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A Nova Rework?


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Should we get one?



I personally think so. At least her 4 needs a visual rework.


Antimatter Drop lags a few feet forward for me no matter what, kind of like a frame skip, meaning certain weapons with falloff i can't use with her.  I think it should take into account crits as well but thats a pretty crazy idea.


I would also like to see maybe a more interactive MP, but thats my bias for all the alts becoming more interactive plus I love channeling.


I think all 1's should be useful in late game, obviously hers is not.


I like wormhole but im not sure i like the line behind it but i do understand its purpose although if I am ripping a hole in space i would like it to look more natural not a curved rectangle.

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No, she's fine the way she is.

I don't agree. Why do you think she is fine?


Most of what i mentioned is aesthetics and a more interactive MP but only because I am interested in interactive abilities with the reworks and all.


Plus I love channeling

Edited by (PS4)Keiji_Haku
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several ideas have been posted in the past, most of them revolving around giving her the saryn treatment, ie more synergy/combos with her kit and less 1 button does everything


mostly i would just like her Mprime to ONLY chain-react if triggered by her #1/2, that way those abilities would have more use and her mprime could be more controlled/purposeful [vs the just crazy spam-boom it is now]


this could be 'balanced' by giving the rest of her kit some more cc and/or giving the mprime even more dmg if chained properly [maybe like her #2 could deal more dmg based on the amount of #1 orbs available when cast, then both of those things could multiply the dmg from the mprime chain]

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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i wonder why there are just random people who just keep sugesting nerfs buffs and reworks on everything there is stuff that could get a better looking or new style or maybe nerf guns or enemies like NAPALMS but on frames its like everytime they ask for rhino rework because hes too OP and he cant die hes too BLAH BLAH BLAH or even people who want a full rework just because they want theyr own style like i saw today a guy asking for volt rework just because he dint like his 2 skill if u dont like it then dont use if u hate an enemy just run past it or murder it first like i do with damn balistas


sorry for my english

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Personally I find that the only thing she really needs is a way to make her first power a bit more useful. Maybe make them block incoming bullets, or something, as well as fly off and attack enemies? Either way they get removed once used in either way?


I also agree that Molecular Prime should have something to make it more than just, "press 4, everything can now die easier," but at the same time it's a great CC tool for her to have and works pretty fine the way that it is now.


She has a pretty well balanced kit, with the exception of her first power, and she has pretty useful augments. She's balanced by how squishy she is and has to give up quite a bit of utility in order to slow enemies down to the point of them being useless, so she's got a pretty dynamic modding mechanic. Overall I'd say she's alright how she is and just needs a few small tweaks.

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several ideas have been posted in the past, most of them revolving around giving her the saryn treatment, ie more synergy/combos with her kit and less 1 button does everything


mostly i would just like her Mprime to ONLY chain-react if triggered by her #1/2, that way those abilities would have more use and her mprime could be more controlled/purposeful [vs the just crazy spam-boom it is now]


this could be 'balanced' by giving the rest of her kit some more cc and/or giving the mprime even more dmg if chained properly [maybe like her #2 could deal more dmg based on the amount of #1 orbs available when cast, then both of those things could multiply the dmg from the mprime chain]

Something like this.

i wonder why there are just random people who just keep sugesting nerfs buffs and reworks on everything there is stuff that could get a better looking or new style or maybe nerf guns or enemies like NAPALMS but on frames its like everytime they ask for rhino rework because hes too OP and he cant die hes too BLAH BLAH BLAH or even people who want a full rework just because they want theyr own style like i saw today a guy asking for volt rework just because he dint like his 2 skill if u dont like it then dont use if u hate an enemy just run past it or murder it first like i do with damn balistas


sorry for my english

Your post is not constructive at all. If you're going to post make sure you keep it helpful, this is a feedback thread.

im happy with a visual rework. but shes okay, she is no melee warframe like saryn for it to be interactive like that.

Not like saryn but more synergy with her powers, I have never felt synergy with them except with Antimatter drop and Molecular prime and thats not that great of synergy anyways.

Personally I find that the only thing she really needs is a way to make her first power a bit more useful. Maybe make them block incoming bullets, or something, as well as fly off and attack enemies? Either way they get removed once used in either way?


I also agree that Molecular Prime should have something to make it more than just, "press 4, everything can now die easier," but at the same time it's a great CC tool for her to have and works pretty fine the way that it is now.


She has a pretty well balanced kit, with the exception of her first power, and she has pretty useful augments. She's balanced by how squishy she is and has to give up quite a bit of utility in order to slow enemies down to the point of them being useless, so she's got a pretty dynamic modding mechanic. Overall I'd say she's alright how she is and just needs a few small tweaks.

Id like her 4 to be more "hey this is awesome and fun, really fun"

Edited by (PS4)Keiji_Haku
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Actually, in addition to my changes, how about all of her abilities stack up a damage multiplier? So if you MP something, then it somehow survives an Antimatter Drop, MP explosions or gets hit by a Nullstar, they get a higher stacking damage multiplier (maybe like .2/20% more per effect), and then Nova gets 1 energy back on a kill for each stack the enemy had when it died.

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Id like her 4 to be more "hey this is awesome and fun, really fun"

It would be cool if they made it more interactive, like Saryn's. Right now it's a bit lackluster in the fun department but super good in the utility department. A good middle ground wouldn't hurt.

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It would be cool if they made it more interactive, like Saryn's. Right now it's a bit lackluster in the fun department but super good in the utility department. A good middle ground wouldn't hurt.

While i would not mind, forums would go batS#&$crazy again because not everyone here have brain function to press more than 1-2 keys within mission.

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One thing we surely don't need is a Nova's rework. Minor issues you have with her abilities do not justify a "rework" proposal.


The only ability in her kit that isn't godlike is Null Star. Everything else she has is pretty much unparalleled.


Also, Nova is as interactive as it gets when she starts using Antimatter Drop actively. Coordinating multiple Drops, jumping through portals and observing MP spread is pretty interactive if you ask me.


Some QoL tweaks, something interesting to Null Star - yeah, she could use it, yet she doesn't need it.

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Nova is in perfect spot. 

Her 1 as almost every 1 has little use but it staggers enemies that get close what sometimes can save your life.

2 is the best dmging ability in the game due to unlimited dmg cap on it which depends on your weapons and squad.

3 is utility to compensate her low survivability

4 is her only way of CC which is useful in every stage of the game. Chain explosions are not even that significant, its slow/acceleration of enemies and increase in dmg taken that makes MP usefull.


Nova is debuffer/nuker frame not tank or stealth warframe. You cant solo run with her in high lvl missions. If she gets "treatment" she will be like Mesa who is not played now due to her fun/style factor being taken away by everyones cry that her 4 is op.

Edited by Zarlockk
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One thing we surely don't need is a Nova's rework. Minor issues you have with her abilities do not justify a "rework" proposal.
The only ability in her kit that isn't godlike is Null Star. Everything else she has is pretty much unparalleled.
Also, Nova is as interactive as it gets when she starts using Antimatter Drop actively. Coordinating multiple Drops, jumping through portals and observing MP spread is pretty interactive if you ask me.
Some QoL tweaks, something interesting to Null Star - yeah, she could use it, yet she doesn't need it.


Thats not quite power interactivity. When her powers can influence each other that is what i would deem interactive or maybe the word i am looking for is synergy. Her powers have some synergy but not enough. Her moves aren't godlike at all, at least in my opinion. By Interactivity i mean power synergy.


Antimatter drop lags, this isnt just some minor issue. I can't use a certain weapons because it frame skips several meters ahead. This is not minor.


Molecular Prime doesn't stop ranged enemies, and on higher levels it only takes one shot to kill a nova. So even if they are slow all they have to do is fire one shot, and since the explosions are offset they get that chance quite often.


Null star does need a change, badly.

Edited by (PS4)Keiji_Haku
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Nova is in perfect spot. 

Her 1 as almost every 1 has little use but it staggers enemies that get close what sometimes can save your life.

2 is the best dmging ability in the game due to unlimited dmg cap on it which depends on your weapons and squad.

3 is utility to compensate her low survivability

4 is her only way of CC which is useful in every stage of the game. Chain explosions are not even that significant, its slow/acceleration of enemies and increase in dmg taken that makes MP usefull.


Nova is debuffer/nuker frame not tank or stealth warframe. You cant solo run with her in high lvl missions. If she gets "treatment" she will be like Mesa who is not played now due to her fun/style factor being taken away by everyones cry that her 4 is op.

What other frames can't solo though?


Her 2 isn't unlimited and its radiation damage so depending on the situation even if you reach that 400k cap it might not be enough. Especially against infested.


I wouldn't call her 3 compensation for her low survivablitiy. If the mission calls for you to kill enemies its good for escaping but not for killing and surviving. It is fun to use though and pretty amazing for mobility but not for practical survivability. Im also not sure if survivability is even a word but it is now

Edited by (PS4)Keiji_Haku
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I'd want her 1 to blast proc 100%, and maybe have like a 5m AoE (affected by range).


Some fancier graphics for MP would be cool, too. Maybe make it so when an enemy blows up, they increase the damage multiplier on nearby affected enemies who survive?



Actually, in addition to my changes, how about all of her abilities stack up a damage multiplier? So if you MP something, then it somehow survives an Antimatter Drop, MP explosions or gets hit by a Nullstar, they get a higher stacking damage multiplier (maybe like .2/20% more per effect), and then Nova gets 1 energy back on a kill for each stack the enemy had when it died.

Kinda like this idea.


While i would not mind, forums would go batS#&$crazy again because not everyone here have brain function to press more than 1-2 keys within mission.

Yeah i know i may have pissed people off by even bringing it up but I am entitled to my opinion. People should be respectful in the forums at all times, its ok to disagree but not don't be rude about it (Not meaning you haha just agreeing with you for the most part)



I feel as though the idea of balance is constrained but as time passes the idea will shift. I think balance should for the most part correlate to endgame. As i see frames being buffed so they scale into endgame i can't help but wonder what some of the others frames are going to be like as the time comes around.



I do think that people can't agree on anything we can always scrap all her abilities and work back up from the top. I don't think that the idea of "my way or the highway" should exist. Theres no room for compromise

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Kinda like this idea.

It can probably be worked into a passive and to be more simple.


"Each time an enemy is affected by one of Nova's abilities is given a stack of Antimatter.


Each stack of antimatter increase damage dealt to that enemy by 10%.


When an enemy dies, Nova gets back 1 energy for each stack of antimatter it had."


"Nullstar has a 50% Blast Proc chance. If an enemy is caught in the Blast, it gains a stack of Antimatter."


Maybe reduce MP to 1.8x damage from 2x, and Antimatter drop to 3.8x from 4x to make up for what is a straight buff, but honestly I think Nova can live with a small buff that makes her use more abilities and makes Nullstar more useful.

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She's fine where she is currently. A powerful frame with good everything. I don't get peoples hard on for "interactive". I see M.Prime as a global debuff and A.Drop a very interactive power.


She needs to keep her worm hole, she needs to keep her drop, she needs to keep her slow , she needs to keep the double damage, and enemies exploding as well. 


Why? Because that is a general idea of how antimatter can work. It adds matter and therefor weight and causing things to slow down as they have more weight added, as the density antimatter also has a magnetic charge so "attracting damage" could be argued, and explosions because once the target is killed all the antimatter is released and the energy holding it explodes.


Nova is actually an interesting sci fi character in terms of powers, as hers are actually based on science.

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I do appreciate everyone being courteous or nice whichever one of those it is.


Ive taken into account all the opinions and I am glad to see not everyone is in disagreement. It makes the debate interesting. I will be honest i wasn't sure what to expect when i posted this but I am glad that I get to see so many opinions.


On topic: I still disagree. What i think when I hear she is "fine" is she's okay or at most pretty good. She's not great though, She's not amazing or has that wow/awesome factor to me that other warframes do.


An example of such a frame would be excalibur

Heres his moves broken down:


-Slash dash: Scales great with melee mods. Has invulnerability while its active (I can't remember actually), and adds hits to the combo counter.


-Radial Blind: Great CC, not the best but still pretty great. Opens up enemies to finishers and gives you a moment to heal allies or make your escape. Also encourages melee but doesn't restrict it to that.


-Radial Javelin: Can be a bit wanky but has good damage and a small stun at the end if they survive. He even has a mod  that makes you do even more melee damage which compliments his 1 and 4


-Exalted Blade: Scales amazingly  Travels through walls and barriers. Has a 50 meter range. Works with life strike and it works with slash dash. Also has a built in radial blind on a spin. I would almost say this move is epic level but thats me.


His 1 and 4 divide up damage among the 3 physical types evenly.




Here is a break down of Nova's moves:


-Null Star: Ok defense. Scales poorly. Staggers some enemies on hits.


-Antimatter Drop: Excellent damage vs most. Huge drop in damage vs most infested (from 400k to 100k). Doesn't scale (fixed max damage output). Lags sometimes. Possible to juggle multiple drops (frameskip makes this almost impossible).


-Wormhole: Probably one of the funnest moves in the game. Reach high places with ease. Teleport enemies (slight difficulty). Not too practical in firefights. Great for escaping. Has amazing range when modded right.


-Molecular Prime: 200% damage buff on enemies. Scales moderately well (It will take you farther than normal but eventually the buff won't be enough). Epic 75% enemy slow. On cast still vulnerable to ranged attacks (Fixed wave speed). Wave looks ugly (just sayin).



Combining M prime and Antimatter drop will let the drop do double damage even with the cap. So 800k vs Most enemies and 200k vs most infested.



This wasn't to compare abilities of two different frames but the weight of their pros and cons. This is also entirely my opinion (with some facts). From my viewpoint Nova is good but she has many cons while Excalibur is amazing and really only has a couple.


I heard from the Devstream they want to bring mag and volt to excaliburs level, which is what i would like.

Edited by (PS4)Keiji_Haku
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She's not great though, She's not amazing or has that wow/awesome factor to me that other warframes do.

Nova is beyond being amazing. She is not only one of the most relevant frames in pretty much any mission type, she is also very fun to play. She has incredibly unique skill set, she has an absurd amount of impact on the battlefield, she has above average level of depth rewarding you for learning the tricks.
I don't get what kind of scaling you want to have on Antimatter Drop, when there's literally just one mission where it isn't overkills everything that caught up in explosion Neither I know what kinds of lags do you have with it. I have zero problems charging multiple Drops simultaneously while on the run.
Also, I main Excalibur. And while he's an awesome solo frame and can vary from fairly useful to absurdly strong in various team setups, he is nowhere close to Nova in terms of relevance and impact on the battlefield.
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Nova is beyond being amazing. She is not only one of the most relevant frames in pretty much any mission type, she is also very fun to play. She has incredibly unique skill set, she has an absurd amount of impact on the battlefield, she has above average level of depth rewarding you for learning the tricks.
I don't get what kind of scaling you want to have on Antimatter Drop, when there's literally just one mission where it isn't overkills everything that caught up in explosion Neither I know what kinds of lags do you have with it. I have zero problems charging multiple Drops simultaneously while on the run.
Also, I main Excalibur. And while he's an awesome solo frame and can vary from fairly useful to absurdly strong in various team setups, he is nowhere close to Nova in terms of relevance and impact on the battlefield.


i main him too. I play him differently then you. Relevance and impact is a matter of opinion, my friends and I have found him extremely relevant as DPS and one that can kill quickly.


I already said i have seen it frameskip multiple times.


AMD doesn't scale, and its also radiation damage, which isnt very effective late game unless she could proc on enemies left. A 400k cap limits


Fun is a matter of opinion.


Lastly I still don't agree. She is not absurdly strong. She's good but not amazing. Shed be amazing if she wasn't so squishy. She was meant to be a damage warframe to begin with not a CC frame.


I would compromise with her, i think maybe thats whats actually needed, between the people that want to seem some interactive changes and people that already like her as is. There were people that liked excalibur as is. A lot. The point is its not possible to please everyone. I get that some people think shes fine but i don't and im making a case against it. Doesn't mean im right or wrong.


I think a good idea would be just to scrap her abilities altogether. I know some wouldn't like it but i can't imagine a better compromise.

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