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Chasing Ember


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Those Exterminate missions where all you do is chase after an Ember who is blitzing through the map as fast as possible. Not just fast but full on speedrunning 'keep up if you can' style. Yeah...


Matchmaking -> Solo


If you want to go fast that's fine, but outrunning every single one of your teammates and costing them any potential affinity is a bit much. We get it, you can go fast and Ember can kill things fast, that's great. Now how about remembering that this is a co-op game and not Forza.




Edit: Keep in mind this is just a vent thread. There is nothing to fix on DE's end and it's not an issue with Exterminate. It's an issue with player mentality and some people believing that the game is a race to see who can kill the most things and who can go the fastest. It's neither of those things, it's co-op not competitive. I just wish more people would realize that and try to play as a team rather than playing against the team.

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1. No coop is needed in low level missions where everything can be killed in 1 shot.

2. Go Volt and chase after Ember.

3. No Volt? Fine, put on Rush, Armored Agility, and other speed mods.

4. Too lazy to do all that? Then go solo and collect the affinity yourself.

5. Don't want to go solo either? Then you don't deserve the affinity.

No intention to sound harsh or aggressive, just wanted to summarize my points quickly.

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1. No coop is needed in low level missions where everything can be killed in 1 shot.

2. Go Volt and chase after Ember.

3. No Volt? Fine, put on Rush, Armored Agility, and other speed mods.

4. Too lazy to do all that? Then go solo and collect the affinity yourself.

5. Don't want to go solo either? Then you don't deserve the affinity.

No intention to sound harsh or aggressive, just wanted to summarize my points quickly.


The problem is that you don't know what playstyle that player will have until they are playing it. So it's hard to counter it with speedy mods or Volt since it's unknown. Especially if it's a mission you just get dropped into and have no chance for prep. To be fair, the hyperspeed Embers aren't all that common, most are easy enough to catch and even overtake if I wanted to. It's the ones that take the speedrunning to the extreme that I'm complaining about.



ppl complaining about not having to do anything and getting rewards...

what is this world...


Chasing Ember might mean easy rewards, but it's also not fun.

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When this happens I take the opportunity to loot, wall run, or keep up with my own speed mods. Understandably its irritating. I try to keep my play style to whoever jumped in with me. If they are running, so am I. If they are staying and fighting, so am I. I know what I'm signing up for when I go public games.

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Chasing Ember might mean easy rewards, but it's also not fun.

Fun's pretty subjective.


For me, it's not fun waiting at extraction for someone who wants to take 30 minutes in a level 20 Exterminate to leisurely open every container and who gets mad when not everyone exclusively uses a Mk1-Bo for everything.

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I can understand to a certain extent but what do you expect from joining public? Also the only thing this is going to accomplish is another reason for DE to break exterminate again.


Eh, it's pretty much just a vent thread. There is nothing to fix on DE's end and it's not an issue with Exterminate. It's an issue with player mentality and some people believing that the game is a race to see who can kill the most things and who can go the fastest. It's neither of those things, it's co-op not competitive. I just wish more people would realize that and try to play as a team rather than playing against the team.


Edit: I think I'm gonna paste this to the OP as some people seem to be getting the wrong idea.

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Eh, it's pretty much just a vent thread. There is nothing to fix on DE's end and it's not an issue with Exterminate. It's an issue with player mentality and some people believing that the game is a race to see who can kill the most things and who can go the fastest. It's neither of those things, it's co-op not competitive. I just wish more people would realize that and try to play as a team.

Co-op play is reserved for higher level missions in which one frame can no longer sufficiently solo the mission. Do you really need a Trinity for healing in a Mercury extermination mission?

Some players, including myself, want to reach extraction as fast as possible so I don't spend any more time than I have to. I would like to spend those extra seconds or minutes that I saved to farm other things. Most of the time, I solo those missions. But sometimes, missions such as hive alerts can be completed faster with more players, so I pub those missions.

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Co-op play is reserved for higher level missions in which one frame can no longer sufficiently solo the mission. Do you really need a Trinity for healing in a Mercury extermination mission?

Some players, including myself, want to reach extraction as fast as possible so I don't spend any more time than I have to. I would like to spend those extra seconds or minutes that I saved to farm other things. Most of the time, I solo those missions. But sometimes, missions such as hive alerts can be completed faster with more players, so I pub those missions.


You're missing the point I'm trying to make. Obviously you don't need to maximize synergy in order to complete lower level content, but that doesn't mean you can't play as a team. If you're 4 rooms ahead of your entire group, would it really hurt to stop and wait for 10 seconds so they can catch up and maybe try to tone it down and match their pace? If you're doing a survival, instead of being a hallway hero on the other end of the map, why not stick with the group so the spawns don't get split and everyone gets easy access to affinity/drops?


It's a matter of thinking about the group rather than only yourself. And it doesn't have to be a huge adjustment. Little things like the examples I provided are the difference between playing in a PUG and playing together as a team. Is it necessary to do any of this? No, not really. Is it a good habit to get into and is it a good mentality to have, absolutely. Especially in a game that is based around working together.

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Eh, it's pretty much just a vent thread. There is nothing to fix on DE's end and it's not an issue with Exterminate. It's an issue with player mentality and some people believing that the game is a race to see who can kill the most things and who can go the fastest. It's neither of those things, it's co-op not competitive. I just wish more people would realize that and try to play as a team rather than playing against the team.


Edit: I think I'm gonna paste this to the OP as some people seem to be getting the wrong idea.

And it is co-op. They're killing, you're there as a second person so you can say its a co-op game.

You're pretty lucky to have gotten into the mission before they finished really.


Okay but really, co-op doesn't mean run at the lowest level, it means synergy.

Co-op means Draco meta of working together for the result, not saying to somebody to stop being frame and let the obviously not synergizing frame do something.

That is your issue.

You aren't synergizing with the ember, you are at fault.

Bring a trinity and help, a saryn and spore, a limbo and banish.


Quite frankly, the issue is you need to get gud and play better.

Not tell others that their superior play needs to be toned down for you.


I mean really, I just took a bunch of baby newbs on a romp about the solar system to get them the basics for planet resources, and frame parts.

Played ember and manned a sanctii tigris to do it all as fast as W + M1 + 4 would do.

They were very happy to get everything done in decaseconds over minutes.

So here is your co-op, and it sees that people prefer using their limited time efficiently.


Once you get one of those fun jobs that follows you worse than an STD, you'll understand that you want to be fast and efficient with your time.

Take your free time now, and invest it. Do the things you won't be able to do in 5 years. Don't pick at crates, go forth and build, create a new piece of art, learn a language, cook.

Playing Zelda in Warframe is a pretty crap use of this free time.

We have Nekros to make drops easy.

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You're missing the point I'm trying to make. Obviously you don't need to maximize synergy in order to complete lower level content, but that doesn't mean you can't play as a team. If you're 4 rooms ahead of your entire group, would it really hurt to stop and wait for 10 seconds so they can catch up and maybe try to tone it down and match their pace? If you're doing a survival, instead of being a hallway hero on the other end of the map, why not stick with the group so the spawns don't get split and everyone gets easy access to affinity/drops?


It's a matter of thinking about the group rather than only yourself. And it doesn't have to be a huge adjustment. Little things like the examples I provided are the difference between playing in a PUG and playing together as a team. Is it necessary to do any of this? No, not really. Is it a good habit to get into and is it a good mentality to have, absolutely. Especially in a game that is based around working together.

You're missing at least two things.


One: In a game where the average matchmade player is more a danger to themselves than any enemy, what's the gain in working together?


Two: Anything and everything in this game with the exception of Trials can be soloed easily. Trials take at most 30 minutes with a group of 6 competent players. It's not based around working together any more than, say, Halo is.

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Affinity is a poor excuse. Because Exterminates and Captures give next to no affinity unless you are running a lolki / ivara cloaky kill setup. That is where it might be you should be doing solo.


As in you doing solo, not the rest of Warframe.


Do understand that people who blitz through entire games tend to be needing for time, so just go along with it.

Also some exterminates are invasions with Catalyst/Reactor/Forma rewards, of course people are going to blaze through it, since those are limited runs.

Edited by fatpig84
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Sorry OP, you're venting about someone being inconsiderate and trolling to a community that is advocating said behaviour. This isn't going to end the way you want it to.


Yeah I noticed.


I also noticed that nobody has time. They need to speedrun because they don't really want to do that content and just want the reward. Plus they need that time so they can speedrun something else that they don't really want to play, so they can save that time to speedrun something else. Something about that seems a little goofy to me but I suppose I'm wrong about that as well.

I guess this just ended up being a reminder on why PUGs tend to be the way they are, and why I play solo 90% of the time. Not my intent but I suppose it solves my issue in the end lol.


And just to clarify, I don't need to "get gud". I can play just fine. Be it soloing T4s (aside from Defense/Interception), carrying Sorties, or speedrunning if I have to. This was never about my individual skill despite some peoples attempts to make it that. Keeping up wasn't the issue, not liking it (and the mentality behind it) was.

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Yeah I noticed.


I also noticed that nobody has time. They need to speedrun because they don't really want to do that content and just want the reward. Plus they need that time so they can speedrun something else that they don't really want to play, so they can save that time to speedrun something else. Something about that seems a little goofy to me but I suppose I'm wrong about that as well.

I guess this just ended up being a reminder on why PUGs tend to be the way they are, and why I play solo 90% of the time. Not my intent but I suppose it solves my issue in the end lol.


And just to clarify, I don't need to "get gud". I can play just fine. Be it soloing T4s (aside from Defense), carrying Sorties, or speedrunning if I have to. This was never about my individual skill despite some peoples attempts to make it that. Keeping up wasn't the issue, not liking it (and the mentality behind it) was.

Its only goofy since you don't have a fixed schedule.

Once you understand man hours and their value, then you'll realize why our society has so fallen apart as a social structure, but bloomed as a price maker.

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Its only goofy since you don't have a fixed schedule.

Once you understand man hours and their value, then you'll realize why our society has so fallen apart as a social structure, but bloomed as a price maker.


Only if you play a game as if it was your job.

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Its only goofy since you don't have a fixed schedule.

Once you understand man hours and their value, then you'll realize why our society has so fallen apart as a social structure, but bloomed as a price maker.


Not quite. It's more goofy in the sense of: If you don't enjoy doing the missions/content and only play to get them over with, then why are you even playing?


But I'm sure it's also because my man hours are vastly inferior to your man hours. Your dad could probably beat up my dad too.

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