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Limbo's Troll Rift


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Hello, Tenno!


Have you ever caught yourself in a raid with a Limbo or doing a survival game and while you are carrying the bomb or about to activate life support as it's nearly all gone, Limbo comes along with the rift and stops you from doing it? Like.. You drop the bomb, it explodes and you have to keep going back for new bombs.


Never take a Limbo to a raid. I know you can roll to get out of rift, but i'm talking about the big bubble that he spawns where anything inside the bubble cannot be damaged or interact with anything apart from reviving people. General question though, what is Limbo actually useful for? Defense would be one thing but what else?



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Limbo is a damage frame. His job is killing enemies and assassinating heavy units. Most people, however, either can't or won't play him correctly so they sit around and troll or complain that Limbo isn't good for anything.

Edited by Ceryk
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Limbo is a damage frame. His job is killing enemies and assassinating heavy units. Most people, however, either can't or won't play him correctly so they sit around and troll or complain that Limbo isn't good for anything.

He's amazing as a support.


... with communication, which is basically non-existent in this game.

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When teammates think they're helping, but just ends up making the game more irritating.


A minimal range, max duration limbo using Cataclysm can sorta put the defense pod in the void space...thing as if you could tag the pod itself with Rift. The minimal range makes it so there's a lesser chance an enemy will wander into the Cataclysm bubble.


You could probably Rift the Rescue target in a Sorte....


Infested defense would probably be useful as well with a max duration and range Cataclysm, combined with a damage frame like Ember or something....


That's about all that I can think of... His abilities are just so...faffy.

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He's amazing as a support.


... with communication, which is basically non-existent in this game.

With communication and a bit of choice he is still underwhelming because there's plenty of frame setups and combinations for any mission and tileset that will make limbo one of the worst choices.

He's simply terrible as it is now, he can do some nice tricks and combos, im not denying that, but still you can always find better ones with other frames. ALWAYS.

also ist uniqueness to restore energy even when trinity couldnt has been outclassed by far from the zenurik focus passive.

The troll thing is just secondary... there are other frames that can "troll" you with their abilities, just try to avoid doing stuff with randoms and too low mastery ranks (even if most of them put much more effort than me when playing, there is still a critical percentage of noobs that enjoy to see you failing because of them)

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There are several kinds of Limbos. You have the Limbros, Brawler Limbo,Limtrolls, and Clueless Limbo.


Limbros are the ones that have Rift Walk and Banished specialized, normally using immense amounts of Duration with the Haven augment also being used. The Limbros are the kinds of Limbo you see using a smallish Cataclysm and very rarely using Banish, as they'll use Rift Walk on their own terms to play medic and use Banish to heal and trap powerful targets. They'll only Banish you if they feel you're in great danger, if you ask, or if they feel you need to be healed and they'll often double tab their Banish to remove the status from you immediately.


The Brawler Limbo is a fairly rare Limbo to come across. Their playstyle wraps around using the Rift Torrent and Cataclysmic Continuum augments to, well, make an arena for themselves. The Brawler Limbo is less concerned about the team and is more focused around killing targets trapped in their Cataclysm. They won't mind if a fellow brawler steps in, but don't expect them to show a Limbro attitude.


Now, the Limtrolls, they're not nice people and they're the kind of Limbo you mentioned; messing around and slowing (if not completely preventing) progress. Limtrolls tend to be built around as much Duration and Range as they can use, since that is what Banish and Cataclysm use for their purposes. They are the ones that make Limbo seem bad.


Lastly, the Clueless Limbo. These are the ones that you see being overall useless. The result of a less experienced player trying to use Limbo for roles best suited for other Warframes, the Clueless Limbo will often never utilize Rift Surge with Cataclysm, as often they see Cataclysm as an AoE attack (and only that) instead of using Limbo for his unique utility.


I prefer the Limbro playstyle, if I ever do decide one mission to use Limbo over my Chroma, but Limbo is exceptionally great at Corpus Spy. I haven't had a faster runner than Limbo for that particular mission set. They are also the best Rescue mission runners, since they can Banish the hostage and be long gone before the timer is up while they Rift Walk to freedom.


EDIT: Removed a redundant sentence and mentioned Rescue.

Edited by (PS4)ToastyFairy01
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There are several kinds of Limbos. You have the Limbros, Brawler Limbo,Limtrolls, and Clueless Limbo.


Limbros are the ones that have Rift Walk and Banished specialized, normally using immense amounts of Duration with the Haven augment also being used. The Limbros are the kinds of Limbo you see using a smallish Cataclysm and very rarely using Banish, as they'll use Rift Walk on their own terms to play medic and use Banish to heal and trap powerful targets. They'll only Banish you if they feel you're in great danger, if you ask, or if they feel you need to be healed and they'll often double tab their Banish to remove the status from you immediately.


The Brawler Limbo is a fairly rare Limbo to come across. Their playstyle wraps around using the Rift Torrent and Cataclysmic Continuum augments to, well, make an arena for themselves. The Brawler Limbo is less concerned about the team and is more focused around killing targets trapped in their Cataclysm. They won't mind if a fellow brawler steps in, but don't expect them to show a Limbro attitude.


Now, the Limtrolls, they're not nice people and they're the kind of Limbo you mentioned; messing around and slowing (if not completely preventing) progress. Limtrolls tend to be built around as much Duration and Range as they can use, since that is what Banish and Cataclysm use for their purposes. They are the ones that make Limbo seem bad.


Lastly, the Clueless Limbo. These are the ones that you see being overall useless. The result of a less experienced player trying to use Limbo for roles best suited for other Warframes, the Clueless Limbo will often never utilize Rift Surge with Cataclysm, as often they see Cataclysm as an AoE attack (and only that) instead of using Limbo for his unique utility.


I prefer the Limbro playstyle, if I ever do decide one mission to use Limbo over my Chroma, but Limbo is exceptionally great at Corpus Spy. I haven't had a faster runner than Limbo for that particular mission set. They are also the best Rescue mission runners, since they can Banish the hostage and be long gone before the timer is up while they Rift Walk to freedom.


EDIT: Removed a redundant sentence and mentioned Rescue.

I have yet to see another brawler limbo such as myself. But have seen very few limbros. And ALOT of clueless limbos and limtrolls.

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I have yet to see another brawler limbo such as myself. But have seen very few limbros. And ALOT of clueless limbos and limtrolls.

They're both rare to find, especially these days. I enjoy both sides of the coin (Limbro and Brawler Limbo), but the amount of grief people give me for being Limbo without giving me a chance is saddening. Limbo, however, is one of the five frames I actually use anymore (Chroma, Frost Prime, Limbo, Loki Prime, and Trinity [yes, not Prime, though I will start using Trinity Prime tomorrow when she finishes]) and I still like him. I have a friend whom I've persuaded into the Limbro life a long time ago and he loves Limbo now, using him just about everywhere (only trading Limbo out for Nova when he and I both agree on Nova's ability in that particular spot) and he's fairly good at Limbo.


If it wasn't for my personal love for Chroma, Limbo would be my favorite with Trinity in third. (And despite my use of Loki Prime, I actually don't like Loki or his Prime, it's simply that Loki/Prime fills in the slot for use in many, many missions for me.)

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I like how Limbo burns all who talked about him both supporting and dislike sides.

DE should put up a real time warframe popularity chart on their site lol.

they had polls once on a Dev stream and tbh banshee and zephyr are the least used/ least liked. At the end of the day this is a game about preference but people take it to seriously and created a meta in a pve game.
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Limbo is still sub par and needs numerous QoL changes to be truly useful.  It's not a matter of players not being skilled or coordinated enough to tap into his godlike power.  His primary issue is that all of his skill interactions are a trade off.  No other frame has to punish or annoy the team so extensively when using their skills.  No one wants to work around your Banish or Cataclysm when another frame could perform better without causing the same annoyance.


He does have a few specific niches where he excels, and those are unsurprisingly in solo situations.

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I wouldn't take limbo with me to a raid because limbo is trash.

But I wouldn't even raid to begin with so. -shrug-

Not uzful 4 Draco. Trash tier fraem, look at muh Eggsalted Blaed. It iz so l33t.


Edited by Xcedis
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Trolling is ok when the mission is running fine ^^


But some (lot of ?) players don't know when it's time to troll, so we may lose the mission because they troll..


The answer is... Play with people you know, with random people you have random chance to have $&*&*#(%& trolls in your team. But with friends you can troll for the fun when possible and relax

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I have all the frames. The regular frames and the primes. And I can honestly say there isn't one single mission on the star chart or in the void that you can't do with one of the other frames that would cause you to need to use Limbo.

And for everyone out there who thinks people are just complaining about Limbo for no reason...no, it's not for no reason, many Limbo players like to troll with him, and it's not a coincidence that many individuals feel that they've been trolled by a Limbo (to varying degrees of course). So the rep that Limbo has, you can blame it on those Limbo players who like to troll.

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Limbo is actually my favorite frame (gasp) I tend to like playing support, so I don't always mind that he's not very powerful. I DO NOT troll with him though. I know that things like carrying the datamass can be difficult in mobile defense missions & so I actually don't use cataclysm until it's been placed. However, sometimes cataclysm actually helps defend the "system" against ranged attacks & that's usually what I use it for. To my knowledge, it never bothers anyone. But again, I don't troll or spam it... I also sometimes just use it to "quick-clear" a group of enemies. I activate it & a couple seconds later I deactivate instead of letting it run its course. Also, because enemies take damage when they enter/exit, it does help fend against some close range enemies too. It's not completely useless if treated right...


I also don't ever use banish on allies because I assume they don't know what it does. Something I learned early on when they are slashing an enemy with all their might to no avail. Also, it can be hard to deactivate because allies usually also don't stay still long enough to aim at them, lol. If it's ever done on an ally it's an accident.


I do agree with some saying that Limbo is more useful during solo missions. In that case, it's pretty fun rift walking through enemies and banishing enemies that I'm too weak to tackle.  I'm not the best player & I totally know that.  But I do try to be respectful to everyone as much as I can. Rift walk has saved my team more times than I could count. Being able to revive without taking damage in most cases.


I also totally agree that Limbo is in desperate need of a rework though! I totally understand everyone's frustration.

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me as a limbo lover i play more on spies with him and if on public is high lvl missions so i just rift walk and start racing to the end and if i troll using limbo or vauban i only do it at the extraction point i never NEVER troll at mid mission with vauban on the other hand well if its a low lvl squad like on mercury or mars i do a little lets say GIBUS trolling on the doors even tough i dont think many people will get this joke


sorry for english brazilian here

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There are several kinds of Limbos. You have the Limbros, Brawler Limbo,Limtrolls, and Clueless Limbo.


Limbros are the ones that have Rift Walk and Banished specialized, normally using immense amounts of Duration with the Haven augment also being used. The Limbros are the kinds of Limbo you see using a smallish Cataclysm and very rarely using Banish, as they'll use Rift Walk on their own terms to play medic and use Banish to heal and trap powerful targets. They'll only Banish you if they feel you're in great danger, if you ask, or if they feel you need to be healed and they'll often double tab their Banish to remove the status from you immediately.


The Brawler Limbo is a fairly rare Limbo to come across. Their playstyle wraps around using the Rift Torrent and Cataclysmic Continuum augments to, well, make an arena for themselves. The Brawler Limbo is less concerned about the team and is more focused around killing targets trapped in their Cataclysm. They won't mind if a fellow brawler steps in, but don't expect them to show a Limbro attitude.


Now, the Limtrolls, they're not nice people and they're the kind of Limbo you mentioned; messing around and slowing (if not completely preventing) progress. Limtrolls tend to be built around as much Duration and Range as they can use, since that is what Banish and Cataclysm use for their purposes. They are the ones that make Limbo seem bad.


Lastly, the Clueless Limbo. These are the ones that you see being overall useless. The result of a less experienced player trying to use Limbo for roles best suited for other Warframes, the Clueless Limbo will often never utilize Rift Surge with Cataclysm, as often they see Cataclysm as an AoE attack (and only that) instead of using Limbo for his unique utility.


I prefer the Limbro playstyle, if I ever do decide one mission to use Limbo over my Chroma, but Limbo is exceptionally great at Corpus Spy. I haven't had a faster runner than Limbo for that particular mission set. They are also the best Rescue mission runners, since they can Banish the hostage and be long gone before the timer is up while they Rift Walk to freedom.


EDIT: Removed a redundant sentence and mentioned Rescue.


Just great. Now I have to dust off my Limbo and try these tactics out. Thanks, I think?!

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Limbo can, effectively, make it so the team doesn't have to worry about energy at all.  


He can banish the target in a rescue on a sortie and allow the team to sprint for extraction without needing to worry about him going down.


While I understand people used him for trolling, stop calling him a bad frame because you can't use him correctly.

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