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For Those Who Own Or Owned Every Frame Which Are Your Top Five Favorites


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Isn't that by word of mouth? Nobody can really tell and uses anecdotal evidence.


It was officially stated in the last dev stream by DE Rebecca, based on compiled data across all three platforms and found Banshee to be the least played frame, is that evidence nuff for you?

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Because she actually requires skill to play properly. People are lazy, they don't want to try or show skill. I find she is a great team frame with Resonance, and CC map stun with Max range/eff Soundquake.

I hope they don't try to "fix" Banshee since she is the least played.


oh yeah most definitely, not for the faint of heart at least not the way i play her =P


i too agree that they should not "fix"her, instead show her some qol love without altering major base mechanics 

Edited by 7Lions
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As the title says to you guys who own or owned every frame(besides some of the recent ones since I heard their very annoying to get without using money) which are your top five favourites and why?

PS. Please respect each others opinions and don't start arguments.






Edited by ss4chris
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With only 2 exeptions, I own every warframe to date. The first exception is Ivara - who is currently building in the foundry (finally!), and the second exception being Nezha (for obvious reasons).


Of the frames I own, this would be my top 5;

5. Loki; Though I personally find his kit a bit less fun than most other frames, he's just way too good a frame not to put on here. Sure, he's squishy, but his kit has so much utility and overall uses it's crazy. I find myself playing him quite a lot, if only just to make my missions easier.

4. Ember; She's really damn fun to play, mostly due to the little pyromaniac inside me, but her Fireblast and World On Fire abilities are simply a blast to play! If it wasn't for the weak state of her kit as well as her less fun fireball and accellerant abilities, she would be higher on my list.

3. Excalibur; It's mostly Excalibur's ultimate that wins him the third spot on my list, but his other abilities are pretty fun too. Gotta give DE props for his latest rework, because it made him way more fun.

2. Valkyr; Berserker Kitty Kat? Hell yes, don't mind if I do. With a huge amount of tankiness, decent damage-dealing potential and even some utility, she's great. Now if only her Paralysis ability was something better.

1. Rhino; I just love being the big badass dude rampaging all over the place. His kit is simple, granted, but it gives me enough to be content with. The fact that his iron skin throws a big middle finger to energy drains, knockdowns and staggers is a huge plus as well.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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Atlas: I'm surprised to see how un popular he is! He is the most fun to play as and looks the best. He is one of the top damage dealing frames which is my favorite role.

Ash: ninja with hidden blades

Rhino: my lazy time frame

Frost; snow globe!

Loki: I don't like support role, but when spamming invis, it is quite relaxing.

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Atlas: I'm surprised to see how un popular he is! He is the most fun to play as and looks the best. He is one of the top damage dealing frames which is my favorite role.

Ash: ninja with hidden blades

Rhino: my lazy time frame

Frost; snow globe!

Loki: I don't like support role, but when spamming invis, it is quite relaxing.

Atlas being the most fun and looking the best is opinion. I think he is somewhat fun and looks ok, but Ivara is more fun, looks better, and is more interesting. Neither of us is wrong.
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