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Let’S Put An End To The Carrier Prime Master Race


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All there is on this thread is people saying "i use x sentinel/kubrow" because i think it's the best.


How is that an issue to anyone ಠ_ಠ



> Do you want a sentinel that vaccums loot for you ?

Good ! There is one, have fun :D


> Do you want a sentinel that cc enemies ?

Good ! There is one, have fun :D


> Do you want a sentinel that kills enemies ?

Good ! There is one, have fun :D


> Do you want a sentinel that makes you invisible ?

Good ! There is one, have fun :D


Can you spot the pattern ? Play wtf you want people xD



I myself always used Wyrm because the cc he brings saves my life so many times. Enter a room to find a heavy grineer unit about to stun you ? Nope, he bites the dust instead. Aiming at something while a sneaky prick is about to melee you in the back ? Nope, he bites the dust instead. That's why i like wyrm.

Now i turned myself to Raksa kubrow because it's basicaly a wyrm with more health.


^ See, that's my experience. Each and every players have a different one, and some (most?) end up playing with a carrier. No big deal.

When someone says "Not having to focus on loot makes me more abble to deal damage/go fast" well good for him, he has the perfect sentinel for his playstyle.

The peoples that use the carrier do so because it is so convenient for them. I get that, i find it convenient too. However i don't mind picking up the loot myself, warframe movements are so fast and fluid it barely makes any difference in time nor focus for me. Just confort.


What other people use as sentinel doesn't affect your experience in any way, anyway.


The "Wyrm experience" that you have described above is exactly what I have built my Carrier's shotgun to do with high fire rate, high status chance, and blast damage. And it does exactly what you have described every single time anything gets remotely close to me, without fail, unlike poor Wyrm. Did I mention that toxic, corrosive, and electric stun procs are also available along with those constant blast procs? While Carrier is doing exactly what Wyrm is supposed to do for me, Wyrm cannot pickup anything for me like Carrier can, leaving me the annoying task of having to waste time doing it myself in a fast-paced, loot based game. See any problem with this?


The last thing that I will ever care about is which companion you choose. The last thing that will ever "affect my experience" is which companion you choose. Only DE cares which companion you choose. What I care about is which companion I choose. And I personally do not like being stuck with only one sentinel that is more capable and more useful than any of the others. It literally makes the existence of the other sentinels pointless. Why would I choose a sentinel that makes the game less fun for me when I could choose one that makes the game more fun for me? 


Just like everyone else's opinion on their favorite sentinel and why, my opinion means nothing in comparison to what DE cares about, and that is the complete domination in the number of players that use Carrier vs. those that use any other sentinel. It is a problem in this game. If you do not want to accept the reasons for that, that is your own choice.


Just as you have described, each sentinel is supposed to come with their own different ability that makes them specialized in doing something better than the rest. In theory, yes, if you want CC, pick Wyrm, pick Diriga, pick Djinn. If you want a killing machine, pick Deathcube. If you want invisibility, pick Shade. Problem is, it doesn't quite work according to plan. Just as I have described above with the Wyrm vs. Carrier problem, if you want CC, build Carrier's weapon to do that. If you want it to kill, my Carrier kills plenty of things, especially when I don't want it to. If you want invisibility, well, we all know you aren't going to pick Shade for that. You want a convenient sentinel that makes obtaining loot in a loot based game 10x easier than any other sentinel can? Well, sorry but only Carrier can do that for you.


Anyone can argue that each sentinel has its own specialty, free for the players to choose between, but that argument isn't supported by the numbers. And DE, I, and many other people on this forum have described how you cannot simply buff the other sentinels to be as useful as Carrier is. They would become game-breakingly strong, create massive amounts of additional problems, and still would not even be able to do what only Carrier can do.


The only reasonable solution to fix the problem of sentinel use numbers, is to actually level the playing field by giving every sentinel the ability to vacuum in loot for you. Instead of leaving only one sentinel that truly has an ability that no other sentinel can offer you, with the playing field leveled like this, those "specialized" abilities of the other sentinels would actually be able to shine and be appreciated for what they can offer over Carrier, rather than simply being different and not as useful.




Enough of these threads please.


Thanks for stopping by. The door shouldn't be too hard to find.

Edited by GhostFeng
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The only reasonable solution to fix the problem of sentinel use numbers, is to actually level the playing field by giving every sentinel the ability to vacuum in loot for you. Instead of leaving only one sentinel that truly has an ability that no other sentinel can offer you, with the playing field leveled like this, those "specialized" abilities of the other sentinels would actually be able to shine and be appreciated for what they can offer over Carrier, rather than simply being different and not as useful.


It's definitely not the only reasonable way to do it. This type of absolutist attitude isn't very constructive.


You just described how in your mind Carrier does it all. So honestly if I saw the popularity of Carrier as a problem, I would make Carrier do less. I'd literally take away its gun. Vacuum + all the defensive and utility companion mods it can equip are plenty reason to use it.


A similar but less extreme solution would be to only allow it to equip sweeper and then perhaps nerf the sweeper's damage.


If it didn't have the ability to equip a gun, or only a weak gun, you wouldn't be able to make any of the argument you just made. That proves it would make people think about using other sentinels.

Edited by Inmemoratus
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It's definitely not the only reasonable way to do it. This type of absolutist attitude isn't very constructive.


You just described how in your mind Carrier does it all. So honestly if I saw the popularity of Carrier as a problem, I would make Carrier do less. I'd literally take away its gun. Vacuum + all the defensive and utility companion mods it can equip are plenty reason to use it.


A similar but less extreme solution would be to only allow it to equip sweeper and then perhaps nerf the sweeper's damage.


If it didn't have the ability to equip a gun, or only a weak gun, you wouldn't be able to make any of the argument you just made. That proves it would make people think about using other sentinels.


Nice nerf request you have there. Nerfs solve every problem right? "There's never a reason to make anything better when all you have to do is take what's good and make it worse."

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I'm actually all up for a buff for the other sentinels. Dethcube's is literally useless. Shade is unreliable and worse compared to huras. Wyrm is doing the knockdown too rarely. Djinn is ok i guess? And i couldn't find Diriga all that useful too.


But there are still viable options beside carrier. Djinn, Huras and Raksa are 3 good examples though. Sahasa is cool too.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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Carrier: Durable, Convenient, Babies first sentinel.

Helios: OMG I have a codex. *scans everything*

Dirgia: I got your back....and every other side of you. *zaps*

Shade: I don't feel like interacting with you and you and you.

Deth Cube: [screams in Tenno] Everybody dies


Djinn: Your armor is adorable~


Pick what you like or what works for the given situation. If you wanna be lazy, be lazy, use Carrier. Just don't try to sell it as anything but laziness.

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Carrier vacuum ability just needs to become a passive ability on all companions! This way vacuum mod and its NEED is removed.

Carrier is revised/reviewed and gains another ability, for example "x %" more loot chance, or higher drop rate....

Now, this I can get behind. Make Vacuum a passive, and add the OP's suggestion of a storage mod for Carrier.

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Carrier: Durable, Convenient, Babies first sentinel.

Helios: OMG I have a codex. *scans everything*

Dirgia: I got your back....and every other side of you. *zaps*

Shade: I don't feel like interacting with you and you and you.

Deth Cube: [screams in Tenno] Everybody dies


Djinn: Your armor is adorable~


Pick what you like or what works for the given situation. If you wanna be lazy, be lazy, use Carrier. Just don't try to sell it as anything but laziness.





This made my day, a more accurate appraisal of Sentinels, there never has been.

Edited by Azathoth0013
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This game is all about every piece of equipment getting its time in the spotlight and its chance to be someone’s favorite and most-used.  So why are we all stuck using Carrier Prime?


*Looks to my own profile*

*Sees "Most used Companion"*

"Shade 58%"



Oh well... My life is wrong now...


Serious stuff now!

Mah boi GhostFeng,

Rank 4 Initiate swag,

Member since 20 August 2015,

You need to know: Warframe does not is limited to what everyone use. Trust me. (Main loadout: Volt Prime, Boar Prime, Vasto Prime, Fang Prime, Wyrm Prime).

You don't need to use Boltor Prime, Rhino Prime, Brakk and Scindo Prime. Nor Carrier Prime. You don't even need to use a full loadout. If you want to play with a stick, equip your Mk1 Bo, Bo or Bo prime and do your thing. The game is yours and no one will take your mouse and say: "You will not play if you choose that."


Just a little tip from me my buddy, pal, fella, amigo, bud, chummy chum. I don't want to be rude my friend, pal, home slice, bread slice, dawg, but if you think that you don't have a choice my brother, fella, pally, pal, chum you have something wrong with your mind.

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Vacuum shouldn't be a sentinel ability period. Vacuum should just be how loot pickup works in this game. You shouldn't have to stand on an item to pick it up. Players should have a loot radius greater than "physically touching the item." It's ridiculous, and boy is it ever punishing to new players who don't have a sentinel yet and who need every resource they can get, and every ammo drop possible since their weapons do so little damage.

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Vacuum shouldn't be a sentinel ability period. Vacuum should just be how loot pickup works in this game. You shouldn't have to stand on an item to pick it up. Players should have a loot radius greater than "physically touching the item." It's ridiculous, and boy is it ever punishing to new players who don't have a sentinel yet and who need every resource they can get, and every ammo drop possible since their weapons do so little damage.

I got by fine. You act as if its difficult to get your first sentinel

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I got by fine. You act as if its difficult to get your first sentinel

It doesn't matter whether it is or not (although 100k creds is no joke for a newbie). Loot based games need a loot magnet to be innate. It improves the flow of game overall.
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This is not a Carrier problem, it is a player problem.


If someone thinks Carrier is the best companion, he/she is just a bad player. Period.

How can Vacuum be better than my Diriga/Helios with high Status Chance distributing radiation/viral procs all over the map?


People are just lazy, that is the story.

I guess I'm a bad player.


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I had an idea a while ago that all sentinels can equip the vacuum mod and the carrier rework would make it have an extra 4 gear slots instead of picking up loot for you. Also each sentinel would have an interactive ability that you could activate after a set cool down.

Have a proper read of my thread and suggestion here please @GhostFeng


Ya know what? If you make it so when 1 player picks up an resource or mod and everyone gets it and I might drop Carrier. That way I don't have to worry about every little ammo drum and nano spore on the floor.

I like that idea or if tenno has a innate vacuum range 

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I would prefer if the other sentinels' abilities got buffed.


Dethcube's vaporize: Reduce cooldown from 30s to 20s. Increase range from 4m to 10m.


Shade's ghost: Increase range from 10m to 15-20m.


Wyrm's crowd dispersion: Reduce cooldown from 15s to 10s. Increase range from 10m to 12-15m.

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