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If Damage 3.0 Removes Serration/damage Mods....


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If you did check my link:


The basic problem is the MODDING SYSTEM.

It offers no build variety and just gives you the illusion of customization. Because the game requires you to only build for max damage.

This way a lot of mods fall unused (because, it's better using 8 slots for damage than for utility).

This problem started from DE announcing they wanted to fix the "mandatory mods" in some manner (starting from Multishot, Serration, etc.)

I will check out your other post a bit later when I have time. I agree though about the modding system though.

Edited by Zareek
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This may just be me being spoiled by games like Blacklight, or maybe even Borderlands/Destiny, but...


What is so hard about giving us weapons that we physically modify? One barrel/muzzle mod, a sight mod, two chamber mods, two magazine mods, and two misc mods for stocks and other things?


Well, coding that would be a nightmare, but aside that, its just knocking out the art and assets.

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removing damage mods and making them just like powers in warframes, increasing their damage as they rank up while leaving room for status and crit builds to be made along with other rarely used mods for improved variety.....yeah I can back that 

Edited by Henji
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I think DE should give 4 abilities to each weapon category(Treat them like frames) and let us mod them accordingly. That'd go well with a new Damage/Mod system. As for visuals, I always backed the idea of each mod adding something we can see on our stuff.

And YES to ranks playing a role. Frames get more health, energy ETC. Why should other equipment be different?

And I consider enemy scaling necessary, I doubt DE would fundamentally change how we work and not how the enemies work in accordance to that.

Edited by Kunavi
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The only reason it will be removed is so that you need to use the primed mods to give extra magazine ammo to the weapons after the multishot change, it's a way to balance the stuff.


Yes you will likely need to forma your weapons, so start building formas because the change is going to hit you pretty hard.

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The only reason it will be removed is so that you need to use the primed mods to give extra magazine ammo to the weapons after the multishot change, it's a way to balance the stuff.


Yes you will likely need to forma your weapons, so start building formas because the change is going to hit you pretty hard.

Yet im afraid that guns become useless.

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Yeah - sorry - I just don't see it changing or improving all that much if they go. I think this NEED has become a talking-point trend that is way overblown. Please note - I'm not against their removal - but I am dubious about all the wonderful, revitalising changes folks have convinced themselves will happen once they're gone. 


In respect to game design give/take - their removal along with the damage buffs being hard-baked into actual gun levels? By necessity will increase the amount of time/xp needed to level from 1-30 by a few orders of magnitude. Too much of the game's little progression is wrapped up in the staple R10 mods - they won't add damage to weapon levels and still leave us able to max a weapon in one Draco visit. If you believe otherwise - you're kidding yourselves.


As for the "more varied builds" argument - all we'll see is super stacked elemental mods - maybe brief experimentation with the QoL mods. Other than that absolutely nothing will change. You will have to stack those elements just to keep up with the majority around you damage-wise ... and for sure that will become the new meta. For all the mods we have - the system simply is not complex enough to call for anything else. 


If this comes with adjustments to the whole system - such as being limited in the number of elemental dmg, physical dmg and utility mods you can actually equip on each weapon at any one time - then their removal might actually make a difference to how we operate. But we all know how the majority of this community feels about their freedoms being restricted ... so I'm on the fence over whether or not DE will even dare. 


And for what its worth - I enjoyed ranking up those mods - the day my Serration hit R10 and I forma'd all my best gear to fit it - felt good! Pride and accomplishment at passing certain marks - there's not enough of that in Warframe. I think removing staples without something to replace it is kind of a dumb move. 

Exactly. I want to feel BA, and expecting DE to perfectly replace the 10 most important mods in the game without taking 2 years of patches is beyond gullible.

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Exactly. I want to feel BA, and expecting DE to perfectly replace the 10 most important mods in the game without taking 2 years of patches is beyond gullible.

Perhaps look at PvP mods for look how mods may look afterwards. Damage mods would not do more damage, but convert damage type.

Other mods would allow weapons to reload while holstered.

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All it's doing is nerfing veterans and time spent in game to become one, let alone the one time deal to reach Veteran levels with certain mods finally maxed out.

And if De instead increases the xp grind on every single weapon to 75,000 affinity like a certain new mechanic in place of damage mods? I don't see them just saying all you have to do is reach 30 with this Soma Prime on Draco and now you're a two year vet...ta da.

I like the focus system, but let's consider them sticking that on every dang gun in the game. Now add forma to the equation and having to get that level of affinity again and again and again for eighty odd weapons.

All speculation, but I like the devil I know and would rather a beta test before meeting the next horned grind wall.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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  • 2 weeks later...

I doubt there is any easy solution because the overall problem is the modding system and the illusion of costumization. There should be first changing drastically the AI and making levels of hardiness and AI tactics which scaled for player levels. This could be problematic when different level players play together but this sounds more better than having infinite scaling. A skill tree system with huge variety could solve the modding problems however this mostly works on frames on weapons is different story. adding damage when levelling the weapons is sounds silly because the weapons are objects not "living" experience collecting things and the current state just adds them mod point where you can add mods which boost the weapon stats.


In the forseable future this won't really changing and instead they tried to balance the current mods they manufacturing bad and mediocre and super powered mods and of course the peoples will choose them instead of bad. The slot is very restrictive and not let space to improve and try to do any skill in game because mostly this is just depend on mods in your weapon how you can perform in game. Also the like to add primed mods into the game which just makes more nonsense the removing necessary mods and the replace of them later will be arguable subject.


The time which spent cannot be compensated with cheat cores with instant level up stuffs and there is peoples whom spent money on buying mods some bought maxed level mods high priced and there is also not compensative.


I am not against any deep changes if they can guarantee the fun factor remain and add more meaning aswell to the game but just only when it's not hurt the consumers.


I know this thread luckily died and not want awake just wanted to tell my opinion lastly there. Btw happy new year everyone and hope for good changes coming.

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It is a good question how possible and how not looks stupid. With every levelling your weapon you given for example points which doubled by potato - still the same what we have now with mods but this points could be spend only to boost one of your weapons stat like reload, crit, crit dmg, status, raw dmg (choosable), silent-alarming, charge etc. For enemy scaling the only what I can imagine is the player level and +20 lvl max on enemy but then we need level boost. Those levels should not mean hp-dmg-shield-armor  boost on mobs just the more level they are the more tactic and trap they can use to get you down. This could be better for new players and olds equal because the content  level is different on lower and higher level planets and the higher now could mean more tactic and better AI instead bullet sponges. If they look at the scaling then possible to reduce the overpowering of tenno arsenal.

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They will, but, thats not the problem. The problem is that after they remove these "required"(nothing is required, its just people think they are required. Could have swore people were calling the S.gammacore 'OP' before they put any damage mods on it, along with the Boltor P.) mods, new ones will show up. They are trying to remove Meta from the game, which is impossible. No developer can remove Meta from their game, co-op or versus. So after the damage mods are removed, the next thing will be elements. This "balance" trend on these forums and from developers is a joke and needs to stop. Imo, focus needs to be on stealth right now. Wasn't the motto "Ninjas play free"? What happened to that? Haven't seen that in like a year.Though if i remember correctly i could have swore people said that even that got nerfed. Meanwhile, enemies at 100+ are still 1-shotting anything and everything, excluding Valkyr of course. Somehow her being invincible is ok to everyone, as well as the one shotting with me at full speed. Wasn't it supposed to be that we are harder to shoot at full speed? I get hit every single time.

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