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Stalkers Acolytes: Tenno Operators Gone Bad Or Liberated Warframes?


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My headcanon theory:


Remember the 6 Tenno pods we left behind in The Second Dream at the reservoir? There is one for each Acolyte. Maybe they weren't destroyed but taken and manipulated.


It's thinking like this which makes me miss being a GM. 


Although we know of only five Acolytes at the moment...where's green ranger number six?

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My headcanon theory:


Remember the 6 Tenno pods we left behind in The Second Dream at the reservoir? There is one for each Acolyte. Maybe they weren't destroyed but taken and manipulated.

The stalker did not know where the Tenno were otherwise Hunhow would not have needed to "hack" Lotus.

My best assumption was the Tenno broke out when Lotus tried to brainwash them. We know little about the Orokin besides what we hear from others, the stalker and his Acolytes know more than we do.

Not a single NPC trusts Lotus besides us. Not even Teshin, he thinks we are doing wrong.

The Acolytes want to destroy evil, but we protect a man who has killed hundreds of us all because of a "Favor".  If you've read the quotes of the Acolytes they mean to do Good, they are even Non-hostile when they spawn until we strike first. We're helping an evil man get rid of people who wish to cure the system of evil.


They were not manipulated.

We cannot see the true evil because we have befriended it and protect it. From our eyes we're doing good, From the eyes of everyone else we are being lead astray by Lotus.

We have been manipulated.


Edited by xFrostKnightx
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The stalker did not know where the Tenno were otherwise Hunhow would not have needed to "hack" Lotus.

My best assumption was the Tenno broke out when Lotus tried to brainwash them. We know little about the Orokin besides what we hear from others, the stalker and his Acolytes know more than we do.

Not a single NPC trusts Lotus besides us. Those who discover the truth side with the stalker. Lotus doesn't even trust us to tell us the whole truth, otherwise we wouldn't have needed to be wiped clean. She's hiding something from us more than her betrayal of Hunhow.

The Acolytes want to destroy evil, but we protect a man who has killed hundreds of us all because of a "Favor".  If you've read the quotes of the Acolytes they mean to do Good, they are even Non-hostile when they spawn until we strike first. We're helping an evil man get rid of people who wish to cure the system of evil.


They were not manipulated. We cannot see the true evil because we have befriended it and protect it. From our eyes we're doing good, From the eyes of everyone else we are being lead astray by Lotus.



Actually, they're quite hostile. Torment, for example, often knocks me down with Tidal Surge while I'm still looking around the immediate area to see where she's spawned. If they spawn non-hostile, it's a bug; Stalker himself used to occasionally have such a bug.


As for the rest, your theories can make for a good story, but we already know for a fact that it is not the official canon story of Warframe. Feel free to write "alternate universe" fanfiction though!

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The stalker did not know where the Tenno were otherwise Hunhow would not have needed to "hack" Lotus.

My best assumption was the Tenno broke out when Lotus tried to brainwash them. 


I stopped right there.


Lotus most definitely didn't try to brainwash anyone. The situation in Warframe is a bit complex to just outright say Lotus is evil or can't be trusted. Also, i call my post a headcanon for a reason.

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Another suggestion is that the mini stalkers are tenno that couldnt mentally handle the truth. Think back to the first matrix when morphis told neo  that he was sorry for bringing him out so late, they made it a policy not to bring out people older people.  im guessing that we had some bad seeds and then the truth came out, they kinda lost it. who knows hunhow or the stalker made them promises for X. we are given a choice of 5 schools to choose from the time of the awakening. these stalkerettes were given a different set of schools to pick from, im guessing something along the lines if the school of hunhow.

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The stalker did not know where the Tenno were otherwise Hunhow would not have needed to "hack" Lotus.

My best assumption was the Tenno broke out when Lotus tried to brainwash them. We know little about the Orokin besides what we hear from others, the stalker and his Acolytes know more than we do.

Not a single NPC trusts Lotus besides us. Not even Teshin, he thinks we are doing wrong.

The Acolytes want to destroy evil, but we protect a man who has killed hundreds of us all because of a "Favor".  If you've read the quotes of the Acolytes they mean to do Good, they are even Non-hostile when they spawn until we strike first. We're helping an evil man get rid of people who wish to cure the system of evil.


They were not manipulated.

We cannot see the true evil because we have befriended it and protect it. From our eyes we're doing good, From the eyes of everyone else we are being lead astray by Lotus.

We have been manipulated.






Couple of things:



Yeah, we do know about the Orokin, through the Synthesis imprint fragments. Unless your theory is that Cephalon Simaris is working with the Lotus behind the scenes to lead us astray, then that information is not tampered with by her. Those fragments tell us that the Orokin were completely awful, and were going to bring about their own downfall sooner or later anyway. If it wasn't the Tenno, it might have been the Infestation, or the inevitable Grineer uprising, or the Sentients coming back to wreck up the place.



People worship Teshin because he talks big and runs a fighting arena, but he's never actually displayed any great knowledge. If Teshin had The Truth About It All, he could tell the Tenno literally any time he wanted to, and the Lotus wouldn't stop him.



Very few NPC's trust the Lotus....except the Syndicates and Darvo, who are 100% happy to set up shop in the neutral space of the Relays, which is also where Teshin hangs out, funnily enough. Besides which, loads of big NPC's really distrust and work against each other, it's not exactly the Lotus on one side and the rest of the Origin System on the other. She's just one faction, and she doesn't mind at all if the Tenno sometimes pull jobs with the others.



The Acolytes are not neutral until attacked. Every time one of them has spawned in, it has gone right after me.



Alad V has never, ever, actually killed a Tenno. Not once. He may not know that, but it's the truth. He's destroyed and mangled somewhere between a few dozen and a few hundred Warframes.



The Acolytes may be out to 'destroy evil', but they're Acolytes of the Stalker, and are thus either directly or indirectly influenced by Hunhow. You know, the giant Sentient space crustacean thing which is here in the Origin system to destroy Orokin (i.e. human) civilisation. If they want to do some good, they should probably see to severing their ties.



Basically......dude, it looks like you just don't like the Lotus, and will twist the lore of the setting however hard you have to in order to make her the bad guy.

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This and so much more. It barely even begins to cover the many reasons why such theories don't fit the actual lore of Warframe. I generally don't have the energy to compile proper informative posts, or I would have said much of this myself. That, and I tend to find myself incapable of taking it seriously.


Especially when I feel that no amount of facts, evidence, and logical arguments, even with proper sources attached, will actually do anything at all to educate the other party, when apparently not even the official statements from DE on the matter have had any effect.


For those that still don't know, it's one of the only issues where DE has actually made a statement on lore, and they've said repeatedly that such conspiracy theories are absolutely false; they are completely incompatible with DE's vision and intent for the story of Warframe, and as such, can only have any validity within the realm of "alternate universe fanfiction" as I suggested previously.


Another issue I have is that I don't like being... well... rude, but I also can't think of any good ways to politely tell someone that a huge chunk of their understand of the setting's lore is completely wrong. This is, also, one of the only aspects of Warframe lore where there is no room for speculation, as we've received "Word of God" from DE telling us that, no, the Lotus did not brainwash us, she did not wipe our minds, she is not evil, or villainous, etc., and that we will always be able to trust her completely because she is on our side, she's One Of The Good Guys™, which will never change, and that's final. From an immersive, in-universe perspective, we wouldn't know that, but as players in the real world, it's an indisputable fact. I feel like DE should make a new official statement and sticky it, because I'm tired of seeing these conspiracy theories every time I turn around.


...rant complete.


EDIT: I accidentally an entire word. Is that bad?

Edited by AgentSkye
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Very doubtful I'm afraid, have a look at the rest of their dialogue. It's quite explicitly taking about Alad V and the Tenno protecting him. If this were some kind of mystical reveal about a mythological sapient Warframe then it would have more supporting comments whereas Alad-v-as-orokin-protected-by-tenno is very much the main topic of the dialogue:


"Our fight is not with you Tenno" - Surely if they were talking about some kind of Warframe rebellion then they would not say this.
"You have lost your way Tenno, I will help you find it" - Why would they say that if they were not Tenno themselves?
"This one has caused much suffering and yet you protect him" - Tenno protecting Alad-V-as-Orokin
"Alad V only wants profit, he is the enemy" - Tenno protecting Alad-V-as-Orokin
"I see you are still their servants" - Tenno protecting Alad-V-as-Orokin


Now that you show it with the other quotes, it indeed makes more sense. At least it was worth a guess.

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My headcanon theory:


Remember the 6 Tenno pods we left behind in The Second Dream at the reservoir? There is one for each Acolyte. Maybe they weren't destroyed but taken and manipulated.

Interesting. I remember seeing the same (or similar) room in the moon tilesets with few broken / empty pods in it.

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Alad V has never, ever, actually killed a Tenno. Not once. He may not know that, but it's the truth. He's destroyed and mangled somewhere between a few dozen and a few hundred Warframes.


While I 100% agree with the thrust of your points (AKA word-of-god that we are the good guys) just one point on the above.

Since the second dream we really don't know what the result of the Zanuka project actually is. We know there are no Tenno physically inside those Warframes but there are many other options. Maybe Alad V managed to cut up the Warframes while forcibly keeping the Transference link open. Maybe all the tenno are still "driving" the core of those Warframes and believe they are quad-amputees, in constant pain and being driven by Alad Vs control collar. Maybe if a Warframe takes enough damage in a specific way you can kill or drive mad the Operator.

At this point we really don't know what the reality of the "deaths" of the operators of the Limbo, Mirage, Atlas, or Zanuka component Warframes actually are.

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