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My First Introduction | Today I Quit Warframe


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I'll keep this short. I feel disappointed in content creators and the dev team for how they're handling the ongoing ban against revxdev. I had faith in the community's integrity but from this incident I believe we're no better or even worse than other games. I quit because something that could have been easily solved by DE could escalate so far out of control. This gives me the incentive to believe that DE will handle other issues in a similar fashion and for me this means ALL my investment into this game was for naught.

The most astonishing thing was to see Mogamu incriminating Rev and threatening to remove his existence publicly. I don't understand how Mogamu, Steve and AAGP could bring racist and sexist claims against Rev just to back their own argument. Why infringe on your own personal integrity?

I don't want to make the game less fun for anyone but its just not fun for me.

I apologize to DE, I said I loved this game which makes me completely hypocritial.

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All's I gots to say is: RevxDev was the sole creator of his own fate. If you kick the hornet's nest, you're PROBABLY going to get stung. Dev-bashing isn't allowed, and he was a prime offender of that. He kept pushing harder and harder and then is stupefied when the devs pushed back.


I have beef with some of the crap DE pulls, but you don't go public about it and you certainly don't make anything personal. 


I wish you a good farewell, but people like RevXDev are poison to gaming communities.


EDIT: Also...


Edited by Aura
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The original ban, from what I've heard, was because he broke the multiple account rules - using multiple accounts to farm plat discounts, and was logging in to another person's account. These are against the rules, it's in the EULA and terms of service. DE gave him a second chance, as long as he didn't cause any more trouble. Guess what he did? He went and caused more trouble, accusing DE and other Warframe youtubers of all kinds of stuff (as well as homophobic and racist comments). To further escalate the situation, his fans have gone on a kind of crusade against DE and other Warframe youtubers.

By the way, "A ban is a personal matter between DE and the person who was banned" inb4 lock.

Edited by mindlord0013
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Welcom- oh you're leaving already?



Well, don't let the door hit you on head on the way out, also he broke the end license user agreement, do you think they should just let stuff like that slide?


He threw a tantrum and you dont reward a child for throwing a big tantrum 

Edited by Amethyst.zero
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Well this thread is going to be removed soon...


Anyway, I don't care for any of the Warframe YTers and I certainly don't care for racist homophobes which this Rev apparently is so I've got nothing to say on who's at fault or whatever but this guy openly admitted plat farming which is against TOS. He gets banned and goes on a conspiracy-filled crusade against DE?



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Why is that?


I will personally miss every person that made this game possible, despite how much S#&$ I'm spewing at DE right now. I've spent a lot of time here, met a bunch of great people, I enjoy my stay here and just lately the community and the game has been rapidly degrading.


Who's Rev and what happened now?


I suggest just looking his channel up and seeing all of his vids, pretty much his entire front page is filled with them.


Really. A guy getting banned because he broke the EULA is enough to get you to go?


Chances are you weren't gonna stick around long anyways then.


Goodbye, Thanks for funding the game. Good luck in your future endeavors.


If we are banning people for TOS/EULA violation, we at least should be consistent with it. You either give everyone a leeway and be nice or strictly enforce it, you cannot randomly decide that some people are above and beyond the rules for whatever reason while others that (as the guy claims) call out your bovine feces get banned so you don't have to deal with the aftermath.


So you support homophobic attitudes, rude and hateful comments, and you stand for that? 


Good ridden, you can go join rexdev in that little bubble where you believe everyone will agree with you, no matter what you say.


From what I've seen Rev's reaction, homophobic is a hyperbole.


I'm a "live and let live" type of guy, I'm not actively trying to annoy or force my way of life onto everyone else and I expect the same, I couldn't care less about homosexual people out there, but all of these rainbow coloured peeps that show off their orientation every time they can, their whole personality and character is based on being different, this is what pisses me off.


I'm not against homosexuality, I just don't want people sticking their appendages in my orifices in the name of progress and calling me a homophobe for refusing to comply to their difference.


AGGP appears to be that type of guy, his whole point of existence being to show everyone that he's gay as his channel name states it, I feel sorry for the guy, he's really got to be very insecure about his orientation.

Edited by Mofixil
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