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Oberon Rework discussion and feedback


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I think everybody should agree Oberon still needs a rework. He has potential to become a great warframe. His Abilities are is really good but however that's what we need to work on. 

Ability 1: Smite

Smite Is good however the energy should not be bounces off of walls. It should follow towards the enemies.

Ability 2: Hallowed Ground 

This needs to be buffed the most. I avoid using this ability. It needs to be buffed so it can do more damaged and the rectangle fire pit should not be a rectangle, it should be a circle 

Ability 3: Renewal

This doesn't even heal people at all. It even shouldn't make a ball of energy and follows your team mates. It should be instant. It should be like trinity's Blessing but however give you less health and fix your shields. 

Ability 4: Reckoning

Make it do more damage please for love of god.

Also Please make oberon's horns not the primary color. change it to the secondary. Im trying to make him look like a elk ;)

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3 hours ago, FatherNapingElk said:

I think everybody should agree Oberon still needs a rework. He has potential to become a great warframe. His Abilities are is really good but however that's what we need to work on. 

Ability 1: Smite

Smite Is good however the energy should not be bounces off of walls. It should follow towards the enemies.

Ability 2: Hallowed Ground 

This needs to be buffed the most. I avoid using this ability. It needs to be buffed so it can do more damaged and the rectangle fire pit should not be a rectangle, it should be a circle 

Ability 3: Renewal

This doesn't even heal people at all. It even shouldn't make a ball of energy and follows your team mates. It should be instant. It should be like trinity's Blessing but however give you less health and fix your shields. 

Ability 4: Reckoning

Make it do more damage please for love of god.

Also Please make oberon's horns not the primary color. change it to the secondary. Im trying to make him look like a elk ;)

1. Totally agree.

2. Not sure, as it won't be so usable in a doorways and tight places. For Defense type missions i just cast 3 of them nearby making a huge carpet where i can dodge and get all of it's effects.

3. Totally agree! And it won't be OP in any way as it takes time to heal and lasts a limites period of time.

4. I would prefer more Radius. Right now it oneshots enemies up to 25lvl, damage buff will just let you do the same maybe up to 35lvl, which is useless anyway in later game. But radius buff will make it even a better CC, than it's now and think i will start using Oberon as my main frame instead of beloved Nyx with Chaos, even it would much less radiation status duration time and more energy to use.

But even now i can't understand all that Oberon's hate as its really very good, balanced and tanky frame

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1: i feel as though it should keep bouncing with increased directional targeting accuracy and should also leave a small patch of hallowed ground at every point of impact.

2: i think Hallowed ground should work similar to Nezhas Firewalker and Oberon begins leaping across the battlefield leaving expanding circles on every step

Not unlike this but with 2 legs lol



3: should Send (Very fast) Orbs of light from all Hallowed ground (or Oberon if any Hallowed ground is not present) and should also cause all hallowed ground to flare up growing slightly healing (and maybe even progressively reviving) allies in the AOE and Radiation Proc'ing nearby enemies in a small burst of energy.

4: Oberon will raise his hand as before but will now clench his fist and send all affected enemies colliding into a massive sphere and then slamming them down dealing a damage multiplier based on the number of enemies affected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as no Dev replied...at least a moderator replied (Even if it was about a "Tag").

Oberon needs a rework, chiefly,  because there never should be an under powered or "useless" warframe.

Seems to me a lot of work goes into all their warframes when they make the meshkits and abilities, why not make it something that's end game competitive.


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Huge Oberon fan and have played him since release and I actively try to take part in buff threads for him in the hopes that DE listens and fixes things like I used to do back when Ember was all over the place. That said, his 2 and 3 in their current state hold him back from being more usable for the role he is supposed to be, which is offensive support.



Completely fine, zero issues with this ability, the bounce on the orbs lead it to being a fantastic power in most hallways in the game because the enemies cannot escape them homing in tight spaces. I would argue that this is currently still since it got buffed a long time ago, one of the best 1 powers in the game.

Hallow Ground:



Is hot, filthy garbage and honestly probably the biggest thing holding him back, I'm also really against any lingering type power that requires enemies to stay in it to get any value out of it because of how fast paced the game is.

Would just rename it Judgement and make it a ranged AOE that blasts enemies within a 10-15M  radius (max radius would scale with rank) with a burning pillar of light that deals somewhere around a moderate level of radiation damage (prob cap at 300-500 eh), stuns them for 2 seconds (is not effected by duration) and when the stun ends, tags them with damage reduction that maxes out at 25-30% (scales with power, iffy on % value for cap) for 15-20 seconds at max rank (this part will scale with duration) and causes enemies to take increased damage from Smite and Reckoning (unknown value). Allies caught in the AOE still have negative status effects removed.




This is the only power of his I truthfully have zero idea on how to make better, but it needs to be. Honestly though he doesn't need that great a heal, healing is Trinity's job and Oberon is offensive support with a helpful splash of healing. Basically needs to be a more efficient way to heal teammates (he already heals himself just fine) with another quirky positive effect on it on top of the healing.




Ah, one of my absolute favorite powers in the game because of how visually powerful it looks and sounds, all evil bows to the fay king. 

Effects aside, DE has shown to us in the advent of Frost receiving his huge set of buffs that there is absolutely NO REASON now to not have reckoning become a 1500 damage utility ultimate, even Mag's Crush is 1500 damage making this look even more pathetic for a power that has a on kill effect. Speaking of it's on kill effect, either the orb chance becomes able to scale with power strength OR they raise the drop chance to around 80% not this 50/50 crap we get if we just so happen to kill higher level enemies with it later on, unacceptable and diminishes his team contribution potential.



I have much love for this frame with it's offensive support type role and his kinda quirky grab bag of positive extra effects on his powers but him like many other frames are just suffering from DE's constant feet dragging on just god damn adjusting them correctly already like they've been doing for years and it drives me insane. Seriously, once you've played this game long enough it's not that hard to come up with ways to just balance out a frame, if I seriously sat down to theory craft and number crunch I could probably knock out a list of balance changes for a single frame in 1-3 days.

Edited by MarcusGraves
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  • 1 month later...

Oberon Hallowed Ground should be an aura with a 10-15% armor increase some enemy damage and prevents knockdown for Oberon same as now, but also teammates in certain radius. Also if it's "righteous fire" give it a smoky green effect with slight blur. Not weird bubbles on the ground. 

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Very much agreed on him needing a rework, though I can think of a couple tiny changes that might make him better.

1) Base 1 is fine, but augment Smite Infusion should work on the whole team, including Oberon himself, with a single press of the button. To balance, reduce it's bonus damage or duration.

2) Hallowed Ground should be Hallowed Aura. Nuff said.

3) No slow projectiles, just instant regen. Maybe continuous regen like Rejuvenation Aura.

4) His 4 is 1% blind, 1% knockdown, 1% radiation proc, 1% healing utility, 1% damage. Scrap that. Give it a single purpose, I don't care which, just some one thing it would do 100% good.

Edited by Shaber05
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all Oberon needs is:

1. A solid passive, I suggest one that gives him extra armor and status resistance while at full health.

2. Increased duration on reckoning effects.

3. Increased damage and duration on HG. Static armor increase instead of %.

4. Some ability synergy.


also, wtf DE, bringing out another fairy frame without fixing the King.

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My friend loves Oberon with a passion, and has played WoW for years. All I hear is how a Paladin is supposed to be tanky and withstand some shots and have the ability to heal a bit when needed. I've seen that Hollowed Ground should be rounded and follow Oberon as a radiating aura with Oberon at the center. I agree with this as Warframe, for the most part, is a really mobile game and rarely stops unless in gamemodes that are stationary. My friend, and a few others I've seen as well, have suggested that Oberon's passive might give him armor or a health boost depending on allies in a certain area. 

Smite, I personally think is one of Oberon's more solid abilities. Renewal can use a face-lift as well, but I honestly have no idea how to tackle that in the slightest. And lastly Reckoning, which I think maybe add a healing pulse after an enemies death or for a few seconds radiate health in a short range. truth be told I have seen countless Oberon threads and I just want to see some love for the guy.

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And now there is a new skin before they rework Oreberon? Come on now! Look Oberon is a fun frame to play but when you get to end game there is no denying that his powers are next to useless. Everything needs to be buffed. 

1: Smite needs to be what it is now but with the homing effect much faster. 

2: Hollowed Ground can still be called that but it needs to behave like an aura and on top of the buff to armor and knock down reduction it should buff shields and give a slow over time heal to any allies in the aura. 

3: Renewal is one of the most broken and this is my thought on it. If Oberon is the Paladin of Warframe, let's give him a miracle. Renewal should instantly revive downed allies at distance and heal them. This would cost an initial flat power cost of 50 to Revive any number of allies at once to half health with half shield and then cost additional power to continue to heal all affected to full or until his power runs out. This would all the sudden allow Oberon to have a very real effect on the survivability of allies LATE GAME while still holding that power in check. It also pulls him out of the role of "having a heal... but Trinity's is better". 

4: Reckoning really just needs to be tweeked. First it should have a slightly lower base cost. And secondly it should pull everyone caught in the field together before slamming them to the ground. This way the knock down effect is more useful because you could dispatch more than one enemy for each use. 


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As for my choice i really think that devs should completely Alter the Reckoning ability. Oberon is a paladin type war-frame and if you google "Paladin" you'll get pics that show a heavenly night with ability to heal and with a large longsword. So won;t it be cool for developers to give him ability that allows him, to summon a spectral long sword dealing Rad damage, while having also spectral Angelic wings that allows him move, jump and glide faster and ...i don't know higher? And when activating the ability for him to first release the energy shockwave and then do anything i mentioned above (at constant cost of energy of course, like excal's exsaulted blade). Won't it be AWESOME!?

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On 3/4/2016 at 4:54 PM, MarcusGraves said:

Huge Oberon fan and have played him since release and I actively try to take part in buff threads for him in the hopes that DE listens and fixes things like I used to do back when Ember was all over the place. That said, his 2 and 3 in their current state hold him back from being more usable for the role he is supposed to be, which is offensive support.


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Completely fine, zero issues with this ability, the bounce on the orbs lead it to being a fantastic power in most hallways in the game because the enemies cannot escape them homing in tight spaces. I would argue that this is currently still since it got buffed a long time ago, one of the best 1 powers in the game.

Hallow Ground:

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Is hot, filthy garbage and honestly probably the biggest thing holding him back, I'm also really against any lingering type power that requires enemies to stay in it to get any value out of it because of how fast paced the game is.

Would just rename it Judgement and make it a ranged AOE that blasts enemies within a 10-15M  radius (max radius would scale with rank) with a burning pillar of light that deals somewhere around a moderate level of radiation damage (prob cap at 300-500 eh), stuns them for 2 seconds (is not effected by duration) and when the stun ends, tags them with damage reduction that maxes out at 25-30% (scales with power, iffy on % value for cap) for 15-20 seconds at max rank (this part will scale with duration) and causes enemies to take increased damage from Smite and Reckoning (unknown value). Allies caught in the AOE still have negative status effects removed.



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This is the only power of his I truthfully have zero idea on how to make better, but it needs to be. Honestly though he doesn't need that great a heal, healing is Trinity's job and Oberon is offensive support with a helpful splash of healing. Basically needs to be a more efficient way to heal teammates (he already heals himself just fine) with another quirky positive effect on it on top of the healing.


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Ah, one of my absolute favorite powers in the game because of how visually powerful it looks and sounds, all evil bows to the fay king. 

Effects aside, DE has shown to us in the advent of Frost receiving his huge set of buffs that there is absolutely NO REASON now to not have reckoning become a 1500 damage utility ultimate, even Mag's Crush is 1500 damage making this look even more pathetic for a power that has a on kill effect. Speaking of it's on kill effect, either the orb chance becomes able to scale with power strength OR they raise the drop chance to around 80% not this 50/50 crap we get if we just so happen to kill higher level enemies with it later on, unacceptable and diminishes his team contribution potential.



I have much love for this frame with it's offensive support type role and his kinda quirky grab bag of positive extra effects on his powers but him like many other frames are just suffering from DE's constant feet dragging on just god damn adjusting them correctly already like they've been doing for years and it drives me insane. Seriously, once you've played this game long enough it's not that hard to come up with ways to just balance out a frame, if I seriously sat down to theory craft and number crunch I could probably knock out a list of balance changes for a single frame in 1-3 days.

How do you add multiple spoiler tags? I can only create one

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On 3/5/2016 at 11:40 AM, Ironrock said:

Well, as no Dev replied...at least a moderator replied (Even if it was about a "Tag").

Oberon needs a rework, chiefly,  because there never should be an under powered or "useless" warframe.

Seems to me a lot of work goes into all their warframes when they make the meshkits and abilities, why not make it something that's end game competitive.


No dev is going to reply to any post like this. Frankly it just is not their job to do so.

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  • 3 months later...

OBERON!!! :) Honestly I love the guy, but I agree, he needs a rework.

0: Passive. Absolutely useless past Mars. There is no wildlife for Oberon to be allied with! They're only on OD (Kavats), Earth (Kubrows) and Mars (Desert Skates)! If his passive can't get a rework, maybe increase the amount of wildlife available.

1: Smite. A good first ability, but I wish the augment was a heal on ally-cast instead just because I always viewed Oberon more like a cleric than anything

2: Hallowed Ground. Needs to be a circle! Otherwise it's useless! Also, maybe change the duration to number of enemies afflicted by the ability

3: Renewal. It's fine. No really I have no objection to this one.

4: Reckoning. It really needs to deal more damage or blind foes afterwards or maybe even trick them into fighting each other!

Good Ol' Oberon. A good frame ruined by the endgame. RIP friend. Maybe we can get a prime version in the not-so distant future....

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On 2/23/2016 at 11:43 PM, FatherNapingElk said:

I think everybody should agree Oberon still needs a rework. He has potential to become a great warframe. His Abilities are is really good but however that's what we need to work on. 

Ability 1: Smite

Smite Is good however the energy should not be bounces off of walls. It should follow towards the enemies.

Ability 2: Hallowed Ground 

This needs to be buffed the most. I avoid using this ability. It needs to be buffed so it can do more damaged and the rectangle fire pit should not be a rectangle, it should be a circle 

Ability 3: Renewal

This doesn't even heal people at all. It even shouldn't make a ball of energy and follows your team mates. It should be instant. It should be like trinity's Blessing but however give you less health and fix your shields. 

Ability 4: Reckoning

Make it do more damage please for love of god.

Also Please make oberon's horns not the primary color. change it to the secondary. Im trying to make him look like a elk ;)

Ugh. Where do I begin with this? Renewal is a great ability. It's his first ability, and it performs its decent function well. The orbs already reliably hit enemies, so I see no problem here. Though I agree it could use a buff of some sort, Hallowed Ground is quite useful. Changing it to a circle takes away from the offensive potential it provides, while adding defensive potential, so a change is not needed, but debatable for viability. Renewal is a great healing ability, which sacrifices the usual instant healing for a seemingly bugged, but functional bleedout reduction, and instant revives with an augment. I have never had any problems with Reckoning, barring that one time I irradiated my team, after I got hit with a laser, and they killed each other. 

I do want changes made to Oneron, only with Hallowed Ground and Phoenix Renewal though. I dislike is people thinking he needs a defined role, or people thinking he is weak. Balance is, in my opinion, the reason to use Oberon, and he's incredibly powerful if used properly.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Ugh. Where do I begin with this? Renewal is a great ability. It's his first ability, and it performs its decent function well. The orbs already reliably hit enemies, so I see no problem here. Though I agree it could use a buff of some sort, Hallowed Ground is quite useful. Changing it to a circle takes away from the offensive potential it provides, while adding defensive potential, so a change is not needed, but debatable for viability. Renewal is a great healing ability, which sacrifices the usual instant healing for a seemingly bugged, but functional bleedout reduction, and instant revives with an augment. I have never had any problems with Reckoning, barring that one time I irradiated my team, after I got hit with a laser, and they killed each other. 

I do want changes made to Oneron, only with Hallowed Ground and Phoenix Renewal though. I dislike is people thinking he needs a defined role, or people thinking he is weak. Balance is, in my opinion, the reason to use Oberon, and he's incredibly powerful if used properly.

Interesting view there... I think of Oberon as a bit of a jack of all trades... You can build and play him to be a tank, or a support, or a caster, or a walking pile of CC.

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Love oberon, hate some things about his kit

1: fine as is

2: Needs to be a radius around oberon, with the armor increase either be a flat number or at least 50-80% (like warcry). Along with this, make it deal more damage the longer an enemy is inside.

3: Make renewal toggleable, giving himself and any teammate in range constant hp regen. Strength would determine the regen speed. With this change, and enough strength, you could theroetically outheal any damage taken by enemies up to ~40-50. Currently, renewal is based on inverse duration and strength. High strength means a lot of healing, high duration means in a short time frame. I can get my healing to 150 hp per sec for 6 seconds. Imagine being able to regen hp at 200-300 per sec...

4: Its pretty fine. Take damage up to 1.5k, increase base range to about 25 at base, and make it enemies killed within 10 seconds of being reckoned have a 50% to drop hp as well 

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  • 3 months later...

the annoying comments I get on a regular basis, just for playing Oberon... ik DE's busy with important stuff n all, but I just hope DE works in a rework soon so people can shut up about how "bad" he apparently is. Annoying people don't know basic stuff about him, like his 2 granting proc immunity and bonus armor in a percentage, or his 3 being able to slow down bleedout timers, or the tactic of using his 4 to kill weak enemies for health orbs for health conversion, then stacking that with his 2's armor bonus. I swear, it's a nightmare to gotta stick up for Oberon all the time!

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