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Is Baro Ki'teer Gone?


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Again, yeah, if DE really removed him because of the constant saltiness right before dev streams, really can't fault 'em for that - watching the dev stream feels enough like drinkin beer with buddies that it's really irritating to see said buddies obviously upset over being yelled at by the crazy chick they can't stop dating right before they came over for beer.

^ Yep, up until recently the player base has been okay, but now they've gotten way to aggressive and salty, and it is understandable that DE would not feel comfortable dealing with that stuff anymore.

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Removing it because players complained makes no sense, i mean seriously, why would they think baro would receive good feedback when they release boosters and 700 ducat catalysts, i mean, rly.


If they remove baro, then the fault is DE and DE alone, i even wonder if the prices were placed on purpose so that they could receive bad feedback intentionally.

The reason the removed Baro was that they were being given negative feedback and players were being very salty in general about the game.

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I honestly dont see what was so bad aboit the 3 day booster and the grineer bane mod.

Id much prefer that over....NOTHING.

No really, people were flipping out over the last for what? U really dont get it. Sure mayb the catalyst was a little expensive, but that was 1 out 4 items.

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I honestly dont see what was so bad aboit the 3 day booster and the grineer bane mod.

Id much prefer that over....NOTHING.

No really, people were flipping out over the last for what? U really dont get it. Sure mayb the catalyst was a little expensive, but that was 1 out 4 items.


It wasn't the booster, it was the 700 ducat + 400k credit Catalyst. You know, 3x more expensive than anything else that has been available from Baro in the last 4 visits, while only being worth 20 plat. That price was goddamn inexcusable.

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I honestly dont see what was so bad aboit the 3 day booster and the grineer bane mod.

Id much prefer that over....NOTHING.

No really, people were flipping out over the last for what? U really dont get it. Sure mayb the catalyst was a little expensive, but that was 1 out 4 items.

5 items.

3 boosters, a mod, and a blue potato

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Please please bring it back, the people that actually like playing the game loved the stuff Baro gave, some of them were really useful :( Don't listen to the 12 year old boys on the forums, most people who play do not use forums - for stuff like this you really should do an in-game poll or on the launcher or something. :(


Please :(

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Amount of toxicity and stupidity level of this post is over 9000


First - people that are saying "I don't care, good riddance" - congratulations to being egocentric a-holes! You've got all your goodies and now do not care what will happen to rest of community right? Incredibly shortsighted attitude, removing baro entirely from game(if even happens) is just first step of removing primed mods too, what will happen to new players will eventually (and rightfully) happen to all of us. 


Then, people that blame this on "whining players" - do you really believe whining players would affect DE to act that immaturely as to remove whole feature, for everyone, like angry 4yr old? DE is perfectly aware how many million players happily play their game every day and how much money they make (a lot - as they should!) to make such angry hasty stupid decisions. They are mature and technologically educated people, they know how "internet communities" work - not like they were born yesterday. 


Then part of people blaming this on "PC community", do you seriously believe any other community is better, in any way then PC community? If they use forums less means nothing, i's a same group of young and in lot cases immature pepople - your perceived difference is clearly an illusion. 

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Who cares if his stuff was bad or not it doesn't matter some of the stuff was very useful

& yes I will blame PC users because they the ones who get the stuff b4 us & have the bigger player base & the majority of you PC players are nothing but ungrateful complainers.

Complain complain complain is all that seems to happen & what u PC users don't understand is while it will effect u now it will hurt us console users as well. Just remember anything u complain about that gets removed or Reworked also effect console users who may actually like some of the things you don't.

remember PC users you ain't the only ones who get patches & stuff what happens to you eventually makes its way to us & us console users are different then PC users alot of stuff u don't like we tend to like.

If it get changed then it ruins it for us so think about that b4 u post ok

it's time people stop complaining & actually be greatful for the stuff he does bring no matter how bad it is its still rare stuff & useful

I'm so sick & tired of stuff being destroyed because of crybabies

I hope it's just a bug & this thread is moot point

I hope this just means the new star chart is close to coming & he will return on a permanent bases there.

As remember DE did mention he would be in the new star chart so hopefully this us just in preparation for it as u guys may get 18.5 next week if so I could have swore DE said awhile back b4 update 18 that it would likely be out in 18.5

So hopefully this is the case fact de hasn't announced his removal on the Fourms doesn't seems like it was intentional hopefully it wasn't

But if it big mistake de hope u do the right thing & keep Baro coming thx u

there's no delay on the forums, give your input on the current state of pc build. There's no excuse of letting pc voices be the only one to speak
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Please please bring it back, the people that actually like playing the game loved the stuff Baro gave, some of them were really useful :( Don't listen to the 12 year old boys on the forums, most people who play do not use forums - for stuff like this you really should do an in-game poll or on the launcher or something. :(


Please :(

I think you would be very disappointed, the vast majority of the player base hate him.

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Please please bring it back, the people that actually like playing the game loved the stuff Baro gave, some of them were really useful :( Don't listen to the 12 year old boys on the forums, most people who play do not use forums - for stuff like this you really should do an in-game poll or on the launcher or something. :(
Please :(


I personally agree with you on this. I was very apprehensive when I first saw the lack of the timer. I loved what Baro brought every time because it was something that there hadn't been in a while or hadn't been in a game at all. I was talking with a clanmate and we both agreed that there should be a system to weed out those who disrespect DE. A blacklist, a longer wait, something to put them in their place. Even a temporary-ban might suit those who continue to disrespect DE and the game they work so hard to produce for us true fans, only to be brought down and punished by those who seek more and more every week. I personally thank you DE. This was a good call in my mind

Edited by Axacution
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 I was talking with a clanmate and we both agreed that there should be a system to weed out those who disrespect DE. A blacklist, a longer wait, something to put them in their place. Even a temporary-ban might suit those who continue to disrespect DE and the game they work so hard to produce for us true fans, only to be brought down and punished by those who seek more and more every week. I personally thank you DE. This was a good call in my mind


Huge factor contributing to vibrancy of WF community is exactly this forum, and really big degree of freedom of speech here. If they were to go for "weeding out negative whining element", especially with in-game restricitions, this community would be butchered.


"disrespect DE"... Damn dude, I disrespect you. Very, very much, you <insert bundle of personal insults>.

We (at lelast I) are dissing DE's decision because we care enough to complain instead of moving on to other game. But blind fanboy would never understand what being "true fan" means.



Also, in this place I'd like to add: most of console crybabies care only because they've got scheduled p.flow and p.continuity in near future and are afraid of loosing this opportunity. Shame on you, shame on you.

Edited by 5HV3N
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I don't agree with censoring those who disagree. That backlash that it would generate will not go well on DE's reputation. However, I do think that the community does tend to overreact to things. The whole "riot" thing that was going on 3 weeks ago was down right childish.

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I think part of the problem was the he wasn't really working... many players were not spending at him because they only wanted the premium primed mods (reach flow continuity etc etc) or weapons... Things that DE didn't even plan to put back into him for a VERY long time. A change of strategy is probably warranted.

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