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Ominous Loading Screen Message?[Megathread]


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The Lotus put us in a "second dream".

"Good night, sweet angel."

In the loading screen, we aren't in control, but when the loader finishes, we are.

All these things be severed, then re-initialized, and then we're told "Good night"?

Maybe I'm just throwing random stuff out there, but this is still pretty wild, what we do have.

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If lotus was tasked with destroying the tenno, is it possible that the sentients (as we know they will be making a return) could be coming back to finish the job after lotus betrayed them? This message seems like the command prompt for an OS, perhaps they are accessing the main neural sentry (a server room if you will, perhaps on the moon) in an attempt to control the warframes so they can resume their war with the orokin and take over?


somebody prove this wrong. I like the idea of an old tenno memory fragment better. (which btw, why would lotus be rebooting us if she was just going to put us into cryostasis?)

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I got this message a few days ago. I thought my game was glitching until I saw the Tennobet appear. Then I knew I was dealing with something far more ominous. I have tried interpreting the (translated (by fellow Tenno :D)) message here:


nawsan kawmpehnsasan kawmplehteh.

??? Compensation completed?
sawmatak kawntroh ehstablasehd.

Somatic* control established?

nawsan kawmpehnsasan kawmplehteh.

??? Compensation complete?
sehhehnak lehnsang lawkehd.

Sonic lensing locked?
sawmatak kawntroh ehstablasehd.

Somatic* Control Established?

margoolas amplantasan antakt

??? Implantation intact?
ehvn statas nawmanal

Even Status - Nominal?

ooor platfawrm awihtag soonk

Our platform awaiting soon?

Anatehlazag soonaptak awpehrlae...

Analyzing synaptic???


The rest is gibberish to me. Can any one else try?


*Somatic means 'of relation to the body, especially the mind'. Could this be evidence of the Sentient? Ya know, as they can absorb technology and control people?

Edited by PrVonTuckIII
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I got one too. Disappeared before I could screenshot it fully. This is the best I could get.


So... did we figure out what it really MEANS? (not what it translates to)

It's been more than a month now...



Edited by lume1
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I read something on here about the Margulis (can't find it to quote it) being like a tenno/orokin ascaris,  I have my own theory on that.


It's known well enough that the warframes have at least some infested parts in them,  what exactly they are we don't know but it could be anything from being the meat under the frame to having partially technocyte armor.     whatever it is,  we know that it's docile, not attacking us,  the infested bosses like Jordas golem acknowledge that it's there but we seem to have it in control.   


I propose that the Margulis implantation is what allows us to keep our infested components in check, seeing as all the points made about referencing symbiosis.   

also supporting this is that it seems to list parts (potentially of our frames) and their status,  to me this looks like our frames rebooting.



except for the last line,  I've still got no clue on that one.

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The only thing it means to me is that a Tenno is waking up in their warframe somwhere. One of the common translations for one of the lines is 'readying war platform'; another way to say that would be 'readying warframe'. The diagnostic seems to be a system check of an organic being in symbiosis with something that is being worked through by some control system, I think of this as either the warframe, cyropod, or a ship computer. Since the language is the written language of the Tenno, it would stand to reason that the message is something that is meant to be understood by Tenno or Tenno faction collaberators. It would be odd for the Sentient to send this message because as far as we know, Natah was the one tasked with infultrating and subverting us, it would stand to reason that if this is Sentient related, that Natah was not alone in this task and someone else is waking Tenno for some purpose while trying to use Tenno language to communicate.


The only thing I can gather is that some process is waking some organism or symbiote up for some task but whatever task that is must be shouded in mystery.

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I believe you are mistaken, for reasons I just posted.


Gravitation lensing requires large masses to accurately view distant galactic events but could easily be used for exotic Void-related activities in-system. My point it that "remote tenno" is far from the only explanation of this piece and IMHO the least likely.


Vor has never suggested "remote Tenno" in fact, to me, the physical ascaris burrowing into your spine much more strongly suggests real-physical Tenno present in the Warframe.


I don't believe there is a single thing in this game that suggests remote Tenno that doesn't have a much more simple, and convincing, alternate explanation. To me, leaping on that bandwagon due to one rather ropey interpretation of a teaser that has a much more likely explanation in foreshadowing the "blowing up of the void" that we _know_ is happening in U18 is a mistake.



Quite the opposite. Literally everything regarding the subject that's been dropped as hints and easter eggs suggests that tenno are ethereal, and not the physical bodies inside the suits. Vor has not only suggested that idea, he came straight out and said it in a dialogue quote that was patched out of the tutorial quest(Hmm, I wonder why...). Additionally, almost every line of that mysterious log is describing actions relating to a physical organism, and in that context it's a much shorter jump to associate selenic lensing with biological procedures than astronomical babble.

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Quite the opposite. Literally everything regarding the subject that's been dropped as hints and easter eggs suggests that tenno are ethereal, and not the physical bodies inside the suits. Vor has not only suggested that idea, he came straight out and said it in a dialogue quote that was patched out of the tutorial quest(Hmm, I wonder why...). Additionally, almost every line of that mysterious log is describing actions relating to a physical organism, and in that context it's a much shorter jump to associate selenic lensing with biological procedures than astronomical babble.

The "Are Tenno Energy" theory has been discussed thoroughly already, with most people backing the "Tenno are physical/wear Warframes" line of thought. However, this Ominous Message™ may be definitive proof that Tenno are not entirely physical and require a platform to channel their connection with the Void. Imagine a red lightbulb: the light generated within the lightbulb is naturally white, but it is a red light to the world around it. Said lightbulb, however, requires a power source: the Tenno in this analogy.

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Quite the opposite. Literally everything regarding the subject that's been dropped as hints and easter eggs suggests that tenno are ethereal, and not the physical bodies inside the suits. Vor has not only suggested that idea, he came straight out and said it in a dialogue quote that was patched out of the tutorial quest(Hmm, I wonder why...). Additionally, almost every line of that mysterious log is describing actions relating to a physical organism, and in that context it's a much shorter jump to associate selenic lensing with biological procedures than astronomical babble.


Alternatively people are assuming non-physical and seeing "hints" where there are none. "selenic" when the next map set is a moon base, I know which horse I'm backing. Oh and as far as "recent hints" goes https://warframe.com/news/ask-cephalon-38 :


Although Mag and Volt are capable of causing extensive damage to electronics it is not often that Operators mistakenly unleash the power of the Void on their own equipment. Furthermore due to the sensitive nature of my task it is quite rare for any Operator to interact directly with my databanks. Organic beings lack the finesse to properly navigate such an overwhelming amount of information, which is why Cephalon interaction is critical to the success of Tenno operations.


You simply do no write that if you are trying to suggest Tenno are non-physical.


Please, other that Romeo-Vor and your assumptions on this piece, what has recently happens that even suggests non-physical Tenno?

Edited by SilentMobius
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The "Are Tenno Energy" theory has been discussed thoroughly already, with most people backing the "Tenno are physical/wear Warframes" line of thought. However, this Ominous Message™ may be definitive proof that Tenno are not entirely physical and require a platform to channel their connection with the Void. Imagine a red lightbulb: the light generated within the lightbulb is naturally white, but it is a red light to the world around it. Said lightbulb, however, requires a power source: the Tenno in this analogy.


I have not seen anything that actually suggests we are energy beings myself as we talked about in the Tenno energy beings theory thread. That said, hopefully update 18 will shed more light on the Tenno and warframe's origins.

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