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Ask A Cephalon, Jan 26


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Every now and then Tenno approach Cephalon Cordylon with questions that only a being of such vast intellect could answer. Questions like, 'How do the Cephalon feel about Teshin’s “Capture the Cephalon”?', 'What does Cephalon Cordylon worry about?', and ‘Does Steel Meridian have blueprints of everyone’s favorite Grineer Arc Trap?'.


Find out all the answer on this week's Ask A Cephalon, and be sure to let us know what you think!


Have a question for Cordylon?  Of course you do!  Leave your curiosities here, and we'll be sure to let Cordylon know what's on your mind. 


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Great! :D
One question. When will we get next synthesis target, that actually give us some lore?


Edit, actual question: Great Cephalon! I have my own Cephalon, called Ordis. He is a loyal one, which feature I admire the most. But he has knowledge of what Tenno and Warframes are, and especially knowing what happened during the Oriken war. Ordis has valuable answers that can even explain why Stalker is after us. So is there away of repairing my precious Cephalon?

Edited by Ibro156
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Ravenous Cordylon


I have been hearing disturbing tales about certain creatures showing up on Earth since the re-emergence of the Moon from people on the relays. These so called Werekubrows are said to be half kubrow and half man. Most befouling is that it is said these creatures can pass on their affliction through a single bite, turning other people into Werekubrows. Are we the Tenno safe from these things and what measures can be taken against these Werekubrows if they were ever to be fought?

Edited by Ory_Hara
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cephalon Cordylon, is it possible that somewhere in the void, or within the origin system, that there would be an Orokin archive? some kind of library or data vault containing writings and scientific findings from before the old war (i would very much like to see the original design and prototypes that led to the construction of my frame.)  if such an archive were to hypothetically exist, could you access it if it were found? and what might it contain?

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Greetings, Cordylon. I am not sure if us tenno are allowed this level of information, but are there any warframe models being developed after our first awakening, or every model we currently have access to was developed during the orokin era and was just recently found?

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How do void towers' neural sentries field such large armies of corrupted agents? I was under the impression that Grineer and Corpus incursions into the tower were rather rare given the effort and resources they have to expend to gain access, but the thousands I have to fight through in any given tower seems to suggest that the corrputed have no shortage of fresh recruits from a constant stream of would be invaders. Further, how do the towers defend themselves before they have any corrputed soldiers to field? All I have ever seen are the occassional laser traps and turrets. Can those obvious traps really wipe out an entire Grineer raiding party or Corpus salvage team by themselves, or do the towers have any home grown soldiers we haven't witnessed yet? 

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Cordylon... I am paranoid that my warframe has been infected with technocyte... It won't fully listen to my commands and once when I told it to come into the somatic link room it came with a pistol drawn out... And it is only doing that with my Mesa. My other frame are fine... How do I confirm she DOES have the Virus?

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I have two questions:


1) How are cephalons created? Are you programmed like a peace of software?


2) Are then tenno in complete control of the warframes, or are they commanding them to do as then please? I have herd tenno command "Back on your feet warframe!" before as if they were not themselves truly controlling them.


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