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Debate: Should Warframe Have A In Game Kick System?


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I'm always up for a nice Civil Debate. I think that there should be a kick system because I hear and see that some people will join missions and just go and hide while others do all the work, and I personally do not like that at all. So maybe have the host of the game enable a vote to kick the player, the host then selects the reasoning for kicking, examples such as AFK, Trolling, Harassment, Mic Spam, etc. And then a vote would pop up on the screen for Yes or No to kick the player. If the vote passes then the player will be kicked from the game and returned to the Liset. If the vote fails then the player who was voted on gets a warning in the inbox after returning to the Liset. I understand this power could be abused by the host of the game, by randomly trying to kick people because they wouldn't be revived, or they just simply feel like kicking someone. I want to hear your opinions. Is it a good Idea to implement a Kick system or no, and why?

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No. It will get abused badly and it would make it extremely hard for new players to play games and will cause a lot of toxicity throughout the player base.

A simply afk timer would be better so you would be kicked for being ask for too long but vote kicking is a big no no

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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I recall this being a discussion before and yes, while it could be helpful, there would be groups of people that would pair up with their friends/clan mates and just kick people for their amusement. If we took into account the AFK timer while determining if the person can be kicked or not I think that would solve that problem to an extent. You'd have to make sure there's nothing that will need your time during the mission, but that's something on a personal level.

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How would it make it hard for new players? And what about it would make everyone toxic?


It's not that difficult to understand, really.


Tryhard, jerky "pros" would take over the mission and kick anyone who can't "get on their level" out of the mission. Most of the time, new players tend to make silly mistakes because they haven't developed a full understanding of how the game works.


I think it's a bad idea to add this to the game. A timer (like crimsonspartan1 suggested) to automatically kick those that are afk for too long is a nice idea for endless missions, but I don't think players should be able to kick another at any point for any random reason they choose.

Edited by CollinSprites
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A vote kick system can be abused


While recruiting your squad can be abused (Oh you're only mastery rank 13? Sorry, kick. Oh you don't use Tonkor? Kick)


A kick system for the host only can be abused.


The only kick system that I see working is one if the other player on the team is marked for AFK or a long period of time. You are then given the option to vote kick.

Edited by KJRenz
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This system already exists in games like SWTOR and it works nice most of the times (kicking afk/troll/notdoingtheobjective ppl). Everyone can enable the vote in swtor, and that also works fine.


Like you said there are always someone that abuse of that system, is not normal and most of the times the vote fails and the player is not kicked (in the cases where a player vote to kick someone just cause didn't like the player's game style or cause beeing a rookie).

But yeah, it happened to me, in rare cases you can be kicked without doing anything wrong just cause the rest of the team thinks you do.

Edited by Urdillo
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Join mission.

Kill more enemys, have excalibur prime or any non "meta cheese tactics" frame, a mastery rank below 17, mastery fodder weapons or anything other that someone might not like and one player in the mission might try to kick you.

If the other players are like that as well then you will be ejected.

Also trolls who will form a squad with 3/4 recruit someone and kick him at the last possible moment to prevent him from getting the rewards

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This system already exists in games like SWTOR and it works nice most of the times (kicking afk/troll/notdoingtheobjective ppl). Everyone can enable the vote in swtor, and that also works fine.


Like you say there are always someone that abuse of that system, is not normal and most of the times the vote fails and the player is not kicked (in the cases where a player vote to kick someone just cause didn't like the player's game style or cause beeing a rookie).

But yeah, it happened to me, in rare cases you can be kicked without doing anything wrong just cause the rest of the team thinks you do.

I recall an old friend of mine getting kicked at the very end of one of the raids in SWTOR because a handful of people didn't like them even though they did nothing wrong.

Edited by Xiusa
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While recruiting your squad can be abused (Oh you're only mastery rank 13? Sorry, kick. Oh you don't use Tonkor? Kick)

That isn't how the recruiting works. People recruit for specific squads, so hosts have all the rights to kick anyone - they are the ones who build a specific squad. If they want teammates to be higher than a specific MR - they'll state that. If they want them to use a specific weapon/frame - they'll state that too. Currently, going against these requests will just get you asked to leave or, if you refuse to do so (and you'll be wrong then) - host leaving themselves and re-recruiting anew. Having a kick option saves everyone's time.

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The idea of "only when afk" is fine to avoid beeing kicked with no reason, but much times the true annoying problem is troll players and those who don't want to do the mission objective (not because beeing rookies). Maybe that is a problem that can't be solved appropriately.


I would vote yes to kick system, but only if well made, in a way there can't be any abuse.

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I'm always up for a nice Civil Debate. I think that there should be a kick system because I hear and see that some people will join missions and just go and hide while others do all the work, and I personally do not like that at all.


Carefull mate, some ppl might consider that elitism.


Now seriously speaking, it would be abused, best thing i can recommend is for support to act a tad quicker on support tickets, because that's how you deal with leechers, with proper reporting.

Yes it's anoying and a kick is so much easier to do, but it does have drawbacks.


 - Give hints to your teammates and they can kick because they didn't like you giving hints

 - Someone leaves in draco farming and the 4th player is replaced by a random, team can decide to vote kick


These are just 2 examples of things where users get to much power and are able to kick other users in a minority.


While you can see kick as a good thing for leechers, they will simply join a game until they find someone who doesn't kick or report, if instead you take 2 minutes to fill a form to report a user, i can tell you you will likely help the user to be helpfull around others, support often gives a 2nd chance and many take that chance to contribute, because if they get reported again, well.......you know.

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I have been playing for 2 years, I have 35 days logged on warframe and I have never seen anyone say anything like that KJRenz

mayb youre just not looking closely enuff i for one would definantly just kick for the lolz and just because i can i used to play a game called combat arms and they have this feature and people just vote kick every round just for the lolz everytime most people dont wven meed a reason they just see a kick pop up n agree to it cause they dont care imagine going in a def at round 59 about to extract then getting kicked cause the rest of squad thought it would b funny

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That isn't how the recruiting works. People recruit for specific squads, so hosts have all the rights to kick anyone - they are the ones who build a specific squad. If they want teammates to be higher than a specific MR - they'll state that. If they want them to use a specific weapon/frame - they'll state that too. Currently, going against these requests will just get you asked to leave or, if you refuse to do so (and you'll be wrong then) - host leaving themselves and re-recruiting anew. Having a kick option saves everyone's time.


There are some people that, before they recruit/invite, they look at the players profile, if they don't like their rank they don't invite.

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There are some people that, before they recruit/invite, they look at the players profile, if they don't like their rank they don't invite.

And what makes you think a kick option would change anything? They won't be inviting as they don't do now. They still have to check the profile. It isn't an actual problem. It isn't even a thing.

Meanwhile having up 7 people to reconnect to a Raid due to a someone who responded to an invintation but doesn't have the frame required and won't leave is an actual problem.

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