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Update 18.5: Sands of Inaros, Inaros Feedback Thread


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His passive needs some changes, it's completely useless at anything beyond low level enemies, which Inaros won't go down to anyway. Sarcophagus should deal finisher damage and have a 2 minute internal cooldown. The finisher damage bypasses armor allowing the passive to be useful at any level, while the 2 minute cooldown keeps the passive from being activated too frequently. I think that combination would allow his passive to be useful for everyone, while preventing it from being god mode.

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My feedback for Inaros is,

I love the concept and love his health pool, but his abilities feel like they lack "oomph"  In short:

First skill is very handy dandy and all and for a first skill it's fine.

Second skill: It feels lackluster, and sometimes the animations freak out, but given it was just released it's not something that bothers me terribly, but it's really "eh" and rarely something I use.

Third skill: ....I'm actually not a fan of this one, it feels extremely weak and doesn't really do a whole lot on the "devouring" department that it is in the description...Deals barely any damage.

Fourth skill: The "armor" part of "scarab armor" seems to be absent as it doesn't do a whole lot of "armoring" when you have it, the skill itself is also fairly weak, the healing range kinda forces you to hug the enemies that the scarabs are consuming if you want to heal from them.


All in all I just miss skills that deal high damage or have a great AoE of sorts or great usability that isn't extremely situational.


His passive is great though (when it decides to work, had some issues here and there where the life-steal would not proc on finishers).

Edited by Amuga
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So i played Inaros for a while and here what i noticed:

> Devour ability makes him INVULNERABLE while he "devour"....Thats not gud. Really. Enemies should be able to damage him while he "devour"...Because they look kinda sad just staring how he eat one of them...not even trying to attack sometimes. Its unfair to regain all that hp without any risk of regen to be outdamaged by enemies...

> Enemy you devour can be killed by other players....Thats bad too because when killed by other players no "sand shadow" appear and you also lose your nom-nom ultra tasty crunchy munchy chewing slave.

So i suggest to make inaros vulnerable during "devour" (Its quite hard to kill him already...+ he regen while devouring....and there are 3 other ways to het tons of hp so yeah)...and his enemy invulnerable (as long as button is held)...Just so other players could not interrupt your....whatever it is.



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I have to disagree, Devour is a perfectly good ability, with the wrong description.

So long as its maintained right now you can lockdown any mob you like. You become invulnerable, but are out of the fight, while team mates can then dispatch a foe.

Try it on Bursas its a much needed counter.

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Desiccate isn't very reliable in terms of opening targets to Finishers. Granting that tapping E is never 100% reliable with Blind effects, but at the very least, if the target gets hit by anything other than Desiccate (like a Syndicate blast or some ally shooting them in the head as you get there), it seems like the opening is lost. It also doesn't interrupt enemies who are in the middle of animations from completing their attacks (they stop the animation midway but deliver the attack anyway), and in fact is completely ignored by Mutalist Moas.

The combo of Devour and Sandstorm is very, very costly. If you want to use Sandstorm to raise a bunch of enemies at once, you need to target every affected enemy individually with Devour. It's far cheaper to just whittle targets down and finish them off with Devour than it is to chain Devour and Sandstorm, even with an advantage in time given that Sandstorm's damage doesn't have any kind of scaling.

Scarab Swarm is yet another group-healing effect that doesn't affect companions.

Edited by Archwizard
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One of the most absolutely frustrating things I'm experiencing is Sentinels killing the target before you can devour or finisher them to get health back. It's almost impossible to get health at lower levels. One change that needs to be made is that sentinels stop attacking enemies under the effect of desiccation or devour.

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On 3/5/2016 at 10:04 PM, LeeAmatsu said:

They took many fan's advice. The other three abilities and sarcophagus idea I suggested in great detail. Prior to, the abilities that were suggested were awful. Only shows DE is listening to our ideas and implementing them into the game giving us a voice and more control over what we play. Glad they took suggestions from everyone. Made the frame and game much cooler.

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1 hour ago, weezedog said:

One of the most absolutely frustrating things I'm experiencing is Sentinels killing the target before you can devour or finisher them to get health back. It's almost impossible to get health at lower levels. One change that needs to be made is that sentinels stop attacking enemies under the effect of desiccation or devour.

Devour is not how you get back healh best.

Equip any decent melee, subdue people with Desiccate and apply finisher for 20% healing per victim.

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53 minutes ago, DeccanTraps said:

Devour is not how you get back healh best.

Equip any decent melee, subdue people with Desiccate and apply finisher for 20% healing per victim.

Easier said than done, I'll cast Desiccation on a group and they will be flailing about and 70% of the time it still won't let me do a finisher on them when I'm behind them in the right position, only regular melee attacks. It's very buggy/inconsistent. I'll have to try it on 4-5 enemies before I can do just 1 finisher.

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43 minutes ago, weezedog said:

Easier said than done, I'll cast Desiccation on a group and they will be flailing about and 70% of the time it still won't let me do a finisher on them when I'm behind them in the right position, only regular melee attacks. It's very buggy/inconsistent. I'll have to try it on 4-5 enemies before I can do just 1 finisher.

I haven't encountered that problem, you sure you're casting it from the front? If you hit their back, they won't get blinded.

Devour is great at higher levels to disable a heavy and use it as a snack at your leisure. Especially handy in gun only sorties. The sand wraith mechanic is kinda useless though.  

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57 minutes ago, tisdfogg said:

I haven't encountered that problem, you sure you're casting it from the front? If you hit their back, they won't get blinded.

Devour is great at higher levels to disable a heavy and use it as a snack at your leisure. Especially handy in gun only sorties. The sand wraith mechanic is kinda useless though.  

Yeah they are definitely facing me, I've hear some other people complain that if they receive other forms of damage after being desiccated that it can mess it up. Could be aoe damage from teammates or sentinel damage too.

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REALLY annoying that he can TK a teammate, BE ACCIDENT OR ON PURPOSE, while downed. (The drain-life to revive works on teammates too!) After some experimenting with his 4th; it is useless. The beetles themselves do absolutely nothing, and while the armour buff WOULD be worth it, the fact you only have less than 1/2 of you overall hit pool to charge it makes Inaros less survivable.

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2 hours ago, Code__Dragon said:

REALLY annoying that he can TK a teammate, BE ACCIDENT OR ON PURPOSE, while downed. (The drain-life to revive works on teammates too!) After some experimenting with his 4th; it is useless. The beetles themselves do absolutely nothing, and while the armour buff WOULD be worth it, the fact you only have less than 1/2 of you overall hit pool to charge it makes Inaros less survivable.

The scarab beetles spread to nearby enemies who come near afflicted targets, inaros is also healed by the damage the deal to thiir targets, so sending it on a swarm of enemies will cause him to renegerate a ridiculous amount of HP per second. 

You also complain about the scarab skill charge rate leaving you at half HP when 3 of your abilities directly cause you to regenerate HP.

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I have been spending a lot of time playing Inaros lately, and I have sunk a lot into him. Already forma'd him twice, put a couple of my arcanes on him (arcane trickery and ultimatum), unlocked his exilus slot, and even got the Anubis helm. I rushed the quest build with plat and the final Inaros build -- I was that excited. And I can't say I was disappointed. I think I found my new favorite frame. However, there are still some things that need to be fixed. I am going to go through his passives and abilities really quick and just give a brief overview of my feedback on what's good and what isn't so good. 

1) Dessicate: 

This ability is really close to being perfect. I've noticed enemies have to be in the direct line of sand to be blinded, and will still sometimes fire their guns. This is how blind status should always work. The ability to setup finishers with it works nicely with his lifesteal from finishers passive. This is good synergy and your squad can take advantage of performing finishers on the blinded enemies as well. For a 1) ability it is really solid. 

The not so good on this one: The lifesteal from the health drain damage while they are blinded is so weak its basically unnoticeable even with strength mods. Also, since he can already get 20% of his health back from finisher kills on enemies blinded by this ability, it feels kind of redundant with how weak it is. I'd suggest buffing the healing a bit and making it affect all squad members as well. He just isn't an effective healer. This would certainly help. I think another interesting way to make him a more useful, and also unique healer, would be to allow him to sort of share his passive, but only interacting with this ability. In other words, allies would get 20% of their health pool back from melee finishers, but only on enemies that Inaros had blinded with Desiccate. Not enemies squad members may have blinded with RB, or an Ash using his 3, or Equinox plus rest, or what have. So not global sharing, just they would get that lifesteal if they melee finisher enemies blinded by Inaros. This could really be a unique and helpful healing concept. 


2) Devour: 

This ability is a really cool concept. Many people don't realize the hidden benefits of this ability. You can trap a priority target. You can yank enemies from across the room. A squad mate can devour an enemy you have trapped as well, and is also invulnerable while doing so. You can basically create a safe healing well out of a dangerous enemy. For yourself or others. The sand shadows are nice and will show up even if a teammate finishes it off, as long as Inaros himself is performing the Devour action. These parts of the ability scale well and are really cool. 

What needs improvement: 

The damage is just laughable. It scales horribly in terms of damage to the point if you are in solo its more practical to just drain it until you've taken enough health, stop devouring way early and just kill it with your weapons. And you won't get a Sand Shadow that way. Even with power strength, making Shadows in solo scales awfully. In team play its mostly okay, but its still terrible damage and just far, far too slow to actually kill them. Perhaps make it do finisher damage? It would hardly be overpowered, as it would take way longer to kill someone that way than using a finisher and its single target, but it would make the damage scale and make it not take so long. I once spent several minutes in the Simulacrum devouring a lv95 gunner. The duration had long ended and I was still devouring. The other lv95 corrupted gunner I had summoned was just standing there by the end of it not even trying to shoot me anymore, its programming completely confused. Then the sand shadow fought the corrupted for several long minutes, it was ridiculous and felt like an absurd glitch. 


Also, while your squad killing the enemy you have devoured DOES hasten the arrival of the shadow, it also means a really short duration, which still isn't helpful if you actually want an interesting sand shadow build to actually work. It would actually be better to make devour targets invulnerable to other sources of damage, but make shadows form even if squad mates devour them, and make the damage actually scale. 


3) Sandstorm: 

This ability almost feels out of place in his kit at first, but once you get used to it you realize all the benefits. It has cc, and decreases the damage done to you (although it does slow you down as well), and rage can still work while it is active, although unless you are using fleeting (which I think is detrimental on Inaros), it still won't stay on long. It's good that its not designed to stay on long, and it is good to still allow some synergy with rage (especially since he is still taking damage, although at a reduced rate). It can also pull in drops around you which can be useful as well. There are some issues though that involve its synergy with Devour that I think need to be worked on. 


There is a synergy where enemies trapped by Devour that are killed by Sandstorm are turned into Sand Shadows. This sounds great on paper, but Sandstorm killing those enemies doesn't scale much better than Devour itself scales. This, combined with very poor visibility when using it, and no counter to explain if/how many sand shadows we have created, makes the synergy not really worth it. 


I suggest making it scale similar to my suggestion for Devour in terms of finisher damage. Have it do Finisher damage (think like hydroid's tentacles, but only to enemies trapped in Devour), it would do its normal damage type to untrapped enemies. This would make the synergy scale better and make a Sand Shadow/synergy build worth it and useable. 


4) Scarab Swarm 

I really like this ability, and his high health pool. The whole concept of a no-shield berserker/rage/battle healer frame is really neat. He has some nice CC and this helps his armor scale really well. Against Corpus it requires even more strategic thought, since a Nullifier can take that armor away in an instant (although it does refund the health spent). The second part of the ability is a neat concept as well, but it could use some work. 


The range of the cc portion of it seems okay when playing against infested, but against almost anything else its just not good enough range, even with a stretch mod. You are tossing an entire 25% of the armor bonus, you should either be getting more spread range, or you should be losing less armor. 


Also, he is supposed to be helpful as a healer but he is just falling flat for the most part. Sure, Devour once people get used to it can be a really useful heal well, but they cannot make use of his passive to gain back health from finishers. Desiccate only benefits him in terms of health (I think it should help the team as well). And Scarab Swarm provides healing to allies/Inaros in close enough range to the enemies trapped, but it is really short range of a team healing ability. 


Oberon And Trinity both get infinite range on their healing abilites. Inaros has one ability that an ally can use to heal (if no one else on the team interrupts) and an ability with a really short healing radius. This just doesn't make him effective as a healer -- he just won't be that reliable as one. 


My suggestions to fix the healing issues, are essentially just range buffs across the board. First, I would make Desiccate give health drained to allies as well as himself. Otherwise it just feels redundant since he can use the blind status plus his personal finisher passive to get way more health back all at once. And then on Scarab Swarm and Desiccate, make the healing range for allies infinite range. Oberon and Trinity get it... why should Inaros not? It's a support buff not an Inaros buff. It only helps him help others better. These changes would actually make him a useful alternative healer to Oberon or Trinity. Right now, even with max range mods, he's just not a reliable enough healer for that. Also, the cast for Scarab Swarm to discharge 25% and trap an enemy is really slow, and feels clunky and hardly responsive at times. It needs to flow a lot better, and perhaps be more a very small aoe or something (that can be increased with range mods of course), and not just single target. It feels almost not worth it most of the time to drop 25% of my buff just for a single target cast, and with the short spread radius, it's just rarely worth it except against maybe infested. The healing should, as I said, be infinite range for allies, and Desiccate should heal and be infinite healing range for allies as well. 


We need more alternative healers in the game and I thought he would be kind of a tanky healer with a little cc, but he feels too single target much of the time, and his healing isn't even worth using not only over Oberon, but even as a supplement too. He should at least be good enough at healing that you could consider him over Oberon based on the mission, or there is no point in putting so much into making him a team healer in the first place. He needs huge range buffs on his healing or there just isn't any point in choosing him for that purpose. 


His passives: 

His first passive: 

His first passive is the lesser known one, and that is that he gains back health on finisher attacks. There is nothing wrong with this -- it is a good passive ability. It has nice synergy with Desiccate, and it helps him get those chunks of health he needs back fairly quickly, while still having to perform finishers to keep it balanced. This is needed because of how high a health pool he has in comparison to other frames, and is something I take advantage of often when playing with him, probably several times a mission. If this was his only passive he wouldn't need anymore. 


His second passive is the well known sarcophagus, and it is a really cool concept. However, it has the drawback of not allowing you to use your secondary weapon to kill foes, and if you have a good secondary, you can do a ton of damage -- given you are/can get yourself positioned properly. This can help the team safely revive and just do a lot of damage in general. Inaros of course can just grab a nearby enemy and drain health from them to slowly fill up a diamond and self revive. Provoked increases the damage it does, but the initial damage is incredibly weak to begin. Undying Will can give you more time to try to fill the meter, but that's slotting two mods with the thought in mind that you are going to be going down a lot -- of course you will be going down a lot if you slotted two whole slots just for dying! This just isn't really going to be practical. However, I have mixed feelings about the concept as a whole. I'm not sure anyone should be able to self revive in solo anyway, but if you are going to allow us to, it should at least scale slightly if we mod for it. As it is, even if we slotted Undying Will and Provoked it would hardly scale even past mid level at the very best. And there isn't much point to that besides novelty. 


On the other hand, in a team, it functions very strangely. While you can't use your weapon as normal (you can't use it in solo anyway, because with other frames in solo when you die you just die), you will find it scales very well. And your team doesn't have to revive you. All they have to do is kill the enemies you are targeting and you will revive really, really fast. This is really convenient for the team and is actually really cool. However, it is also a big reason why the ability scales so poorly on solo. And with all respect, I love Inaros and all the work that's gone into him and I think he's really cool, but I don't understand why it was done this way. 


You need exactly two kills to self revive with Inaros. 


It doesn't matter what level. It doesn't matter how high their health pool is. It doesn't matter at all. Just two enemies. Two enemies. Why? You fill up half the diamond with one enemy and the other half with another enemy. If a squad member kills the enemy while you are targeting it fills up a half of the diamond. This makes it scale way faster than it should with a team because all you have to do is target stuff your squad is killing and you'll be up faster than you can say "New Moon". However, on solo, even on mid level, with a longer bleedout timer and increased bleedout damage, trying to get two kills in that time limit can actually be next to impossible. I'm not saying it should be easy. It's a pretty powerful thing to do and I while I wouldn't suggest a cooldown, I would suggest something similar to Wukong's Defy. Diminishing returns, greatly over time. 


What I suggest: Do away with the "two kills to revive" and instead make it based on how much health you have on your Inaros, and how much health you are draining from the enemy you are targeting. Whether the enemy dies or not, you revive not based on your teammate killing it (that feels like an exploit anyway), but instead, simply on you leeching enough health. Buff the damage, and make the health percentage to a point where it is useable and strong on high level with mods like Provoked and especially if combined with Undying Will, however, with a caveat. Each time Inaros goes down (whether team or solo), he leech diminishing percentage of health from the enemy he is targeting. This percentage he leeches will diminish down to 5% and even 1% if he is really going down too much in a short period, making it basically worthless if the person is just going down over and over (to prevent immortality exploits, similar to Defy). To reset the countdown, he would have to go some really long time like at least five minutes without going down at all. That would bring the ability back to its default stats. 


This would both make it useful in solo, but not make it anymore op than Wukong's Defy, while also making it something you can mod for (while somewhat handicapping you while doing so because of slots, to make it balanced), and it would keep the abilities animations and style and flair, which are really, really cool. It would also keep it from being so ridiculously overpowered in team play as compared to solo, which just doesn't make much sense. Also, it should work that it helps speed up the revive your squad does on you based on the amount you are healing from the target, etc. etc. Otherwise there is no point in having the ability besides to look at the cool animations and see how well it works on low level trash mobs. 


Inaros is really sweet, I just think there are some ways to make him better. I think the biggest thing that could stand to be fixed first is the fact that he just isn't a very effective healer compared to even Oberon. He needs some serious range and other buffs to healing. 

Great job with Inaros overall, I might have found my new/permanent favorite! 



Edit: Also, why, just why are we allowed to drain our allies life with his sarcophagus passive? Surely that's not intended right? Seems like nothing more than an opportunity for trolls to play their troll games. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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16 hours ago, Buzkyl said:

The scarab beetles spread to nearby enemies who come near afflicted targets, inaros is also healed by the damage the deal to thiir targets, so sending it on a swarm of enemies will cause him to renegerate a ridiculous amount of HP per second. 

You also complain about the scarab skill charge rate leaving you at half HP when 3 of your abilities directly cause you to regenerate HP.

The life-steal isn't enough, and all of his moves leave him immobile. 1 does absolutely nothing as a life steal. Also, trying to devour an enemy is usually not an option, it leaves you too vulnerable to everything that can see/chase you, an when facing infested... forget it.

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9 hours ago, shengar said:

Is scarab swarm targeting a single target? I remember trapped multiple enemies with that....
Yes you need to aim one enemy but the scarab also trapped anyone who near it. I agree on the cast delay though.


Yes it's only single target and hardly worth that 25% loss of your armor bonus. Sure, it can spread, but even with a lot of range mods, unless you are fighting infested, you will rarely get more than a couple targets. Not at all worth it for how much of the buff we lose, and how Oberon and Trin get infinite healing range, but we just get this tiny healing range from the pitiful number of trapped enemies. 

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1 hour ago, Code__Dragon said:

The life-steal isn't enough, and all of his moves leave him immobile. 1 does absolutely nothing as a life steal. Also, trying to devour an enemy is usually not an option, it leaves you too vulnerable to everything that can see/chase you, an when facing infested... forget it.


The life steal isn't enough?

At max rank inaros will regenerate 200 health per second for each enemy affected by scarab swarm. 200 health per second easily  outheals the most ridiculous of dps suchs as corpus techs or heavy gunners.The ability also easily spreads to other enemies in radius. It's only flaw is that it's regeneration is affected by the damage it deals, which is affected by armour. 


Also i'm not sure if this is sarcasm or you are this misinformed


Desiccation opens up enemies to finisher attacks, which activate his passive of regenerating 20% of his max health everytime he performs a finisher, however without that the ability grants 25% lifesteal when performing finishers on blinded enemies.

And you're invulnerable when you're devouring enemies, so saying you're vulnerable is just false.


22 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:


Yes it's only single target and hardly worth that 25% loss of your armor bonus. Sure, it can spread, but even with a lot of range mods, unless you are fighting infested, you will rarely get more than a couple targets. Not at all worth it for how much of the buff we lose, and how Oberon and Trin get infinite healing range, but we just get this tiny healing range from the pitiful number of trapped enemies. 


No the ability is not single target.

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6 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:


The life steal isn't enough?

At max rank inaros will regenerate 200 health per second for each enemy affected by scarab swarm. 200 health per second easily  outheals the most ridiculous of dps suchs as corpus techs or heavy gunners.The ability also easily spreads to other enemies in radius. It's only flaw is that it's regeneration is affected by the damage it deals, which is affected by armour. 


Also i'm not sure if this is sarcasm or you are this misinformed


Desiccation opens up enemies to finisher attacks, which activate his passive of regenerating 20% of his max health everytime he performs a finisher, however without that the ability grants 25% lifesteal when performing finishers on blinded enemies.

And you're invulnerable when you're devouring enemies, so saying you're vulnerable is just false.



No the ability is not single target.


Yes, it absolutely is: From the wiki: 


While scarab armor is active, Inaros can discharge a part of his armor by pressing the ability key again (default 4) to launch a scarab swarm attack traveling up to 20 / 22 / 25 / 30 meters away toward a target, immobilizing all enemies in its path and dealing 100 / 150 / 175 / 200 Corrosive b Corrosive damage per second for 6 / 10 / 12 / 15 seconds. Any damage per second dealt by the attack against each enemy will be given to allies within a 6 / 10 / 12 / 15 meter radius as health. All of the scarab attack's effects can spread to any enemies within a 5 meter radius of an affected target, including the immobilization and lifesteal effects. Casting this attack will remove a flat 25% from Inaros' currently active scarab armor value.


You must be targeting a single enemy to use it (it is not an aoe spread) and it will spread from that enemy. Yes, it can "hit enemies in its path" but that doesn't stop it from being single target. Because 1) You must target a single enemy to get it started, which is yes, single target like I said. This is simply a fact. As for hitting enemies on the way "to the target" that doesn't work. Think about it for a second, and why it doesn't work in practice when actually tested. Because to launch the attack you have to target an enemy very directly with nothing blocking you, kind of like Ash's (3). This means if you pull off the ability, there won't be anything else in the path to hit before it hits the single target you had to choose. It requires one single target, it is not an aoe. It does not, in practically hit anything initially except the single target, and then it has a very weak spread range after the fact. That is how the ability works. 

This could easily be fixed by making it a free-cast instead of a single target cast. Just let us cast it in the direction we want and if it misses we are punished by losing some of our armor bonus and energy. 


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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:



Single target would imply the ability only affects 1 target, you're describing an ability that requires enemies present to work. Which is something different. Mind control and Teleport are single target abilities, Scarab swarm is an AoE ability. It's spread is is 5m, and in a majority of  the game enemies are not so far away from each other. Even when they're so far away, they can wander near affliected enemies and increase the effect range by being afflicted. I have never had in issue with scrab swarm effect range interms of spreading to enemies.

And using scarab swarm to affect a single target makes no sense as you're wasting armour for a single target when you have abilities such as desiccation and devour, the latter of which allows you to rengerate hp of a single target without being damaged.

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8 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:


Single target would imply the ability only affects 1 target, you're describing an ability that requires enemies present to work. Which is something different. Mind control and Teleport are single target abilities, Scarab swarm is an AoE ability. It's spread is is 5m, and in a majority of  the game enemies are not so far away from each other. Even when they're so far away, they can wander near affliected enemies and increase the effect range by being afflicted. I have never had in issue with scrab swarm effect range interms of spreading to enemies.

And using scarab swarm to affect a single target makes no sense as you're wasting armour for a single target when you have abilities such as desiccation and devour, the latter of which allows you to rengerate hp of a single target without being damaged.


That's not what an aoe ability is. It requires you select a single target, and if there is no one super close by, you just spent 25% of your buff and some of your energy to immobilize ONE target. 


You are mistaking what an aoe ability is. An aoe ability does not require a target to function. This requires on specific target to even function, then it spreads, but it is not an aoe, not initially or ever. It just spreads from the enemy hit. That is not what an aoe ability is. It is not a free-cast and it is not just an area of effect, you cast it on a single target and then it can spread. It's not like Mind Control or Teleport because it "spreads" but it is much like them in essence, yes. 


And the "hitting enemies in a line" thing, as I described, is functionally useless in terms of how the ability works. 


And yeah it makes no sense to affect a single target... that's why it needs to be fixed/buffed. Unless you are fighting infested, Scarab Swarm rarely immobilizes enough enemies to actually be worth it, because its essentially a single target ability. You are actually hitting the problem here, and then arguing with me on it. How is it not a problem that Scarab Swarm is a clunky cast that has a high cost and doesn't do enough to be worth it? Plenty of abilities have way more reliable and easy to use cc that doesn't require the kind of sacrifice his does. 


So it has an effect spread? So do a lot of abilities that make you select one specific enemy. You are especially missing my point about how the way the ability works, the fact that it hits enemies on the way is essentially a wasted function. It needs some work. You seem adamant that he needs no fixing at all? Why? This is not the thread to argue with each other for pages about whether each other's feedback is the best, it's the place to leave good feedback on Inaros. They are looking for suggestions on how he could possibly be fixed/buffed, and it seems all you want to do is tell people their feedback is "wrong" and that they are playing Inaros "wrong". This is not the thread for that kind of argument. It's the place to suggest how to make Inaros better -- it's for that kind of feedback... to tell them what does and doesn't seem to work well in practice. 

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While I do agree that Scarab Swarm could use a less clunky cast time and better hit detection, I think the description of the ability projectile on the wiki is a bit vague, so as to make players interpret it differently.

In-game testing shows that the "projectile" (which may or may not be one due to difficulty seeing it) behaves like a railgun, punching through your selected target to cast Scarab Swarm on and hitting enemies behind it as well, traveling up to your modded Power Range (30 m max ability rank) or until the "projectile" collides with the environment at which point it dissipates.

Missing a shot on your target but aiming your reticle at the ground before Inaros finishes casting also creates a small AoE on impact, which inflicts Scarab Swarm on multiple enemies if they are in range.

So while I am in agreement that the ability could use improvement on both its healing aspect (damage tickles endgame enemies = single digit heals) and casting execution, for its flaws (or by design) players need to change tactics on how they use it. 

I usually fire it down a beachhead or hallway where I know more enemies are flooding in from, hitting multiple enemies conveniently lining up for my shot. Those walking up from behind the swarm hosts will spread the swarm afterward.

Edited by PsiWarp
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