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Nezha Dropping In Sorties [Megathread]


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i dont like how they break their rules of none prime being tradable just to suit themselves now sorties are here, they are boring with bullets sponges everywhere, they are not challenging as opposed to time consuming the rewards are pretty meh so far, and yet im still grinding for ash prime and ash himself which has now become incredibly boring.

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The lack of consistency on DE part is really bothering me, its like they do this on purpose so we all can get frustrated playing their game, hilarious.


How much Nitain and Argon does Nezha cost?

Surprisingly you only need 2 argon crystals and no Nitan. At least this is not so annoying. Argon is easy to obtain.

I really like sorties. but I dont like Nezha being in the Sortie Reward pool.

Legendarry cores are fine. 25 core packs are fine too. Lenses. Okay not a big deal. Karak parts? KInda meh.

Dera parts? Also meh.

Anyway. Unless there is a way to avoid gettin a ton of duplicate parts then I dont see any positives in including Nezha parts in Sorite rewards.


There currently 2 things I don't like  since U18:

Nitan extracts and yet more grind for Nezha parts.

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Is it really??


1)youre bound to get vauban eventually, after this and maybe next season nezha will be gone for god knows how long.

2)vauban drops have no actual rng, if you get mission with part in it youre guaranteed to get it, you can however complete all 15 days of sorties and get jack S#&$

3)vauban requires you to do 3 missions, nezha requires at least 9.


But yeah i see what youre getting at.

Nezha 275p, vauban 300p.


Indeed nezha easier to get.


1. Nezha is going to stay as a sortie reward

2. But you don't have guarantee to have an alert everyday + connecting 5 minutes after the alert and you don't get it

3. When you have 3 alerts for the 3 piece, when a Vauban alert is popping, maybe it's the part you want, maybe not ...


I also like to say one thing, Nezha is here since today, and you all are complaining about the difficulty to have the frame ...


Do you get it ? Do you know the drop chance ?


I'm pretty sure that people can have Nezha in something like one week or 2 and you are here, complaining about this, because you can't have it now ...


EDIT: Nezha is tradeable, not Vauban

Edited by Dragunova
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Consider the number of parts that need to be dropped (less for Nezha) and the number of rewards in the total pools (much less), many less runs will be required.


The fact that you can only get one reward a day is the big problem.

Drops are weighted. There's no way to know how many runs will be required without getting banned.

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I don't see an issue with making some Warframes harder to get than others. This is a huge non-issue that a vocal part of the community is turning into a mountain out of a molehill.

Vocal minority.


Wheres the Vauban rant threads seeing as hes far harder to get? Wheres the rants about Ash being a nightmare to get for newbs now threads? No one cares once THEY have frame in question.


What happened to the Ivara spy RNG rant threads? the Limbo therom rants? Juggernaught rants? M Alad V Coords rants?


WF community ALWAYS rants week one with new frames... get frame then finds something else to whinge about....

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Vocal minority.


Wheres the Vauban rant threads seeing as hes far harder to get? Wheres the rants about Ash being a nightmare to get for newbs now threads? No one cares once THEY have frame in question.


What happened to the Ivara spy RNG rant threads? the Limbo therom rants? Juggernaught rants? M Alad V Coords rants?


WF community ALWAYS rants week one with new frames... get frame then finds something else to whinge about....


Got a friend who wants Vauban since 4 months now, and he don't care, when he will see an alert, he will drop it, BTW he can play now with a lot of others frames so, where is the problem ?


Maybe he should go to the trading channel to get an helmet like for Nezha ... Oh, my bad :-)

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I really don't mind that Nezha can only be obtained through sorties, but what really bothers me is this: 


Please Note: Nezha parts obtained from Sorties are tradeable, and will be a permanent reward from Sorties in the future.


A permanent reward? My understanding is that once you complete a sortie you'll have a chance to get a Nezha part BP, meaning if you get a Nezha BP then you wont get anything else, because you only get 1 reward per 3 sortie missions. 




This is a terrible way to obtain a warframe... Once a player gets their 3 bps, more Nezha bps rewards would be totally useless, and trading it would also be meaningless because after 1 or 2 sortie seasons Nezha bps will be dirt cheap in the market, maybe this will happen within 1 sortie season. 


Therefore this permanent reward would literally be clogging the reward tables, so much for sorties being really rewarding.


There is so many various ways we can obtain this warframe without ruining sorties: 


Nezha bps are only obtained through alerts, like Vauban.

Drops from eximus like Oberon, or eximus that are in sorties only.

Dojo labs

mission rewards, or interception rewards, like archwings and Ivara 



But out of all the possible ways, you choose to clog the sortie rewards... 

Edited by (XB1)LexaHex488
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And after season2 you are missing 1 or 2 parts of him, he won´t show up in season 3 and you will make another thread that you couldn´t get him.


Some day you will have enough lenses too or the weapons that drop there and please don´t tell me you are doing Sorties for the cores.


I think it´s the same like "weapons in Sorties are fine but frames aren´t". 

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1. Nezha is going to stay as a sortie reward

2. But you don't have guarantee to have an alert everyday + connecting 5 minutes after the alert and you don't get it

3. When you have 3 alerts for the 3 piece, when a Vauban alert is popping, maybe it's the part you want, maybe not ...


I also like to say one thing, Nezha is here since today, and you all are complaining about the difficulty to have the frame ...


Do you get it ? Do you know the drop chance ?


I'm pretty sure that people can have Nezha in something like one week or 2 and you are here, complaining about this, because you can't have it now ...


EDIT: Nezha is tradeable, not Vauban

1.You dont know that, even if thats true then its own category of $&*&*#(%& decision

2.Never claimed you do. I said that whenever alert pops up you know exactly what will you get for it, you get no such knowledge prior to finishing sorties.

3. You have to do 1 alert for chassis 1 for helmet 1 for systems, you need to do at least 3x sortie 1, 3x sortie 2 and 3x sortie 3. Like i stated above you know which part you will get.



"Something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved"

Thats not the word that describes this situation.



"tiresome because of length or dullness"

Thats the word describing it perfectly.


Then huge part of community already had 2 rolls, personally i got 2 times dera receiver, none from ppl i spoken with in my alliance got any nezha part and with quick look at trading chat you can easily discern that there werent that many nezha drops and most of them were chassis.


Yes having barrier which tells me i cant work on getting it today is pretty serious problem, its de telling me that you have nothing to do today unless you pay us.

After i finally get you know what will be problem?? not that i have things in drop tables which i can do nothing useful with, the problem will be that it could be avoided if de havent made stupid decision again to marginally increase sales on new frame.


I hope that de at least tipled sales on this frame by inconveniencing players, otherwise you cant even justify by greed, its just outright douchebag behaviour.

Edited by Davoodoo
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1.You dont know that, even if thats true then its own category of $&*&*#(%& decision

2.Never claimed you do. I said that whenever alert pops up you know exactly what will you get for it, you get no such knowledge prior to finishing sorties.

3. You have to do 1 alert for chassis 1 for helmet 1 for systems, you need to do at least 3x sortie 1, 3x sortie 2 and 3x sortie 3. Like i stated above you know which part you will get.



"Something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved"

Thats not the word that describes this situation.



"tiresome because of length or dullness"

Thats the word describing it perfectly.


Then huge part of community already had 2 rolls, personally i got 2 times dera receiver, none from ppl i spoken with in my alliance got any nezha part and with quick look at trading chat you can easily discern that there werent that many nezha drops and most of them were chassis.


Yes having barrier which tells me i cant work on getting it today is pretty serious problem, its de telling me that you have nothing to do today unless you pay us.

After i finally get you know what will be problem?? not that i have things in drop tables which i can do nothing useful with, the problem will be that it could be avoided if de havent made stupid decision again to marginally increase sales on new frame.


I hope that de at least tipled sales on this frame by inconveniencing players, otherwise you cant even justify by greed, its just outright douchebag behaviour.

Its been 2 days... two, the spare parts via trade should be few and far between. Geez, patience lad... again the week one salt with every frame release is painful to my eyes. They even whinged about Equinox... a boss drop frame.


No matter how it was obtained people would whinge, you included Davoodoo lol, you EVER happy?

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I didn't like having Karak in the sortie drop table because I already have it, but actually half my clan don't and they were still hoping to get it - I give them the parts I had. (Now they have no chance cos it was removed).
I wanted the dera but .. probably not from the sortie.

Not happy that the frame is there too, or any of the exilus/reactors and stuff - this is meant to be "end gamey" right? I'm MR 20, I have 20 reactor built, 20 catalyst built (and more bps unmade), I can get a new exilus every 2-3 days with the bonus rep that I have from being MR 20.. what I really wanted was lenses and what am I not able to get? lulz, lenses. Especially not for my main tree.


I realise there will be in time, surplus parts but the sorties are hard work and don't feel all that rewarding right now. This is actually the biggest problem.. after a sortie, you are happy to close the game and be glad that its over.


I enjoy the sorties, I like the challenge.. its forced me to learn how to do things in a different (and often better) way, but they hurt a little because you can't miss any (otherwise you miss out like the karak which is now gone). They can also get tiring to do so much work for so little return.


I think maybe the sorties should earn you points instead, so that you can redeem the points for the rewards you want or something. That way you'd feel like you were actually working towards something, rather than just having to suck up whatever the RNG gods deal you. Idk.


Also people saying Nezha dilute the drop table.. not really, he replaced the karak on the table..they basically replaced one thing for the other and both can be traded.

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These are some interesting points. Not fallacies, but good points.

You're falling for the following fallacies:


1) Assuming enough people will keep running sorties.

2) Assuming people will drive the price down instead of holding onto their parts for when the price rises again.

3) Assuming the droprates aren't weighted to hell and back.

1. People will keep running Sorties, even after they get the stuff they want. Just for the fun of it. Or to help fellow players. Or because they're driven for profit to get something to trade for plat.

2. Yes, SOME will hang onto their parts for profit. But your friends won't. They'll help you out. Clan members will help each other out. Etc. The more people have it, the less demand, the less profit. So you can trade for 10-20p... like the karak wraith and dera vandal parts. There'll be people also trying to complete their set, who may have duplicates, who will trade 1:1. There's a lot of objectives people have in trading outside of pure profit.

3. We'll see over time, what the weighting is on the drops. You don't know any more than I do. F2P players should be patient. We should all calmly and rationally observe the situation over time, rather than jumping up and throwing tantrum on the first day. I see people talking about how this is "an insult" and "stand up against abuse" and comparing a game developer to a tyrannical government. Cool your jets, wait and see.

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I can see a clear pattern here, it goes something like that:

"When you establish clear baseline and go above it then ppl will complain that you have gone above it"


What's the old saying, correlation does not imply causation?

What I'm trying to say here, is that you see it as "people complain because it's not grindable from a boss", and I could read it as "people complain because they can't get it day one with minimal effort. One, both, or neither could be right.

Honestly, I would prefer not having to do multiple runs to get anything - but for the (who knows how large) group of players that need a carrot on a stick to bother playing a game and have their breed of fun, they would quickly get everything and leave. On top of that, if everything was easily day-one gets, then the only people that would willing continue to support the game would be a much smaller group of folks, and with less game support means less game - I mean, they gotta make money too. As it stands, although it might not be our favorite method of infusion, some people will be too impatient to patiently work their way into the frame parts, and will spend money. Others will just spend the time slowly getting the parts to eventually make the frame.

The most humorous part of this is that any suggestion outside of a quest reward has the same probability as the current one. If you switch to methods like the Vaub-ster, a large chunk of players (do to having to work, timezones, family obligations, etc) will still have that RNG chance of being on and doing those alerts when they happen - including the fact that which part pops up in the alert would presumably be RNG in the first place before it even popped up as an alert.

If we switch to a boss drop - for starters, we'd either need to make a new boss to put it on or turn another frame into a nuisance to get so it could take over (which is a big deal for newer players or vets who don't have it). On top of that, it's still left to RNG as to which part that boss drops - which still means that technically, you could run that forever and not get the one you want - thus is the nature of RNG. Chance dictates I get all parts eventually, but how many times has a player had to run a single mission - boss or otherwsie - 60+ times to get what they were looking for?

Clan tech would be the supposed best option here, but then you actually think about how the larger the clan, the larger the cost and suddenly huge clans with many inactive players have something to feel looked down upon for - and that's only assuming it takes normal everyday resources. If that thing used an exotic material like Nitain, goodness we've already seen how that went over.

So really, Quest delivery would be the only guaranteed method - you start the mission, get some cool little story, get your parts, and the problem is solved (although similar low-grade versions of issues with clan tech could still rise up). The biggest thing here is most of these everyone complains about how long they take (due to the build time between parts, which literally only means you need to wait out that time).

At this point, no matter what they do someone, somewhere will not find it to their liking. Personally? I'd love if every single frame was put into either missions or my other modified clan-boss integrated suggestion from earlier (at least, I think that was this thread I posted it in).

On the bright side, at least you don't need to farm rare components to make keys in order to run sorties and hope for the best. That still puts it behind one less layer of RNG than every prime part, and those few frames that require those special keys to get (like the mutualist Alad fights).

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How can a game having some evolution if people don't stop complains about everything new ?


I mean, Syndicates have weapons, same thing for Dojo, events too and now sorties and nobody complains about that


Nezha is harder to get and what ? Is this a problem if I go to a relay and don't see everybody with his own little Nezha ?


He is going to be a rare frame, that's all, and later, he will be like Vauban

Ppl dont complain about everything new.

Evolution doesnt involve increasingly tedious grind and timers, like you imply in your strawman. Its all about more interesting acquisition methods.


And maybe you skipped thousands of complaints about everything being clantech and vivergate.


Yes it is a problem.

Not seeing everyone with it, nah, that wouldnt happen even if they given it out just for logging in complete with slot and potato.


Problem is that things are getting increasingly harder to get, i wonder at which point will you finally decide that you arent spending weeks/months/years on getting new stuff, i hope you wont actually complain at that point cause you will hear exact same words youre speaking now.



I dont need to check 2 variables, since its self evident that outrage occurs when new increased grind is released.

I observed correlation and produced statistic based on it.


That "large group of players" accepted years ago that they wont have anything to do between patches, especially when they do what de wants them to do, buying frames.

And sorties arent exactly thing to do, you log in spend 1 hour in and wait 24h, im still not doing anything.


You assume that de did that to give players something to do. However broken down it doesnt add, reality implies however that de does to sell more frames, which when matched with the fact that theyre company creates a matching narrative doesnt it??


What about people who are selling them ? They had it since years and decide now to sell it ?

Actually i sold 1 of my old leg cores on early days of season 1.


Leg cares are rarest drop from sorties, otherwise you would see many more ppl selling them and price would drop both on them and on primed mods.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Ppl dont complain about everything new.

Evolution doesnt involve increasingly tedious grind and timers, like you imply in your strawman. Its all about more interesting acquisition methods.


And maybe you skipped thousands of complaints about everything being clantech and vivergate.


Yes it is a problem.

Not seeing everyone with it, nah, that wouldnt happen even if they given it out just for logging in complete with slot and potato.


Problem is that things are getting increasingly harder to get, i wonder at which point will you finally decide that you arent spending weeks/months/years on getting new stuff, i hope you wont actually complain at that point cause you will hear exact same words youre speaking now.


I want Nezha, but I'm not going to chase her, I will just do my sorties everyday and enjoy doing the frames when I'll have all parts, meanwhile, I will just play the game and enjoy my others frames ...


I'm not obsessed by the frame to spend years on droping her or to want her before the end of the week


Don't forget that Nezha is also tradeable, wich is something that too much people seems to forget


EDIT: BTW, how do you know the time people will spend to get Nezha ? You came from the future ? You works at DE and know the drop chances ?


EDIT 2: If DE did that to sell more frame, they should not made her tradeable ...

Edited by Dragunova
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What about people who are selling them ? They had it since years and decide now to sell it ?

Some yes due to forseen price drops, but I'm not stating it never drops, just that it's much, much less than everything else.  I'm in a very active clan and I play with a group of players and I'm active on the forums here, and I have personally seen 0 instances of "I got a legendary core!" myself.

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I want Nezha, but I'm not going to chase her, I will just do my sorties everyday and enjoy doing the frames when I'll have all parts, meanwhile, I will just play the game and enjoy my others frames ...


Don't forget that Nezha is also tradeable, wich is something that too much people seems to forget

What do you think other ppl are going to do?? Its not choice, thats only option left.



Then you fall into impression that trading makes acquisition easier, but everyone is exposed to same rng, if you cant acquire it, solid chance is that other ppl cant either and price will be high. Trading doesnt help any more than outright buying it from market.

Edited by Davoodoo
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