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Don't listen to the QQ DE, Bursas are great!


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For a long time people complained about Warframe being too easy, with the only real difficulty coming from instagib bullet sponges via limitless scaling. As we all know, that type of difficulty isn't really a true challenge, hence it's the term 'Artificial Difficulty'. Then DE started releasing some enemies that changed that; Ancients, Nullifiers, Manics, Combas, etc. all enemies that rely more on their abilities to change the battlefield rather than blunt force. Granted, many of them still have issues and are far from perfect, but it showed that DE had the right idea and wanted to introduce challenge beyond simple scaling. Now Bursas have left their 'event only' status behind and joined the regular crew. That was a very good move by DE.

Bursas add the right kind of difficulty. They aren't super sponges that have insane damage resistances nor do they rely on incredible amounts damage to be dangerous (aside from the high level ones but that is a scaling issue with every enemy), what they do have is abilities that lock the player down via ability loss or CC, and a frontal shield that makes the player have to use some simple tactics rather than bullet spam to defeat them. They are a legitimate threat. And just because they are a threat, rather than cannon fodder, doesn't mean that they are OP or broken.

Bursas force the player to use skill and tactics to win, something that is not usually demanded from Warframe players. The result is an unbelievable amount of tears and salt. When presented with actual difficulty rather than the usual artificial kind, players whine, cry, and give up. Too bad. Many of us have been wanting this for a long time. Actually challenging enemies regardless of level that have a real chance to beat the player. Warframe needs this kind of difficulty, it needs to have some challenge that isn't simply "moar HP" and "moar damage". Bursas should absolutely stay and the players that are complaining about them need to grow a pair and adapt.

That said, Bursas do need to have their spawning looked at. It tends to be feast or famine with them and I cannot imagine that is how it is supposed to be working. Also, they like to break exterminate type missions by continuously adding to the counter. But I'm talking about the Bursas themselves and not their currently wonky spawn mechanics.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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The problem isn't the bursas, but the way they spawn infinitely, sometimes even without turning on an alarm.

2 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

The aren't super sponges that have insane damage resistances nor do they rely on incredible amounts damage to be dangerous (aside from the high level ones but that is a scaling issue with every enemy)

That's precisely the problem we have with bursas. They scale through the roof.

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6 minutes ago, Genitive said:

The problem isn't the bursas, but the way they spawn infinitely, sometimes even without turning on an alarm.

That's precisely the problem we have with bursas. They scale through the roof.

That is the problem, bursas are ok, but they way that they spawn is the problem, with the corpus sabotage sortie this is more noticeable, the bursas spawn infinitely even if the mission turn into a ext, if you kill all enemies the bursas are going to continue to spawn canceling the extraction point until you defeat it, it seems that the spawn is timed or something.

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Well, here are my problems with the Bursas:

1. Their spawning can get absolutely insane. It's one thing to have to fight one or two Bursas through out the entire mission, it's another thing to not have any control over your warframe because you're getting CCed like crazy because you're fighting 10 Isolators at once.

2. The Corpus already have too many annoying or OP enemies, you have the Sapping osperies, the Nullifiers, hell, even a regular MOA deals and takes more damage than your average Elite Lancer, and they tend to appear more than Crewmen! The only Grineer enemy people actually tend to hold a grudge against is the Napalm, but even then, their spawns are few and far between. So to put it simply, there is absolutely no need for the Bursas, and enemy balance in general would be better without them.

3. Imagine what a new player is going to do once they get into the levels where Bursas start spawning. They can't just shoot nukes out of their eyes and disintegrate an entire armada of them like an older and more experienced player could. New players would be #*($%%@, especially in extermination missions.

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19 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

You simply have to turn off the alarms, and hack the bursa. Then finish the mission like normal.

And I agree with the OP 1000%. Players need to grow a pair and adapt.

Did you actually try that with the Sabotage Sortie of today? We did the mission with 2 Lokis, at no point we triggered the alarms, but the mission turned into an extermination and bursas kept spawning infinitely (faster than we could kill them with 2 Tonkors) making the mission incompletable (enemy counter went from 39 to 114 until we aborted the mission).

Exactly this is true:

26 minutes ago, chofranc said:

That is the problem, bursas are ok, but they way that they spawn is the problem, with the corpus sabotage sortie this is more noticeable, the bursas spawn infinitely even if the mission turn into a ext, if you kill all enemies the bursas are going to continue to spawn canceling the extraction point until you defeat it, it seems that the spawn is timed or something.


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Just now, Crescendium said:

Did you actually try that with the Sabotage Sortie of today? We did the mission with 2 Lokis, at no point we triggered the alarms, but the mission turned into an extermination and bursas kept spawning infinitely (faster than we could kill them with 2 Tonkors) making the mission incompletable (enemy counter went from 39 to 114 until we aborted the mission).

My team had the same issue with today's sortie sab mission - we ended up killing everything and then bursas kept spawning even after the enemy counter showed zero enemies left. One more bursa spawned so we went to extraction, stood there and killed the last one and it finally let us leave.

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1 hour ago, Faulcun said:

You simply have to turn off the alarms, and hack the bursa. Then finish the mission like normal.

And I agree with the OP 1000%. Players need to grow a pair and adapt.

On some missions, there aren't any alarms to hack. And even on missions where there are hackable alarms, bursas can spawn so fast that you don't have a chance to hack.

I like bursas, I don't mind fighting two or three of them, but when you have five or six up at a time and a new one spawns every time you kill one, it stops being fun.

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7 minutes ago, DeMeritus said:

I don't think that the OP has run into the infinitely spawning bursa issue yet.

I somewhat like bursas, but the spawning code really needs to be looked at and fixed.  It can get into really broken states presently.


1 hour ago, Silvus-Sol said:

That said, Bursas do need to have their spawning looked at. It tends to be feast or famine with them and I cannot imagine that is how it is supposed to be working. Also, they like to break exterminate type missions by continuously adding to the counter. But I'm talking about the Bursas themselves and not their currently wonky spawn mechanics.

I pretty much said what you said, before you said it.

I agree that their spawning is an issue, that is not what I was addressing in this topic though. My problem is that I'm tired of people complaining about the Bursas themselves. I've seen plenty of people talking about how they insta-quit if they see a Bursa, or claiming that they are literally impossible to defeat. If those people have their way then Bursas will either be gone for good or nerfed into oblivion. And that would be to the detriment of the game as I think Bursas are the type of enemy we need to see more of (once their spawning and scaling gets fixed).

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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I only have two issues with bursas.

Their spawning is a little borked right now, and the extended knockdown that no mod seems to help against. If were to be encouraged to mod outside the box... why negate the benefits of doing so? Being cc'ed with no recourse for an extended period of time is a gamebreaker for many people.


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1 hour ago, Crescendium said:

Did you actually try that with the Sabotage Sortie of today? We did the mission with 2 Lokis, at no point we triggered the alarms, but the mission turned into an extermination and bursas kept spawning infinitely (faster than we could kill them with 2 Tonkors) making the mission incompletable (enemy counter went from 39 to 114 until we aborted the mission).



Sorry bro, nobody in my clan really has issues with sorties. Sorry you are having so much trouble.

Edit: in no way am I trying to be an &#!. But you are approaching the mission trying to stay invisible with OP tonkors. I run my missions mostly either with a nova, or volt, or whatever I feel like bringing out of the closet for fun. I usually only bring telos akboltos for my weapon.

As you can see, there is a huge difference in the way we approach these missions. I cant tell you how to do something, or the "easy trick" to insta-win sorties, because there arent any. But I would start with looking at your approach.

Edited by Faulcun
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bursas dont drop anything, therefor the whole job is useless ...

there are more absolut useless things in warframe, as well as this is my opinion and im free to have them ^^)

just for talking about useful things which are simply "stupid", im not doing a insult with calling bursas stupid in any direction, bursas are simply stupid and i really dont care much about them ...

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4 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

bursas dont drop anything, therefor the whole job is useless ...

there are more absolut useless things in warframe, as well as this is my opinion and im free to have them ^^)

just for talking about useful things which are simply "stupid", im not doing a insult with calling bursas stupid in any direction, bursas are simply stupid and i really dont care much about them ...

Bursa drop Tempo and Astral


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I just wish they'd telegraph their attacks more. Like, you know, having a "charge-up" effect and sound effect for a split second before they fire off those pellets that oneshot everything; or having bigger and more noticeable explosives that we can actually, you know, see.


But above all, I just wish they'd fix the broken knockdown mechanics. After all this time, how on earth have they not fixed the knockdowns lasting nearly 2x longer than usual? Or the freak glitch that (always) happens when you play as Rhino with Iron Skin and Handspring, where the knockdown can easily last for over five full seconds when it shouldn't be occurring in the first place?

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6 hours ago, yual said:

Bursa drop Tempo and Astral


ur comment is DENIED

its allowed that you denie whatever ... should we discuss now about rng and farming-excesses attracts players and it doesnt so on me ? ^^)

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