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Curiosity, Is There A Certain Date Or Year Established Of When Warframe Will Be "complete"?



i guess complete could be used loosely since you can say its already complete since you can play and have a billion cool things in your inventory, but at a certain point you can no longer progress in mastery rank. even then hypothetically speaking when ever there is enough content to reach mastery rank 30, whats to stop DE from adding more mastery rank and more content to keep the game going? i know they have plans for this year and the year to come, but how many more years after that? are we talking 2019, 2020?

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Someday it may be considered complete and out of beta. As of right now, that is definitely a long, long way off, and if DE has any goal for an ETA in mind, it is something they have never shared or mentioned in public. If they have a goal for when to "complete" the game and no longer call it beta, it is something they keep internally for their own use. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I always wondered why they consider it "beta". MMOs always evolve and change, whether drastic or gradual, they change.

This game holds up to be a release, which is why it is out there for players to put money into. It does beg the question, what are they going to do with the launch itself and all the players now.

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its an interesting topic to me because they have such a unique style of development. if they wanted to they can keep supporting this game for years to come, keep making new things, taking it in different directions, but what happens when current gen consoles become obsolete do they stop supporting console and move to just pc? obviously crystal balls arent real and none of us are nostradamus. i would just like to know what other tenno thought.

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I always wondered why they consider it "beta". MMOs always evolve and change, whether drastic or gradual, they change.

This game holds up to be a release, which is why it is out there for players to put money into. It does beg the question, what are they going to do with the launch itself and all the players now.


From what I know, they have no intention of doing a reset of anyone's progress, that would just be ridiculous at this point anyways. 


I think there is this misconception that beta means "not making money"... beta originally in game parlance terms was the stage of development where the only thing left to do was fix bugs, and it was the final bug testing phase. So worrying about what it means in particular is kind of an unnecessary debate anyway. 


At this point beta is more of a legal distinction, one we all agreed to when we signed up. So it's academic really. We made the choice to go with whatever their agreement's version of beta means. In terms of general societal meaning though? Beta is basically a meaningless term. 

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The game will never be "complete", in fact I think the only reason the label still exists is for legal reasons. This is because typical betas don't really work this way. What DE has is an open FTP game, with continual content releases. 


Some of this is inevitable and good, but other aspects are a bit frustrating. For example, features such as Dojos have all but been replaced by the relays and now (it seems) the Orbiter, while other additions were immediately superseded by more fleshed out versions (think Arbiters>Teshin, or Suda>Simaris). This sort of strategy is frustrating, because instead of singular comprehensive features, you now have multiple similar but half-conceived features. This penchant for starting something and then abandoning it for a better version isn't really a good strategy, because it leaves a whole lot of wasted assets in the game.


I'm not even sure what a complete game would even look like at this, but I know it won't happen until half-conceived concepts are either removed, integrated into others, or perfected.

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its an interesting topic to me because they have such a unique style of development. if they wanted to they can keep supporting this game for years to come, keep making new things, taking it in different directions, but what happens when current gen consoles become obsolete do they stop supporting console and move to just pc? obviously crystal balls arent real and none of us are nostradamus. i would just like to know what other tenno thought.

Assuming Warframe is still active when the next cycle of consoles is released, they would likely just port it over and allow users to keep their current accounts on the new consoles. The only reason account imports from different consoles is not allowed now is Sony and Microsoft not allowing it. This would not be an issue for consoles released by the same companies. 

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If you can spend real money in a game's transactions(Not player to player) it's not in testing phase. The whole Beta thing is there in case something goes wrong; As to what could go wrong that the only way out for DE of such a S#&$ situation would be to invoke the "Beta" arguement... I don't even want to imagine.

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If you can spend real money in a game's transactions(Not player to player) it's not in testing phase. The whole Beta thing is there in case something goes wrong; As to what could go wrong that the only way out for DE of such a S#&$ situation would be to invoke the "Beta" arguement... I don't even want to imagine.


We could argue for days about the word though. It both is and isn't beta according to the word itself because that word has like a dozen different definitions now depending on who you ask. 


And I would argue that's not true in regards to being in testing phase anyway. This game is testing in many ways, it tests the waters with new content and often changes it based on player feedback. It there is a lot of bugfixing, and more to be done. In the days of crowdfunded games, saying that a game accepts money automatically means it isn't in testing just isn't true. 


All that matters is the legal aspects anyway (they could call it alpha, beta, whatever they want) that we agreed to when we signed up, something I'm assuming the average player didn't read before agreeing to. 



What makes it different from the traditional definition of beta, is that originally, beta meant that ALL that was left was bug fixing. No new content, no major changes to content. Just bug fixes. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Lack of Lore, No Weapon balance patch yet, PvP still a wreck, Not enough content to get to MR 30 and MR rework, New User Experience is a disaster, Massive amount of bugs in every patch.


This game is no where near complete.

...and with the amount of content they keep adding and things they have planned it doesnt seem like it will be complete any where by 2018

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Lack of Lore, No Weapon balance patch yet, PvP still a wreck, Not enough content to get to MR 30 and MR rework, New User Experience is a disaster, Massive amount of bugs in every patch.


This game is no where near complete.

Except this game has been out for two years- at some point, if its bad it becomes the developers fault.

once you start charging money for things is that point, no argument. They keep beta there so they can hide behind it or because they don't understand what it means, not because it isn't "complete".

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Warframe will never be complete, and sadly there are people on these forums who, for whatever reason, support and champion that notion. The game has been treated like it's not a beta (heavily monetized), yet in its condition, it is somewhere between an alpha and a beta. I wouldn't even say it's a beta. Much more of the game should've been developed by now for this to be a beta. But the devs flood the game with more items, instead of developing and refining features of the game. The game isn't complete, far from it, and never will be, as long as the devs have no real incentive to complete the game. And they won't, because it's way too profitable for them to change course. The undeveloped status quo is too appealing for this game to ever be completed.

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Being complete doesn't mean that the devs have to stop adding stuff to it or stop working on it. But being complete means that is has the assortment of features - elements, components, whatever you want to call it - to be considered a release-ready game. And this game, in its current state, might as well be an alpha game.

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This game isn't really in beta, nor has it been for some time. It's just an online ftp game and like most of them, is constantly being worked on.

There's no finished state for an online mp game. Only in the sense that it is "stable", can one be called finished. So WF is as finished online games get.

Content will be continually added until they shut down shop.

Did any if this need explaining? Is this your first online game?

It doesn't actually mention beta anymore either. Not anywhere I could find.

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