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Why I Dislike The New Quest/tenno Thing (Spoilers)


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On 12/5/2015 at 0:45 PM, Latiac said:

I dislike it aswell. It's taking away the mystery, all those personalities I developed for the frames that I became attatched too. The game is VERY hard to play now for me, I'm not gonna leave the game, but it is really impacting how often i'll play it for sure, maybe a single mission then i'll just go. eh it's not the same.


I just literally BEG DE to not expand upon this too much, I don't WANT to be the Operator, Like really, if given the choice i'd have no operator. I REALLY want to control the frame like it's ALIVE. Maybe DE expands upon that in future quests? Maybe we can both be happy with the outcome? But lets just say right now I fear for this game.


Also I'd 100% get rid of the Operator given the chance. seriously. it sucks.


to quote what you said.

'I want my silent heros back. I want the old game back.'

There is an option to shutoff those pop ups.

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4 hours ago, ChronoEclipse said:

I agree with this... to an extent. DE does seem to be implying the Warframes are alive, but we have no confirmation at this point. If that is confirmed to be the case, I think I will probably agree with you fully.


You can totally turn the Operator's popups off, though.

I turned It off after the 5th time I did the void and Its dumb head poped up to give me the sage advice of "we are strong" as a Lancer blasted my face off in the middle of a massive fight.


The word "golem" stuck out on me. In the myths of golems,they have limited free will, but free will none the less. And much like warframes they are more or less slaves til they are done their duty. Golems in jewish lore do act like Warframes, kind of awake yet asleep. Like when you are in a dream and you just go with whatever is happening to see where it goes. They have enough input to solve the problem how they want to. But, are still limited by what they are told not to do.


If this all goes a 180 and the ending of warframes with All of the warframes finishing whatever they where truly tasked to do (Bring balance) and they all turned off or went to planet warframe, that would make me kind of giggle. What would Warframe heaven look like?

It raises a lot more questions, however I think will care about the warframe questions then the Tenno. The secret is out the Tenno are space kids protected by the Lotus.


But,how do the Warframes work, who are the originals? Where their Originals outside of the Primes? Why do these beings need 2 sets of skins. Why can one warframe wear so many suits? How can they be controlled by none Tenno without going thou the Zanuka project?


How was Mesa freed during the infestion


Or Chorma,Chorma showed free will, was anyone controlling It? If so,why did we not kill them and take the suit.


A lot does not add up. And considering the Lotus's "Honestly" track record. Something smells rotten.

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:


But,how do the Warframes work, who are the originals? Where their Originals outside of the Primes? Why do these beings need 2 sets of skins. Why can one warframe wear so many suits? How can they be controlled by none Tenno without going thou the Zanuka project?


How was Mesa freed during the infestion


Or Chorma,Chorma showed free will, was anyone controlling It? If so,why did we not kill them and take the suit.


A lot does not add up. And considering the Lotus's "Honestly" track record. Something smells rotten.


You get that these questions you're posing have been answered, and you just didn't like the answers?


How can we have different Warframes? Because Operators.

How do we control them? Operators using Transference.

What was controlling Mesa? Alad V's warframe control collar, which was infested.


There are certainly pieces of Warframe lore to be explored still, and it does look like Warframes are probably more than completely mindless puppets.....but your post kinda smacks of "I didn't like the explanations given by Second Dream, so I'm gonna ask the questions again and insist that the next set of answers should be about how awesome and independent the Warframes are."



Also, as I've noted before, doing the Second Dream quest and concluding that the Operator is an NPC and the real player characters are the Warframes is like watching The Matrix and absolutely insisting that Neo inside the Matrix and Neo outside the Matrix are completely different characters, completely different people, and they're just being played by the same actor for some mysterious, undisclosed reason.

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8 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

and more the fact It is a kid (with limited voice/design choices) and all of them make me think about space boy Jesus in mass effect 3 and say super cringy stuff or in my case pop up when you are in the middle of doing something and make ya jump with their one liners thinking a boss just poped into your walk around. 

This is probably the one thing I do agree with amoungst all the Operator hate. But I think that has more to do with the way they were implemented. The way it started out was nice with them giving choices on the type of responses they give. However the writing and lack of control of during mission dialogue could definitely use tweaking. I'm hoping they'll work with the writers and voice actors more for something better by update 19. 

8 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

nd as far as everything the warframe does being mary-sueish. Remember they are weak without the warframe armor, their is a suit under the suit and we have battle other warframes (mesa and the dragon) and hell even had warframes mind controlled and even pulled apart and rebuilt into fighting dog robots. The second skin on a warframe is what makes It super overpowered. Really, It is more like their is this supply of tools the other factions seems to refuse to use and suffer for It sometimes. (IE bad writing) 

That's not a weakness anymore then the ability to be hurt or die is a weakness. I probably shouldn't have used the word weakness, flaw would probably be better. Like Tony stark is this genius superhero that wears armor. Even without that armor he is still clever. However he is a recovering alcoholic prone to making rash decisions and that is his characters flaw that keeps him from being this super smart tech wizard whose only downside is he can be hurt.

Much like how Tenno even without the Armor are still basically radioactive space magician. They may not be able to manipulate their powers as effectively as with a warframe but they are still capable of petrifying, firing laser beams, healing, psychic blast, and/or firing void pulses. You take away their child sized bodies and what you have left is still a highly trained killer with superpowers. 

8 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

And really, the risk is kind of removed and the dranger disabled once you get the kid into the pod, now they are basically another power up for the warframe. But, unlike Odius I am not gonna grow to be ok/enjoy It. Because, once again it is a kid who says one liners and talks about these beings like they are pokemon.

8 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

Sadily, all this does is make me feel bad for the warframes, they are (Golems) they are not good nor evil or see themselves as such. The game is called (warframe) no (tenno) and It shows. They are the ones who get blasted,tormented, threaten to have their blood drunk, and always on the line, everyone sees them as a resources not beings. They are treated as tools, and It is not like they show free will. They show it, they resist as the stalker thing showed (they did not know It could do that).

Pokemon generally tends to be about the main protagonist fighting animals who are secondary. Legend of Zelda's main character is Link. Final Fantasy has like 12 finals. And Mass Effect is about a commander who can jedi mind trick anyone into doing anything through conversations.

Tenno actually exhibit being in pain when you take damage. Granted it isn't often but considering what they go through on a daily basis, a high pain threshold is probably to be expected. That said they still angrily note "that hurts" and mentions it is because of transference. They aren't sitting in a chair controlling a drone without repercussions, they are experiencing things through their secondary body; including pain.

8 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

I'm sorry, I still feel more pity for the golems then the dying kids and their mother who tricks millions of golems into thinking she was talking to them and not some child in their head. Or maybe they knew, I mean the question reminds. Are the kids controlling the warframes and they are us. Or are we the pokemon and the little kid is the trainer who just says stuff.

You mean the kids were stripped of their childhood, turned into soldiers, had the one person they cared about executed cuz she was standing up for them, and called betrayers for getting rid of an empire that created pretty much every problem that they face today. Also I don't recall he frame ever being tricked. The Tenno were tricked into thinking they were something they weren't only to remember, "Oh yeah, my real body; S***"

Like really consider this, before second dream the Tenno's senses were actually tricked so thoroughly that they believed the warframes were either their bodies or a suit and that they were actually wherever the Warframe was. That means despite physically everything that the warframe was going through, so was the Tenno. Everytime they touched and used was something the Tenno was doing that as well. Assuming the Warframes have any sort of sentience beyond self preservation, based on the way things have worked out so far, they wouldn't be pokemon; they'd be like Flash with a crew of Venoms.


Two creatures coming together as one to preform a specific task because that is what they were designed/trained for.

The thing I find funny about all this talk about wanting to be in or be the warframe and hating the Operator is that, even if you don't identify with space kid as you avatar; you've accidentally immersed yourself into the mindset of the Tenno. I'm pretty sure as much as you want to be some kind space ninja in an exosuit or space ninja/creature and not have weak useless flesh holding you back; story wise I'm betting the operator REALLY wishes he/she wasn't stuck with the lot they got in life.

Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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2 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:


You get that these questions you're posing have been answered, and you just didn't like the answers?


How can we have different Warframes? Because Operators.

How do we control them? Operators using Transference.

What was controlling Mesa? Alad V's warframe control collar, which was infested.


There are certainly pieces of Warframe lore to be explored still, and it does look like Warframes are probably more than completely mindless puppets.....but your post kinda smacks of "I didn't like the explanations given by Second Dream, so I'm gonna ask the questions again and insist that the next set of answers should be about how awesome and independent the Warframes are."



Also, as I've noted before, doing the Second Dream quest and concluding that the Operator is an NPC and the real player characters are the Warframes is like watching The Matrix and absolutely insisting that Neo inside the Matrix and Neo outside the Matrix are completely different characters, completely different people, and they're just being played by the same actor for some mysterious, undisclosed reason.

Well,If they did not want me to think Warframes have some kind of free will,the don't have the damn thing break the sword of Its own free will.


But, Nowthat I think about It. A pound of 13 year old weeaboos created a would be ninja Cult to go around and enforce there idea of "Balance" makes too much sense now. However,It does make all that "tenno honor" stuff kind of funny in a depressing kind of way. Their is no honor in fighting with drones bro,none at all. Infact, this makes Tenno honor make more sense, cause basically you're a army of lil turds piloting ninja toys ganging up on these cripples and corporate management guys. Makes the flavor text of some weapons funny as well. 

Yeah,I do not like the answer to a question I really did not ask. I is on me for not thinking about where It would take me. But, now we in this whole ordeal of why are the Warframes in damn pods? I'm honestly trying to cope with that a whole space warrior culture was made by kids.


The Evo and Matrix's references only make It hurt worse. Specially the evo references.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

The Ironic thing I find funny about all this talk about wanting to be in the warframe and hating the Operator is that, even if you don't identify with space kid as you avatar; you've accidentally immersed yourself into the mindset of the Tenno. I'm pretty sure as much as you want to be some kind space ninja in an exosuit and not have this weak useless flesh, story wise I'm betting the operator REALLY wishes he/she wasn't stuck with the lot they got in life.

Must I always be reminded that I am a human and I am weak? After a while it gets a little tiring when everything fantasy does It "This is the real world,you are weak here,deal with It."  I get It, I am no sposed to hate the Operator because the Operator is me,I get It.  I can get something and still hate It. I figured It from the start. 

However, I am not the stalker meme. It is not that I can not aspect It. It is, I have already Aspect this in my real life, with my job, my apartment, my rent, my lack of control I don't need to be reminded "Hay bro,you be human. You be weak." I play games to play characters I can not be that I would like to. I know that is hard to understand in this day in age of real worlding and the new JRPG era paradox bs.

Look I played warframe cause I was promised,rpg with tons of customization with tons of classes I could switch thou.


I gave my frames backstories and personalities and weapons they liked using, pets and sentinels that they personally owned.


 So then I get my S#&$ slapped and told "Nope you have been doing It wrong." and having a freaking kid slapped in the middle my S#&$ and said "This is the main character, not the characters you invested time in and created." And I damn well know we are gonna see more or the Operator,It is written we will,more speaking lines, more mission importance, hair cuts, voices.


I have been off warframe for months due to S#&$ breaking. I had to buy a new xbox to play the game, I saw the stalker on the updates and knew It was gonna be something big.I end up with...err


This game has Jrpgish roots. I really should not be surprised to be honest. This, is what jrpgs do, this weird..inception plotwist,meta video gamey thing.


I guess, this is more personal. Cause, I've heard this song and dance before..and It pissed me off then. Honestly, I've never been a fan of the "Welcome to the real world" trope.

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33 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

You get that these questions you're posing have been answered, and you just didn't like the answers?

And Chroma? You didn't answer that one. "Empty is the womb of the sky." I'm not saying anything's conclusive, but it's suggestive.

35 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Also, as I've noted before, doing the Second Dream quest and concluding that the Operator is an NPC and the real player characters are the Warframes is like watching The Matrix and absolutely insisting that Neo inside the Matrix and Neo outside the Matrix are completely different characters, completely different people, and they're just being played by the same actor for some mysterious, undisclosed reason.

No, it's more like watching the fight scenes from the remake of Robocop and insisting that there must be a man in that body who's distinct from the "person" we see fighting. It's mostly unsubstantiated, not entirely irrational.

12 minutes ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

Tenno actually exhibit being in pain when you take damage. Granted it isn't often but considering what they go through on a daily basis, a high pain threshold is probably to be expected. That said they still angrily note "that hurts" and mentions it is because of transference. They aren't sitting in a chair controlling a drone without repercussions, they are experiencing things through their secondary body; including pain.

Pain hurts, but there is no threat to their lives. If I could go out and kill terrorists with the only tangible loss to me being the training time and some pain, I think I would probably go for it. As it is, I hardly go outside and occasionally think about how horrible it would be to lose part of one of my fingers or toes.

5 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

army of lil turds piloting ninja toys ganging up on these cripples and corporate management guys. Makes the flavor text of some weapons funny as well.

Lil' turds with PTSD fighting Nazi cripples and Machine Cult corporate management guys who just want to cut our drones apart and use the insides to fight us.
Mind citing examples of the flavor text? I do love comedy.

28 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

But, now we in this whole ordeal of why are the Warframes in damn pods?

Not to mention the whole Valkyr thing...

5 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

I guess, this is more personal. Cause, I've heard this song and dance before..and It pissed me off then. Honestly, I've never been a fan of the "Welcome to the real world" trope.

Yes, this.

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My main problem and big source of my disconnect is how badly written the lines of the Tenno are. They don't match the silent,  martial arts master I thought I was controlling at all...they are written like teens from teen novel movie like Maze Runner.

They should rewrite their lines and make them sound more like Teshin.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

Must I always be reminded that I am a human and I am weak? After a while it gets a little tiring when everything fantasy does It "This is the real world,you are weak here,deal with It."

Don't focus on downside so much, weakness is all about perspective. Some see crippled, I see a character that has dealt with physical and mental trauma all their life and keeps on trucking. Can't move those legs, so what; your hands shoot laser beams. My Tenno fought against the Stalker with a frame that could barely function and was himself at his most vulnerable state. Not really someone I would call weak. 

4 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

I gave my frames backstories and personalities and weapons they liked using, pets and sentinels that they personally owned.

That was when the lore was in it's infancy. They said they were building it up and they did. You just have a new story element to rebuild you headcanon with. Like I said, the dynamic, assuming the Warframes are sentient, would be like Venom. That means they could still have those personalities, maybe that is how your operator chooses what weapons to pick, or maybe the operator lets them pick.

That said I'm curious how people came up with backstories that weren't "And after i killed *insert boss* I built you." since only the starter frame has any mystery into how it came to be. Almost every other one was basically foundery made.

45 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

And I damn well know we are gonna see more or the Operator,It is written we will,more speaking lines, more mission importance, hair cuts, voices.

Hopefully they have better mechanics/options regarding their dialogue. Or at the very least, better lines. Something that more reflects the fact that they've seen some S*** in their lifetime. 

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1 hour ago, ChronoEclipse said:

Pain hurts, but there is no threat to their lives.

You can ruin a person with pain, no death needed. Besides that, that people have contemplated suicide due to pain.

1 hour ago, ChronoEclipse said:
1 hour ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

But, now we in this whole ordeal of why are the Warframes in damn pods?

Not to mention the whole Valkyr thing...

Warframes, even if they were solely mechanical, need to be preserved much like everything else. Time is one cruel SoB on tech and flesh alike.

What do you mean by the Valkyr thing? Because pretty sure everything about it was a result of the original template being something that was tortured. 

Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
I hate how I word things sometimes
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22 minutes ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

Don't focus on downside so much, weakness is all about perspective. Some see crippled, I see a character that has dealt with physical and mental trauma all their life and keeps on trucking. Can't move those legs, so what; your hands shoot laser beams. My Tenno fought against the Stalker with a frame that could barely function and was himself at his most vulnerable state. Not really someone I would call weak. 

That was when the lore was in it's infancy. They said they were building it up and they did. You just have a new story element to rebuild you headcanon with. Like I said, the dynamic, assuming the Warframes are sentient, would be like Venom. That means they could still have those personalities, maybe that is how your operator chooses what weapons to pick, or maybe the operator lets them pick.

That said I'm curious how people came up with backstories that weren't "And after i killed *insert boss* I built you." since only the starter frame has any mystery into how it came to be. Almost every other one was basically foundery made.

Hopefully they have better mechanics/options regarding their dialogue. Or at the very least, better lines. Something that more reflects the fact that they've seen some S*** in their lifetime. 

Actually we didn't fight Stalker in that whole "get to the chair" scene. In fact, the lack of damage and how every hit was just a knock back made the whole intense situation feel like the StateFarm commercial where the lady is trying to get the dollar off the fishing line. Stalker was just dangling the chair in front of us and we kept jumping to get it with him pulling it out of our reach and telling us "You got to be quicker than that!"

Now the fight before that on the way to the ship was more of an intense situation for me because I just ran past all the previous Sentients to get to that room and guess who decided to come through the door as a pack when I was trying to get to evac. Almost died numerous times because they were not the "One hit by beam = kill" type.

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3 minutes ago, Kaisty said:

Actually we didn't fight Stalker in that whole "get to the chair" scene. In fact, the lack of damage and how every hit was just a knock back made the whole intense situation feel like the StateFarm commercial where the lady is trying to get the dollar off the fishing line. Stalker was just dangling the chair in front of us and we kept jumping to get it with him pulling it out of our reach and telling us "You got to be quicker than that!"

Shush, that's not how I imagined it in my head. We fought and clashed energy attack as I heroically struggled to survive. I totally did not turn my back which somehow glitched him into never hitting me while the Warframe moonwalked backwards holding the Operator like a gun.

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Well, Play another game then.


For me, all of this make sense now. This is was even implied all over again by DE in the codex, that children were experimented upon and capable to use the warframe but it was never implied that they were INSIDE the warframe at ALL, have you see the archivements? it gave HINTS of Warframe being tools, also ask yourself why if I'm inside of other warframe I'm not able to use other abilities aside of the Warframe's? all of this makes sense now.


Is funny everytime I see thread like this, people who makes rants and tantrum about the Second Dream about children controling the warframe ruin their headcanon and in the end of the day, they act trully childrish about it I guess is fitting


Deal with it, this is what DE wanted and it what we got, it was the best quest ever. In side note, The Warframe's injures are felt by the Operator, therefore, they are actually there too in the mission, no there if you don't like the operator, just turn off the option in the menu

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

You can ruin a person with pain, no death needed. Besides that, that people have contemplated suicide due to pain.

Fair point. Doesn't fix the fact that there's no real danger anymore.

3 hours ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

What do you mean by the Valkyr thing? Because pretty sure everything about it was a result of the original template being something that was tortured. 

"Original template?" I suppose there is some reference to an "original Valkyr," but that... doesn't really make sense with the rest of the lore (with the exception of Mirage/Limbo's quests?). If they ever clear up how everyone gets a copy of a 'frame that something happened to, I'll actually be a little surprised.

3 hours ago, firelordzx5 said:

it gave HINTS of Warframe being tools

It literally says they're tools. I wouldn't call that a hint. TBH, though, literally everything in Warframe is either purely cosmetic or a tool. The Operator, at this point, is just another tool. A powerful one that needs much investment, to be sure... but a tool.

3 hours ago, firelordzx5 said:

Is funny everytime I see thread like this, people who makes rants and tantrum about the Second Dream about children controling the warframe ruin their headcanon and in the end of the day, they act trully childrish about it I guess is fitting

It appears that you are painting the label "trully childrish" on everyone who has expressed that they dislike the lore revealed in the Second Dream. I would like you to point out some point in this discussion where I was childish in my statements about how I dislike the reveal and/or how it was implemented. I made a point to keep my critical posts mature; if I failed at some point, please let me know.

Edited by ChronoEclipse
Second sentence
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I feel like the "empty shell" thing is just wrong...

I think warframe are infested zombies, remote controlled, and with some iron/whatever on it ^^

For me Hayden Tenno was Exca, and it's even more sad to see him as a vessel for a child... But I can feel his humanity from the center of his infested flesh <3

Kinda like in District 9 in some ways

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23 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

I feel like the "empty shell" thing is just wrong...

I think warframe are infested zombies, remote controlled, and with some iron/whatever on it ^^

For me Hayden Tenno was Exca, and it's even more sad to see him as a vessel for a child... But I can feel his humanity from the center of his infested flesh <3

Kinda like in District 9 in some ways

I threw up the theory of tenno controlling dead clone bodies a long time ago when we didnt know and a counter point from some one was that where are we getting the bodies from?

Now that we know we are kids sitting in gaming chairs....how do we craft frames if we need dead zombie clone bodies?

How did we NOT notice this part of building one if its true?

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Empty dolls. Lose one and it doesn't matter, just replace it. Build a new one, whatever. There's no code of honor or training or anything... just a kid playing to be a space ninja-- being played by an adult playing a kid playing to be a space ninja =p

This lore depresses me. Warframes are no different than a gun and change just like socks. The more people that like this idea talk about it the more I want to roll under the bed and just stay there. This is as bad as hearing Batman is actually a bunch of gnomes.

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31 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:

I threw up the theory of tenno controlling dead clone bodies a long time ago when we didnt know and a counter point from some one was that where are we getting the bodies from?

Now that we know we are kids sitting in gaming chairs....how do we craft frames if we need dead zombie clone bodies?

How did we NOT notice this part of building one if its true?

We got the pieces from already "made" warframes, we don't create them from scratch.

All of the warframes (or most ?) had a life/story before we could rebuild them.

Imo they was "someone" but the infestation turned kind of great on them (like Hayden) and they were used and copied into those battlesuits. If you relate to Dark Sector again, the Chroma ennemy could be the old version of Chroma, Nemesis the old version of Nyx. (Hayden for Exca, and the Stalker is in it too)

Those old versions are the originals transformed humans (or whatever) before the mass production of them as weapon due to their interesting infested skills.

Edited by Xgomme
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Definitely was just having this conversation today, so.. Valkyr.. her personality is from torture and experimenting by alad.. so she's hysteric, feral...

But... now, there is this tenno operator.. and.. well, not even there until the second dream really.... sooooo..

This empty suit has emotions ? 


Blah :(

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)iBlock L337 said:

Definitely was just having this conversation today, so.. Valkyr.. her personality is from torture and experimenting by alad.. so she's hysteric, feral...

But... now, there is this tenno operator.. and.. well, not even there until the second dream really.... sooooo..

This empty suit has emotions ? 


Blah :(

She was the same before, Gersemi Valkyr was already hysteric and everything.

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23 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:

How did we NOT notice this part of building one if its true?

How have we never seen any of the supposed "colonists" we're saving? Take a look at http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheLawOfConservationOfDetail, if you dare.

Ordis takes care of all the details, we just dump in the requisite materials and blueprints. We're space-ninja-warrior-superheroes, not engineers.

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