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Chroma Deluxe Skin (The Dragon [2.0] Revisited)


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Hey Everyone! I would like to start this Thread in order to gather fellow Dragon Lovers like myself in order to push forward the idea of adding this amazing concept art created by "Endrian" posted as "The Dragon [2.0]". This all comes from his past thread (along with his tumblr page linked below) from around the time chroma was still going to be released into warframe. It was locked soon after the release because I believe there were no Deluxe Skins being presented as a possibility at the time. But now with all these new awesome skins like Rhino Palatine, Excalibur's Proto, Sayrn Orchid, Trinity, and possibly Banshees, I am 100% certain that Chroma has his coming his way. (Hopes & Dreams lol). So take a look at what he created and lets see if we cant make it happen by bringing it to DEs eyes in a newer light. Enjoy and plz feel free to comment. (Ideas, Colors, Designs, etc.)


Dragon 2.0 Revisted ; Endrian tumblr page













Archwing + (my own)Thoughts for Passive & Abilities:




(my own)Thoughts for Passive & Abilities:


DE currently has his passive set as his elemental types being decided by his energies color scheme.

I feel that needs to be altered into possibly an Elemental resistance when encountered with active element or A temporary buff on contact with the same active element type.

^This being similar to energy cracks in the moon tiles sets, just without having to wall latch, just by standing on one of those Ice/Fire "ponds" and etc.  


I feel his needs 3 things added:

  • 1) Ivaras arrow alternating mechanic. Minor changes though:

                         -1st, The arrow markers would have to be altered to basic elemental markers (Fire/ Ice/ Toxic/ Electricity)

                         -2nd, The buffs would have to either:

                                                       Be erased and the timer nulled and on recast the new element buff is used


                                   The previous element buff remains until the initial timer ends if not re-casted OVER by the new element.

  • 2) Focusing on his range, best would be an addition of the Ignis buff. Even with max range mods neither of his 1st (Spectral Scream) or 2nd (Elemental Ward) abilities reach farther than the distance of a hug.

          ^This would really allow more people that enjoy a more supportive role to really use him in that manner and have his buffs suitable for the squad more over himself.

  • 3) and Last but certainly not least, I would greatly advise his 4th (Effigy) to be toggled into two versions:

                -1st version may remain as is, that being its Sentinel form fixed onto defending one location...

                -2nd version would be after activating the sentinel and pressing the 4th ability key a second time, instead of the effigy returning to his original state as it does now, the pelt merges back to chromas location but with its wings still active and enters a more dragonic flight mode. (Similar to the same cinematic mechanic when the AW is launched)

This would be implementing the archwing mechanics(I guess) just with more boundaries as far as the walls and other obstacle's and etc. The only dps firing devise available would be the spectral scream and CC Roar the effigy applies. Both the 1st ability key + Firing key would be the only available for usage. (No weapons allowed) 

If either the elemental ward (2nd) or the Vex armor (3rd) were active before the DM (Dragon mode) was put into play, they would remain functioning until the end of their individual timers, same as they are now.  


Video examples used in original thread demonstrating what chroma could look like in flight mode:






^^Felt like this needed its own Spoiler slot to vast in its glory lol






^^Would make for an extremely awesome kubrow (possible name changer: "a Draku"?)

I am all over this guys master pieces...


So Much Awesome by NexusPieXIII


^^Feelings, expressions, and thoughts.


Added posted content below:

Tail Ideas:


Now heres something to think about, and also need of adding to this concept, the Tail. So like I said this concept was drawn before chromas release. but now that we've seen him his skin will have to be that of an upgrade with symmetrical details which in this case is missing his dragons tail. I have a couple of ideas and this could even break down into 4 possible cosmetics (1 being the default, 3 being purchasable). again I have a huge amount of trouble posting images here on these forums so if anyone sees something similar to what I am about to propose plz feel free to place it here and I greatly appreciate it. So picture these taking starting point on where his back curves to meet his hips.  (Side view on img 1^). And I propose each cosmetic Tail applies a Dmg proc (Slash/Puncture/Impact). They could proc it similar to bullet jump but more around the lines of when you use a spin attack/double jump. The tails have their own range following the games physics. 


Default Tail- Would be a basic Spiked tail. Thick at base (starting point/back) and thinning to a tip at the end. Spiked scales pointing upwards following a vertical flow through the tail. Either 1 straight line down the middle OR 2 symmetrical lines each moved slightly apart forming a V pattern down the tail till they interlock at the end.


Lance tail (1st cosmetic/Slash dmg)- Exactly as the name inspires it would follow a similar base line as the default^ or a simple clean (scaly) tail ending with a...I'm not sure how to word this. Im thinking anyhere between the lines of Trident/Axe finish :P sorry for being so vague. My best attempts in defining this into detail would be to say that starting from the tip of the tail would emerge a metallic blade that would split into three separate blades- Left/Right edges would be identical curves, not the kind of axe that usually comes to mind like that of the scindo but more like the blades of the original orthos put together faceing each other with a space in the middle. And in that space between would be a regular broad sword you would see in medieval knight movies. If anyone were to google "Fire Dragon" and look at images you might find a Red metallic (not really in blaze) Draganoid<- there is a difference for those of you who might not know, has more human traits such as arms,legs. and a more vertical posture instead of being on all fours.



Ankylomon Tail(Puncture dmg)- The Ankylomon was that Dinosaur Digimon that looked like a giant turtle with a spiked boned ball at the end of its tail. yeah pretty much same thing. A spherical spiked covered ball at the tip.



SledgeHammer Tail (Impact dmg)- Now this one would be basing similarly off of the Rathbones design, was gonna suggest the Fragor but I like that edgier detail. Or another similarity would be the flat part of the Jat Kittag Palatine skin being on both ends.  



Channeling Ideas:

I was also thinking of a channeling feature similar to that of the frame concept art "Furion" by "Daemonstar" and his berserker state. Where the frame would channel energy and instead of the simple streaks of light that currently are presented in game now they would kind of "break" and "expand" kinda like their displaying a release of "Limiters". So as far as the tails(besides default), the tips would expand sideways a bit and the channeled energy would flow amongst them.

So the channeled Lancer tail would part a little more and energy, similar to Valkyrs hysteria claws, would form the center with a more extended energy blade.

The channeled Ankylomon Tail would "pop" open and leave cracks amongst the sphere flowing with energy along with over the spikes. These energy cracks I'm referring to are exactly like on the back of Excalibur's Proto Armors Right arm. Just in this case for the tails they only appear when channeling. (cooler effect ;) lol)

And the channeled Hammer tail you would also see energy "Breaches/cracks" throughout it and the sides of the hammer would be "extended" the by energy separating them from the center.

Hope you like them and again if you find anything that may depict this idea visually would be a great help. Plz post your thoughts, your ideas, and whatever you think will make chroma a true dragon frame and might get DEs attention to make this all/any happen in-game someday.


Deluxe Skin Cinematic Intro. Ideas for script:


I had an idea for a cinematic. I know DE usually, more like always, makes a kind of trailer per say for new warframes. But I was thinking of a kind of Awakening for this skin. I'll try my best to depict my thoughts.




   So just like the initial trailer when we all start the warframe tutorial, We (camera view) hover in (sky view) following the grineer, instead of Vor this time will be someone like Tyl Regor or Sargus Ruk, leading an expedition to find an ancient artifact just like they were doing in the natah quest unleashing Hunhow. The surroundings would be that of Phobos or Mars all sand and desert portraying a more archeological mining expedition (that being the grineers original forte before during orokin times). One of the miners accidently triggers a collapse of sand which causes they men to flea the site bringing the leaders attention (Tyl or Sargus) to come and supervise the damage dealt and punish the miner, but instead ends up seeing that the miners mistake lead to revealing their objective, an entrance to ancient catacomb's, from their point of view we see only a hole with sand all around but while they enter with their army we zoom out and see they are truly enter a Dragons Cave (Dragons Head with mouth open, similar to the one in the Disney movie Aladdin and that panther cave).At that moment we see a Corpus Ship fly around preparing for landing just off the opposite end to intercept the Grineer for they are after the same thing. (Corpus Leader also accompanying)


Cut Scene


   We cut scene into the catacombs following the grineer finding them selves in one corner of a large, very wide open area, where in the center is a kind of Shrine, nothing fancy just a large lump of Mud/Rock layer acting as a sort of roof supported by three legs/pillars. As the grinner advance to retrieve their treasure they are interrupted by a series of shots coming form the opposite entrance of the catacombs by the Corpus which leads to a crossfire. Both sides charge at each other with their leaders up in front about to lay the first blow. When they are thrown off to a cease fire by some "earthquakes" and hear some tunneling sounds coming from the north side of the catacombs. As the sounds grow loader the wall blasts open. Both Grineer and Corpus pay close attention to the black hole that just appeared and then, bewildered,  look at each other thinking its one of theirs but then a ROAR bursts out from the new entrance and out of it comes a flood of Infested leaking through Lead by Phorid. Phorid snarls saying "This delicacy belongs to us" in his creepy voice extending every word manically. And with that all three Factions Charge forward to the prize dead center of the room which at this angle is now revealing under the shrine to be a giant oval rock (Dragon Egg). Just as their all meters about to collide... THE TENNO!!!! shoot rounds causing the enemy factions to halt dead in their tracks. 


Tenno Squad- Frost, Ember, Volt, Syran +1


   The squad lands as in a four corner formation securing the shrines perimeter. Frost activates his Globe to fortify their position. Ember Sets a ring of fire. Volt harness's lightning bolts in his hands ready to fire. Syran Bubbling toxicity from her hands ready to spread and infect any who come close. And just before the Enemies begin their assault again... CHROMA!!!! lands just on top of the shrines roof, looks up while kneeling (looks badass) activates his elemental ward which with its flash stuns a few enemies with its aural glow, and jumps down between Frost and Ember where he then activates his effigy and.... SPEACTRAL SCREAMS!!!!! a breath of fire towards the infested and that commences the battle. Amongst all the fighting, we swirl around the tenno viewing each in intense battle, The Effigy reacts and looks back toward the Egg and then slightly directly upwards at the shrine itself. It Finishes off an upcoming Charger and begins to turn around slowly making its way to the shrine. Chroma sees this and is confused whats going on, he gestures his arm out to the effigy trying to call it back but it doesn't respond, not even looks back just continues to fly towards the shrine, Chroma looks at frost, who seems to be leading the operation, and Frost gives Chroma a quick node, telling him to go, and Chroma understands. He backs up, shoots a couple more rounds and then runs after the effigy into the shrine.


The Awakening


   When Chroma catches up to his effigy he sees it placing its hands gently onto the Egg and then its head as if its communicating with whatever's inside. Chroma steps forward and stands beside his effigy and also places his hand, at that the effigy looks over its shoulder at him and chroma nodes his head, almost as if assuring the effigy they will get it out safe and take care of it, The Effigy then hovers upward and around the Egg to then encase itself to over it. The effigy then seems to merge with the egg shell and transfers its energy over to it causing the egg to have a kind of warm inner glow and beats like a pulse. The Energy flows through the sides of the Eggs Shell and moves along to the base towards the pillars of the shrine resulting in a release of a giant elemental ward surrounding not just the shrine but the tenno as well, also pushing back the enemy factions while they all stare in aw. Chroma with his hand still on the egg seems to understand now whats happening and notices his hands being sucking into the egg. He pushes in allowing himself to be fully emerged into the egg where then the elemental ward surrounding the warframes outside begin to change within each quadrant that like an X inside an O. White Cold, Blazing Red/orange, Shocking Blue/purple, and Toxic Green, all then flowing back to the center and into the Egg. The camera zooms in toward the egg and within its pulsating glow we see the head rising up from between the crossed arms and wings surrounding it to reveal its intense red eyed gaze (looks badass) with slowly rising deep growls. Egg Shell Cracks. RAGING ROAR!!


END Cinematic-

The screen blackens covering everything but the crack in the shell and the cracks move around to align and say "Update: (???)" <- and that is while the roar is building up followed by some sound fading into the background...and finishes. The end.                         


Andromede chroma skin post:




Inspirational content I found online:


Dragon Humanoid Concept Art by maugryph 

^^^For the frame without the effigy equipped. Definitely prefer the clawed dragon paws over clown feet and no beer belly lol


^^Another Deluxe skin theory for an Undead Skeleton dragon Chroma. Great For a Halloween release. Also another thread on the matter Dragon Bone Chroma


"Raptor" like theme following in mind with Andromede's ^earlier concept

This is just another piece I found that just looks amazing...



(XB1)EternalDrk Mako RYU Concept:



ryu chroma draft 1 by DrkMako


Edited by MetalFlame05179
Addition of accumulated content from thread
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If anyone knows how to place those actual images from that previous thread onto here I would very much appreciate it. I couldn't figure out that img code thing ;-;. ^-(Finally figured it out)

And also as of recently Chroma was added to the Steam Workshop list so if anyone would like to take a crack at this, or use as any kind of inspiration, I would love that.

Edited by MetalFlame05179
Figured out how to add Images.
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If anyone knows how to place those actual images from that previous thread onto here I would very much appreciate it. I couldn't figure out that img code thing ;-;. And also as of recently Chroma was added to the Steam Workshop list so if anyone would like to take a crack at this, or use as any kind of inspiration, I would love that.


Here's the thing. They have to ask permission from the original owner of this art if they can.

Edited by KJRenz
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True True I don't mean to take any credit from the owner of this master piece. I've sent Endrian (owner) a pm and am waiting for a response. But even if he responds giving me any permission to try an recreate this there on the workshop I could never even get close. sadly I lack any artist skill of even tech savy enough to mess with any of that lol. So I do hope he returns online and sees this new opportunity for his work to appear in-game.

Edited by MetalFlame05179
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I throw my full support and a bundle of yes-ness behind this idea. Shut up and take my money. The concept reminds me of the art of Wayne Reynolds, all muscle and edge. That is definitely a good thing.

Also, dat Kubrow skin, I have a pen ready, where do I sign?

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Would love to see that make it as a skin.


I wouldn't mind seeing some Dragony totally not anteater or seahorse looking Chroma appearance.



I heard you like treestumps.



I would pay at 20 bucks for that, if not more. No joke. I like Chroma and his current look, but that concept is just...beastly.


Agreed 100% Chroma looks unique and cool just as he is, but after going to the original thread and looking it over, I admit this would be (or getting something akin to this) a great addition to the cosmetics for Chroma. 

Edited by Slander630
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Absolutely. As much as I love Chroma's current design (yes, I even like Drac), a deluxe skin, especially something akin to Endrian's original concept art, just has so much potential. Plus, dragons just happen to be like the best thing, so having a skin more reminiscent of them could be really awesome (on top of being thematically fitting for him).


However, I'm not expecting an alternate Chroma skin for quite a while. The frames getting premium skins now are all older frames, and I doubt DE will get to the newer frames within the year, even. Whenever they get to him, though, I will not hesitate to buy.

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Now heres something to think about, and also need of adding to this concept, the Tail. So like I said this concept was drawn before chromas release. but now that we've seen him his skin will have to be that of an upgrade with symmetrical details which in this case is missing his dragons tail. I have a couple of ideas and this could even break down into 4 possible cosmetics (1 being the default, 3 being purchasable). again I have a huge amount of trouble posting images here on these forums so if anyone sees something similar to what I am about to propose plz feel free to place it here and I greatly appreciate it. So picture these taking starting point on where his back curves to meet his hips.  (Side view on img 1^). And I propose each cosmetic Tail applies a Dmg proc (Slash/Puncture/Impact). They could proc it similar to bullet jump but more around the lines of when you use a spin attack/double jump. The tails have their own range following the games physics. 


Default Tail- Would be a basic Spiked tail. Thick at base (starting point/back) and thinning to a tip at the end. Spiked scales pointing upwards following a vertical flow through the tail. Either 1 straight line down the middle OR 2 symmetrical lines each moved slightly apart forming a V pattern down the tail till they interlock at the end.



Lance tail (1st cosmetic/Slash dmg)- Exactly as the name inspires it would follow a similar base line as the default^ or a simple clean (scaly) tail ending with a...I'm not sure how to word this. Im thinking anyhere between the lines of Trident/Axe finish :P sorry for being so vague. My best attempts in defining this into detail would be to say that starting from the tip of the tail would emerge a metallic blade that would split into three separate blades- Left/Right edges would be identical curves, not the kind of axe that usually comes to mind like that of the scindo but more like the blades of the original orthos put together faceing each other with a space in the middle. And in that space between would be a regular broad sword you would see in medieval knight movies. If anyone were to google "Fire Dragon" and look at images you might find a Red metallic (not really in blaze) Draganoid<- there is a difference for those of you who might not know, has more human traits such as arms,legs. and a more vertical posture instead of being on all fours.




Ankylomon Tail(Puncture dmg)- The Ankylomon was that Dinosaur Digimon that looked like a giant turtle with a spiked boned ball at the end of its tail. yeah pretty much same thing. A spherical spiked covered ball at the tip.




SledgeHammer Tail (Impact dmg)- Now this one would be basing similarly off of the Rathbones design, was gonna suggest the Fragor but I like that edgier detail. Or another similarity would be the flat part of the Jat Kittag Palatine skin being on both ends.  




Hope you like them and again if you find anything that may depict this idea visually would be a great help. Plz post your thoughts, your ideas, and whatever you think will make chroma a true dragon frame and might get DEs attention to make this all/any happen in-game someday.  

Edited by MetalFlame05179
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Well I'm all down for OG Chroma skin, but I don't know how you'll make the cosmetic do or help with any damage without somehow ether working it out with DE or some how changing his power to use or effect the cosmetic like his 2 or 3 power work. Since I think the only way now to have or make a cosmetic do that is with the arcane power things but again I don't know if there is a thing in the workshop that lets you do that since I haven't even tried to use it yet, but if there is I'm good for your cosmetic idea it'll be cool sub planing to do when modding him.

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True I don't think there is anything in the workshop that would permit anything but purely visual changes so the dmg ideas would be to DE if they ever get the chance to read any of this. But as you were saying in reference to his powers, I was actually intending the dmg procs to be similar to how the Rhino Palatine skin has that innate passive "Heavy Impact" I think is the name of that mod where you create a seismic knockdown on landing from high altitudes.

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I was also thinking of a channeling feature similar to that of the frame concept art "Furion" by "Daemonstar" and his berserker state. Where the frame would channel energy and instead of the simple streaks of light that currently are presented in game now they would kind of "break" and "expand" kinda like their displaying a release of "Limiters". So as far as the tails(besides default), the tips would expand sideways a bit and the channeled energy would flow amongst them.

So the channeled Lancer tail would part a little more and energy, similar to Valkyrs hysteria claws, would form the center with a more extended energy blade.

The channeled Ankylomon Tail would "pop" open and leave cracks amongst the sphere flowing with energy along with over the spikes. These energy cracks I'm referring to are exactly like on the back of Excalibur's Proto Armors Right arm. Just in this case for the tails they only appear when channeling. (cooler effect ;) lol)

And the channeled Hammer tail you would also see energy "Breaches/cracks" throughout it and the sides of the hammer would be "extended" the by energy separating them from the center.

Edited by MetalFlame05179
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I also think it maybe a good thing to brain storm about other alt helms for him too, since there's not much for him that has been made as of yet. I know there were a few real cool art concept done a few months ago by a hand full of people, but for the life of me I can't seem to find them now. Also I saw a neat idea for some bone cosmetics:   https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/592013-dragon-bone-chroma/   that I also think would be a good idea for a altogether alt skin like you have going.

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Yeah!! I've been thinking the same thing!! An undead dragon skin would also look fantastic. They could use the male equinoxes body to kinda play around and form his bony shape and the wings would be just as he depicted. Would be an awesome Halloween stunt to sell just before the celebrations lol

Edited by MetalFlame05179
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I had an idea for a cinematic. I know DE usually, more like always, makes a kind of trailer per say for new warframes. But I was thinking of a kind of Awakening for this skin. I'll try my best to depict my thoughts.




   So just like the initial trailer when we all start the warframe tutorial, We (camera view) hover in (sky view) following the grineer, instead of Vor this time will be someone like Tyl Regor or Sargus Ruk, leading an expedition to find an ancient artifact just like they were doing in the natah quest unleashing Hunhow. The surroundings would be that of Phobos or Mars all sand and desert portraying a more archeological mining expedition (that being the grineers original forte before during orokin times). One of the miners accidently triggers a collapse of sand which causes they men to flea the site bringing the leaders attention (Tyl or Sargus) to come and supervise the damage dealt and punish the miner, but instead ends up seeing that the miners mistake lead to revealing their objective, an entrance to ancient catacomb's, from their point of view we see only a hole with sand all around but while they enter with their army we zoom out and see they are truly enter a Dragons Cave (Dragons Head with mouth open, similar to the one in the Disney movie Aladdin and that panther cave).At that moment we see a Corpus Ship fly around preparing for landing just off the opposite end to intercept the Grineer for they are after the same thing. (Corpus Leader also accompanying)


Cut Scene


   We cut scene into the catacombs following the grineer finding them selves in one corner of a large, very wide open area, where in the center is a kind of Shrine, nothing fancy just a large lump of Mud/Rock layer acting as a sort of roof supported by three legs/pillars. As the grinner advance to retrieve their treasure they are interrupted by a series of shots coming form the opposite entrance of the catacombs by the Corpus which leads to a crossfire. Both sides charge at each other with their leaders up in front about to lay the first blow. When they are thrown off to a cease fire by some "earthquakes" and hear some tunneling sounds coming from the north side of the catacombs. As the sounds grow loader the wall blasts open. Both Grineer and Corpus pay close attention to the black hole that just appeared and then, bewildered,  look at each other thinking its one of theirs but then a ROAR bursts out from the new entrance and out of it comes a flood of Infested leaking through Lead by Phorid. Phorid snarls saying "This delicacy belongs to us" in his creepy voice extending every word manically. And with that all three Factions Charge forward to the prize dead center of the room which at this angle is now revealing under the shrine to be a giant oval rock (Dragon Egg). Just as their all meters about to collide... THE TENNO!!!! shoot rounds causing the enemy factions to halt dead in their tracks. 


Tenno Squad- Frost, Ember, Volt, Syran +1


   The squad lands as in a four corner formation securing the shrines perimeter. Frost activates his Globe to fortify their position. Ember Sets a ring of fire. Volt harness's lightning bolts in his hands ready to fire. Syran Bubbling toxicity from her hands ready to spread and infect any who come close. And just before the Enemies begin their assault again... CHROMA!!!! lands just on top of the shrines roof, looks up while kneeling (looks badass) activates his elemental ward which with its flash stuns a few enemies with its aural glow, and jumps down between Frost and Ember where he then activates his effigy and.... SPEACTRAL SCREAMS!!!!! a breath of fire towards the infested and that commences the battle. Amongst all the fighting, we swirl around the tenno viewing each in intense battle, The Effigy reacts and looks back toward the Egg and then slightly directly upwards at the shrine itself. It Finishes off an upcoming Charger and begins to turn around slowly making its way to the shrine. Chroma sees this and is confused whats going on, he gestures his arm out to the effigy trying to call it back but it doesn't respond, not even looks back just continues to fly towards the shrine, Chroma looks at frost, who seems to be leading the operation, and Frost gives Chroma a quick node, telling him to go, and Chroma understands. He backs up, shoots a couple more rounds and then runs after the effigy into the shrine.


The Awakening


   When Chroma catches up to his effigy he sees it placing its hands gently onto the Egg and then its head as if its communicating with whatever's inside. Chroma steps forward and stands beside his effigy and also places his hand, at that the effigy looks over its shoulder at him and chroma nodes his head, almost as if assuring the effigy they will get it out safe and take care of it, The Effigy then hovers upward and around the Egg to then encase itself to over it. The effigy then seems to merge with the egg shell and transfers its energy over to it causing the egg to have a kind of warm inner glow and beats like a pulse. The Energy flows through the sides of the Eggs Shell and moves along to the base towards the pillars of the shrine resulting in a release of a giant elemental ward surrounding not just the shrine but the tenno as well, also pushing back the enemy factions while they all stare in aw. Chroma with his hand still on the egg seems to understand now whats happening and notices his hands being sucking into the egg. He pushes in allowing himself to be fully emerged into the egg where then the elemental ward surrounding the warframes outside begin to change within each quadrant that like an X inside an O. White Cold, Blazing Red/orange, Shocking Blue/purple, and Toxic Green, all then flowing back to the center and into the Egg. The camera zooms in toward the egg and within its pulsating glow we see the head rising up from between the crossed arms and wings surrounding it to reveal its intense red eyed gaze (looks badass). Egg Shell Cracks. RAGING ROAR.


END Cinematic-


The screen blackens covering everything but the crack in the shell and the cracks move around to align and say "Update: ?" <- and that is while the roar is building up and finishes.                           

Edited by MetalFlame05179
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NO WAY!!! THATS AMAZING!!! It focuses more on his agile form right? Makes him more of a speedster and less of a tanker. Love the Design, tail, his feet look super sleek. The Helm looks awesome as long as it were to be placed (for DE to note) slightly lower then where the Draco is and not look like a nose lol

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Feel free to delete my post if you judge there is nothing to do here.

Here is my entry for a new skin of Chroma, less massive than the original one:


Fancy! I can allmost picture this as an oriental version of chroma, a sleeker more serpentine pelt and the warframe wearing it more dragonlike as well.

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Well that's way better then what I was trying to think up, and I think it would be probably one of the coolest skins that could be made just do to how different it is form the normal Chroma.  I would definitely try to get stream working for once if this was a skin in the workshop.

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