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New Warframe: Ivara [U18 Megathread]


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Can we have a way to deal with short range enemies while using Artemis bow.


-Valkyr has immortality to deal with close and ranged enemies.

-Excal just ruins everything with in a 40m radius.

-Wukong's pole extends to hit more ranged enemies.


With Artemis bow both a charged and normal shot will only take out one enemy when up close. Ivara does have some great evasive stats/abilities but if anyone gets close enough she is completely vulnerable, and in Warframe being up close to the enemy happens in every mission.

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Can we have a way to deal with short range enemies while using Artemis bow.

-Valkyr has immortality to deal with close and ranged enemies.

-Excal just ruins everything with in a 40m radius.

-Wukong's pole extends to hit more ranged enemies.

With Artemis bow both a charged and normal shot will only take out one enemy when up close. Ivara does have some great evasive stats/abilities but if anyone gets close enough she is completely vulnerable, and in Warframe being up close to the enemy happens in every mission.

Use Quiver, it's not the secondary fire for nothing.

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I have an idea. A new warframe that is kind of like wall-e but it envelopes people and they fall out the back as a big bloody flesh cube.











Envelope: Sucks up all nearby enemies into compaction compartment

Compact: Crush all enemies in compaction compartment and eject out back

Flesh Throw: Take a chunk out of a nearby flesh cube and throw it

Flesh Heal: Take a large chunk out of nearby flesh cube and eat it giving you 5 HP

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Can we have a way to deal with short range enemies while using Artemis bow.


-Valkyr has immortality to deal with close and ranged enemies.

-Excal just ruins everything with in a 40m radius.

-Wukong's pole extends to hit more ranged enemies.


With Artemis bow both a charged and normal shot will only take out one enemy when up close. Ivara does have some great evasive stats/abilities but if anyone gets close enough she is completely vulnerable, and in Warframe being up close to the enemy happens in every mission.


Sleep Arrow.  Use it. Love it. 

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Sleep Arrow.  Use it. Love it. 

I do but then I also have to take them out at close range. It doesn't matter, though I've found the problem is I'm used to the innate punch-through from a bow, it really helps take out multiple enemies at close range. However the artemis bow doesn't account for the innate punch-through on your main weapon so I have to mod for it.

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I use ivara as a tank. Her first and third abilities are superb but her 2 and ult are terrible. I literally never use either. A fully modded dread or paris prime is much more effective, A hushed telos boltor, Hek(with aug), or santcti tigris is leaps and bounds above artemis bow. Heck i use melee more than anything, ivara in prowl using dragon nikana or cerata and ur nigh invincible. I guess my only gripe is that artemis bow should be instead of a spred shot, perhaps be more centered and have innate punch through...perhaps that would increase damage more effectively... Perhaps like a tight spred shotgun.(Vaykor Hek/Hek)

Navigator is just worthless but otherwise i still love this frame. Good job DE

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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I use ivara as a tank. Her first and third abilities are superb but her 2 and ult are terrible. I literally never use either. A fully modded dread or paris prime is much more effective, 


U Wot M8?


Artemis bow is the best shotgun in the game.


That's right I said shotgun.


But seriously don't think of it like a bow, at close range a singe tap-shot will fill a single enemy with 14 arrows, one shotting most heavies into far late game. At mid to long range charged shots can take out several crowd's heads.  Use your Dread etc for bow stuff, use the Artemis when you need to instakill something with a flick of the finger. 


Navigator is bizarre though, it's a great ability for a single player game that Warframe isn't.

Edited by Gelkor
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Hi, I'm just wondering if you guys know about this bug with Navigator and Quiver for Ivara yet. After using Navigator, you're stuck on the last arrow equipped and instead of cycling through the arrows, it just automatically fires it when just tapping the first power as stated in these threads.





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I do but then I also have to take them out at close range. It doesn't matter, though I've found the problem is I'm used to the innate punch-through from a bow, it really helps take out multiple enemies at close range. However the artemis bow doesn't account for the innate punch-through on your main weapon so I have to mod for it.

i'm sorry to hear you can't sit camp in your ulti. 


imo, i'm glad this is the result. that we have few upsides for using our primary bow.

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i'm sorry to hear you can't sit camp in your ulti. 


imo, i'm glad this is the result. that we have few upsides for using our primary bow.

....what? If I'm close to an enemy (like I've been describing) it usually means I'm moving. Even if the artemis did use the main weapon's innate punch-through you still wouldn't be able to get same sort of punch-through as Excal (which I assume is what you're thinking here).


Although it's already thoroughly easy to camp in her ult; no energy drain, energy is easily regained, you can use unusual weapons like opticore to get insane damage + punch-through, then all you have to do is funnel the enemies into a spawn point. That's just the obvious stuff.

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Her 1 and 2 are the best powers I have seen in warframe.


3 has the same issues, as nekros, Pilfering Hydroid and Chroma 4. its going to be required for farming.

otherwise the limit on her speed, prevents it from simply outclassing Loki/ash and worked well with cloak arrows to fill gaps.


Her 4 seems a little lackluster compared to multiforma high end bows and it seems weird that her guidance skill can only take control of one bolt, even tho its part of her skill-set to shoot a fan.

Edited by Tatersail
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Ivara semi-in depth review:


Passive (+30 enemy radar, pretty okay)


Abilities review:

Cloak arrow:


- makes allies stealthed, good breathing room

- good duration and range

- can be creative with arrow usage (pin on allies)


- Creative usage needs good coordination

Dashwire arrow:


- can be creative with dashwire positioning

- new vantage points


- doesn't work as endorsed on some instances (dashwire not starting at your starting position)

- drop-off (personally don't want drop-off at distance)

Noise arrow:


- Reposition enemies as wanted


- Enemies sometimes freeze in position

Sleep arrow:

No comment, minimal usage.




- Trickshots

- Can clear rooms ahead of the player/cell as needed/wanted


- defenseless on solo apparently makes you invisible, so is a good thing

- seemingly high energy drain (more on this later)

- pretty skill reliant



Probably the biggest gripe I have on Ivara. Considering her obscene energy usage, this becomes a problem. Now the typical "clear an enemy stealthily" is as follows (any, aiming for highest affinity gain):

- noise arrow -> sleep arrow -> prowl loots -> swing melee

- prowl behind enemy -> kill with melee, repeat for whole room

- noise arrow + navigator -> sleep arrow + navigator -> prowl loots -> kill

- dashwire arrow -> prowl -> pick off enemies

Now, with max efficiency (75% efficiency, high duration) and high range, computing/approximating energy costs for said stealth actions above:

- 7 + 7 + (1 to 30, depending on RNG) + 1 on melee swing = 16 - 45 energy

- (1 to 15, depending on distance) + (1 to 10, depending on enemy count) = 2 - 25 energy

- 7 + (10 to 50, depending on distance) + 7 + (10 to 50, distance dependent) + (1 to 25, dependent on luck and RNG) + 1 = 35 - 139 energy

- 7 + (3 to 50, dependent on enemy amount and placement) = 10 - 57 energy

*Note that I may miss othe combos for stealth killing

Now from these numbers, it shows that Ivara is energy reliant, needing at least 2 energy units minimum to do everything in a room, not accounting for room size and enemy amount. Consider a room that is large and has ~10 enemies, that would consume a lot of energy just trying to pickpocket them and possibly not getting an energy orb after picking and killing enemies.


Artemis Bow:


- doesn't drain energy when active, only when shooting

- benefit from ES, even while it's up


- Quite slow downtime

- Mod dependent (on primary)


In general, Ivara is energy reliant, dependent on RNG for energy drops (containers and enemy drops), which is countered by having a trinity. Of course, using EV breaks stealth counters amirite?


She can't quickly clear rooms of enemies in stealth due to the currently seemingly broken stealth system (which, IMO, really needs a desperate oevrhaul).


Suggesting that Ivara gains a set amount of energy per successful pickpocket, to reduce energy strain.

Also suggesting that navigator use less energy.

Also suggesting that Ivara benefits from energy siphon even while her toggles are up. (far fetched idea, may be OP)

Also suggesting that Ivara gains specter AI when using Navigator's effect.

Edited by p3z1
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I really can't understand why people complain about Artemis Bow. Just did a 60 waves T3 Defense and that's the result of using only Artemis Bow with my Ivara:



Edit: Neither Nova nor a buffer was used. The damage all came just from Artemis Bow.

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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I really can't understand why people complain about Artemis Bow. Just did a 60 waves T3 Defense and that's the result of using only Artemis Bow with my Ivara:





People that think Artemis Bow is bad haven't discovered the joy of lining up 14 simultaneous headshots.

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May I suggest that Navigator gets its own UI ? I think letting the players get an understanding and controls of the ability right away, rather than have them look on forums and wiki is much better.

Additionally, there should be a dial that enables projectiles to go at different speed, instead of just uber-super-hyper-lightning fast and slow-to-a-crawl (in case of explosives). Having more control is good, right ?

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I really don't see why noise arrow shouldn't be able to draw enemies in a certain direction during an endless mission, even if they didn't stay there nearly as long since there's nothing to shoot. being able to herd them here and there would help her out alot / open up more strategies, instead of just cloaking and putting sleep arrows everywhere.


One of the most restrictive abilities in the game.

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Sleep arrow:

No comment, minimal usage.





What's wrong with you?  Sleep arrow is her best arrow by FAR.  In stealth situations, it lets you get stealth multiplier bonus on groups without losing it because you can outright kill everybody without alerting, and in full combat situations, it completely shuts down entire groups of enemies and lets you get that sweet sweet melee finisher in that ignores armor.  


Also, what the hell are you even doing to use that much energy and why are you overcomplicating it?  It takes me two medium energy restores per MISSION assuming no energy orbs, and by that, I mean I go from level 0 to level 30 on a melee weapon in a single spy mission on Ceres.  The only thing I can think of is you're using a S#&$load of arrows needlessly.  Roll where you need to.  Walk around single enemies and stealth kill them.  If there are two or more near each other, sleep arrow the group (it's AoE, you only need one) then melee finisher them.  Cloak is only useful in parties and the other two arrows are just kind of there for flavor as they're not actually useful.

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What's wrong with you?  Sleep arrow is her best arrow by FAR. ... Cloak is only useful in parties and the other two arrows are just kind of there for flavor as they're not actually useful.


What's wrong with you? xD


No really, Ivara is a sniper and the Dashwire Arrow let's you create your own sniper spots. How is that not actually useful? Against Infested for example you can create sniping positing they can not reach. Dashwire is also useful to create shortcuts between 2 points.

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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I use ivara as a tank. 

I'm not sure how you could use her as a tank.  I'd be interested to know though.


As to her 2 and 4 being worthless I suppose to each their own.  Doing sorties though at the level 100 enemies I can tell you that the artemis bow will still chew threw mobs in one shot where my other weapons might start to fall off.  Her navigator is very situational but it's also really fun to use. I end up using it in capture missions to take out the target before they start running.

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What's wrong with you? xD


No really, Ivara is a sniper and the Dashwire Arrow let's you create your own sniper spots. How is that not actually useful? Against Infested for example you can create sniping positing they can not reach. Dashwire is also useful to create shortcuts between 2 points.

would be great for other factiond also if we didnt have a stupid respawn ceiling :|

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