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Alt Fire Still Unusable


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So, just a reminder. Ever since you decided to separate aim and alt fire, you moved alt fire to R3. It's a toggle, it's not fit to be held. So panthera, harpak etc. Are unusable. No wonder, you had no buttons left.

Either reverse change or take time and redesign affected weapons. It's still beta sure, but you took a working system and broke it. You even plan to fix it? I'd love to see Drew or Steve show on stream how usable panthera, convectrix, harpak are with classic controls.

Aside from reverting change, some weapons like harpak could just use tap trigger and hold trigger to choose fire type. R3 somewhat works for toggles after all, like grenade detonation.

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While I understand your issue with it having used some of those weapons recently, it does work.  It is simply extremely difficult to hold it and aim.


Just a thought of something to try, you can remap functions under your options menu.  Maybe try remapping your alt fire to another button.

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So, just a reminder. Ever since you decided to separate aim and alt fire, you moved alt fire to R3. It's a toggle, it's not fit to be held. So panthera, harpak etc. Are unusable. No wonder, you had no buttons left.

Either reverse change or take time and redesign affected weapons. It's still beta sure, but you took a working system and broke it. You even plan to fix it? I'd love to see Drew or Steve show on stream how usable panthera, convectrix, harpak are with classic controls.

Aside from reverting change, some weapons like harpak could just use tap trigger and hold trigger to choose fire type. R3 somewhat works for toggles after all, like grenade detonation.

Personally, I like having Alt Fire on R3 so I can aim with L2, but control preferences are highly subjective, so I'm interested in hearing more thoughts. Ever since Ivara's release, controls have been a hot topic with PS4 players. I don't think we'll be able to please everyone but constructive feedback is appreciated. 

Having said that, please remain respectful when posting feedback and be considerate of other opinions. 

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Personally, I like having Alt Fire on R3 so I can aim with L2, but control preferences are highly subjective, so I'm interested in hearing more thoughts. Ever since Ivara's release, controls have been a hot topic with PS4 players. I don't think we'll be able to please everyone but constructive feedback is appreciated. Having said that, please remain respectful when posting feedback and be considerate of other opinions.

I just want an option to switch firing modes that changes my regular fire button to alt fire until i switch it back. Who knows how many more alt fire weapons are coming and this is the best way to make the alt fire more usable in my opinion.

Edit: After reading what i said i may not have been clear. As an example i would like to make the left d-pad button switch firing mode on my controller so that when i press that R2 then will be alt fire until i press the left d-pad button again

Edited by (PS4)DA_HEFF_
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I still don't have alt fire mapped anywhere because I like the configuration I have. To allow for more customization, we need the ability to map the 'consumables' option to the touchpad (press and swipe). Previously this wasn't possible due to the consumables menu requiring the button be held, but now that consumables is a toggle menu we need this option.

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Personally, I like having Alt Fire on R3 so I can aim with L2, but control preferences are highly subjective, so I'm interested in hearing more thoughts. Ever since Ivara's release, controls have been a hot topic with PS4 players. I don't think we'll be able to please everyone but constructive feedback is appreciated. 

Having said that, please remain respectful when posting feedback and be considerate of other opinions. 

I think it might start to come down to being able to tweak controls based on some of the more specialized Warframes and weapons. We'd need to be able to set this via the arsenal.


Overall controls though, we could probably use some more context actions (reload on action, or rolling when moving instead of ducking), but I think we probably need more thinking along those lines. 


I'm more concerned about the Warframes at this point though, just because I know there's been more talk about implementing Ivara-like controls on other frames (like Vauban). At least in that case, I'd like the option to switch the functions of hold and tap. That would also be kind of nice for some of the other alt-fire-heavy use primaries, but that's a much more case-by-case basis.


EDIT: Another thing worth exploring is what else could be mapped to "hold down or tap." This works for switching to secondary or switching to melee pretty well, but I'm sure there's some other configurations for other actions that would also use this effectively (like pulling up the map).

Edited by (PS4)blackbeltdude7
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Personally, I like having Alt Fire on R3 so I can aim with L2, but control preferences are highly subjective, so I'm interested in hearing more thoughts. Ever since Ivara's release, controls have been a hot topic with PS4 players. I don't think we'll be able to please everyone but constructive feedback is appreciated. 

Having said that, please remain respectful when posting feedback and be considerate of other opinions. 


I think we just need a bunch of different options for people to choose from in addition to just more binding options (like allow consumables menu to bind to swipes)


Just a few suggestions I have:


1) Make an option to use Alt Fire like we had before, by pressing Aim button on weapons that have Alt Fire. Ideally it should be a weapon by weapon case, so we have on/off in a weapon customization (similar to visible when holstered) So for example if I take Quanta and Castanas, I can make so I can Aim with L2 on Quanta, but use L2 as Alt Fire on Castanas.


2) Make L2+R2 simultaneous press to be bindable to Alt Fire (while still having L2 as Aim and R2 as Fire). I think it's a simple enough alternative, that a lot of people would enjoy.


3) Make more options bindable for Power Menu modifier. Right now we can only bind powers to that, but why not being able to bind other stuff too? Alt Fire is great example for that. So you could assign Power Menu+L2(or R2) for Alt Fire.

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Personally, I like having Alt Fire on R3 so I can aim with L2, but control preferences are highly subjective, so I'm interested in hearing more thoughts. Ever since Ivara's release, controls have been a hot topic with PS4 players. I don't think we'll be able to please everyone but constructive feedback is appreciated. 

Having said that, please remain respectful when posting feedback and be considerate of other opinions. 

I personally assign my alt fire to my up-directional button, on classic controls, while assigning my power 1 to right directional. I feel the directional buttons are better suited for actions that require aiming than it is to move your entire thumb across the controller to swipe the touchpad.

If needed, it is rather easy to "claw" the controller to use the directional buttons.


I ended up having to assign my power 5, Focus, to an R3 click. Clicking R3 is a very deliberate action, and I feel it works perfectly. Now my issue is that I have no key to toggle my shoulder view, however. Customizable two-step button systems are likely what'll need to be done for the future as more and more specific actions are added, as much as I dislike those systems.


Currently, the three-button system we have right now (opening Inventory/ Emote menu, using analog to highlight and X to select, I feel could be improved by hotkeying Inventory/ Emote slots to other buttons while the menu is open. 

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We just need a fully working default configuration. Period.

Drew, do you honestly think that alt fire on panthera or harpak is ok? Holding down R3? Come on. Just change all weapons with continuous alt fire modes so that alt fire button is a TOGGLE, that changes you firing mechanic.

For example normally you tap R2 to fire panthera blades, after you click R3 holding R2 now makes the continously spinning sawblade instead. Etc. Click R3 again to enable previous mode.

R3 is meant to be a toggle. Like detonate a grenade or CHANGE firing mode. It's not FIT to be held. By design.

I think I've offered a perfect solution to the problem. Alt fire for weapons with continuous firing modes should be a toggle between those modes.

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The solution to this problem is very simple. I don't know why DE hasn't fixed it yet and there has been multiple threads about it before. The simple solution for this problem is to make sprinting a permanent thing since stamina doesn't exist anymore. Then the speed at which you run at is determined by how far the thumbstick is moved forward. This provides a lot more freedom for the player and still allows players to move slowly if they wish by slightly moving the thumbstick forward. You can see this feature in pretty much any FPS game nowadays. Then all you need to do is map roll/crouch to the sprint button. Click L3 for a roll and hold to crouch/slide and then now L1 is free to put whatever you want there.

Edited by (PS4)adam4213
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Personally, I like having Alt Fire on R3 so I can aim with L2, but control preferences are highly subjective, so I'm interested in hearing more thoughts. Ever since Ivara's release, controls have been a hot topic with PS4 players. I don't think we'll be able to please everyone but constructive feedback is appreciated. Having said that, please remain respectful when posting feedback and be considerate of other opinions.

Having used my Quanta Vandal for a very long time I have gotten used to using the R3 alt fire, it was difficult at first just because I was so used to not having the ability to ADS but I quickly learn the new controls and having the ability to ADS with weapons like the quanta, paracyst and Harpak is a very nice addition to this game, however holding R3 for weapons like the Harpak and Paracyst to use the Harpoon feature is very difficult to do compared to just taping R3 to fire a cube from my quanta. Edited by (PS4)TheRainbowTurt1e
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Set R3 to map. Click touchpad for focus. Up for alt fire. Left for power menu.

It works for me. I melee with R1 not ○ and reload with □.

Sorry if you cant find a way that works, but you can pretty much remap the controller to whatever you like, I am not sure what else can be done. More subtle and diverse touchpad commands would take some time to implement and likely cause some accidental input. Tap versus hold as well, just look at charge attacks. Im sure something new will come out, but I don't think its a priority. So just keep messing with the mapping till something clicks for you.

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We just need a fully working default configuration. Period.

Drew, do you honestly think that alt fire on panthera or harpak is ok? Holding down R3? Come on. Just change all weapons with continuous alt fire modes so that alt fire button is a TOGGLE, that changes you firing mechanic.

For example normally you tap R2 to fire panthera blades, after you click R3 holding R2 now makes the continously spinning sawblade instead. Etc. Click R3 again to enable previous mode.

R3 is meant to be a toggle. Like detonate a grenade or CHANGE firing mode. It's not FIT to be held. By design.

I think I've offered a perfect solution to the problem. Alt fire for weapons with continuous firing modes should be a toggle between those modes.

Agreed. Can't see anything wrong with this idea. R3 is not meant to be held down, that's for sure.

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Personally, I like having Alt Fire on R3 so I can aim with L2, but control preferences are highly subjective, so I'm interested in hearing more thoughts. Ever since Ivara's release, controls have been a hot topic with PS4 players. I don't think we'll be able to please everyone but constructive feedback is appreciated. 

Having said that, please remain respectful when posting feedback and be considerate of other opinions. 

Right now I have R3 set for ability activation. My alt fire is upper arrow on the pad. If there would be an option to turn sprint always on, I could use L3 for alt fire. 

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I agree with a lot of this feedback. Ivara broke all the controls for me and honestly I just choose to not use her anymore instead of jacking up the controls on every other frame. I'm dreading the thought of Vauban and others adopting these controls... :(

Some legit feedback that should be addressed is why are there 2 Power E's in the options menus? I think one is Ivara BS controls and the other is Focus but why not label the Focus one as Focus?

Also, OP has a very valid point on the alt fire... Thankfully I never use those weapons.

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The solution to this problem is very simple. I don't know why DE hasn't fixed it yet and there has been multiple threads about it before. The simple solution for this problem is to make sprinting a permanent thing since stamina doesn't exist anymore. Then the speed at which you run at is determined by how far the thumbstick is moved forward. This provides a lot more freedom for the player and still allows players to move slowly if they wish by slightly moving the thumbstick forward. You can see this feature in pretty much any FPS game nowadays. Then all you need to do is map roll/crouch to the sprint button. Click L3 for a roll and hold to crouch/slide and then now L1 is free to put whatever you want there.


Plus dont forget the fact that atm everytime you shoot\reload\open a locker and so on.. you forced to press L3 to sprint again, pretty annoying if you are using a slow warframe or a weapon with a little bullets capacity in the magazine. Not talking about Master Thief, if you want to open some lockers, prepare yourself to get your inches on fire

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Plus dont forget the fact that atm everytime you shoot\reload\open a locker and so on.. you forced to press L3 to sprint again, pretty annoying if you are using a slow warframe or a weapon with a little bullets capacity in the magazine. Not talking about Master Thief, if you want to open some lockers, prepare yourself to get your inches on fire

Not really sure what you're trying to say here Kraken. I'm assuming you think my idea would interfere with reloading and stuff since you can't sprint and reload and the same time which would be a problem. If that's the case then DE would just need to make reloading override sprinting so that when a player reloads his speed is automatically adjusted to walking pace until the reloading is complete. And you don't have to use L3 for roll/crouch. That's just how I would have it since I'd rather press L1 to use alt fire weapons than L3. 

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