a double post. I've seen a triple post. I have NEVER seen a quadruple post. I'm impressed.


Onto the topic. You're telling them to give you all their hard work for free- AFTER they sell them to people saying they are time limited. Uh........ no. Don't be entitled. If you're stuck on vacation during the TWO WEEK period they sell them; that sucks but it's all on you. You could have someone you know that plays gift it to you to pay them back later. If that doesn't work, you can wait until next year (speaking from how they've appeared in the past, they will likely cycle in every year). There is no reason to change the way they are presented to us whatsoever.

What if you have no friends ;-;

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What if you have no friends ;-;

In that case all I can say is it sucks to be you. It's always a good idea to have a reliable buddy around.



I don't think they should be limited time at all


That's the point of them being Time-limited "deluxe" skins. They won't be so hyped about if you can buy them at any point outside the time-limits. 

Some Tenno need to learn how profit works.

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In my oppinion this whole "Limited deluxe skin" sucks,I understand it's a strategy to make people buy plat with cash,but you spend so much waiting for that one skin and then 2 weeks laters it's gone,what if you are in vacantion and can't reach the computer?And I see DE spending A LOT of time making all of these skins,but if we could have and alternative or maybe an rare alert for the skin O think it would be ok.What are you'r oppinios on the always limited skins?

Vacation for two weeks, I envy you I haven't had a vacation in two years.


IF that happens I understand your frustration, but, two weeks is a decent amount of time, its enough for you to log in somewhere. I'd say have a friend log in, but that's against the rules, so I guess that's out......


For someone who does miss it, I doubt it is a 1 time only option, it will return and be offered again. Perhaps DE will add a preorder option.


Limited=/=exclusives. And PLEASE no alerts that can give you free hard-work skins. That's just the gun shot at the skin makers

Yeah, these aren't just retextures, they take a lot of work, and DE even commissioned some artists outside of DE to concept these. Its not something you would expect to be free.


If an Alert were available, even if it was SUPER Rare. just he possibility would mean a large number of people wouldn't spend the plat to get it. Also if the alert weren't preannounced people who purchased the skin with plat would be pissed. Also an alert wouldn't solve your limited time availability issue you first mentioned.


Personally I think DE should do a Limited run. Then in 6 months to a year another limited offering. Then a year after that perhaps add them to the market permanently.

Edited by Lightsmith
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Ive said before time exclusive > time limited. Buy with 14 days or not be able to get it again for say 18 months is better than the when its gone its gone.


I bough jade excal thinking it was time limited, they released it again so they did - was i mad? Nah i couldnt care less but feel they should do the same for all the fancy skins. Theres too few limited skins as is without again it being down to default or immortal. I even except xmas frost and mirage to reappear during the holidays.

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I think the limited sale time is stupid. I understand the marketing idea behind it, but I disagree with it's effectiveness.

In my opinion a better strategy to drive sales is to introduce the new content at a discounted price for a limited time, then mark it up and put it in the store forever.

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They'll get back again probably at the annyversary (kinda like Exca Proto-armor did, even if it was just 24 hours), if not then well u pray to DE for change their minds, onto the subject, did no one noticed they havent announced devstream for today?...


There is something in the air

Edited by Godmur
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