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Thank You De Glen For All Your Hard Work.


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Glen I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you have put in over the last few weeks with the excavation testing you have done.


you did a great job and got slammed by the forums for it not going the way they wanted.


some people are very entitled but you took time to fix a semi bad system and make it something better.


so once again thank you DEGLEN and all the volunteers that helped you




avid player and guide of the lotus applicant

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Despite what everyone say, this is internet, this can't be the best community ever. I'm disgusted by its attitude.
The subreddit too.. A bunch of adulescents judging a professionist and upvoting DE bashing...

Come on, let's forget everyone acting as animals in Region Chat, Subreddit and Forums when Barokiteer doesn't please them.
Every occasion is good to give your worst.

Try taking away the drug from an addicted, you get the exact same reaction.


Edited by Burnthesteak87
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I'm pretty sure this will increase your chance of getting approved.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Couldn't hurt.


In all seriousness, the devs get a lot of flack but it is to be expected that their interests do not always align with the players. and yah, Glen testing with the community and sharing his results shows that they do care. DE is probably the most involved developer I have ever seen. So thank you and don't worry even if you decide to nerf Excavation, 99.9% of the community will still play the game you guys have worked so hard on.

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I can't say I know much about what happened, but honestly, DE is one of the last dev teams to deserve bashing or insult. I disagree with some of their methodology and choices, but I respect their work. Glen is no exception.


I don't think anyone on the dev team deserves any of the vitriol they are sometimes given from the community. I'm fairly certain the intentions have always been for a better game, no matter the change.


However, some of humanity's worst traits and atrocities are the result of good intentions, so what DE does is not always 'right', and I wouldn't defend Glen's reaction or some of his previous outbursts. This is just one of those situations where tensions were high, but neither side is really to blame. We could point fingers, but inevitably we'd find both sides were ignorant.

Edited by Krion112
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Yes he put in the effort to test and report some things in Excavation ON HIS OWN TIME and thats respectable BUT that doesn't excuse the fact that he has repeatedly abused his Chat Moderation power in both Council and Region Chat by not only kicking people out of Region for reasonably expressing their anger with certain things such as the Void Trader 4 weeks ago but he has also deliberately attacked people who have a differing opinion than his own.


Just today he shutdown the Casual Carousal thread because he was being "abused and insulted" and then stated "Never change Forums, never change". While there were a few quite disgruntled people in the thread, the vast majority of responses were clear and professional expressions of concern and suggestions that contradicted  his plans for Excavation. 


Sometime this week or again today, i dont know, he lashed out at people for the sheer mention of Macros and threatened to kick them from Council chat for defending it. He went on to say, and I quote, "If council is full of beligerent people defending absurd ideas it will drive the devs aways from it making council worthless to those who actually care to make the game better."


He went on to call out someone correcting him stating, "I've just about had enough of your snide remarks."


Frankly Glen is pretty unprofessional when it comes to interacting with and/or responding to the playerbase as a whole, and these are people he doesn't even know a thing about. Don't get me wrong I understand he's one of the lead programmers and not only is the job stressful but programmers are stereo-typically not in tune with people for the most part.

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Despite what everyone say, this is internet, this can't be the best community ever. I'm disgusted by its attitude.

The subreddit too.. A bunch of adulescents judging a professionist and upvoting DE bashing...

Come on, let's forget everyone acting as animals in Region Chat, Subreddit and Forums when Barokiteer doesn't please them.

Every occasion is good to give your worst.

Try taking away the drug from an addicted, you get the exact same reaction.


^ this

Yes he put in the effort to test and report some things in Excavation ON HIS OWN TIME and thats respectable BUT that doesn't excuse the fact that he has repeatedly abused his Chat Moderation power in both Council and Region Chat by not only kicking people out of Region for reasonably expressing their anger with certain things such as the Void Trader 4 weeks ago but he has also deliberately attacked people who have a differing opinion than his own.


Just today he shutdown the Casual Carousal thread because he was being "abused and insulted" and then stated "Never change Forums, never change". While there were a few quite disgruntled people in the thread, the vast majority of responses were clear and professional expressions of concern and suggestions that contradicted  his plans for Excavation. 


Sometime this week or again today, i dont know, he lashed out at people for the sheer mention of Macros and threatened to kick them from Council chat for defending it. He went on to say, and I quote, "If council is full of beligerent people defending absurd ideas it will drive the devs aways from it making council worthless to those who actually care to make the game better."


He went on to call out someone correcting him stating, "I've just about had enough of your snide remarks."


Frankly Glen is pretty unprofessional when it comes to interacting with and/or responding to the playerbase as a whole, and these are people he doesn't even know a thing about. Don't get me wrong I understand he's one of the lead programmers and not only is the job stressful but programmers are stereo-typically not in tune with people for the most part.


would you please state all of that in a single tread too? I do fully agree.

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^ this


would you please state all of that in a single tread too? I do fully agree.

No because all I stated, while true, is quite honestly not good for a Topic and might get me suspended again (already on 3 Warnings btw).


Such a thread would devolve into Dev bashing and a witch hunt for Glens head and I won't be leading it

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We criticize because we love the game. There was hardly any bashing there, just aggressive tones.

I agree with this. Warframe is one, if not my favorite game. It's really been a good ride since U7 when I joined, and I've seen the beauty this game can offer. I've also seen the playerbase doing extraordinary things, most of which is doing what the game is supposed to be doing; Beta testing.


People have had major issues with warframe support, but I wouldn't know because I don't think I've ever filed a report. I've lost all my rewards on a 40+ minute survival, but I didn't go crying to the fourms.. stuff happens. Deal with it.


What I think is necessary is for DE, specifically Glen, to trust his playerbase enough to let them help, wither it's criticism or voicing our opinions. In the end, we all want to play the game we enjoy, to enjoy it.

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I think some people have forgotten that DE are human beings just like everybody else. DE is build up on this pedestal, and they have a lot of expectations from the players about what they want, and whenever a mistake is made, they pay dearly for it. Based on what i've read about it, i think DE Glen took some of the comments to heart, and responded in kind. The community could have been more respectful in their criticism. Its easy to sit back and judge the results of something, and forget about all the work that went into it. DE Glen took personal time out to try to make Warframe better, and got bashed for it. It'd be like if you spend a lot of time to work on something, and put your heart into it, only to be greeted with hatred and disrespect. Its disheartening. I don't agree with everything DE does, but i do respect the effort they put into Warframe. Glen is no different. 

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i made this thread because while they may have been some power use to control chat during the progress and everything glen is a human being and deserves to be treated with respect he didnt have to spend those weeks testing that part of the game hge could have worked on other part's of the game.

things like the umbra's or focus or new story's or maybe even alt helms for wukong and nezha.


but he took the time too go and work on this WITH community volunteers.


how i do agree with some of the previous statements about how a thread straight praising de is not good NOR is one straight bashing

and yes glen may not have been the most professional with his "Never change Forum Never Change" remark and some other example's 

he loves this game and has put so much work into this.


so while sometimes i feel like giving the dev team a good tongue lashing about thing's (baro's lackluster few week's being one)

they are people who deserve to be treated with respect.

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Yes he put in the effort to test and report some things in Excavation ON HIS OWN TIME and thats respectable BUT that doesn't excuse the fact that he has repeatedly abused his Chat Moderation power in both Council and Region Chat by not only kicking people out of Region for reasonably expressing their anger with certain things such as the Void Trader 4 weeks ago but he has also deliberately attacked people who have a differing opinion than his own.


Just today he shutdown the Casual Carousal thread because he was being "abused and insulted" and then stated "Never change Forums, never change". While there were a few quite disgruntled people in the thread, the vast majority of responses were clear and professional expressions of concern and suggestions that contradicted  his plans for Excavation. 


Sometime this week or again today, i dont know, he lashed out at people for the sheer mention of Macros and threatened to kick them from Council chat for defending it. He went on to say, and I quote, "If council is full of beligerent people defending absurd ideas it will drive the devs aways from it making council worthless to those who actually care to make the game better."


He went on to call out someone correcting him stating, "I've just about had enough of your snide remarks."


Frankly Glen is pretty unprofessional when it comes to interacting with and/or responding to the playerbase as a whole, and these are people he doesn't even know a thing about. Don't get me wrong I understand he's one of the lead programmers and not only is the job stressful but programmers are stereo-typically not in tune with people for the most part.





It's about time someone tells off the entitled *bleeps* that fester gaming communities.  Political correctness needs to go anyway.

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i made this thread because while they may have been some power use to control chat during the progress and everything glen is a human being and deserves to be treated with respect <snip>


so while sometimes i feel like giving the dev team a good tongue lashing about thing's (baro's lackluster few week's being one)

they are people who deserve to be treated with respect.


Interesting, do you believe the people who posted on that thread that were NOT abusive and insulting deserve respect too?


The guy said that ALL he got in response was insults and abuse when that was patently NOT the case. I suggest you go and re-read that thread and then ask yourself why one of the main programmers for this game chose to see only the negative comments and then not only completely disregarded everyone else but also lumped them together with the abusive posters.


Not that there was actually that much abuse unless that thread has been heavily moderated. Where was the respect from the developer to the players of the game, the ones who pay his wages?


DE once said they were going to reduce grind and yet this is a classic example of how they just seem to keep on increasing it. Respect goes two ways.

Edited by TenzUK
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Not that there was actually that much abuse unless that thread has been heavily moderated. Where was the respect from the developer to the players of the game, the ones who pay his wages?




Respect goes both ways


Players do not pay his wages, DE does.


The fact that players are patrons of the game and that some of us contribute directly to its funding does not give any right outside of those stated in the ToS and EULA, and surely does not entitle one to berate or belittle a DE employee (or anyone else, for that matter).


You clearly have no understanding of what respect is and you should refrain from using the word until you do.

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Players do not pay his wages, DE does.


The fact that players are patrons of the game and that some of us contribute directly to its funding does not give any right outside of those stated in the ToS and EULA, and surely does not entitle one to berate or belittle a DE employee (or anyone else, for that matter).


You clearly have no understanding of what respect is and you should refrain from using the word until you do.


Kindly point out where exactly I said it was ok to "berate or belittle a DE employee (or anyone else, for that matter).".


My point was about respect from the developer to the payer base that seems sadly lacking in that particular developers response.


I'd also like you to kindly point out for me the exact posts in the Casual Carousel thread that you consider to be disrespectful. I can find one obvious post and that's it whereas there are plenty of constructive comments.

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Kindly point out where exactly I said it was ok to "berate or belittle a DE employee (or anyone else, for that matter).".


My point was about respect from the developer to the payer base that seems sadly lacking in that particular developers response.


I'd also like you to kindly point out for me the exact posts in the Casual Carousel thread that you consider to be disrespectful. I can find one obvious post and that's it whereas there are plenty of constructive comments.


I'm sorry you believe stating players pay one of the studio employee's wages is neither belittling nor berating to said employee.

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I find it ironic that your comment implies that you do.


I also find it comical that we are having this little exchange.  Enjoy your day, good sir.


Well I'm glad I have at least amused you on a dull Tuesday afternoon. You have a good day too :)

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Look, there was some aggressive language going on there. 




I don't think how Glen reacted was the way a mature employee of DE should react. Glen,  man, I appreciate your work but you have to be the better man here. Your lashing back only fans the flames. There were lots of valid feedback there too, why lump them together with the sour ones?  

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Isn't the guys title " ustomer Punishment Officer"?

And we're surprised/upset that he lives up to it?

Joking aside...

His responses are unprofessional, but I can understand them since he took time out of his day to do extra work.

Not saying it was the correct response but there's only so much community toxicity a person can handle before giving some back.

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