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Ominous Loading Screen Message?[Megathread]


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There would be danger though, as the Tenno only implant their conciousness while still feeling pain and such given that the body is fully functional and only needs something to operate it. Let's take the 4th wall breaking out of here since it's easier to explain it via ingame entities. While one body is implanted with conciousness i believe that it can't really be just plugged in and out, that'd be too simple, there must be some sort of aid given from the arsenal. Think of it like this: The Tenno is trapped in a Warframe untill he decides to go back to the arsenal where he can freely pick Warframes, there is no telling if the concioiusness can last on its own as we are never shown without a Warframe on us. And when i said our universe i refered to the Warframe Material Universe, excuse me for that.


I do basically agree with us being a Consciousness or Soul that swaps between the Warframes, that Fourth Wall comment of yours gave me pause. I love Fourth Wall stuff, don't get me wrong, but when it's HUMOR related, but in terms of a serious story I see it only as detrimental. As you said, the theory of the consciousness switching between works just fine without any need for the Fourth Wall to get involved.

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From what I can see and understand, this is what it says:


Void Link Severed


Reason foreign carrier detected, origin unknown, suspect 'tracking signal'.* (I think there may be a tracking device/signal attempting to locate the Orbiter/Carrier)

Reinitiating dipolar connection on naval carrier*. (Tenno Orbiter?)

Bow in standby for sync check and sync. (After seeing the docking animation, i think this refers to the front docking port.)


Motion compensation complete.

Selenic* lensing locked. (*Selenic has two meanings, the moon and Selenium. Considering the Orokin moon-base, I think the prior. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/selenic)

Somatic* control established. (*Somatic is of the body, and can relate to the bodily control from the spine. May relate to concious control of the ship, but the Liset or the Orbiter/Carrier? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatic)

Margolies* implantation intact. (*Margolies is a hebrew surname/word meaning pearl, maybe this is a small transmitter?) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margolies)

'Ehvm'* status nominal. (*Not certain what this is: ehvm? ehvn? Google turned up this when i searched EVM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earned_value_management)

War platform awaiting sync.


Initilizing synaptic overlay... Good night, sweet 'amachel' (angel?)


Why the fel does this remind me of Neon Genesis Evagelion....

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I do basically agree with us being a Consciousness or Soul that swaps between the Warframes, that Fourth Wall comment of yours gave me pause. I love Fourth Wall stuff, don't get me wrong, but when it's HUMOR related, but in terms of a serious story I see it only as detrimental. As you said, the theory of the consciousness switching between works just fine without any need for the Fourth Wall to get involved.

This is where we disagree, i believe that Tenno also exist physically somewhere but the location cannot be determined, in order to protect the knowledge and history... Which was... Wiped out. Their conciousness however was transfered onto these bodies which we call Warframes so we can still contain knowledge on our enemy and develop tacics. However when we die, the conciousness' link to the Warframe dies and body dissolves or is restored in some way. Bottomline, i believe that Tenno exist physically but their conciousness is not in their bodies but circulates between Warframes.
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This is where we disagree, i believe that Tenno also exist physically somewhere but the location cannot be determined, in order to protect the knowledge and history... Which was... Wiped out. Their conciousness however was transfered onto these bodies which we call Warframes so we can still contain knowledge on our enemy and develop tacics. However when we die, the conciousness' link to the Warframe dies and body dissolves or is restored in some way. Bottomline, i believe that Tenno exist physically but their conciousness is not in their bodies but circulates between Warframes.


That seems overly and unnecessarily complicated to me. Plus it just raises multiple questions, for me, about the distance over which this kind of connection would be feasible - the Void COULD potentially provide an answer to that, but I have to ask: what would be the point of keeping these bodies around, from the Orokin's point of view? If it takes special intervention to move from one Warframe to another then it seems clear that the connection between consciousness and Warframe is strong enough that they can basically act as another body, which seemingly would remove any issue of "the bodies have to be there because the consciousness needs it".


Why would the Orokin go through the trouble of preserving and caring for those bodies if the Consciousness would better serve them from within the Warframes? For all they needed the Tenno do do, their original bodies would be useless and worthless to them.

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That seems overly and unnecessarily complicated to me. Plus it just raises multiple questions, for me, about the distance over which this kind of connection would be feasible - the Void COULD potentially provide an answer to that, but I have to ask: what would be the point of keeping these bodies around, from the Orokin's point of view? If it takes special intervention to move from one Warframe to another then it seems clear that the connection between consciousness and Warframe is strong enough that they can basically act as another body, which seemingly would remove any issue of "the bodies have to be there because the consciousness needs it".

Why would the Orokin go through the trouble of preserving and caring for those bodies if the Consciousness would better serve them from within the Warframes? For all they needed the Tenno do do, their original bodies would be useless and worthless to them.

Where will the conciousness be stored once all of the Warframes die? Besides, retrieving intelligence via Warframe bodies is pretty risky if you ask me. The body could act as the database, where all of the knowledge is stored.
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Where will the conciousness be stored once all of the Warframes die? Besides, retrieving intelligence via Warframe bodies is pretty risky if you ask me. The body could act as the database, where all of the knowledge is stored.


Other Warframes. That's the thing about them: they can be constantly manufactured, rebuilt and have the Tenno move into them. Plus preserving them in Cryopods and the likes is WORTH the effort because of the powers they possess.


The thing with your theory is that if the connection between the two is SO intense that it could KILL "the source" of the Consciousness, I don't see why there wouldn't be just as much of the Tenno inside the Warframe they're inhabiting at that moment than in this hypothetical Tenno body that's being kept around - hence, I don't see why the Orokin just wouldn't have the Tenno use the INCREDIBLY-more-powerful Warframe body while simply disposing of their original bodies.

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Other Warframes. That's the thing about them: they can be constantly manufactured, rebuilt and have the Tenno move into them. Plus preserving them in Cryopods and the likes is WORTH the effort because of the powers they possess.

The thing with your theory is that if the connection between the two is SO intense that it could KILL "the source" of the Consciousness, I don't see why there wouldn't be just as much of the Tenno inside the Warframe they're inhabiting at that moment than in this hypothetical Tenno body that's being kept around - hence, I don't see why the Orokin just wouldn't have the Tenno use the INCREDIBLY-more-powerful Warframe body while simply disposing of their original bodies.

Well, you got me there i suppose. :D
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Other Warframes. That's the thing about them: they can be constantly manufactured, rebuilt and have the Tenno move into them. Plus preserving them in Cryopods and the likes is WORTH the effort because of the powers they possess.


The thing with your theory is that if the connection between the two is SO intense that it could KILL "the source" of the Consciousness, I don't see why there wouldn't be just as much of the Tenno inside the Warframe they're inhabiting at that moment than in this hypothetical Tenno body that's being kept around - hence, I don't see why the Orokin just wouldn't have the Tenno use the INCREDIBLY-more-powerful Warframe body while simply disposing of their original bodies.


Stumbling by...on the possible grounds of the 'what use do the original bodies serve'?


Bargaining chip. (Why no physical body section)


If, based on the information we've got so far, the Tenno did indeed originate from the Zariman survivors who ended up 'hijacking' whatever the early Warframes were, then they've gone from an oddity to a commodity. But I doubt being in some sort of super soldier body is necessarily the life these, likely, originally normal Orokin Empire citizens would want.


Especially with the amount of hell and experimentation on the way to come and, if the Warframes are some measure of aware (as suggested by the Rhino Prime Codex potentially), a 'way out' to their original bodies would be a good...shackle.


As much as the Warframe is great for warfare...it's not much use for daily life or anything else, let alone any real sense of identity considering the mass production there of. Combined with the Orokin prejudices, even if the Tenno became relatively well treated during the war, improving as time went by...they'd know likely just as well as the Lorist(s?) did that they weren't equals to the Orokin. Useful, no more, no less.


Course, this being the Orokin they just subtly turned these effective conscripts into a new vassal race like they'd done with the Grineer, Lorists and Sentient (tried to at least) before hand. Normal life? This is your normal now. You're weapons...gods...why would you want anything else?


I know it's all conjecture, but considering how much the Orokin seemed to like 'playing god' as it were...you'd think they'd consider such thing a great gift. Not like they ever seem to really think things through but hey.


Ultimately, it could be that the Orokin figured that they'd never be at risk if they lied about their deals. The Synthesis we've gained since I first penned my theory linked above has only reinforced their self-serving view of other life that they create. Could be that it's not 'dishonest' if they're not really an Orokin.


Human rights don't apply to non-humans, after all.


So what if the Tenno were human originally? If it is as we suspect a matter of migrating conciousness...so easy to destroy the damning evidence whilst they're busy 'earning their keep', yet keep the facade that it's still on the table.

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So, earlier, I was in a game just minding my own business, having a nice conversation, and someone mentioned they were building atlas.  So, naturally, I stated that I was building it too.  Someone else in the party then proceeds to say that atlas "Sucks" and that he's "Not worth your time building."  I've heard many players say he sucks at this point, and after reading the patch notes for every update, I can't understand how they've come to that conclusion.


I want someone to please explain to me why he "Sucks" so bad.  Because in my eyes, the last few patches have been massive buffs for him.  A first ability in which the damage scales not only by how much you use it, but also off of your melee weapon, an ability that can summon cover for you at will, an solid crowd control ability, and summoning extra dudes to help you fight does not sound like he "Sucks" to me, as well as the scaling doesn't sound awful, as they've added extra scalings to his abilities, such as most of them scale off armor now.


I'm not saying he's the best warframe in the game by any means, but he's not so horrible that you can't use him for most of the content in the game, which is what most of the people I've heard say he "Sucks" seem to think.  I don't understand why I have to get yelled at because someone is Biased and doesn't like a frame.  We play a co-op game, we shouldn't be destroying each other because you've tried the new warframe, don't like him, but someone else does.  That's not what co-op games should be for.  This game's "End game" Isn't really even that hard.  A skilled player could easily complete most of the "End Game" Missions with anything they choose to use.


One thing I've noticed with people who only play these "Top Tier" warframes, is that when they play a higher level mission, they don't even stay much longer than a normal squad would.  "I need a trinity, Frost, and two mesas to get to round 20 on T4D!"  When you can still make it just as far without the perfect squad, given a tiny bit more effort.


Sorry for getting off topic, this post was supposed to be about Atlas, not me ranting about players who are mean to me.  Anyways, Please, respond to what you think about him, but remember to be nice, and if you really don't like Atlas, try and prove your point through reasonable discussion, rather than calling people idiots and telling them they're wasting their time building him.  Thanks for rfveading.  Bye.

This thread was locked and closed, but the message appears to be different. 





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If the sentients are indeed the ones creating the message...could it be linked to PRIME warframes?

By what we know, Primes are actual pieces of Orokin technology. So the old war was fought with the Prime Warframes and Prime weapons. It doesn't link to Mirage's quest, but maybe it's because DE hasn't released her Primed version yet. We coud assume that in the orokin era all the warframes were primes and even the weapons were what we call Prime variants.

Maybe people that have a Prime weapon or warframe is what randomly triggers it. The boltor prime is a MR2 weapon so it is possible for newbies to see the message. a war message from the sentients to the old enemy.

I had volt prime in my arsenal when I got this message, is there anyone who got this message and wasn't teamed up with a prime user/holder?


my clan mate only has excal and he got it

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I'd like to point out that the Sentients may well have come from the Tau system, and find Void-energy deadly.


"On command, the guards backed away from the cart and readied their weapons. Their leader took careful aim and fired a whisper round into the body of my creation. Two of the limbs tore off the frame revealing a glossy, gelatinous interior.'


'Silence gripped the dome as Tuvul shook his head. Then suddenly, the creature moved, convulsed, the hard surface started undulating. In a moment the wound closed and the thing was whole again. Beside it another machine had grown from its severed parts. Their surface had changed however - brighter, harder, resilient to whisper rounds now.'


'The crossing to the Tau system is perilous. Adaptation and replication are the only way a terraforming journey can be made. They will build an interstellar rail as they travel, they will adapt to the host planet and prepare it to our arrival'


The Void is poison to them. Once they have reached Tau they will be marooned there. To travel the rail here would destroy them."

- Excerpts from Crewman Synthesis, http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Synthesis


Two things here, firstly these creations evolved, secondly sentinents 'become barren when crossing the gap'.



What is further, the sentients have been slowly awakening, and have the ability to mess with Orokin tech from a distance, this may include the control of Warframes.



Considering what Natah said about 'hiding them in the second dream', this may well reference Tenno control of Warframes, as the operator would need to put thier original body to sleep in order to avoid complications whilst controlling a Warframe.

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Considering what Natah said about 'hiding them in the second dream', this may well reference Tenno control of Warframes, as the operator would need to put thier original body to sleep in order to avoid complications whilst controlling a Warframe.


second dream may be turning off the warframes

first dream the tenno pilot is asleep and controlling a warframe

second dream both tenno and warframe are inactive

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Stumbling by...on the possible grounds of the 'what use do the original bodies serve'?


Bargaining chip. (Why no physical body section)


If, based on the information we've got so far, the Tenno did indeed originate from the Zariman survivors who ended up 'hijacking' whatever the early Warframes were, then they've gone from an oddity to a commodity. But I doubt being in some sort of super soldier body is necessarily the life these, likely, originally normal Orokin Empire citizens would want.


Especially with the amount of hell and experimentation on the way to come and, if the Warframes are some measure of aware (as suggested by the Rhino Prime Codex potentially), a 'way out' to their original bodies would be a good...shackle.


As much as the Warframe is great for warfare...it's not much use for daily life or anything else, let alone any real sense of identity considering the mass production there of. Combined with the Orokin prejudices, even if the Tenno became relatively well treated during the war, improving as time went by...they'd know likely just as well as the Lorist(s?) did that they weren't equals to the Orokin. Useful, no more, no less.


Course, this being the Orokin they just subtly turned these effective conscripts into a new vassal race like they'd done with the Grineer, Lorists and Sentient (tried to at least) before hand. Normal life? This is your normal now. You're weapons...gods...why would you want anything else?


I know it's all conjecture, but considering how much the Orokin seemed to like 'playing god' as it were...you'd think they'd consider such thing a great gift. Not like they ever seem to really think things through but hey.


Ultimately, it could be that the Orokin figured that they'd never be at risk if they lied about their deals. The Synthesis we've gained since I first penned my theory linked above has only reinforced their self-serving view of other life that they create. Could be that it's not 'dishonest' if they're not really an Orokin.


Human rights don't apply to non-humans, after all.


So what if the Tenno were human originally? If it is as we suspect a matter of migrating conciousness...so easy to destroy the damning evidence whilst they're busy 'earning their keep', yet keep the facade that it's still on the table.

The answer is simple: the void power the children possessed was largely uncontrollable, dangerous, and slowly destroying/corrupting their human bodies and individuality. Frames were the answer to this problem and Orokin military scientists quickly weaponized their powers.

What I haven't seen mentioned yet is the possibility that frames have a low-level consciousness of their own and a consciousness-SWITCH occurs, necessitating cryopods. Unlikely, but I suddenly ponder the thought of the raging Proto-rhino consciousness being inside the body of a Zariman Void-powered child.

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This thread was locked and closed, but the message appears to be different. 






I got a message of similar length yesterday, but it went by too quickly for me to get a screenshot. This comes some time after first getting a longer message which I imagine was the same message this thread has focused on, as well, so I would expect they're different.

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DIdnt go through all 38 pages of this thread, but I believe the Margoolis is referencing Lynn Margulis who researched symbiogenesis which basically is a theory that multicellular organisms were formed by single cell organisms through symbiosis such as mitochondria in our cells. And if anyone here has played Parasite Eve well yea. just a theory. Somatic probably pertains to the physical frame and the margulis implant could be the mind.


Sorry bad with words. lol.

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DIdnt go through all 38 pages of this thread, but I believe the Margoolis is referencing Lynn Margulis who researched symbiogenesis which basically is a theory that multicellular organisms were formed by single cell organisms through symbiosis such as mitochondria in our cells. And if anyone here has played Parasite Eve well yea. just a theory. Somatic probably pertains to the physical frame and the margulis implant could be the mind.


Sorry bad with words. lol.


No, that makes a lot of sense, hopefully with points like this we might come to an understanding of what exactly these Tennobet messages mean.

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second dream may be turning off the warframes

first dream the tenno pilot is asleep and controlling a warframe

second dream both tenno and warframe are inactive

Certinatly possible!

We require additional information.



Off topic, i'd like to see something similar to this for when we loose connection to the host whilst in a mission!



Just figured out that the Void keys will be used for the Orokin Moon when the Sentients block us from the void!

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It seems to me that Tenno bodies are actually in the suits, but can be coerced remotely,  by way of things like Ascaris or a type of Neural sentry, a concept of which has been supported in the game. If Corpus and mere Grineer were able to do this then no doubt the Orokin were as well, in an even better fashion. I personally think that some sort of neural inhibitor is also what was probably used on the Rhino in the Rhino prime codex, thus why they keep Tenno there, as its the only place they can control them. We might not actually swap Warframes outside of gameplay either.

I also have this theory that relates to a lore reason for the Void ships being blown up, as is being stated for update 18. While we have been venturing into the void, some suriving Orokin, their  surviving servant Cephalons, or possibly some Sentients, have probably been using neural sentries to actually invade our minds without our realization whenever we are there, so we will likely be destroying these ships to severe that invasion. May also be meta social commentary on how attached we are to going to Orokin void ships. lol

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Linking multiple things!


Void keys will still be useful after the sol map 2.0 update - dev stream

Sentinents are behind the messages - Tenno NY

Void connection lost - The message

Orokin moon


The major changes I reckon will be being able to see outside to the surface of the moon, everything found in the void may well be able to be found on the moon :D

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