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Volt Rework Suggestions -- We Know Rework Is Coming Soon


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As we know DE is working on reworking Volt. Recently they took the range buff for weapons away from his shield while they rework that portion -- we also know from the devstream they plan to rework the rest of his abilities as well soon. It's being worked on as we speak, so while there is still time, I want to get some more ideas out there that I think are important. Please feel free to post constructive criticism or your own ideas! 


Shock -- This ability needs little change's, just a few quality of life things. 


- There is a short delay between casting shock, it should be removed. 


- Allow us to refresh stun easier on enemies already affected by shock's stun, so we can at least keep them stunned with multiple shocks if necessary until we can finish some of the longer weapon reload animations. OR Alternately, allow duration mods to affect the length of the stun from shock. 


-- Allow us more synergy and make it interact with Volt's Electric Shield. Something like, if Volt casts Shock on an ES it "Overloads" exploding, causing a guaranteed stun proc on anyone in vicinity and also do X amount/% of blast damage based on strength of shield/strength of shock cast/amount of electronics in the area capable of blowing up. All of these things should be taken into account. 


Augment: No need for change, augment is part of the whole elemental buff set and has it's uses. Certainly an easier one to use than some of the others, due to Shock being much easier to target on an ally. 


Speed -- This ability is outdated now and needs to fit with the new parkour system. The changes required would be fairly simple. 


- Make it affect Parkour movement speed as well as sprint speed. 


- Make it recastable. Right now the fact that it is not recastable often makes using the ability very awkward and clunky when you want to keep casting speed. Let us recast please. 


- This is more an option idea, but it's something a friend of mine suggested who plays nothing buy Volt (I play him second most next to Vauban). He suggested allowing multiple uses of speed in a short window of time to cost less and give an extra sprint speed boost. This would be sort of like ability chaining with Atlas, if he hits speed again during the combo window, he can go even faster and get an extra speed multiplier, up to two extra casts. The combo window could be increased by duration mods. This would not increase melee speed or parkour speed, only sprint for really long straight stretches, occasionally giving teams a reason to just sprint. 


Augment: No need for change on this one. It's a pretty cool augment for a speed build and honestly works great as is. 


Electric Shield -- This ability is being worked on as we speak when it comes to the range interaction changes. From the sound of it DE plans to give different range bonuses to every different kind of ranged weapon type. I think this is a cool idea and I'm reserving commenting on that part of the ability until I see more of their current plans for the range interactions. But there are other things about ES still to discuss. 


- ES is made of electricity. An enemy should not be able to just walk through it like it's nothing. If an enemy touches or walks through ES, they should be briefly stunned. This should not be an augment, it should be a part of the base ability. I have given this a lot of thought. 


- A while back there was a controversy over Volt's ES. It used to be you could basically stack infinite crit damage + electricity damage. Now you can only stack the electricity. You can't stack the crit bonus even ONCE. For a while I considered that perhaps the answer was simply the allow it back slightly and just limit the amount of stacks, but I have a different idea now. Instead, I suggest removing any damage stacking for ES including for the Electric Damage. Instead, both electricity and crit bonus would scale with power strength mods. Allowing us to amp up the buff bonus of our electric shield if we wish. With the synergy I suggest with Shock being cast on ES, an ES build with more power strength would do more damage with the corresponding explosion. 


- Along with them bringing back the range interactions, I want the old range stacking to remain. In other words, if I have stacked shields to protect myself from bombard aoes, the last shield my shot goes through should calculate the range bonus again, allowing me to effectively stack range with multiple shields. 


Augment: We don't have one yet. I suggest something like this: 


Reflective Shield: X% of damage absorbed by ES is directed back at attacking enemies, enemies hit by this damage will have an X% (probably should be 100%) chance of being affected by a stun proc. 


Overload -- Lots of people talking about buffing the damage on this. And in my opinion they have totally the wrong idea. Since damage 2.0 Electricity is just not a good damage type for a straight damage build. Apart from robotics it really doesn't get a bonus against anything. And lots of high level Grineer resist it. Just going for a damage buff is totally the wrong direction. Instead, I propose: 


- Decrease the casting time to at least half it it's current length. It is way too long and leaves Volt super vulnerable. This can almost be a situation to how Mag's Crush used to be. The casting time can be so long you don't really get any advantage out of the stun procs (and with damage 2.0, you won't be getting any real advantage from the damage against slightly tough enemies). 


- Instead of doing it in pulses (which in my opinion is the greatest factor screwing with the casting time in the first place), just do the electric damage burst all in one big aoe to start off, stunning any enemies caught within the 20m range -- electronics would still be destroyed and do extra damage and it would still chain to enemies in range increasing damage. Even with power strength mods the damage would still be negligible at high level, we are not buffing or weakening the damage. Essentially we are just trying to do the "pulses" all at once. This is still not close to enough and the ability is weak. I just think starting Overload off this way is a good way to show that you just "overloaded", but it should just be to temporarily make yourself more powerful, not the end to the ability. 


- Now, this is where we get to making Overload truly different. After the one quick initial pulse, Volt now goes into "Overload mode", he has electricity arcs visibly crackling from his body and is glowing with electrical energy based on energy color. Anyone within a 5m range of Volt will be hit with stun proc and dealt x amount of electricity damage. While in Overload, Volt will constantly have his shield recharged (with no delay) as long as he is not taking damage. 


- Range of Overload modes 5m stun/damage radius would be affected by range mods. 


- Ability would not be channeling, I think we have quite enough of those. Instead I suggest keeping it cost 100, and having the Overload mode be duration based. 


Augment: Capacitance is kind of a strange augment but I think it wouldn't really need anything but mechanical tweaks to still work fine. In fact, with this build it would work even better! Essentially, it would just need to be tweaked that any time you did damage to enemies while in Overload, the percentage of that is added to you and allied Tenno as shields. Any Tenno within the initial cast radius of 20m would be affected as long as Overload remained, even though the stun/damage radius after initial cast would only be 5m. This Would allow Volt to be a real shield frame and shock trooper that can stay at the front lines buffing his team, stunning enemies and just generally causing mayhem. 


Please let me know what you think of my rework suggestions. I really am not going for changing who Volt is fundamentally, and I still want people to have the option to do damage (can still be somewhat viable against Corpus robots). I'm all about choices and keeping reworks simple whenever possible. I believe that it's better not to fundamentally change abilities too much. Even with Overload, I want it to retain most of it's essential flavor. The damage numbers could be reworked, but overall I think a quick initial cast with a radial stun with a bit of damage that destroys lights, followed by a brief duration of overload mode would really give him a nice buff that keeps the Volt feel. 


I might have forgot something, I'll edit later if I remember something I wanted to add. 



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I don't know why he is getting a rework, he is 99% perfect as is.

That said, I'm glad when I see a thread that doesn't want to make Volt into a damage-caster


The speed combo idea is interesting. But, Shock should not explode E.Shield. Tell me, how many times has your friend cast Shock through E.Shield. I proposed a different idea whereby cast Shock into/through E.Shield will either cause multiple Shock to fired from the E.Shield like a shotgun, or that Shocks would be fired radially from E.Shield.

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I don't know why he is getting a rework, he is 99% perfect as is.

That said, I'm glad when I see a thread that doesn't want to make Volt into a damage-caster


The speed combo idea is interesting. But, Shock should not explode E.Shield. Tell me, how many times has your friend cast Shock through E.Shield. I proposed a different idea whereby cast Shock into/through E.Shield will either cause multiple Shock to fired from the E.Shield like a shotgun, or that Shocks would be fired radially from E.Shield.


That would also be a cool idea. That's one of the few suggestions I'm not really "married" to, as it were. That's more of a throwaway suggestion. An idea. 


I just think that like with Frost's (1) being Cast on Snowglobe, something significant should happen when using Shock with ES. Not necessarily removing it though, like you said. That might not be the best route. 


And I agree on the damage caster thing. Leaving him with the capability to do some damage is fine, leaves people with the option for robot heavy corpus missions if they really, really want to do that. But unless electricity as a damage type is totally revisited, being a damage caster is not the right route indeed. 



Exactly why does Volt need a rework?


He could use some tweaks to make some of his abilities scale better for higher levels, but that's it. 

Well, this isn't really a rework in the sense you might be thinking of. More of the Frost treatment if you look at what I'm asking for. I'm not really changing the essential flavor of his abilities. And even in the case of Overload (the weakest link in his kit), I'm really more adding than I am reworking or removing. 
Most of the changes I'm suggesting are more quality of life than anything else. In my opinion my changes fall under the scope you are talking about. 
Edited by Tesseract7777
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Volt is NOT getting a rework. He is getting TWEAKS. His shield range buff was NOT taken away while they make changes- it's BUGGED and not giving the bonus it is meant to. Get your information right first.


Volt is fine. He doesn't need changes. He is perfect outside of his slow cast time on his 4.

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After the Mesa and Saryn rework, I don't have a lot of hope for his skills.


What I think they'll do to him:


1) Shock, will be largely unaffected. Probably going to synergize with energy shield.


2) Speed, will be super nerfed into the ground and made useless. Because it can be used for speedrunning. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they made it a toggle and then ramped up the energy requirements into the stratosphere.


3) Electric shield, will probably have a lot of utility dropped and turned into a HP thing requiring everyone to forma their Volt 1001 more times. Think armor and health and shields being a part of it's equation now. Oh and don't forget stretch to keep it big, otherwise it'll be as small as your thumb. Oh and yeah, you can restore it's HP by spamming shock on it. And you'll need to because it'll have crap HP anyway.


4) Will get turned into yet another toggle, which will do pitiful damage and that won't reach very far even if you have electricity around.


Yes, I'm pessimistic, but two of my best Warframes got nerfed into the ground, I'm tired of wasting forma.

Edited by Hap-muhr
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Volt is NOT getting a rework. He is getting TWEAKS. His shield range buff was NOT taken away while they make changes- it's BUGGED and not giving the bonus it is meant to. Get your information right first.


Volt is fine. He doesn't need changes. He is perfect outside of his slow cast time on his 4.


Yes, he is. They talked about it a few devstreams ago. Not a full rework like Saryn, but a revisit/touch up thing like Frost, and they did mention something about making serious changes to Overload as well. 


They did not just say it was bugged, you are talking about the punch through thing which is something else entirely. 


The range change was removed and they said they would be adding "ASAP" brand new range interaction changes that would be different for different weapons. It's in the patch notes... and it was made very clear they are planning brand new interaction changes, they said nothing about "removing it because it was bugged", get your facts straight and show me the quote that says "it was removed because it was bugged". 


There is no need to be as confrontational as you are. If you have constructive criticism I'm totally open. Just telling me "Volt is fine outside of one thing and doesn't need to be changed" is hardly feedback on my ideas.... 


And you know what? It really doesn't matter anyway. You are here in my thread, splitting hair's about what the difference is between a rework/revisit/touch up/tweaks etc. 


You are here in my thread splitting hairs about why the range interactions were temporarily removed. 


And I'm here giving feedback on Volt's abilities and what I think can be done to improve him, while you act unnecessarily confrontational. 


If you have any feedback on Volt or on my ideas please post them, but I'm not going to turn this thread into a meta argument about that kind of nonsense. 

2) Speed, will be super nerfed into the ground and made useless. Because it can be used for speedrunning. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they made it a toggle and then ramped up the energy requirements into the stratosphere.


4) Will get turned into yet another toggle, which will do pitiful damage and that won't reach very far even if you have electricity around.


My worst nightmares lol. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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 I proposed a different idea whereby cast Shock into/through E.Shield will either cause multiple Shock to fired from the E.Shield like a shotgun, or that Shocks would be fired radially from E.Shield.

I was about to suggest this XD

BTW I think that

Shock: needs only to be more relieble as a CC. I'd like if an enemy, on a direct hit, becomes succeptible to finishers (Retribution-stile)

Speed: as OP said, make it affect parkour moves. The other changes proposed I don't think are needed.... with a bit of power strenght you go even too much fast, no need for more

ES: as above and the elctric proc on enemies that pass through

Overload:it's too much unreliable as it is. I'd like to see lots of massive lightnings erupting from Volt, doing half the damage on hit and then chaining to enemies nearby doing the other half over time while keeping the stun, affected by duration possibly

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The simplest rework to Overload:

Cut casting and DoT by at least 50% to allow it to be a "stop-n-pop" power.

Bonus "living lightning" passives for Overload:

Volt's body becomes truly electrified energy which:

1. Grants shock trooper effect for 10 seconds, stacks with shock trooper

2. Grants 20% resistance to physical and energy attacks for 10 seconds

3. Heals health at 10 pts per second over 10 seconds

Interestingly, duration mods and power strength would now make it a great passive "4" ability.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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3) Electric shield, will probably have a lot of utility dropped and turned into a HP thing requiring everyone to forma their Volt 1001 more times. Think armor and health and shields being a part of it's equation now. Oh and don't forget stretch to keep it big, otherwise it'll be as small as your thumb. Oh and yeah, you can restore it's HP by spamming shock on it. And you'll need to because it'll have crap HP anyway.

I do really hope they don't touch the shields or at least worsen it, because I love how it doesn't have health bar as to Frost's snow globe shield. By adding shock to restore its health is a bad idea in my opinion as you have to waste energy to keep it alive, especially during the end game and if the armor is affected by Volt's own armor. I would love if they keep his as he is now. Just change its description and or tweak Overload. This would probably solve this problem.

Edited by Cara360
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I'm leveling Volt right now, and so far he seems pretty cool to me. If there to be any tweaks at all. I would suggest to:


Make "Speed" have a greater effect on self. I mean, it's nice to help the team and stuff, but I want to actually feel being that "gottagofast" guy, instead of being outran by Loki.


Make 4 do something non-suicidal. Honestly, it's the only skill which is plainly bad. Too little damage for such a long cast time. And doesn't work well as a panic button CC either.

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As we know DE is working on reworking Volt. Recently they took the range buff for weapons away from his shield while they rework that portion -- we also know from the devstream they plan to rework the rest of his abilities as well soon. It's being worked on as we speak, so while there is still time, I want to get some more ideas out there that I think are important. Please feel free to post constructive criticism or your own ideas! 


Shock -- This ability needs little change's, just a few quality of life things. 


- There is a short delay between casting shock, it should be removed. 


- Allow us to refresh stun easier on enemies already affected by shock's stun, so we can at least keep them stunned with multiple shocks if necessary until we can finish some of the longer weapon reload animations. OR Alternately, allow duration mods to affect the length of the stun from shock. 


-- Allow us more synergy and make it interact with Volt's Electric Shield. Something like, if Volt casts Shock on an ES it "Overloads" exploding, causing a guaranteed stun proc on anyone in vicinity and also do X amount/% of blast damage based on strength of shield/strength of shock cast/amount of electronics in the area capable of blowing up. All of these things should be taken into account. 


Augment: No need for change, augment is part of the whole elemental buff set and has it's uses. Certainly an easier one to use than some of the others, due to Shock being much easier to target on an ally. 


Speed -- This ability is outdated now and needs to fit with the new parkour system. The changes required would be fairly simple. 


- Make it affect Parkour movement speed as well as sprint speed. 


- Make it recastable. Right now the fact that it is not recastable often makes using the ability very awkward and clunky when you want to keep casting speed. Let us recast please. 


- This is more an option idea, but it's something a friend of mine suggested who plays nothing buy Volt (I play him second most next to Vauban). He suggested allowing multiple uses of speed in a short window of time to cost less and give an extra sprint speed boost. This would be sort of like ability chaining with Atlas, if he hits speed again during the combo window, he can go even faster and get an extra speed multiplier, up to two extra casts. The combo window could be increased by duration mods. This would not increase melee speed or parkour speed, only sprint for really long straight stretches, occasionally giving teams a reason to just sprint. 


Augment: No need for change on this one. It's a pretty cool augment for a speed build and honestly works great as is. 


Electric Shield -- This ability is being worked on as we speak when it comes to the range interaction changes. From the sound of it DE plans to give different range bonuses to every different kind of ranged weapon type. I think this is a cool idea and I'm reserving commenting on that part of the ability until I see more of their current plans for the range interactions. But there are other things about ES still to discuss. 


- ES is made of electricity. An enemy should not be able to just walk through it like it's nothing. If an enemy touches or walks through ES, they should be briefly stunned. This should not be an augment, it should be a part of the base ability. I have given this a lot of thought. 


- A while back there was a controversy over Volt's ES. It used to be you could basically stack infinite crit damage + electricity damage. Now you can only stack the electricity. You can't stack the crit bonus even ONCE. For a while I considered that perhaps the answer was simply the allow it back slightly and just limit the amount of stacks, but I have a different idea now. Instead, I suggest removing any damage stacking for ES including for the Electric Damage. Instead, both electricity and crit bonus would scale with power strength mods. Allowing us to amp up the buff bonus of our electric shield if we wish. With the synergy I suggest with Shock being cast on ES, an ES build with more power strength would do more damage with the corresponding explosion. 


- Along with them bringing back the range interactions, I want the old range stacking to remain. In other words, if I have stacked shields to protect myself from bombard aoes, the last shield my shot goes through should calculate the range bonus again, allowing me to effectively stack range with multiple shields. 


Augment: We don't have one yet. I suggest something like this: 


Reflective Shield: X% of damage absorbed by ES is directed back at attacking enemies, enemies hit by this damage will have an X% (probably should be 100%) chance of being affected by a stun proc. 


Overload -- Lots of people talking about buffing the damage on this. And in my opinion they have totally the wrong idea. Since damage 2.0 Electricity is just not a good damage type for a straight damage build. Apart from robotics it really doesn't get a bonus against anything. And lots of high level Grineer resist it. Just going for a damage buff is totally the wrong direction. Instead, I propose: 


- Decrease the casting time to at least half it it's current length. It is way too long and leaves Volt super vulnerable. This can almost be a situation to how Mag's Crush used to be. The casting time can be so long you don't really get any advantage out of the stun procs (and with damage 2.0, you won't be getting any real advantage from the damage against slightly tough enemies). 


- Instead of doing it in pulses (which in my opinion is the greatest factor screwing with the casting time in the first place), just do the electric damage burst all in one big aoe to start off, stunning any enemies caught within the 20m range -- electronics would still be destroyed and do extra damage and it would still chain to enemies in range increasing damage. Even with power strength mods the damage would still be negligible at high level, we are not buffing or weakening the damage. Essentially we are just trying to do the "pulses" all at once. This is still not close to enough and the ability is weak. I just think starting Overload off this way is a good way to show that you just "overloaded", but it should just be to temporarily make yourself more powerful, not the end to the ability. 


- Now, this is where we get to making Overload truly different. After the one quick initial pulse, Volt now goes into "Overload mode", he has electricity arcs visibly crackling from his body and is glowing with electrical energy based on energy color. Anyone within a 5m range of Volt will be hit with stun proc and dealt x amount of electricity damage. While in Overload, Volt will constantly have his shield recharged (with no delay) as long as he is not taking damage. 


- Range of Overload modes 5m stun/damage radius would be affected by range mods. 


- Ability would not be channeling, I think we have quite enough of those. Instead I suggest keeping it cost 100, and having the Overload mode be duration based. 


Augment: Capacitance is kind of a strange augment but I think it wouldn't really need anything but mechanical tweaks to still work fine. In fact, with this build it would work even better! Essentially, it would just need to be tweaked that any time you did damage to enemies while in Overload, the percentage of that is added to you and allied Tenno as shields. Any Tenno within the initial cast radius of 20m would be affected as long as Overload remained, even though the stun/damage radius after initial cast would only be 5m. This Would allow Volt to be a real shield frame and shock trooper that can stay at the front lines buffing his team, stunning enemies and just generally causing mayhem. 


Please let me know what you think of my rework suggestions. I really am not going for changing who Volt is fundamentally, and I still want people to have the option to do damage (can still be somewhat viable against Corpus robots). I'm all about choices and keeping reworks simple whenever possible. I believe that it's better not to fundamentally change abilities too much. Even with Overload, I want it to retain most of it's essential flavor. The damage numbers could be reworked, but overall I think a quick initial cast with a radial stun with a bit of damage that destroys lights, followed by a brief duration of overload mode would really give him a nice buff that keeps the Volt feel. 


I might have forgot something, I'll edit later if I remember something I wanted to add. 

this has to be one of the best rework ideas i have ever seen - he come to more utility than damage after lvl 37. giving speed the landslide treatment should apply to volt only (not for allies) as it would leave other frames in volt's dust trail (stuff you Loki master race speedsters!).

I'm leveling Volt right now, and so far he seems pretty cool to me. If there to be any tweaks at all. I would suggest to:


Make "Speed" have a greater effect on self. I mean, it's nice to help the team and stuff, but I want to actually feel being that "gottagofast" guy, instead of being outran by Loki.


Make 4 do something non-suicidal. Honestly, it's the only skill which is plainly bad. Too little damage for such a long cast time. And doesn't work well as a panic button CC either.

yes, you have a great perception of volt but overload is Not a panic button, its a last resort;)

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3) Electric shield, will probably have a lot of utility dropped and turned into a HP thing requiring everyone to forma their Volt 1001 more times. Think armor and health and shields being a part of it's equation now. Oh and don't forget stretch to keep it big, otherwise it'll be as small as your thumb. Oh and yeah, you can restore it's HP by spamming shock on it. And you'll need to because it'll have crap HP anyway.


This would be terrible and would honestly ruin Volt, no joke. I would hate to see this happen. This is precisely the reason why I don't want Volt messed with too much.

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This would be terrible and would honestly ruin Volt, no joke. I would hate to see this happen. This is precisely the reason why I don't want Volt messed with too much.


I do really hope they don't touch the shields or at least worsen it, because I love how it doesn't have health bar as to Frost's snow globe shield. By adding shock to restore its health is a bad idea in my opinion as you have to waste energy to keep it alive, especially during the end game and if the armor is affected by Volt's own armor. I would love if they keep his as he is now. Just change its description and or tweak Overload. This would probably solve this problem.


To both of you: This is what I deem to be the most likely areas, since DE is on a nerf-rampage now to make the game grindier. Really, it doesn't take a genious to figure out what the common "balance" factor is in all their reworks as of late: Remove infinite scaling, reshape powers to make farming and bypassing grind harder, introduce lots of conflicts in design to make a good build for most powers impossible.


In short: Nerf the everliving crap out of everything that's remotely good.

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I like him as is but I'm always down for change I'm not gonna be stuck up and not except change in an BETA game. I think some people forget that. I wouldn't mind volt becoming a glass cannon, when I think of lightning I think or damage and cc. He has the cc part covered.

My main beef with volt is overload.I would like for that to get a complete revamp

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I do really hope they don't touch the shields or at least worsen it, because I love how it doesn't have health bar as to Frost's snow globe shield. By adding shock to restore its health is a bad idea in my opinion as you have to waste energy to keep it alive, especially during the end game and if the armor is affected by Volt's own armor. I would love if they keep his as he is now. Just change its description and or tweak Overload. This would probably solve this problem.

yes, ES and speed don't need nerfs - they need buffs to improve their fuctionality

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Really, it doesn't take a genious to figure out what the common "balance" factor is in all their reworks as of late: Remove infinite scaling

I know, I see that writing on the walls, that is why I don't like "Volt rework" threads in general. But I guess you could only remain hidden for so long...

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