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Petition To Replace Nullifiers With The New Corpus Enemies.


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This kind of petition is cheap, basically you are asking :

Want you to remove the only mob who actually is not 1-shotted and require a bit of brain to kill?


The 80% of the playerbase will say yes without even thinking about it, cause for the "player eye" easier = better. 


We need nullifier to prevent players doing cheap tactics and to raise difficulty in high content missions but their spawn frequency needs some tweaks.


I doubt the theme was "remove nullifier"  completely but instead change the weighting of them and the Combas/Scrambas.


Nullifier requires "a bit of brain"? Hold down your left mouse button is that complex? ^^

In my book being cut off from 1/2 off your powers and the tactical response demands way more "brain" than a bullet sponge. Could be only me though.

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i like them, they could use some minor tweak but that's all.



Because gods forbid we actually do something about those "cheap tactics" themselves, right? Because that would mean work...


You actually believe that this community is mature enough to accept the nerf of those cheap tactics?

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Because gods forbid we actually do something about those "cheap tactics" themselves, right? Because that would mean work...

To "fix those cheap tactics" you need to change the system in a whole new defined and studied one, and it takes MUCH time. Instead Nullifiers are simple but efficient.  

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Leave my nullifier alone, nothing is more fun then having 5 of these guys close together and then sliding through them with a Mios.

And the Combas are way more annoying if they happen to appear.

Sure, it's fun for melee frames. But try to take down one with a Sniper and your done.

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This kind of petition is cheap, basically you are asking :

Want you to remove the only mob who actually is not 1-shotted and require a bit of brain to kill?


The 80% of the playerbase will say yes without even thinking about it, cause for the "player eye" easier = better. 


We need nullifier to prevent players doing cheap tactics and to raise difficulty in high content missions but their spawn frequency needs some tweaks.

If you want to prevent people from using cheap tactics you need to revise the system as a whole. Modding, Enemy Spawns, Damage Scaling. Nullifiers were and still are a cheap band-aid fix to avoid the bigger problem. Sure, they do their job of preventing ability spam, but they also restrict your loadout to weapons with a high rate of fire and a big magazine.

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If you want to prevent people from using cheap tactics you need to revise the system as a whole. Modding, Enemy Spawns, Damage Scaling. Nullifiers were and still are a cheap band-aid fix to avoid the bigger problem. Sure, they do their job of preventing ability spam, but they also restrict your loadout to weapons with a high rate of fire and a big magazine.


To "fix those cheap tactics" you need to change the system in a whole new defined and studied one, and it takes MUCH time. Instead Nullifiers are simple but efficient.  


Yeah, I think De know the problem, Infact they are working on Damage 3.0 and scaling system. But as I, you and others said, it takes much time, and at the moment the nullifiers were the right choice.

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Keep both. Seriously!? Since when have all the Tenno become such honorless worms that they can't come up with the decent act and shank someone with a sharp piece of metal? That's what I do with nullifiers. Don't bother me none after I introduce them to the business end of my pointy stick. 

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OKay what those having many weapon means to you I got to use automatic?

Okay let me tell you my run set against corrupted when I am playing frost because I tend to stay pod to protect it.

Frost Prime

Frosty Glove

Steel fiber..power str. and duration(you only need a good glove it takes care of itself if it dies to quickly isn't doing is job)

freeze enemy as they come in..(not running narrow for obvious reason with range those bombard can hit you with their blast radious if you have small range)

Alright that is settle you got the setting facing corrupted,corpus,or Grineer

Now I run Snipetron Vandal...Used to be my Vulkan sniper--the grineer sniper

and then oh LOOK I got secondary weapon wonder what to run....huh maybe the raska ballista it has 2 mode of fire quick fire and concentrated fire....huh maybe my dex furis....tysis does pretty good itself...OH WHAT this 3 shots because of how much mutishot you get from secondary

and then I run a melee that has High damage because the enemy that get in the glove are frosty and I want them dead quick.

Then the fact the secondary is intended to cover my sniper weakness or to be more clear to cover your primary weakness....Your playing smart waves of nullifiers only begin to appear in endless mission and high level mission so I am not sure what the issue is here.

but if you equip appropriately for any mission having secondary,primary,melee,and a pet depending on what your facing a pet is not a one for all trick....you can get away with little problem against nullifiers they are big blue bubble you will see them coming.


so now that I did that spill

Sniper till I see a bubble switch weapons and take out the bubble switch again and then take out the nullfier..

Oh a nullfier got close thankfully my sentinel which is either carrier or Wyrm prime shoot the bubble because their is an enemy behind it minimizing it.

Oh maybe I am using a launcher well since I know it bounce of the launcher I will shoot were the bubble will be...boom take care of it I run ogris and torid no issues here(Yes I am old school)and the issue you state of being limited isn't It you who is limiting yourself....what do you only run one weapon?

Edited by Leavith
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Real life should not limit people to rocket launchers when fighting tanks, I want to use pistol is what I hear. If so then you better get inside tank to kill crew inside.

Last time I checked, and I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure Warframe is a game and is meant to be enjoyed.

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Real life should not limit people to rocket launchers when fighting tanks, I want to use pistol is what I hear. If so then you better get inside tank to kill crew inside.

You are comparing a game with your life, comparing a high speed & high spawn rate mob with a expensive heavy unit, comparing a whole faction with a land vehicle. I wish I could have a rocket launcher to blow Nullifiers up as well as enemies inside, but according to DE's "BALANCE" apparently they are stronger than your tanks.

Edited by VCaptiion
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Last time I checked, and I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure Warframe is a game and is meant to be enjoyed.


You are totally right, but that is what most people forgot and mostly the people complaining.


I have fun more then others because I don´t limit myself. I am using whatever I want the way I want, no matter who I fight.

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You are comparing a game with your life, comparing a high speed & high spawn rate mob with a expensive heavy unit, comparing a whole faction with a land vehicle. I wish I could have a rocket launcher to blow Nullifiers up as well as enemies inside, but according to DE's "BALANCE" apparently they are stronger than your tanks.

Are you saying I kill tanks in my real life?

I am not comparing entire faction, but single unit to another unit. Would armored personal carrier suit you bettter? Soldiers sit inside and shoot outside while protected by armor same as nullifier provides to surrounding units. You bring right tool for right job, if I am getting this saying right - you want to kill them from outside you use automatic weapons, you don't then you dive inside and kill it there.

Last time I checked, and I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure Warframe is a game and is meant to be enjoyed.

What if I enjoy challenge that nullifies bring to fight. At least enemy that makes to pay attention, not smacked instantly by powers. Would your enjoyment be more important than mine?

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Well of course the game is intended to be fun but lets not forget DE is company and is trying to make a Game.

The game purpose is to be fun but not easy somehow you forget to add that part.

While we are allowed to slaughter and murder many enemies their is always one thing that doesn't change is all on a mission.

Even if you kill the whole map unless you complete the mission you still have failed(unless is exterminate)

That being said any game were your free to choose how you have fun are games that you have paid for in one way or another.

While the way Warframe supports tself is by prime access and platinum as well as shareholders and stuff company do.

Now just adding a bit to what I am getting into your making a mistake thinking your above the game priority

Scott Himself has said he isn't afraid of making big changes ...But why is that?

You ask yourself that many people in the community hate the changes and some leave but big changes could mean whole shift in one direction no matter how you look at it the way risk tends to work the bigger the risk the bigger the reward....and it applies well in this situation.

Which brings me to the nullifiers they were made for job at making the game harder

to make you think

to make you be careful

to not be easy

and Why did they make them frequent? Most enemy even when being release tend to have their frequency looked at ..Take a look at manic.

But on such enemy like Null they are very frequent well this is a change introduce to manage the lack of entertainment when people get bored of just spamming their ability to get kills or just using one weapon.

When your giving a challenge and you succefully overcome it when you realize your success.

Why does the Null bubble affect weapons like that have any of you thought of such?

was intentional or what was it?

you have to look at the design of the enemy and the mechanics behind it.

And yes you can stealth kill Nulls done it and yes I have capture null targets

so then why do you think that a game that is trying to be a game not cake walk shouldn't provide a challenge that is annoying and overpower?to keep you entertained?I see people mention the fact how they are hard to kill ...and limit your weapons but people who post aren't talking how is so easy it is.

because somehow the idea of a game being hard that limits you can be fun and that is why the idea of such game doesn't cross path with the idea of which if you could play the game only using your favorite things for everything would just be borring.

De is running a balance system of both which is hard In itself but the nullifier fit the role.

7 enemy units I like are

ancient healers



tard mutalist



and hellion units(the flying one)


also I might include ballista..I feel like if someone made a video of taking on 20 nullifiers in simulacrum without using power just weapons and tactics you would say oh wow he has skills...but  isn't that something easy to do Nulls have bubble and shields...they are corpus humans Toxic damage is best to just get down to the Health.

Edited by Leavith
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What I can say is, be careful what you are asking for.



Scrumbus and Combas seems less harmless than nullifiers, just because they don't have a bubble around them. However, that's a double-edge knife, they are also dangerous because of this, as you may not be able to locate them in time. Their aura is also larger than that of nullifiers. Now imagine several of them spawning together and block most of your abilities and you are not able to locate them.


Besides, the Combas variation moves pretty fast, and the heat homing weapons (which could be used by both variation) are really deadly. I tested it in simulatrum, and a single one of them of level 1 can take you down in seconds with this homing gun. LEVEL 1.  Their homing effect is just as terrible (terribly good) as Bombard's rocket, if not even worse - No matter how I move around, they will still catch me eventually.



So now imagine they replace the Nullifier with these kind of invisible, homing gun enemies in the same appearing frequency which nullify you in distance. I'm expecting the community to riot again if it is really implemented.


In fact, both of the units have their procs and cons and my take on this is that they switch a portion of the appearance of Nullifier to these new enemies, because too many bubbles is really a problem, while I haven't seen those new enemies in much high level contents, even in sorties. So I guess It's a good opportunity to make them more well known among the communities and to get feedback.

Edited by climatiseur
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I agree. The Comba and their stronger counterparts are so much better.

I actually enjoyed the threat of the Fog ones while doing Spy missions. I had to be careful and tactical when I ran into one.

They look so much cooler too.

Nullifiers are useless and of of an annoyance rather than an enjoyable mechanic.

Edited by (PS4)Xurokhan
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