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Ominous Loading Screen Message?[Megathread]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wasn't able to find the previous thread so made one instead.

After getting it once long time ago I got another one which was maybe a month ago or so(this one underneath) and a new one today(which interestingly appeared before the mission compared to the previous ones and had sound to it).Not sure if the second one is new but the 3rd one has to be new(atleast for console)



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Okay so not too long ago i got back to my lobby and coming back from Luranda Relay my screen started bugging out during the loading screen like how you encounter the Gustrag Three and this box popped up, and what seemed to look like some kind of Orokin character started appearing in that box like it was being typed up in red text and when I got back to my lobby it dissipated........ WHAT JUST HAPPENED??????Was it a Easter egg or a reference???????????

Future jax here, just to let you guys know I had the same thing happen again but it was a different message.  Thankfuly i got a screenshot of it just as it ended or started "i can't remember" and the screenshot is on my steam page in screenshots @jaximusprimal.

Edited by jaximusprimal
Because I'm a complete and utter idiot
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48 minutes ago, jaximusprimal said:

Was it a Easter egg or a reference???????????


20 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

This is off topic, but I find it ironic that he edited the post for grammar but spelled grammar wrong.

Although the correct spelling is GRAMMAR it is pronounced grammer.  It is one of the most commonly misspelled words in the english language. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, ograzzt said:

It never stopped to appear.

they didn't :S

well this is getting really odd. cause surely at some earlier point in time while still playing the game i would have encountered this... right ?


cause before they were quite uncommon but never rare. even after them adjusting the frequency of the messages appearing, you could still get 1 maybe ever 5-13 loading screens. but after all these many many months and doing what seems like 100x that amount. surely i would have encountered this.


ive then starting thinking maybe its quest related but i honestly dont know!

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8 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Posted about this too before. Got roasted because I didn't know any better.

It still appears yeah, it's the one from Second Dream. Nothing new.

only problem with that is ive done all quests. so why would it give me a message relating to an old easter egg to hype up for the second dream launch ? ive never had a loading screen message since doing the second dream. so why now ?



:EDIT: also forums has become quite a troll fest as of recently. dunno really why but its quite pathetic to go on a so called "Roasting session" with you, when its something that you've generally never even heard about. compared to the amount of crap that GD gets with the none stop repeating discussions that no one seems to bat an eye at.

the only thing tho is that the message i got stopped where it is shown. it does not match any known or currently available screenshot / video that ive seen anyways!

but im still looking to see if its a match of any kind with other screenshots etc

Edited by DiBBz
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yeah. just checked it. tho its weird that they have changed the layout now of how the text is shown.

also its only a partial diagnostic report apparently considering it never shows the full thing! it stops at

VoidLink Severed

Reason: foreign carrier detected. Origin: unknown. Suspection: tracking signal. 
Reinitiating dipolar connection on novel carrier. Bio in standby for check and sync. 


wondering if they have increased the chances of this happening by ALOT.! still completely surprised that ive not encountered this in a long time but oh well!


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On 10/1/2015 at 9:49 PM, theclinton said:


Margoolis makes sense as she is the scientist who perfected the somatic link.

I think the correct spelling was given in the subtitle dialogue from the Second Dream.


The text showed up in update 17 (taken from wiki)


Void Link Severed

Reason foreign carrier detected. Origin unknown. Suspect tracking signal.
Reinitiating dipolar connection on naval carrier. 
Bow in standby for sync check and sync. 
Motion compensation complete. 
Selenic lensing locked. 
Somatic control established. 
Margulis implantation intact. 
EVM status nominal. 
War platform awaiting sync.

Initilizing synaptic overlay... Good night, sweet angel.


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