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Is there Counter-Play to Shock Eximus?


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What I can think of is some kind of sign that a shock eximus is around. Either by our beloved Lotus, or some tweak. For example, decrease the area of full effect of the Shock aura. Make it so while approaching this unit your shield depletes slowly, and faster as you get closer to the target. At some point, entering the now reduced full effect range makes you loose all energy and shield.

Another one : make the aura range visible somehow. Some kind of invisible bubble that makes everything inside blurry.

Edited by matto
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1 hour ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

It's not even the devs that's the main problem here. It's people like you. Because the devs at least don't play the game, how the f staying for 60 minutes in a mission that goes on and on forever till you can handle it is "cheesing" for f sake?! By that *** logic completing the third sortie stage should also be impossible, but guess what, sortie is considered to be only somewhat challenging thing and rewards for it proves that since they're mediocre at best. Rewards in the void also don't reaIly 'scale' with the level so wth is your problem here. Won't even mention things like raids, especially nightmare ones. Which shouldn't be possible to complete yet again judging by this genius logic and yet they're here for players to do. And they don't even have levels of difficulty. You either handle them as they are or die.

Sortie ends with lvl 100 enemies. A bit more. Same for raid. T4 enemies around 60 reach way higher, clearly intended to be impossible level. Because of exploiters who can milk one key for 2 hours and more survival drops were diluted like no other missions. Maybe defense is close.

Basically survival should become impossible after 40 minutes. You can achieve that in organic way, adding enemies like fixed shock eximus, or just make mission autofail by stopping life support drops from enemies and capsules. I'll take the former way.

The actual problem is people who cheese survival for 6 hours. The problem is lack of units that create the cut off point. And devs have been adding that kind of unit. At intended level, say 80-100 they are annoyance but can be beaten with certain setups. The goal is to make them autofail any team setup at intended cutoff point. Shock eximus nullifiers is one of a better options. At the point where mission should become unplayable you just script those to spawn in bulk.

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39 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

Sortie ends with lvl 100 enemies. A bit more. Same for raid. T4 enemies around 60 reach way higher, clearly intended to be impossible level. Because of exploiters who can milk one key for 2 hours and more survival drops were diluted like no other missions. Maybe defense is close.

As I said above like 2 or 3 times. With new shock units you'll have more than enough problems specifically in sortie. Even tho they're lvl 100, there's always the thing called "special conditions" that makes it harder than the void.

"Milked" one key? The hell is wrong with you? What, it rains legendary cores in T4 or something? Or maybe rewards are THAT good? No they're not. At all. We have tons of crap as rewards even in T3 and 4, some bs uncommon and rare cores, orokin cells and other useless bs. And mostly, useful stuff drops only in rotation C and even then they're not guaranteed because you still can get some more cores.


Basically survival should become impossible after 40 minutes.

Because why exactly? Cause you said so? That's called artificial difficulty and warframe doesn't need more of it, it's already has more than nuff. 


The goal is to make them autofail any team setup at intended cutoff point.

Ain't that just awesome. There's no point in playing if you can't win no matter how hard you try - if you always fail. It's basically like saying you can't have any real end-game content at all because someone somewhere wants you to farm more keys and waste more time playing in the your tiny sandbox with only lvl 50 or so enemies at best.

The thing guy's talking around 10 minute sums it up. There's more and more of this bs in warframe lately. This is no longer fun to play. This is no longer even worth playing at some point. Horrible startegy - why must a player feel more helpless in a freaking warframe than he does playing Demon or Dark souls huh? Why must we praise artificial difficulty with no chance of winning when the most hardcore game of the current time leaves you the chance of winning simply by lvling up and becoming better while warframe does not simply because no matter what some units are jsut too OP for no reason other than saying "fck you, you're not allowed to play past lvl 80-100 cause we said so. yeah we jsut decided you're not allowed past this point. cause we can do that".

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

Sortie ends with lvl 100 enemies. A bit more. Same for raid. T4 enemies around 60 reach way higher, clearly intended to be impossible level. Because of exploiters who can milk one key for 2 hours and more survival drops were diluted like no other missions. Maybe defense is close.

Basically survival should become impossible after 40 minutes. You can achieve that in organic way, adding enemies like fixed shock eximus, or just make mission autofail by stopping life support drops from enemies and capsules. I'll take the former way.

The actual problem is people who cheese survival for 6 hours. The problem is lack of units that create the cut off point. And devs have been adding that kind of unit. At intended level, say 80-100 they are annoyance but can be beaten with certain setups. The goal is to make them autofail any team setup at intended cutoff point. Shock eximus nullifiers is one of a better options. At the point where mission should become unplayable you just script those to spawn in bulk.

This is a dangerous and IMHO a tad idiotic way to do things. Players "cheese" to stay longer because RNG is generally a *@##$ and they want to maximize their chance to get the shinies they came for with each key, plain and simple. It's the devs that make the moves, players simply react, not the other way around. Sure, some do abuse the system, but what the devs do is punish the vast majority that play "by the rules" instead of ensuring the abusers get the stick. Most people who stay for an hour or more don't do it because they're having fun that's for sure, endless modes are the most boring thing in this game by a landslide. Warframe is utterly imbalanced at any level. It's all or nothing. Either there is zero challenge because enemy scaling is in "baby" mode and our gear and abilities are utterly overpowered and/or unnecessary for that level range, or enemies reach such moronic levels of health, armor and damage output, with mechanics that remove most gameplay options we have at our disposal, that not "cheesing" means instant death in many cases. Somewhere in there there might be a sweetspot, but it is so smothered by the two extremes that finding it would be quite the undertaking. Also, I don't see why going more than 40 minutes in an endless mission should not be possible, especially with the current weighted RNG system and broken scaling we have to put up with. That's just personal tastes clouding what little objectivity a human being is capable of in the first place.

And what do our dear devs choose to do in all this? Actually balance the game around either leveled content or endless scaling since apparently doing it for both is not a possibility? Then maybe put some hard caps on said endless scaling instead to at least try to limit the gigantic rift between leveled and endless content, which would allow to actually balance weapons and abilities to be relevant everywhere without being overpowered somewhere? Nope. They just stack up cheap and dirty mechanics, with zero counterplay for some, making any form of skill or teamplay largely irrelevant in Warframe. All that matters is TTK and if you can control the flow of battle long enough to get what you want. Everything else is out the window, it simply does not matter.

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One of the more recent ways to counter them is Shadowstep with at least one sustain mod (Life strike/Equlibrium/something your WF supports) and an big nasty melee. Or as some tenno noticed - blast them first.

Idea for an build for you - Iron Skin Rhino with Steel Charge and Shadowstep - you will survive a lot, while also shaking of pesky procs and not wasting energy over leechers. Not too good for team fights on the other side :V

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3 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Seems like you've never done sortie. With the number of enemies spawning in surv it's nearly impossible, especially since enemy can be god knows where by the time your energy hits 0. Plus, like it was already mentioned 1000 times, you can't tell them apart from any other eximus unit if you didn't read their names above their head. And if you don't know about those changes (and many people don't because there are many players that started playing after they were removed) you won't even know what hit you. Even tho I knew about such enemies (not shock variation tho), before that only happened in infested areas, couldn't figured for dear life why for the love of god grineer also have something like this before I've read the forum. Though it was a bug at first.

That's not to mention frames like Valkyr, Wukong and some other like Equinox (which just freaking only got her peaceful provocation augment that made night form playable for once) are now useless trash. You have no energy while your 4, 2 or 3 active for them - you're a corpse in a second. Nothing will save you. 

Actually I've done every Sortie since they began, quite a lot of them solo, the rest in public  groups. The funny thing is I haven't run in to the same problems you're describing, so maybe I'm not as dumb as you think. Do something for me, the next time you encounter an energy eximus, note what type of enemy it is. And then do that for each occasion until you discover a pattern. It also doesn't turn frames like Valkyr into trash it just prevents players from being one dimensional. I have no issues with eximus stronghold Sorties or any other type, they just require different approaches and paying attention.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

Basically survival should become impossible after 40 minutes. You can achieve that in organic way, adding enemies like fixed shock eximus, or just make mission autofail by stopping life support drops from enemies and capsules. I'll take the former way.

I absolutely love this contradiction you've dug yourself into. If survival needs a cutoff point, simply give it a cut off point. Giving it a false sense of playability does nothing for the developers *or* players.

Shock Eximi are one of those units that prey on edge cases and punish players unnecessarily. Units should not invalidate an entire section of your loadout for reasons you may not even be able to control. Color blind players aside, you can fall victim to these effects by simply jumping off a higher ledge that is out of range of the initial visual warning, which is what happened to me earlier in the Void. Without a way to cancel my momentum (double jump already used), I simply fell right on top of a Shock Eximus, lost both powers I was channeling on Equinox, lost my energy, and instantly died to enemies my loadout would otherwise have been able to handle with relative ease.

At least with Comba and Scrambus units, they only mess with powers, and not shields/energy. Nullifiers only mess with your powers, and have a bubble you can play around (you can even melee it from the outside). Shock Eximi are just those units who randomly punish you for no good reason. "Keep your distance" is an awful excuse for counterplay at this point; it applies to so many things that it's a redundant statement. You are almost always going to take less damage and suffer less harmful effects if you are farther from the enemies you are facing.

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16 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Idea for an build for you - Iron Skin Rhino with Steel Charge and Shadowstep - you will survive a lot, while also shaking of pesky procs and not wasting energy over leechers. Not too good for team fights on the other side :V

Not nearly an ideal since the most problems you will have in surv and defense. In surv you're pretty much won't kill anything with a melee and certainly won't kill enough to get enough life support drops. 

In defense you'll waste god knows how many time meleeing every enemy. And in both cases the second you'll decide to revive a teammate, you're dead cause you have to stick with naramon - vazarin isn't for you anymore. And that way those 10 sec invis could be not enough.

And yeah, a melee rhino that's built for iron skin. Usefull fro the team? - 1/10. 1 is just for not dying as often as the others.

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2 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Not nearly an ideal since the most problems you will have in surv and defense. In surv you're pretty much won't kill anything with a melee and certainly won't kill enough to get enough life support drops. 

In defense you'll waste god knows how many time meleeing every enemy. And in both cases the second you'll decide to revive a teammate, you're dead cause you have to stick with naramon - vazarin isn't for you anymore. And that way those 10 sec invis could be not enough.

And yeah, a melee rhino that's built for iron skin. Usefull fro the team? - 1/10. 1 is just for not dying as often as the others.

I would argue about how much melee it useful, but this is your playstyle. And the same "problems" in defense are diffrent since you tend to not solo them. Many issues are "gone" when frost and trinity are in the game. No body wants from players to solo defense. 
Sorry you did not read what I said, about team fights either. Or you do not grasp the full potential of Rhino. If you want an demo of Solo Rhino 40 mins survival, you will have to wait 4 hours, but I will deliver for you.

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BullS#&$ answer to Sapping: Prioritize. 


My response What else do I prioritize  ? The nullifier that's stopping me from CC-ing ? The Bombard that wont Stop shooting ? The gunners Huge &#! fire rate ? I'm not JUST fighting these guys. Plus Why would I run QT anymore ? Just so I can go down to 2 hp and Die on the next hit  ? Not to mention it saps shields too. Its basically a Death sentence for any frame that's not rhino.


Feels like a QT + Flow nerf too me.

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28 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

I would argue about how much melee it useful, but this is your playstyle. And the same "problems" in defense are diffrent since you tend to not solo them. Many issues are "gone" when frost and trinity are in the game. No body wants from players to solo defense. 
Sorry you did not read what I said, about team fights either. Or you do not grasp the full potential of Rhino. If you want an demo of Solo Rhino 40 mins survival, you will have to wait 4 hours, but I will deliver for you.

Can we not brag about stuff huh? At least here? "You just need to git gud, you just don't know how to play, blah blah blah, wait and I'll show you how it's done". More you brag less people will listen to you. Again that's not a way to adress an issue. Speaking about the lastes event (tactical alert, whatever) I actually prefered to solo it (because no one sets the alarms, no one needs to be revived, no one takes too long to hack, ect) and it was in a sense a simple fight or a simple event but I still find it atrocious. Even tho I didn't have problems like dying every minute or killing the razorback it still was awfully designed battle and an awful event overall. The mode you play on changes nothing when something is badly designed. It's still bad both in solo or coop.

Not to metion not in every team you'll have or even need EV. If you play with randoms you'll most likely won't have it 99% of time (talking about sortie). And if you recruit, no one wants to EV. The more difficult the mission is and the more you need it, the less people will be willing to do so. Cut it out with your "just bring EV".  I don't personally recruit anymore because last time I had to wait about 15-20 minutes to get one way back. Same goes for other "complicated to get frames" like mirage or particular builds like disarm Loki because majority of people don't play it - in case you say "well just bring ev yourself lolz". Can't freaking bring 2-3 frames at the same time at once. And if you need all of them (say ev, mirage/disarm, limbo) - gl, you'll most likely won't assemble a team at all depending on the time you play and other stuff like your luck.

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7 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Can we not brag about stuff huh? At least here? "You just need to git gud, you just don't know how to play, blah blah blah, wait and I'll show you how it's done". More you brag less people will listen to you. Again that's not a way to adress an issue. Speaking about the lastes event (tactical alert, whatever) I actually prefered to solo it (because no one sets the alarms, no one needs to be revived, no one takes too long to hack, ect) and it was in a sense a simple fight or a simple event but I still find it atrocious. Even tho I didn't have problems like dying every minute or killing the razorback it still was awfully designed battle and an awful event overall. The mode you play on changes nothing when something is badly designed. It's still bad both in solo or coop.

Not to metion not in every team you'll have or even need EV. If you play with randoms you'll most likely won't have it 99% of time (talking about sortie). And if you recruit, no one wants to EV. The more difficult the mission is and the more you need it, the less people will be willing to do so. Cut it out with your "just bring EV".  I don't personally recruit anymore because last time I had to wait about 15-20 minutes to get one way back. Same goes for other "complicated to get frames" like mirage or particular builds like disarm Loki because majority of people don't play it - in case you say "well just bring ev yourself lolz". Can't freaking bring 2-3 frames at the same time at once. And if you need all of them (say ev, mirage/disarm, limbo) - gl, you'll most likely won't assemble a team at all depending on the time you play and other stuff like your luck.

You made an point, I countered it. Rhino is simple frame and Iron Skin can negotiate leaching. With the addition of naramon you will also stay invisible. I am sorry about your bad experience, but do not make assumptions about how I deal with in game issues or do I even bring a team with me. I said "defense" and you went all trigger happy on me, get back to the main topic please.  How to deal with leach effects - right now you either pick an frame that negates those effects or just kill them first. Do you argue about that, or you want to keep on humping the "I dislike meta" train?

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1 minute ago, phoenix1992 said:

You made an point, I countered it. Rhino is simple frame and Iron Skin can negotiate leaching. With the addition of naramon you will also stay invisible. I am sorry about your bad experience, but do not make assumptions about how I deal with in game issues or do I even bring a team with me. I said "defense" and you went all trigger happy on me, get back to the main topic please.  How to deal with leach effects - right now you either pick an frame that negates those effects or just kill them first. Do you argue about that, or you want to keep on humping the "I dislike meta" train?

And I said you can't have a party of 4 Rhino in any mission other than exterm and maybe sometimes surv. As simple as that. And if you play public you're most likely never will see more than 2 rhino at once anyway. And aslo said that even if you want to "cheese" your naramon shadow step but your teammates don't have it/don't use i/don't care they'll either eventually die or you'll have to revive them at your own risk of dying because your invis may very simply just run off.

Other leeches are not dangerous at all because even tho they affect you they can't kill you just by looking at you across the room or simply spawning close to you. And now all frames that rely on energy, esspecially ones that channel it (Valkyr/Wukong/Excal) or frames that have to build some form of % protection that prevents their death (like night form Equinox or Chroma) or frames that use energy to stay alive (like Saryn with her molt and Ivara with her invis) are screwed. I didn't start playing this game just to be stuck with Rhino + mandatory melee only with no way of counter or negate effect that one enemy type is causing. And the enemy that, once again, is no different from any other eximus unit in appearance.

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Sorties are supposed to be hard, designed for players who have most frames, can make most builds, customise their weapons etc to suit the mission. The above complainer sounds to me like a very one dimensional player who doesn't like to change his loadout and complains that the same loadout can't handle everything while spamming meta tactics. Cries of "you'll always need an EV Trin" always make me laugh, just about any mission(not all) can be completed without one, it just takes a little preparation. 

" Valkyr is trash now" no she's not, you just have to do more than press 4 and scratch things with your claws in order to win, sorry if that's too inconvenient. 

Sorties are currently, still very easy to complete, even solo. I welcome any new layer challenge they add. I'll bet you hate Bursa's too OP. Oh and energy/shock eximus are simple to spot, I left you a clue in my previous comment as to how to.

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On 3/6/2016 at 6:14 PM, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

Your efficiency should always be 175% or 160% minimum. And flow and primed flow are objectively useless trash outside of being battery carrier in Law of Retribution. 

Losing 100% of energy shouldn't be an issue. With zenurik especially. 

Uh, no I don't have to use zenurik, I have options, my efficiency can be what ever play style i want to set it up for, primed flow is bae, especially with efficiency, and fake difficulty is fake difficulty, it doesn't matter what argument is used. The only similar troll abilities enemies have that is just as annoying is the switch teleport that grineer commanders use that leaves you stunned just staring at your hands and allows enemies to melee you even when you know for a 100 percent fact you could react fast enough to get out of the way.

Poison eximi should have viral auras, fire eximi should do blast damage and fling you across the map or disintegrate you, Ice eximi should also freeze you and deal blast magnetic and viral at random intervals. How about we acknowledge the devs are acknowledging electric damage is a terrible status effect, but they won't do anything to fix it

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Corpus is in a dire state.

I feel like we're continuously being pushed to less and less viable tactics. What even is effective against corpus anymore when talking sortie levels?

99% Blessing, Hysteria and Invisibility. And now all it takes is one Shock eximus to deny those as well.

Naramons invisibility seems like the only safe way anymore.

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1 hour ago, Zilchy said:

Sorties are supposed to be hard, designed for players who have most frames, can make most builds, customise their weapons etc to suit the mission. The above complainer sounds to me like a very one dimensional player who doesn't like to change his loadout and complains that the same loadout can't handle everything while spamming meta tactics. Cries of "you'll always need an EV Trin" always make me laugh, just about any mission(not all) can be completed without one, it just takes a little preparation. 

" Valkyr is trash now" no she's not, you just have to do more than press 4 and scratch things with your claws in order to win, sorry if that's too inconvenient. 

Sorties are currently, still very easy to complete, even solo. I welcome any new layer challenge they add. I'll bet you hate Bursa's too OP. Oh and energy/shock eximus are simple to spot, I left you a clue in my previous comment as to how to.

This "Eximus Unit" ruin every frames that need to get close to skill, Valkyr is going to garbage now, for sure. Warcry build/Human Vortex/Hysteria Build has no counter to this unit, you can kill it but you will lose energy in the end no matter what, compare to Ancient Disruptor and Nulifier this unit is over stupid design. Excalibur is not. He has EB that hit 40m away, blind can go 20m, RJ 20m. Equinox skill all has aoe and long range. Sortie are easy to solo, If you bring specific frames like in survival,MD and exterminate.

This unit is not a new layer challenge, it is just a nerf directly to any frames that need to get close to use skill (just say Inaros).

Everythings should be able to handled by every loadout, it just take how long to finish it. But this unit completely destroy melee play and FORCE players into gun-and-run play.

Those unit not even comes in solo and EASY to spot like bursa.

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You can really these people defending this "fix" never play endurance missions

 I would seriously like to see any if you "prioritize them" when there are multiple of them in a room with nullies and 30+ other mobs around before you lose all your energy & shields and die

These enemies are beyond stupid design

you cant fix cheesing by adding more cheese

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3 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

You made an point, I countered it. Rhino is simple frame and Iron Skin can negotiate leaching. With the addition of naramon you will also stay invisible. I am sorry about your bad experience, but do not make assumptions about how I deal with in game issues or do I even bring a team with me. I said "defense" and you went all trigger happy on me, get back to the main topic please.  How to deal with leach effects - right now you either pick an frame that negates those effects or just kill them first. Do you argue about that, or you want to keep on humping the "I dislike meta" train?

Not everyone wants to play Rhino. Personally I Don't want to forced into a frame when I should be allowed to fit any of my playstyle.


42 minutes ago, Inmemoratus said:

You spot the shock eximus and kill it before it comes within 5 meters. That's how big the aura is. So yeah that's how you counterplay it.

I am so done with this answer. You go to a  T4 surv and when S#&$ gets real try to spot anything  with 20 different eximus looking at you Nullifiers hiding them, Bombard wailing on you, gunners everywhere while you look for a unit you THINK you saw that may not even be the an energy sucking Eximus. It's just not a good enemy.


Even with Nullifiers yes their snipers hurt but you could see the coming a mile away. Even now when they come I can see them and dispatch them because they are so obvious. 

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Just now, Sunfaiz said:

Not everyone wants to play Rhino. Personally I Don't want to forced into a frame when I should be allowed to fit any of my playstyle.


I am so done with this answer. You go to a  T4 surv and when S#&$ gets real try to spot anything  with 20 different eximus looking at you Nullifiers hiding them, Bombard wailing on you, gunners everywhere while you look for a unit you THINK you saw that may not even be the an energy sucking Eximus. It's just not a good enemy.


Even with Nullifiers yes their snipers hurt but you could see the coming a mile away. Even now when they come I can see them and dispatch them because they are so obvious. 

I never see snipers, but that's just me. Not that it matters because they can't 1 shot me thanks to Quick Thinking, unless I get caught in the shock eximus aura first. But that would mean I failed to notice both of them. You have to agree that's just a fail on the player's part, right?

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1 minute ago, Inmemoratus said:

I never see snipers, but that's just me. Not that it matters because they can't 1 shot me thanks to Quick Thinking, unless I get caught in the shock eximus aura first. But that would mean I failed to notice both of them. You have to agree that's just a fail on the player's part, right?

Uuuh no?
besides the fact that you can get 1 shotted even with quick thinking and 850 energy

players dont have a 360 viewing angle so no you cant know whats around you at all times 
unless you're running around all spastic looking everywhere (which would also get you killed)

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1 minute ago, Inmemoratus said:

I never see snipers, but that's just me. Not that it matters because they can't 1 shot me thanks to Quick Thinking, unless I get caught in the shock eximus aura first. But that would mean I failed to notice both of them. You have to agree that's just a fail on the player's part, right?

Stop right there. Now you say we must EQUIP QT?

As i said. I'm fine with they take away our energy. BUT WE DON'T LIKE HOW THEY TAKE IT.

Ancient Disruptor need to hit with right hand + apply buff to other units to take it.

Energy Leech Eximus Take away your energy gradually, give your time to fight for flee.

Nulifier prohibit using skill only inside bubble, you can still use skill to kill enemies outside then process to kill nulifier or run in melee them then use skill.

This "Eximus UNIT":

- Instantly take away all energy and shield just by stay in edge of aura

- Even if you melee them (and kill it) you will dead anyway because you have no energy left to use skill or buff.

With this unit, Warframes now become CoD because warframes are total useless in melee range. Warframes HAS SKILLS FOR A REASON.

BTW there is ENERGY LEECH Eximus already, What the PURPOSE of this SHOCK EXIMUS?

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2 minutes ago, Inmemoratus said:

I never see snipers, but that's just me. Not that it matters because they can't 1 shot me thanks to Quick Thinking, unless I get caught in the shock eximus aura first. But that would mean I failed to notice both of them. You have to agree that's just a fail on the player's part, right?

Pfffttt.... HAHAHAhahahhh. Ok that was a good one. "Thanks to QT". I almost believed you were serious.

So, what happens when you see 2 hp? You run. Because you are never alone. I wonder, have you been at levels when a simple creman does enough damage to stunlock you to death with QT? Probably not, else you wouldn't brag about how good QT is if you actually used it where it could matter. Or maybe you just pop Hysteria or Invisibility or activated Blessing?

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