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[Spoiler] My 3Rd Sortie In A Nutshell [/spoiler]


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But I'm afraid little can be done now. Sorties have existed long enough that any access restriction put in place would create a public outrage.

Just because I'm new I'm not allow to get free lenses or Nezha parts as a reward? I have to buy them from the market? This game is pay2win! *RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE*

lawl :)


Also i have do it 2 Sorties without problems.

Are you telling me that There are Sorties hard?

WoW. I'm hyped.

That's sounds good. A daily defy between developers and players. Walking on the edge of imposible things.


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This particular sortie mission was tailor made to DESTROY us. Every single Warframe was at a disadvantage here, even the "godmode" ones thanks to the nullifiers. Anyone under 600 hp/shields was instantly downed by those damn sapper mines.


This mission is not the one to point out lack of player skill or ability.

stealth arrows+tonkor=no deaths

it wasn't that hard, for me at least

just gotta git gud

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I put together a group from Recruiting.


Mag (Me, range and str with shield pol0

EV Trin




Cap A, B and D, ignore C.


Me and the trin stand in the center of the map, I spam shield pol, they spammed EV.  Frost and Vaubaun CC'd the world.


Done, and out.  Got all my focus for the day too.  The mission results said 90k.  I was sad over the 75k cap for the first time.

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This particular sortie mission was tailor made to DESTROY us.

Good god, that mission was hell, and guess what I got as a reward? You guessed it, another flippin lens! A single lesser lens, valued at 5-10p, for that. Unbearable.


I agree with raising the MR to at least 8 if sorties are going to be that hard, though it wouldn't help much. Our Loki couldn't grasp the concept of the 4 key and he was MR12 or so.


New players have absolutely no business there.

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The excavation mission was easy and the exterminate one we breezed through it. Now the interception one... Man I don't know what my first team was thinking, one of the guys went with Banshee trying sound quake the map complaining he was running out of energy. I faced palmed as I just polorized the map and watch the team go down. I too went down and we failed the mission. 2nd team was better with a Nyx a frost and I forget the last guy but we did done one with very little issue.

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Just sayin'.


Now, to be fair, I'm probably not the typical MR 4 player.

On the other hand:

1) Raising your MR isn't mandatory. Should I (or anyone else) be penalized for choosing not to take any higher MR tests?

2) Due to how you accrue MR (and the current mastery tests) has nothing to do with player knowledge. or skill. or gear power.

If anything - use Conclave rating (so even if they're ignorant, at least they're not too badly out-statted); and even that's a bad measuring stick.

Edited by CMarsh
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So many rage quitters on this one, i have failed 4 missions because of it, i am mr. 21 and i brought ash, never died once and tried to revive people as much as i can


i finally finished the 5th one and brough frost since i did not expect people to know what's going on, so the whole game i keep telling people to stay in globe and running around reviving, shielding the towers


oh well ... people bring whatever they think and not working out then rage quit, such is what you see a lot of these days

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