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Let Pluto Relay Die To Help New Players



Relays need to be reinvisioned with all players taken into account.


Relays that require the clearing of the higher level planets in order to access Baro K'Teer are essentially inaccessible to any relatively new players (clearing everything to Pluto).


DE has added the elusive Imperator Vandal with a severely skewed drop rate on the Receiver in order to get players to save the relays.


I ask that all players who already have the Imperator Vandal no longer run any Fomorian missions to let the relay die and help out newer players.


Note: I obtained my Imperator Vandal (receiver finally) after 40+ missions and 5 blueprints and 9 barrels and will no longer be helping to save the relays.

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How exactly is a new player going to be able to afford ANYTHING Baro has to offer?

And you're missing the point of relays and the Trader completely, you should have to clear the Star Chart, you should earn the credits needed for Baro by doing so, and you should complete many, many Void runs for not only the Ducats nessecary but also (you guessed it) more credits.

Without doing all this and being handed the relay with Baro present, new players would just stand around and be jealous instead of being jealous here on the forums where they can only read what he's offering.

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Pretty much what Evan just said, i think a new player would be more interrested in upgrading their gear( getting better mods, weapons, more slots, etc...) then farming for mostly cosmetic items and upgrades to existing mods. And even if that were the case, the cost of maxing prime mods would be tremendous for the new players.

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Most of the things baro sell requires high ammount of ducats, not to mention the mods are meant for those high end players that have enough spare credits and fusion, i do not see why new players should have acess to end content they cannot use.


What will you do, rank up a primed mod to rank 4 after wasting potentially all your ducats to get it? give me a break

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I too believe that the realy should not be destroyed. new players wont even care about baro since they wont know who he is or what he does. And even if they do know they wont be able to collect the resources needed to purchase stuff from him. Besides they have a whole new world to explore and hundreds of stuff to do. Level up waframe,guns,melee weapons,collect resources,build new cool stuff, repeat all that, join a clan, meet new people and lots more

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Relays need to be reinvisioned with all players taken into account.


Relays that require the clearing of the higher level planets in order to access Baro K'Teer are essentially inaccessible to any relatively new players (clearing everything to Pluto).


DE has added the elusive Imperator Vandal with a severely skewed drop rate on the Receiver in order to get players to save the relays.


I ask that all players who already have the Imperator Vandal no longer run any Fomorian missions to let the relay die and help out newer players.


Note: I obtained my Imperator Vandal (receiver finally) after 40+ missions and 5 blueprints and 9 barrels and will no longer be helping to save the relays.


Pretty much every time i go see baro I go into recruiting and region chat and take 3 people with me.  Taxi's are not that hard to get, same thing people do with alerts.

I want to keep the relay, took 90 runs to get my reciever and i now feel i have done my part to help.

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This is something that should be moved out of players helping players in my opinion. It is part of a toxic/apathetic attitude toward archwing in general, and is definitely not a helpful thread for newbies. In fact it's advice that will confuse and misdirect newer players, and it doesn't make a good impression at all. 


There is no good reason to let a relay be destroyed. Rank 8 is not hard to get too, Baro is supposed to be advanced anyway, that is a really absurd reason. Ridiculous. 



Pretty much every time i go see baro I go into recruiting and region chat and take 3 people with me.  Taxi's are not that hard to get, same thing people do with alerts.

I want to keep the relay, took 90 runs to get my reciever and i now feel i have done my part to help.

I'm confused about what you are saying here? You cannot taxi people to the relays. Never have been able to. 
Edited by Tesseract7777
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