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New Warframe: Ivara [U18 Megathread]


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Aside from shield usage (trust me no one can deal with shields like Mag because she deals PERCENTAGE not an actual number), Ivara's ult is fine for damage. The ONLY abilities I have seen keep up in damage with her ult are Exalted Blade, Hysteria, Shield Polarize against corpus, and Spore+Miasma.

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Well I guess the trade off is having to use a slot on Hush.

Yeah. I'd rather not gimp something just to stay silent, when there's already tons of silent weapons. I mean she even comes with one so I've been running with a torid/ogris when I need to clear space.

Or attica. Dear, sweet, precious attica

Edited by Rankii
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Yeah. I'd rather not gimp something just to stay silent, when there's already tons of silent weapons. I mean she even comes with one so I've been running with a torid/ogris when I need to clear space.

Or attica. Dear, sweet, precious attica

Put hush on Vectis, Vulkar, Rubico, Latron Wraith, Sybaris, etc etc, still doing plenty of damage. You're not missing out on essential damage by replacing one mod

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Interesting frame.




Very useful.  Maybe the 'alarm arrow' could have some sort of aggro effect even when enemies are alerted.




I'm sure it's great and all, but I never use it.  The experience is a bit too jarring for me.




Love it.  I absolutely love it.


Artemis Bow:


The damage is very impressive with 200+ Power Strength.  It's perhaps not what was expected (shotgun type thing), but on single targets, modded correctly, it's a beast.


All in all, fun and different frame.  Ivara is smol, Ivara is stronk.

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Exactly my point. Weapon damage (or abilities benefitting from weapon damage) is incomparable to actual ability damage.


Just saying that warframe abilities are far more potent than weapon damage.


Some Warframe abilities are, some of them that are meant to scale. In fact, MOST Warframe abilities do NOT scale well, the ones that scale with weapon mods are often better than the ones that don't scale.  Radial Javelin falls off LONG before Exalted Blade, for instance.  Shield polarize scales, while Crush does not, at all, tons of weapons are better than Crush.  


Shield Polarize is one of very few direct damage abilities that scale infinitely.


On topic: 


Dang the Sleep Arrow with a little bit of range is the bees knees when you are going all out with Artemis Bow. 

Edited by Gelkor
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So far I'm really enjoying Ivara, it's easily the best frame I've seen released in a while.

My only complaints have to do with her Artemis bow.


First is the somewhat high energy cost per shot. While I like the ability to have it constantly equipped without draining extra energy, the 15 energy cost per shot makes using it quite energy expensive and not necessarily worth the investment considering it also costs 35 energy just to equip it. Ivara doesn't necessarily need to compete with Excalibur for damage output but bringing the cost down to 10 shouldn't be a balance issue.


The second complaint is the restriction on using melee. Having the option to still use a quick melee attack would be a huge QoL improvement, especially when up against Infested.



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oh dear god...i never thought of trying that :D

Oh yeah, any time I'm doing survival, defense, w/e anything that I can't nominally be sneaky, I leave sleep arrow in the quiver to fire off with alt fire on Artemis. It's faster and simpler to aim, come around the corner and see 15 heavies? Alt fire at the ground real fast, saved my bacon (and my teams) more times than I can count.

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I actually really like her zipline, it's very fun to use on Defense, Interception missions. You can prowl on it and move faster on the ziplines than on the ground. It also granted be something that I wanted from Zephyr for the longest time, air superiority and just raining death from above.

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Having played with her, formaed her and leveled her again...and attempted to do spy missions with Ivara...I have a few comments. First, her noise arrow needs to work on enemies that are aggroed, she needs it as a decoy ability at times. Second, please, PLEASE, let her parkour in prowl. I tried to jump up in one of the spy sortie missions using ivara, but I grabbed the ledge, decloaked, and a camera saw me and the whole thing was ruined. I mean, she can't sprint, she can't slide, she can't do anything without decloaking. It would be better if she just moved slow, couldn't air glide/wall latch as long, but to keep her from doing one of the more needed things in the game(Parkour) for movement is kinda crazy.

And finally...her ultimate. Suffice to say this is probably her most lackluster ability, or most disappointing to me. Unlike the melee powers, which in my opinion differ very little when it comes to builds unlike primary weapons. Anyway, without knowing the stats of the artimis bow(status chance, crit chance, crit damage, ect.) I can't exactly easily choose what mods or what primary to choose for the bow. The bow does what, 200 damage at max per little arrow, plus it has the multishot built in, a few things need changing with that, one the spread on the multishot needs to be reduced so they are all pretty much going in a straight line, or buff each arrows damage by a lot, the bow should be a ranged weapon, not a shotgun, i've been having issues killing enemies at range with the bow cause it's damage comes from the multishot.

Simply put, the bow needs to have it's damage more focused and should allow for more varied builds(crit build, status build, raw damage), currently it kinda seems focused for raw damage unless someone can show me otherwise. Unlike melee we have a few, roughly what...10 primaries that can do crit builds, as upposed to melee's what...three? four? Either way, the bow should pull more stats from the primary you use, not just the mods.

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First, her noise arrow needs to work on enemies that are aggroed, she needs it as a decoy ability at times. Second, please, PLEASE, let her parkour in prowl. I tried to jump up in one of the spy sortie missions using ivara, but I grabbed the ledge, decloaked, and a camera saw me and the whole thing was ruined. I mean, she can't sprint, she can't slide, she can't do anything without decloaking. It would be better if she just moved slow, couldn't air glide/wall latch as long, but to keep her from doing one of the more needed things in the game(Parkour) for movement is kinda crazy.


Well, first of all, she does not need a decoy, her noise arrow should reduce enemy accuracy in X radius for X seconds, since it will make the most sense. Second, i dont really see the problem here... i mean, you can just make a zipline and continue to prowl even faster... Ivara is not a speed frame like Ash and Loki that can just, go stealth and rush things. I don't remember jumping ever chanceling prowl, sliding however, even in air...


And finally...her ultimate. Suffice to say this is probably her most lackluster ability, or most disappointing to me. Unlike the melee powers, which in my opinion differ very little when it comes to builds unlike primary weapons. Anyway, without knowing the stats of the artimis bow(status chance, crit chance, crit damage, ect.) I can't exactly easily choose what mods or what primary to choose for the bow. The bow does what, 200 damage at max per little arrow, plus it has the multishot built in, a few things need changing with that, one the spread on the multishot needs to be reduced so they are all pretty much going in a straight line, or buff each arrows damage by a lot, the bow should be a ranged weapon, not a shotgun, i've been having issues killing enemies at range with the bow cause it's damage comes from the multishot.


I don't understand what you're getting at here... As it is, AB is pretty much a shotgun, and so you want to make it a BoltorP with more multishot? How will that solve the problem? Its dmg is not low, far from it, what makes is lackluster is the fact that it is more or less a shotgun, not too fancy-looking either, not to mention there is nothing ''Ultimate'' about it... Its dull...

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Personally, I think the best way to do the Ivara drops would be to make it a separate reward from the main vaults for doing them undetected. You'd have a very small chance of receiving it, but with each mission the chance would increase with it resetting either when you get detected in the vault or when you finally get a part.


This keeps the difficulty in getting the frame while removing some of the soul crushing RNG.

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Well, first of all, she does not need a decoy, her noise arrow should reduce enemy accuracy in X radius for X seconds, since it will make the most sense. Second, i dont really see the problem here... i mean, you can just make a zipline and continue to prowl even faster... Ivara is not a speed frame like Ash and Loki that can just, go stealth and rush things. I don't remember jumping ever chanceling prowl, sliding however, even in air...



I don't understand what you're getting at here... As it is, AB is pretty much a shotgun, and so you want to make it a BoltorP with more multishot? How will that solve the problem? Its dmg is not low, far from it, what makes is lackluster is the fact that it is more or less a shotgun, not too fancy-looking either, not to mention there is nothing ''Ultimate'' about it... Its dull...

For the first bit, yeah I can get behind the reducing accuracy would be a nice change. And perhaps it's me, but if I do any of the parkour moves, specially bullet, she decloaks. The problem is the moment you even HOLD sprint she decloaks, she should just move at the same speed as walking.

Second part, her bow needs to have less spread, it's a bow, it should be usable at range, not only useful when they are 5 feet from you. Her ultimate does 160 damage, base. That's weaker than the every other bow except the mk-1 paris. That's 160 per each shot, sure when close the damage is fine, but at range with one arrow hitting a person...it's weak, horribly so. My solution is to have her shots closer together instead of spreading out at range, or making her bow work more like the Buzlock, first arrow marks the target, every arrow after that hits the same spot until enemy dead. The current way the bow works is just...not good for any sort of range play.

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small chance of receiving it

resetting either when you get detected in the vault

These two points are completely counter to this point:

removing some of the soul crushing RNG.

Because even as an experiened Spy Mission runner, I still set off alarms sometimes when I get impatient (after the 20th run or whatever) and/or try to rush too quickly. By resetting on those screw ups, I'd be even MORE angry.

Ivara's currently not even that bad to farm. It's a really easy mission with no grind to replay (Unlike Hydroid and Mesa were), no wait walls in a quest (Mirage and Chroma) and a person who is going through the game from scratch will have to go through these spy missions at least a few times before they've cleared the starmap. The only real reason people have an issue with it is because Ivara was added at a point where veteran players have already done those missions.

Frankly, Spy missions are good xp too, so I had no complaints running them while leveling the new weapons and forma'ing old ones. Honestly, Ivara's not in a bad spot to farm.

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I posted this as a seperate thread (since I had a lot to say), but I guess it is best I post it in this thread too:


Ivara has very, very quickly grown to become one of my absolute favourite Warframes. A lot of her stuff are done REALLY well, but like on every 'frame I have also noticed a whole bunch of QoL-issues that really could need some fixing.

On to the feedback and QoL-suggestions!


Looks and sounds

* Her front is barely colourable. Even when I changed all colours to black, she still looks mainly bright grey in front. I'd love some changes to that :)

* Prowl's pickpocketing effects, both visually and audibly, are really, really cool. Well done!

* Summoning her bow as well as shooting with it sounds absolutely awesome!



* Generally - Some kind of indicator of which arrow is chosen also shown close to the aiming reticle, like just quickly flashing the arrowtype chosen a bit above your reticle whenever you switch between them, would be lovely.

* Cloak - No complaints here really. Maybe SLIGHTLY bigger AoE would be nice, but not really necessary.

* Sleep - Only thing I'd like to see improved here is a visual impact-effect that shows how big the AoE of the effect is.

* Dashwire - A way to destroy unwanted wires would be nice. Something simple, like holding your melee button for a couple of seconds while on a wire could destroy it, for example. Also, the inability to get loot while on a wire (Ivara's wires or any wire in general) would be nice if that was changed.

* Noise - Highly limitted, but still neat when you can actually use it. Some in-combat bonus would be nice, whatever that may be. Maybe not purely focused on CC though, since that is already covered so well by the Sleep arrow. Some kind of damage-oriented bonus would be nice (such as, distracts enemies briefly even while in combat + casting it again within a short duration causes it it to explode?). Also, similarly to Sleep arrow, showing its AoE-effect would also be nice.



* Quite a niched ability, but fun nonetheless. Only thing I'd like to see change (or rather, fixed) is positive Power Duration not being detrimental to the multiplier growth. Oversight I presume?



* I don't mind Prowl slowing you down. But I do heavily mind that I can barely do any of the "quick" movement maneuvers without breaking the stealth (especially since you can cast it and have the ability break instantly since you were, for example, sliding, which thus just wastes the energy). If we could do ALL movement maneuvers (meaning, allowing sprinting, sliding and bullet jumping), even if those moves are also slowed down of course, she would fit this game's pace a whole bunch better.

Yeah, yeah, i know some of you are probably gonna say something along the lines of "it's called Prowl, she is meant to be SLOW while sneaking". Well, sneakiness being slow in all (dis)honor, but that snail-speed is simply not FUN!

This restriction feels especailly weird considering she CAN sprint and slide when she is on a dashwire.

* Maybe Power Range could affect the movement slow penalty (at reduced effect)? Meaning: More Range = Less penalty. Just a thought.

* Using the Codex Scanner shouldn't unstealth her...



* Lovely bow. Nice damage and great both for single targets and crowds, but unfortunately rather crap for longrange shots, which feels a bit odd considering it's a bow. I love both the vertical and horizontal fan of arrows, but I find the inability of reducing the spread / making a single "cliché powerful energyshot" slightly saddening. I have two simple ideas for that though:

a) Hipfiring = Horizontal shots. Aiming = Vertical shots. Charging = Affects the spread (full charge = "one" clustered arrow, possibly merged into one single energy arrow, synergizing with Navigator better)

b) Hipfiring = Vertical shots. Charging = Angle the shots to become more horizontal (like now). Aiming = Greatly reduces the spread

I personally prefer version a.

* I really dislike that one cannot use melee while Artemis is equipped. Breaking loot containers or using finishers with the help of Sleep arrows is thus a very clunky process. If quick melee was useable while wielding Artemis, that'd be absolutely fantastic!

* A slight bit more Punchthrough would be nice (especially / at least on the "one clustered arrow", if that is ever added)

* The inability to benefit from Shotgun mods is rather bad. Let Artemis benefit from those too, no reason why they couldn't really. Alternatively, let her mod the Artemis bow seperately (same goes for any ability-weapon like Hysteria, Exalted Blade, Primal Fury etc). I'd actually prefer the seperate modding the most, as then your weapon choices truly becomes a CHOICE again (for Ivara and other ability-weapon Warframes alike). I really don't like HAVING to use crit-weapons like Tonkor, Soma Prime and non-Daikyu bows to optimize its damage :/


A little off-topic sidenote here about the shotgun mods though:

Removing all shotgun-related mods (and shotgun ammodrops) and simply letting shotguns use rifle mods (and rifle ammo) would both help streamlining mods as well as possibly solve some of the issues with Ivara's ultimate. Ofc with some balancing of the ammo and such, but consider the general idea at least

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Because even as an experiened Spy Mission runner, I still set off alarms sometimes when I get impatient (after the 20th run or whatever) and/or try to rush too quickly. By resetting on those screw ups, I'd be even MORE angry.

 Except then that's entirely your fault, rather then playing the lottery for the #th time with absolutely nothing you want to show for it. Like me and my seven Rime Rounds, 23 t2 keys, and melted brain can attest to.


I have memorized these vault like the back of my hand, it's gotten to the point that I can easily do them with any frame (except for the sealab vaults. Not enough experience with those yet). Hell, I've been using them to level frames because, like you said, they're a great source of xp. But it's nearing not being worth it anymore.


My issue is NOT redoing old stuff. It is about the grind lottery insanity surrounding her acquisition. And my idea would remove some of that if combined with how her parts are distributed right now (something I probably should have included in my original post). I never claimed it would remove all of the rng, just weigh things in the player's favor while still making them work for it.


I wasn't asking for her acquisition to be a cake walk, I enjoy having a challenge.

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I'm loving Ivara so far, to me she feels like Loki's sister.


Regarding her Quiver Skill: I find it confusing to shot and cycle with the same key, actually i don't find very comfortable the cycling as i don't really have much time to check and equip the arrow i need in an intense mission. I need Stealth Arrow ready to shot as it is my main tool to survive and stay stealth, and sometimes i mis-tap the key and switch arrow, this putitng me in a bad situation where i have to quickly re-cycle back to Stealth arrow, hopefully not panicking while getting riddled by bullets.


I did't use Navigator so far, just tried it out but i don't think it fits my playstyle or build. Possibly it didn't tick in my head a cool way to use it.


Her Prowl, i use it mostly as backup stealth when i have to move somewhere safely. Then switch back in using stealth arrow.


I would like to use the other arrows sometimes, but with this cycle mechanic i'm not feeling safe having to switch away from stealth arrow while doing that.


Her artemis bow deals some nasty damage in a volley, basically it's like shooting a paris prime or this type of bows with multiple arrows.

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 Except then that's entirely your fault, rather then playing the lottery for the #th time with absolutely nothing you want to show for it. Like me and my seven Rime Rounds, 23 t2 keys, and melted brain can attest to.


I have memorized these vault like the back of my hand, it's gotten to the point that I can easily do them with any frame (except for the sealab vaults. Not enough experience with those yet). Hell, I've been using them to level frames because, like you said, they're a great source of xp. But it's nearing not being worth it anymore.


My issue is NOT redoing old stuff. It is about the grind lottery insanity surrounding her acquisition. And my idea would remove some of that if combined with how her parts are distributed right now (something I probably should have included in my original post). I never claimed it would remove all of the rng, just weigh things in the player's favor while still making them work for it.


I wasn't asking for her acquisition to be a cake walk, I enjoy having a challenge.

But what I'm saying is, for those who can't 100% ace the spy missions every time you're making it just as, or MORE (if the % begins lower than the current drop rate), difficult to acquire the parts (as it's still just reliant on RNG) -- and the MAJORITY of players fall into that category.

I'm not disagreeing with the overall idea, I'm just saying it should not be straight: you fail 1, you start from 0. More appropriate would be just deincrementing by the same % for a failure as the increase is for a success. That way, you get one wrong, you can still come back from it.

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But what I'm saying is, for those who can't 100% ace the spy missions every time you're making it just as, or MORE (if the % begins lower than the current drop rate), difficult to acquire the parts (as it's still just reliant on RNG) -- and the MAJORITY of players fall into that category.

I'm not disagreeing with the overall idea, I'm just saying it should not be straight: you fail 1, you start from 0. More appropriate would be just deincrementing by the same % for a failure as the increase is for a success. That way, you get one wrong, you can still come back from it.

With respect, the chance of failure is not as bad as what you are describing here. I farmed her in two 3-hours runs (approx.) although I absolutely, totally suck at spy missions. I was simply in a team that could support me and hack into the other vaults, which made every run much faster and more reliable than doing it alone. It was even fun, overall ; the screws up pushed us to cheer ourselves up and try to do better on the next run.

I believe this is how Ivara is meant to be obtained, through team work.

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