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Petition To Replace Nullifiers With The New Corpus Enemies.


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The reason Nullifiers exist is to counter Mag.

Doesn't change that they are horribly done. If you want to keep Mag from blowing up the map with Shield Polarize, why not e.g. make a new kind of Shield Osprey that spawn in a ratio of about 1:10 and give green shields that are immune to the ability? Or an Elite Prodman that carries an energy shield similar to Shield Lancers to block damage from that direction? Or a regular version of the Bursas? You could have made so many different units (for the cited variety) instead of just cramming it all into one.


Nullifiers are broken in too many ways:

  • They are snipers that can not be counter-sniped.
  • On top of that, they spawn more often than the regular Sniper Crewman.
  • They (and everyone else inside their shield) are immune to every kind of explosive weapon by now.
  • Their shield generator can not be shot off or disabled permanently without killing the unit (which is just great when you have a Nullifier target in Capture ...)
  • Corrupted Nullifiers are even worse as they can (and will) team up with Ancients and Bombards - which, as a whole, is about as much fun to fight against as trying to take down a Leopard tank with your bare hands.

Also, do you want to know why I prefer to take Mag into Corpus Sorties and blow everything up instead of, idk, having some fun with Mirage? FLIPPING SAPPING OSPREYS. Do away with those (or at least reduce their spawn rate and hard-cap their damage output) and suddenly there isn't much reason for nuking the map with Mag any more... which reduces the need for Nullifiers.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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Ya what happened to all the riot moas?  We saw the three types during the nef anyo event and maybe in a tactical alert once or twice but since that...


I was at least hoping they'd show up like how manics show up after you trigger the alarms.

Edited by KnotOfMetal
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Cheap counter for cheap spamming of powers. If cheap spamming of powers are removed then they can be removed as well.

They are not that hard as part of Corpus faction, they might be harder in Corrupted when combined with rest of enemies there, but still I like them as reason to pay attention to game, otherwise once you put Nova's Molecular Prime or any of many other CC powers there only remains killing helpless enemies.


I me and myself whole-heartedly vote to remove the "screw-you unit" a.k.a Nulifier because such unit shuts down everything players have while there is no way to fight back but wait for 9 seconds!

It equalizes field. Why should enemies be hit by powers like Loki Radial Disarm or Mirages disco ball and unable to fight back?

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Maybe a way to balance Nullies are to do away with the weird Shrinking thing it has going.

It takes damage > it pops that's it.

Nothing fancy like shrinking before popping


Also, as many have suggested, make it weak to sniper and bow fire, or let Snipers and Bows totally penetrate the bubble and hit the Nullifier inside it.


So the only thing that bubble is stopping is small fire arms and rifles, but high calibre snipers and Bows can totally pierce and kill the Nullifier inside.



Another way is, borrowing idea from the Engineer from Halo Reach, the Nullifier acts as a shield unit that casts a wide Ability only barrier over all the units under it's protection. 

All units will be completely vulnerable to everything, yet invulnerable to abilities only.


This way, Loki players can still sneak up and take down the Nullifier, while the units under the protection of the Nullifier are still immune to mass nuking.

How does this sound?


i like this idea kinda like the ancients damage resistance barrier but enemies dont respond to our powers i would definitely prefer that as it keeps that level of difficulty while also not limiting your main weapon choice or secondary choice.

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You missed the point entirely. We would not need nullifiers IF abilities had been well balanced already. They are a work around of the actual problem. If DE had tried to settle the problem of ability spam ages ago by reworking the system, instead of adding to the problem (powercreep) and adding work arounds (nullifiers, comba/scrumba), then neither of these enemies would have been needed in the first place.

That is an entirely different kettle of fish and nothing to do with the topic.

The claim was that Nullifiers are unnecessary now we have Combas and such ... it's a pretty thin justification just to remove an enemy who is a teeny-tiny fraction more annoying than most.

Now we've made this leap to blaming energy and abilities as a whole - which obviously won't change much because no ones giving up Fleeting Expertise anytime soon. So yes, by your own arguments - we need BOTH of those enemies.

Honestly - there's a guy a page or so back complaining about the difficulty of lvl20 Nullies?! C'mon - you can all do better - their existence is measured in microseconds if you're paying attention and if you're not - that's the price you pay, isn't it?

Nullies must stay! If only for that warm and fuzzy feeling I get whenever a Loki, Valk or Excal goes down inside a bubble because their Operator is useless without their crutch powers for more than a second!

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Nullifiers are annoying, the new enemy isn't. Players should accept that some things are meant to be challenging, difficult, what have you. But we shouldn't be forced to fight plain annoying enemies. They were a good idea on paper but every time I see a Nullifier I just sigh. And it has nothing to do with them being challenging.

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Nullifiers are annoying, the new enemy isn't. Players should accept that some things are meant to be challenging, difficult, what have you. But we shouldn't be forced to fight plain annoying enemies. They were a good idea on paper but every time I see a Nullifier I just sigh. And it has nothing to do with them being challenging.

YMMW my friend. I would describe modular corpus just like you just described nullifiers.

Edited by Prany
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Nullifiers are annoying, the new enemy isn't. Players should accept that some things are meant to be challenging, difficult, what have you. But we shouldn't be forced to fight plain annoying enemies. They were a good idea on paper but every time I see a Nullifier I just sigh. And it has nothing to do with them being challenging.


Both ain't challenging they are just annoying stuff that is made to slow down a fast player (DE have to care about slow poke i guess) and if you look at lore , with that kind of techlogies I don't even understand how corpus can lose a war agains't Tenno since all they need to do is massively make them,

also since now we know we're controlled from operator in liset , is'nt that even more logic breaking to have our power blocked if operator does not get any kind of damage?

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Nullies must stay! If only for that warm and fuzzy feeling I get whenever a Loki, Valk or Excal goes down inside a bubble because their Operator is useless without their crutch powers for more than a second!

For valk and excal, sure. I main valk and if i get popped and die, it's my fault. but loki, nyx, nova and the like, the glass cannons and squishy cc frames, it's kind of a slap, saying "you can't use the only thing that makes you good". It also places a premium of RoF weapons and innately tanky frames. At higher levels, where cc is needed for anyone to survive, the only saving grace is that the bubbles don't scale. Even then, you have portable cover, a powerful sniper. a cluster of enemies, and ability negation in one fairly common enemy. I think the two units would do better taking a best-of-both strategy, to minimize the negatives between the two of them. Namely, more rare, select ability blocking, visible range, no cover, no sniper, and group tactics. the current nullifier can be changed to a tankier portable shield with no ability blocking

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I'm for reducing the amount of nullifier drastically and uping the combas and slo. When there's 2-3 nullifier and 2-3 artic eximus shielding 50 enemy it's pretty much a walking death sentence unless you can take out the shields from afar, which doesn't happen often since you need a non-crit automatic weapon to quickly take them out.

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For valk and excal, sure. I main valk and if i get popped and die, it's my fault. but loki, nyx, nova and the like, the glass cannons and squishy cc frames, it's kind of a slap, saying "you can't use the only thing that makes you good". It also places a premium of RoF weapons and innately tanky frames. At higher levels, where cc is needed for anyone to survive, the only saving grace is that the bubbles don't scale. Even then, you have portable cover, a powerful sniper. a cluster of enemies, and ability negation in one fairly common enemy. I think the two units would do better taking a best-of-both strategy, to minimize the negatives between the two of them. Namely, more rare, select ability blocking, visible range, no cover, no sniper, and group tactics. the current nullifier can be changed to a tankier portable shield with no ability blocking

Ability blocking in pretty much only thing that is giving any challenge in this game at all, except for perhaps energy drain which amounts for same thing. So nullifier is pretty much direct counter for absurd cc powers. With cc powers sorties are of same difficulty as star chart maps, just take bit longer due to more hitpoints. For any enemy to pose threat they need at least some resistance to powers, otherwise they are slowed, disarmed and blinded and as insult have to hit each other.

What would prevent for example select team of loki, nova, trinity and nyx to kill enemies of any level if they had time in real life to whittle down their hitpoints.


So do your remade nullifiers disable CC powers? What would prevent your nullifier to sit inside that tankers shield?

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This kind of petition is cheap, basically you are asking :

Want you to remove the only mob who actually is not 1-shotted and require a bit of brain to kill?


The 80% of the playerbase will say yes without even thinking about it, cause for the "player eye" easier = better. 


We need nullifier to prevent players doing cheap tactics and to raise difficulty in high content missions but their spawn frequency needs some tweaks.

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