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Help Create Statistics For The Sorties Loot Table (113 Entries As Of 12/15).


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So my group of friends have been relatively disappointed with our sorties rewards. In another thread I noticed a large portion of players seem to have gotten lens or a karak part. So it is very obvious that each item on the list doesn't have the same odds but I'm curious what are the odds.

Lets figure out (roughly) what it is. All I ask is you post below what you get throughout season 1. At the end of the day I will update the list with all new results for that day. If you haven't updated or forgot to post the previous day simply add it to the next day's update. Finally post the full name of the item you got, lens is not the same as <focus> lens, which is a majority of the post in the other thread which I can't really use them.

The only items on the list I require proof are Exilus adapters, 50x fusion cores, Legendary Core, or the potatoes (Orokin Reactor/Catalyst). If you really don't have proof I'll add it but on a secondary list taking into consideration you don't have proof.

example (what we actually got):

  • Karak Wraith Barrel
  • Naramon lens
  • Naramon lens
  • Greater Madurai blueprint
  • Naramon lens (stahp)
  • Dera Vandal Blueprint
  • Karak Wraith Receiver
  • Vazarin Lens
  • Karak Wraith Barrel
  • Vazarin Lens
  • Zenurik Lens
  • Unairu Lens

This is technically a cross post from reddit so there has been a number of posts already (74) however that is not enough to make a worthwhile statistic so please help and do you part! It doesn't matter if you post all 12, or the ones you remember, or just the last one.


UPDATE 12/15 8:21 PM EST (If your name is not below or is outdated it means I haven't gotten to it, or more likely I messed up. Feel free to pester me if it's been 24 hours).

  • D01328011 [Day 12]
  • Endrance [Day 12]
  • xFrostKnightx [Day 12]
  • Bibliothekar [Day 12]
  • Kao-Snake [Day 12]
  • Blaze [Day 12]

UPDATE 12/16 4:18AM EST http://s17.postimg.org/o5ikc550v/statistics_12_16.png'>Statistics Sorties 12/16



Edited by D01328011
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What i remember:


1 Karak Wraith Barrel

1 Vazarian Lens

1 Madurai Lens

1 Naramon Lens

1 Dera Vandal Stock


I may forgot a few drops...


It's alright to forget about a few things, every item you're sure you've gotten helps.


Can't remember all, but was something like this


Madurai Lens

Karak Blueprint


Naramon Lens

Unairu Lens

Orokin Reactor Blueprint

Varazin Lens

Legendary Core (this one i got yesterday)

Keep in mind that stuff like the Legendary core needs proof. I'm aware prior to this post you didn't have a reason to screenshot it because you can't see the future but if you manage to get another one either screenshot the mission result or the sorties screen with the reward highlighted in green. Those will be added onto a secondary list for now.


Results updated

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Ughh i think it was like this


Unairu lens

Karak Wraith BP

Vazarin Lens

Karak Barrel

Karak BP

Karak Barrel

Dera Vandel -something-

Dera Vandel BP

Dera Vandel Barrel

Dera Vandel Barrel

Dera Vandel Barrel

Dera Vandal Barrel

Dera Vandel Barrel



-----pretty sure i missed a day or two----


Season 2 


25 Gold cores

Nezha Chassis.

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My loot so far, in time order:


Sortie Season 1:
Karak Wraith Barrel
25 gold core
Karak Wraith Barrel
Dera Vandal Barrel
Karak Wraith Barrel
Dera Vandal Barrel
Karak Wraith Blueprint
Dera Vandal Blueprint
25 gold core
Naramon lens
Unairu lens
25 gold core
Madurai lens
Unairu lens

Sortie Season 2:
Dera Vandal Barrel
Dera Vandal Receiver
Zenurik lens
Dera Vandal Receiver
Dera Vandal Blueprint
Dera Vandal Receiver

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Here's what I can remember:


- 25x Fusion Core


- Legendary Core


- Dera Vandal Stock (x2)


- Dera Vandal Barrel


- Karak Wraith Stock (x2)


- Madurai Lens (x2)


What kind of proof do you want? Inventory screenshot?

Edited by Amazerath
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