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Good Weapons To Get Early On?



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Karak and the Normal Boltor are good Primaries that you can use to get you through the mid levels in the Solar System with. I suggest you build the Kunai, it deals solid damage, reloads fast and the only real issue with it is the travel time on projectiles, but it can serve as good practice to get used to projectile style weapons.


The Orthos is a solid melee weapon with long reach and easy to use combos if you want a good melee weapon. After you reach rank 4, you might want to get the Hek, which is a powerful weapon if you can get your hands on the Augment mod Scattered Justice, and shotgun mods in general are easy to obtain and rank up, excluding primed mods.


Of course, try to level as many weapons as possible so as to continue increasing your mastery rank to gain access to more powerful weapons! Good luck Tenno.

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You can, you just won't be able to tell him to sit down the second he stands up - it'll actually be a meaningful mini boss battle.  Keep moving, but don't get too far or his teleporting tricks will cause frustration.  If you're on a direct line of approach to him, he may be able to one shot you with his bow, so use the terrain to your advantage.

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Karak and Boltor are the next obvious choices from where you are now. Hek and Sobek aren't bad ideas either, especially if you're pursuing syndicate goals. That covers the primaries.


Secondaries aren't a big deal to my mind, but the natural progression from would be: Lex to Aklex, Vasto to Akvasto, and Magnus to Akmagnus. That should keep you busy for a while. Kunai and Hikou aren't bad choices either, but throwing knives no longer have the advantages they had back in Damage v1.0. Still, they're there if you like that sort of thing.


Melee. Orthos is the next up after Cronus. It's a superb weapon and can take you far. After that, it's mostly personal preference. Go with what looks interesting.

Edited by Sloan441
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Grakata, Amprex, Atomos, Sonicor, Dual Ichors, Scindo.

Join a clan with research complete: a whole different gaming experience.

Is it a lot better to join a clan with full research? My friends and I were considering making our own clan.

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Generally speaking, it's better to find a good clan than trying to start your own. Working from the ground up takes a really long time, and there are a lot of clans looking for new members.


That said? I honestly recommend trying to farm mods over farming weapons. Modding correctly, even without Forma, can result in a significantly stronger weapon. The elemental damage for Rifle/Pistol/Shotgun, as well as the basic Serration/Hornet Strike/Point Blank are all going to matter more than just replacing your weapons.


Finding a gun you like is important, but modding that gun you like to be a monster will help you significantly more :)

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Generally speaking, it's better to find a good clan than trying to start your own. Working from the ground up takes a really long time, and there are a lot of clans looking for new members.


That said? I honestly recommend trying to farm mods over farming weapons. Modding correctly, even without Forma, can result in a significantly stronger weapon. The elemental damage for Rifle/Pistol/Shotgun, as well as the basic Serration/Hornet Strike/Point Blank are all going to matter more than just replacing your weapons.


Finding a gun you like is important, but modding that gun you like to be a monster will help you significantly more :)

this poster is correct, no matter how good the gun without the right mods it will never be more than average.

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some good weapons to get early on are fragor (might wanna put mod on it to make its attack speed faster and also this is a melee weapon) boltor (boltor is a primary) and another one i think would be kraken (kraken is a secondary) those i think are good weapons to get early on considering what warframe you and and witch one you plan on getting possilby

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Is it a lot better to join a clan with full research? My friends and I were considering making our own clan.


As you have friends with which to play, making your own clan will add yet another dimension to the game. While joining a clan with all research complete, and other members makes your game easier, you would lose the fun aspect of building and decorating your dojo, as well as working hard to complete your research.


As for your weapons: the "low tier" primaries (as I like to call them due to their credit, material costs, and base damage stats all being similar), Karak, Boltor (normal, rather than primed), Burston, and Latron are all interesting picks (with the Latron having higher base damage than the other three due to it being more of a marksman's rifle).


If you decide to invest in one of the automatic rifles above (as in, any but the Latron), you may wish to also pick up a Lex for sniping.


For melee weapons: look for whatever's interesting - I personally tend to enjoy my kestrel, which would have been one of the first melee weapons I ever built. I would have been somewhere between mastery rank 3 and 5, and I still use it now at 17. Back when I was a new player its ability to ragdoll dangerous targets (heavy gunners, napalms, bombards, corpus techs, ancients, etc.).


All that said, like an above poster said: farming up, and leveling mods is going to be far more beneficial to you than just going for the best gun. While it'll probably take a while to pull off, work on getting your vitality, redirection, serration, and hornet's strike mods up to rank 6 (which of the last two you work towards first will be dictated by whether you find yourself using primaries or secondaries more often). Still feel liking I'm echoing the poster above, but getting your 90% elemental mods (the silver ones which add 15% heat/cold/electric/toxin damage when unranked) will also be in your best interests.


The single most important thing is to find weapons that you like the feel of. With proper modding, a potato (orokin catalyst), and enough forma, most weapons can hold up for a decent time in T4 and such, with the "overpowered" weapons only being required if you feel like making a point in going for several hours in a survival, or in a select few sorties. Since you're going to have to level a decent percentage of the weapons in the game to get your mastery rank to 12 (so that you have the ability to use all the weapons in the game), you're going to have opportunity to try a wide range of them. As such, stay away from draco - the ability to level a weapon from 0-30 in a single mission causes you to not get a proper feel for the weapon (even if you find yourself hating a weapon and just want to get rid of it, I've found that some weapons just need certain mods for them to become properly enjoyable).

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Sorry to bust in, But I need info :P 

I had a Karak, and it seemed to not do enough damage even at max rank with mods.

A friend told me the regular Boltor would be the next step up. I bought that and a regular paris and built them both.

was this bad info? or is it a step up from a karak?


I have dual ather swords for melee and they seem to do good, but whats the next up melee i should get after that?

also what is a good secondary? I run out of ammo pretty fast with the paris, so i need a secondary with a punch.


my frame is volt level 30, and i think i just hit rank 4.


thanks in advance

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As I always do, I recommend Atterax. It only requires a mastery ranking of 2, doesn't require a clan to craft, can use an easy to find whip stance, and due to it's high crit chance/multiplier scales well into endgame.


It's crafting costs are small, with parts all coming from early planets. The only outlier being the 2 argon. Which are easy enough to acquire just by opening the recruiting tab and whispering to people who are forming T1 teams into the void.

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Karak and Boltor are pretty close in capability. The main difference is hitscan vs. projectile. Otherwise, it's six on one; half-a-dozen of another.


The next step up will depend if you have access to ClanTech weapons or can do T3 void. If ClanTech, the Dera is a possibility and not a bad gun at MR4. The Sybaris is available at MR5 and is quite good, if odd. If you can do T3 void, then the Prime primaries are very much worth pursuing.


If you can't meet those criteria, then the Tetra is the next step. It's an odd gun, but can get you to MR6. Also, the Tiberon is MR4, but you'll need both Latron and a forma to make it.


The Grakata is a possibility, if you've got the mod base to build it for a full on crit weapon. The main issue with this gun is it really needs 3-5 forma to get anywhere useful.


When you're at MR6, get the Soma and you're golden, since it can take you anywhere you might need to go to get whatever you might want or need.  

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primaries - Karak is a decent rifle that will get you by in the early to mid starchart, though I would still recommend getting a Boltor for the tougher planets (Neptune, Pluto etc.) Shotguns like the Tigris and Hek will also serve you well, with some elements and more damage you can even take those into the Void, however you will have to get closer to use them effectively, so probably best to only use Shotguns with tankier frames like rhino, at least until you get good at dodging bullets.


Secondaries - you probably won't use these as much, so there's not much harm in going on personal taste. If you like Revolvers, I would Highly recommend the Magnus (AkMagnus once you get the resources). they are excellent for critical hits and have a lot of power. the Vasto/AkVasto are also viable, and are faster, but not as good for crits.


melee - glad to hear you went for Dual Ether, same blades I used back in the day, and still have them. if you ever get bored of them though, feel free to try new types. I personally love Heavy weapons, so the Scindo became my next favourite. or if you prefer faster attacks, maybe try a Polearm such as the Orthos.


if I knew what your preferences were regarding weapons, I could do better, but that's what I did, and I never had any real problems. Rhino is a very dependable frame who will get you through the Star Chart, even Solo. revolvers and big Blades are my thing, your thing may be different, but don't be afraid to try out new things!

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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Currently I have a Braton, Aklato, Cronus, and recently made a dual ether swords, I have also got the recipe to make kunai. What are some good weapons to start with? My character is excalibur and I'm thinking of making a Rhino warframe soon. 

Assuming you're mastery rank 2 I would recommend these weapons. The blueprints for these weapons can be obtained through the marketplace and the resources required to build them are easy to obtain at your level.



Rifles: Boltor, burston, karak, latron

Bows: paris

Shotguns: Strun

Sniper: Vulkar



kunai, hikou, spira, lex, vasto, ballistica



Scindo, Orthos, amphis, bo, fragor, kogake, obex

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Boltor - Solid rifle with a little travel time for projectile but modded right can wreck enemies deep into the star chart as well as the void.

Karak - Poor man's Soma but since Soma is MR locked at rank 8 its a solid goto rifle but takes more shots to bring someenemies down.

Latron - I have the prime version but the reg shouldn't be too bad its hit scan but not automatic so you have to be good on the trigger.




Paris/Paris Prime - Solid goto bow erly on with puch through which helps with rmored enemies such as the Grineer

Dread - Deals slash damage but only can get it from the Stalker




Pyrana - If you join a clan this shotgun pistol is cheap to build but does great damage, still carry mine most of the time even in high level missions.

Marelok - can't remember if its MR locked or not but its like a small rifle great for sniping long range, specially if you are carrying a shotgun primary.




Tipedo - takes two other weapons to build but does solid damge and fun to use.

Nikana - Clan weapon but with it you can build the Dragon version which is long term.

Plasma Sword - Blueprint comes from alerts but does great damage with quick strikes.

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