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Forum Migration Feedback & Bugs


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(Browser used: Firefox 44.0.2))


  1. Dark theme supported by default.
  2. More options in the WYSIWYG editor which allows less forum-savvy people to properly format their topics.
  3. Total reputation visible now, which is at least a nice touch.
  4. Easy accessibility of latest staff replices and help desk link.

That is about where the good parts end.
The rest is the same status quo as the old one (being insufficient and lacking) but now with added issues and increased deficits.


  1. Hitting "enter" makes two line-breaks. I need to press shift+enter to make a single line break. What the hell. Remove this.
  2. I do not see any way to preview my message. I only see quick reply and if I reply to the topic, I get thrown down to the quick reply box. Preview is crucial to test which code is functioning and which is not without spamming uselessly. Preview is also crucial to see how much the WYSIWYG editor screws up the original formatting.
  3. I cannot write two replys at once in different tabs. It always shows the content from the first reply I'm about to write.
  4. Readability goes down the drain as the profile section on the left is not properly separated from the content section to the right of it. All forum skins have a ridiculous amount of "overbleed" into each other's sections, making it not easy to distinguish where one posts starts, the other one ends and what isn't even part of the post. Just to make sure; no, I my vision is fine and no, I have no mental disabilities or other visual issues to distinguish things and neither do I have colour blindness.
  5. In general, everything is way too big and wastes space. I don't talk about fonts, I talk about spacing and the lack of borders to differentiate.
  6. Circle-capped passepartout on the profile images are just gimmicky and waste image space. We buy avatars with platinum. We want to see all of it that we buy, and not cut off our corners.
  7. Still no "insert image" option in the editor buttons.
  8. Still no ability to turn the WYSIWYG function OFF and get us a direct code-based version of the forum text to format as we desire, and not as the editor thinks it should be done.
  9. The "Warframe" header image in the top left is still barely readable on the dark theme. how to fix this: Upload a different banner and manually select in the admin control panel which banner the forum should use. Or hardcode it into the template.
  10. Despite having a dark theme, the WYSIWYG box to write the reply is still light. how to fix this: Upload a different WYSIWYG editor and edit the dark theme to refer to the dark editor.
  11. (( as listed in original post: )) Default user Avatar is "nothing" instead of the old Excalibur on space skybox. Please edit this accordingly. While it should be a simple fix about just replacing the original image, apparently there is something going on in the background that makes this difficult, which doesn't make the forum system look like a solid choice.
  12. Loading performance is fairly slow and the "wibble-wobble" of up and downscrolling while loading posts is seriously annoying.

I could not look into profile settings or forum options yet because they appear to be broken. I will update this post or write a new one as things become possible to be used.

Overall rating: 2/10.
As a forum administrator for several forums, I'm just as put off as last time when the forum upgrade happened. My want to post feedback and bugs about the game on the forum has decreased to zero for now. I'm not sure why certain of these bugs listed in the first posts are even happening, but I spare my comments on them else I get another warning, just like the previous (and still only one) that I received only because I gave truthful but harsh criticism about the previous forum change.

Edited by Khunvyel
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4 hours ago, unmog said:

Hopefully this time they just let us pick our own little avatar pics instead of tying them to our game account pic. You know, like pretty much any other forum for any other game currently available in the rest of the world.

But yes I was fumbling around in settings before I searched for how to change my avatar with the new forum. No dice. I guess the only ones that are allowed to have pictures by their name are people that work at DE.

Well that probably won't ever happen for obvious reasons. 

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I encountered a bug in which I used the quote function but because it didn't give me room to type under the quote, so I tried to delete the quote to start again but now every time I click on the message box at the bottom of ONLY that thread, a empty quote box pops up with the person's name I tried to previously quote and I can't delete it. I have tried refreshing the page as well as leaving and coming back but it appears that the thread itself is now broken specifically to myself. I also can't quote anyone else from that thread anymore, even if I change pages or leave the thread and come back.


Browser : Google Chrome

Edited by (XB1) Xodus03
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So, a bunch of things that is really bugging me about the new forum layout:

  1. When checking in my profile, I go to "see my activity" and I see the 2 old selections, (My) Topics and (My) Posts, but the third one (used to be something along the lines of "Show all threads which I have posted in") is now called "All Activity", but it now only shows MY posted content in those threads, nothing else.
  2. So, I went to the "Content I Posted In" ... only to see that the filters REMOVES everything from 2015 and forward. I only see from late 2014 and back. This also goes for the "All Activity" one in profiles (and many other sections too). What is with the messed up timefilters??
  3. No Design Council. How can you miss to implement such a big section?

There is more, but so far, I really don't like the new layout. Khunvyel posted a lot of good criticism a few posts above me, listen to him.

Edited by Azamagon
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Don't know if this is because of the forum update not being fully functional yet, but with the old forums, I could login and stay logged on regardless if I closed the browser, or even went to a different page then came back. Now I have to chose "Existing member? Sign In" each time I come back to the forum home page from somewhere else(i.e. when going to another website within the same tab or closing down the current browser session). It's rather annoying, atm. Being able to stay logged in was nice, and I hope it's something you guys can get working again.


Also, is there a way to get rid of the sound notification for replies to a thread you're currently viewing? If not, I'd like an option to not have the sound play, please.

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text box is white and grey is too light in dark theme

text is much larger than it needs to be

each post takes up at least one third of my screen (with 80% zoom), there's no reason for this

putting quote button back on the side would look better and save space

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The "Latest Staff Replies" stream jumps from "Today" to literally 8 months back. I'm not sure if this is a bug per se, but I don't understand why a gap that large exists or could possibly be useful. It also seems to ignore the "Edit this stream".

Additionally, the "login" button on the forums presents inconsistent results. Today it would just return me to the main forum without actually logging me in, until I went to the main site, logged back out and in and returned.

Edited by Archwizard
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Another piece of feedback. Please get the recent topics board back up on the main forum page. If you weren't planing on having one with this new layout, I'd highly suggest reconsidering it. I used that board all the time when coming here, as I don't frequent any particular subsections on their own, and only really revisit threads that I have followed. It was a great way to keep updated on the 'in' for the game and what was going on currently within the game and community. Currently, I don't feel I have anything to do when I come to the forums, because I have no idea what topics have just been posted.


Edit: 1600 posts. :P

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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3 minutes ago, GhostSwordsman said:

Another piece of feedback. Please get the recent topics board back up on the main forum page. If you weren't planing on having one with this new layout, I'd highly suggest reconsidering it. I used that board all the time when coming here, as I don't frequent any particular subsections on their own, and only really revisit threads that I have followed. It was a great way to keep updated on the 'in' for the game and what was going on currently within the game and community. Currently, I don't feel I have anything to do when I come to the forums, because I have no idea what topics have just been posted.


Edit: 1600 posts. :P

DE Please. This is a MUST! The "Activity topics" isn't the same as the Recent/Newest topics. I too always used it to get a couple of quick replies in or find out something changed or just being informed. I really dislike the fact it didn't make it to the newest layout. The newest layout will be 10x times better with the Recent/Newest Topics added

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16 minutes ago, 321agemo said:

Login problems i had this morning, both mobile and pc:

Autosigned out, clicking sign in on forums would not run. I was still signed in on website.  In the end i had to sign out from main website, sign in, then go to forums and sign in that.


I had the exact same problem. Also, on android (using chrome) I cannot sign in at all. when I click on "sign in" button it just reload the page but I'm still not signed in.

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Okay, so I've got overall three major issues, two bugs and one annoyance.

The bugs, let's start with the login not working. There's a thread about it, but I'm currently unable to login on Firefox, and I've noticed that even once I do log in, the page doesn't update to reflect I've logged in until I refresh it.

Bug two, the staff reply feed. It goes straight from "Today" to "Earlier" ...where earlier is July 2015. I don't really care about Ash Prime Access at the moment, I'd rather look at, say, yesterday's staff replies.

As to the annoyance, I've noticed that if someone replies to a topic while you're catching up on it, it will not only display a notice, but play a sound. As far as I can tell, there is currently no way to turn that sound off. If i hadn't been looking right at it at the time, and noticed the sound playing with the notice, I'd likely have spent last night running virus checks because my computer just made a strange sound when it shouldn't have.

I'm going to assume that the setting for this sound is in the "settings" tab on the profile. Pity it seems users cannot currently access it.

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On 22.2.2016 at 10:06 PM, Kontrollo said:



Looks like webm-videos now work as well, just by pasting an URL? That's awesome, great job guys!

When I posted this, I had tested it just in the new post editor here.

I've now created a post with an embedded webm to gfycat inside a spoiler (see here). And somehow, I just can't get my browser to display it, unless I click/mark it and use the browser's inspection tools (in Firefox: right click > inspect element). Tried to view the post with both Firefox and Chrome, same behaviour.

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7 hours ago, Khunvyel said:

Hitting "enter" makes two line-breaks. I need to press shift+enter to make a single line break. What the hell. Remove this.

I think that's intentional.

It's the difference between a paragraph (Enter),
and a line break (Shift+Enter).

If you know how to modify the Stylesheet in your browser, it's easy to fix client-side. So what you probably want is for them to adjust the stylesheet in a way that's less jarring.


18 minutes ago, Zetrein said:

Okay, so I've got overall three major issues, two bugs and one annoyance.

The bugs, let's start with the login not working. There's a thread about it, but I'm currently unable to login on Firefox, and I've noticed that even once I do log in, the page doesn't update to reflect I've logged in until I refresh it.

Bug two, the staff reply feed. It goes straight from "Today" to "Earlier" ...where earlier is July 2015. I don't really care about Ash Prime Access at the moment, I'd rather look at, say, yesterday's staff replies.


I've been unable to log in as well, however I coud fix it like this: Go to the website itself (warframe.com). Log out. Go to the forums and log in. You get redirected to the website for that. Once you're done and in the forums again, click on the login link again and it should work. Really cumbersome, but at least it lets you in again.

I've noticed the feed problem as well, I think they're currently filling the database with the past activity. It was 2014 at some point, now it's July 2015. So nothing to worry about.

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3 hours ago, Archwizard said:

The "Latest Staff Replies" stream jumps from "Today" to literally 8 months back.

I just checked my own Activity feed, the feeds literally don't have anything between July 7th last year and coming back online Monday.

Posts that were made between still exist, they can still be searched, they're just... not in the feed.

Looking at a friend's feed right now, it skips from today, to a post in August 2014, to July 2015. What the Hek?

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I have no Idea if someone has mentioned it yet, but mobile forums login has broken, and clicking in "sign in" button sends back to forums homepage without logging in (Have been waiting for it to be fixed about 9 hours, now i can get back home and post this issue on forums. Tested on default theme)

Btw, the new forums looks awesome. Good job! 

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