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[Status 2.0 ~ What If Elemental Mods Don't Give Additional Damage But Instead...]


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Convert an element to your weapon(by this i mean converting the highest base element e.g. from slash > ice)OR convert the total base damage of the weapon.

Instead of giving damage on mod rank they give additional effects on procs + higher proc rate of those added effects.


Rank 1 Cold

-Adds cold element

-Lv.1 Effect Slow(50%)10%


Rank 2

-Adds cold element

-Lv.1 Effect Slow 15%

-Lv.2 Effect Freeze(1.5 second)4%


Rank 3/4/5

-Adds cold element

-Lv.1 Effect Slow 20%/25%/30%

-Lv.2 Effect Freeze 8%/12%/16%

-Lv.3 Effect Shatter [instant Kill(If target is a regular mob, If its a heavy, will only instakill if below 40%)] 2%/4%/6%


Other elements


Rank 1 Heat

-Lv.1 Burn(60% of heat damage,  5 seconds. Reduced by armor) 

-Lv.2 Ignite(80% of heat damage per second, causes panic on the enemy, leaves a trail of fire dealing damage)

-Lv.3 Incinerate(80% of heat damage per second until target dies, leaves the corpse burning for 10 seconds dealing damage,5m radius)


Rank 1 Electricity

-Lv.1 Stun(.6 seconds)

-Lv.2 Electric Discharge(80% of electricity damage 2.5m around the user. Stuns for 2 seconds)

-Lv.3 Chain Lightning(80% of electricity damage, 5 Jumps. Stuns for 1 second)


Rank 1 Toxin

-Lv.1 Panic(Makes enemies run away)

-Lv.2 Poison(50% of poison damage, ignores armor, 7 seconds)

-Lv.3 Toxify(Reduce max hp by 50%, 50% poison damage, 9 seconds)


Combined Elements


As for combined elements, the proc chance follows the first mod and only have Lv.2 and Lv.3 Effect.



-Lv.2 Corrosion(25% armor reduction, doesn't stack, 4 seconds)

-Lv.3 Break(30% armor reduction, stackable)



-Lv.2 Confuse

-Lv.3 Mutate(Alters the enemy, doubles his stats but triples affinity when killed.)



-Lv.2 Disrupt(Also stuns for 1.5 seconds.)

-Lv.3 Attract(Make the target enemy pull nearby enemies while slowing them by 70%, 6m radius. Duration for as long as the enemy corpse is there)



-Lv.2 Knockdown.

-Lv.3 Explode(100% of blast damage, 12m radius, 50% to make enemies drop extra loot if killed with it.)



-Lv.2 Virus(Reduce speed and accuracy by 30%,4 seconds)

-Lv.3 Infection(Infected enemies will pass on its status effects on every enemy it comes incontact within 2m)



-Lv.2 Gas Cloud(50% of gas damage, 3m radius, 7 seconds)

-Lv.3 Suffocate(50% of gas damage, 7m radius, 10 seconds, causes panic inside the cloud.)


Then these proc effects get multplied by the amount of status chance you have.

Hence pure status chance build becomes viable as utility.

Ofc this would only work if enemy scaling changes with it.

Values are imaginary.


I also want to add proc priority in the arsenal. Pick which element your weapon procs!

Just some random thoughts from a lurking player. What do you guys think?


Edit: Completed other potential effects

Edited by Scherhardt
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It'd be good.

Debuffs are far more interesting than straight up dmg%.


It should have been like this from the bloody start.

That way we wouldn't be in this hole full of mandatory mods.


Of course any dmg% change would have to be felt on enemy balance as well.

Armor has been screwing us over for years now.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Without a change to that thing first, any change in other departments just makes the game worse.



Armor has been screwing us over for years now.

True and yet most people say its fine lmao


Without a change to that thing first, any change in other departments just makes the game worse.

This game has done that a few times already. Change/Add one thing leave it hanging for a few months, let people grow on it, people say its fine months after without realizing its pretty bad or broken. Thats why i'm pretty hyped everytime theres 2.0/3.0 update coming.

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they just convert an element to your weapon(by this i mean converting the highest base element e.g. from slash > ice)OR add the element with the total base damage of the weapon(same as current but with no additional damage).

Instead of giving damage on mod rank they give additional effects on procs + higher proc rate of those added effects.


Rank 1 Cold

-Adds cold element

-Lv.1 Effect Slow(50%)10%


Rank 2

-Adds cold element

-Lv.1 Effect Slow 15%

-Lv.2 Effect Freeze(1.5 second)4%


Rank 3/4/5

-Adds cold element

-Lv.1 Effect Slow 20%/25%/30%

-Lv.2 Effect Freeze 8%/12%/16%

-Lv.3 Effect Shatter [instant Kill(If target is a regular mob, If its a heavy, will only instakill if below 40%)] 2%/4%/6%


Other elements

Rank 1 Heat

-Lv.1 Burn(60% of heat damage,  5 seconds. Reduced by armor) 

-Lv.2 Ignite(80% of heat damage per second, causes panic on the enemy, leaves a trail of fire dealing damage)

-Lv.3 Incinerate(80% of heat damage per second until target dies, leaves the corpse burning for 10 seconds dealing damage,5m radius)


Rank 1 Electricity

-Lv.1 Stun(.6 seconds)

-Lv.2 Electric Discharge(80% of electricity damage 2.5m around the user. Stuns for 2 seconds)

-Lv.3 Chain Lightning(80% of electricity damage, 5 Jumps. Stuns for 1 second)


Rank 1 Toxin

-Lv.1 Panic(Makes enemies run away)

-Lv.2 Poison(50% of poison damage, ignores armor, 7 seconds)

-Lv.3 Toxify(Reduce max hp by 50%, 50% poison damage, 9 seconds)


Combined Elements

As for combined elements, the proc chance follows the first mod and only have Lv.2 and Lv.3 Effect.


-Lv.2 Corrosion(25% armor reduction, doesn't stack, 4 seconds)

-Lv.3 Break(30% armor reduction, stackable)



-Lv.2 Confuse

-Lv.3 Mutate(Alters the enemy, doubles his stats but triples affinity when killed.)



-Lv.2 Disrupt(Also stuns for 1.5 seconds.)

-Lv.3 Attract(Make the target enemy pull nearby enemies while slowing them by 70%, 6m radius. Duration for as long as the enemy corpse is there)



-Lv.2 Knockdown.

-Lv.3 Explode(100% of blast damage, 12m radius, 50% to make enemies drop extra loot if killed with it.)



-Lv.2 Virus(Reduce speed and accuracy by 30%,4 seconds)

-Lv.3 Infection(Infected enemies will pass on its status effects on every enemy it comes incontact within 2m)



-Lv.2 Gas Cloud(50% of gas damage, 3m radius, 7 seconds)

-Lv.3 Suffocate(50% of gas damage, 7m radius, 10 seconds, causes panic inside the cloud.)


Then these proc effects get multplied by the amount of status chance you have.

Hence pure status chance build becomes viable as utility.

Ofc this would only work if enemy scaling changes with it.

Values are imaginary.


I was always wondering why multishot is too strong and I've come to think its because elemental mods give way too much damage then multishot just multiplies. So clearly i think multishot is not at fault here but the elemental mods giving way too much than they should be coupled with +damage mods.. 


I also want to add proc priority in the arsenal. Pick which element your weapon procs!

Just some random thoughts from a lurking player. What do you guys think?


Edit: Completed effects

The idea is interresting but i fear that litterally kill the build diversity.

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Ideally none of the mods should allow you increase your base damage without any form of drawback because as soon as they do they'll become objectively superior and mandatory unless you have enemies that take less damage the more damage you do. I'd have nothing against kicking all damage mods to the curb and let the weapon rank up to its max damage potential on its own while having the choice to build my gear entirely for utility and still be(generally) as effective as someone who goes all out on burst dps increasing mods. From damage type conversion to extra utility effects, it's all good in my book and a lot more interesting than just pushing mods that give you more power. I couldn't care less about the short term boost in excitement you get from doing more damage than before. That feeling is a fleeting joy compared to the more sustained feeling of superiority from having built your gear just the right way to allow you be effective through your playstyle instead of how long you have to grind to upgrade your damage.

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Ideally none of the mods should allow you increase your base damage without any form of drawback because as soon as they do they'll become objectively superior and mandatory unless you have enemies that take less damage the more damage you do. I'd have nothing against kicking all damage mods to the curb and let the weapon rank up to its max damage potential on its own while having the choice to build my gear entirely for utility and still be(generally) as effective as someone who goes all out on burst dps increasing mods. From damage type conversion to extra utility effects, it's all good in my book and a lot more interesting than just pushing mods that give you more power. I couldn't care less about the short term boost in excitement you get from doing more damage than before. That feeling is a fleeting joy compared to the more sustained feeling of superiority from having built your gear just the right way to allow you be effective through your playstyle instead of how long you have to grind to upgrade your damage.

I somewhat like the idea but the enemy scale way too far.

And from that it will get hate from most of survival tryhard player.



Still grinding is really good in the game. It give pride to max some mod and build valuable weapon.(not sure if you'll get what i mean by that.) 

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How is that? Currently utility builds aren't even a thing, its all about the damage in every single loadout.

Where's the diversity in that.

Sorry talking before thinking.



But what could i do if i want physical and elemental damage while having a nice status.

And still i guess crtical will need a rework. Yes buffing the damage but also giving a better statut effect when you proc.

Making precise shot to weakspot incredebly rewarding.

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Skimmed.  Would be interesting.  Unfortunately if we started removing damage based mods we'd have to re do how weapons scale with damage especially when it comes to endless missions.  We'd also have to re scale enemies with their damage and resistances so we don't get steam rolled.

The only thing that needs rescale is armor(Lv.40+ enemies), tweak resistance but damage doesn't need to be touched. 


Sorry talking before thinking.


But what could i do if i want physical and elemental damage while having a nice status.

And still i guess crtical will need a rework. Yes buffing the damage but also giving a better statut effect when you proc.

Making precise shot to weakspot incredebly rewarding.

You can always go for a balanced build but ofc that hinders full potential of a pure damage/status build.

What you can do is build a pure status secondary/primary while the other is pure damage. So you can switch out which one is situational.


And yes critical would require a minor buff.

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