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LoR Seems to bring out a few bad peeps :(


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1 hour ago, notlamprey said:

The Trials in general combine a lot of things that tend to bring out the worst in people.

It's my main reason for avoiding them - I'm just not willing to risk adding that kind of stress into what is supposed to be my leisure time.

I have played many MMOs, I have played the whole "end" "game" "raid" stuff before.

I've served my time in the DKP mines.

Never again. RL friends or solo.

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I had something like this happen to me a couple days ago. I joined a T3 def...one of the other guys looks at my MR..it was 4 then..just shy of 6 now but I've been playing 3 weeks or so. He starts to rage and asks the host to boot me. He was like MR 15 or so, the others were 10-11ish. The host declined and he left the party but rejoined after the host started posting LFM in recruiting. We went in and he continued to rant in chat about how I was going to be the end of the mission, we were never going to make it the full 20 minutes the host advertised..blah blah blah...The he takes of running around the map killing everything with his ember prime. The nova, Inaros and me (nyx) stuck at the defense. This went on for the first 8-10 waves. Then he went down. I chaosed the group, killed a couple and got him up. He blamed me for going down. According to him I should quit playing a nyx because if I had brought a good warframe he wouldn't have went down. He repeated this stunt 3-4 more times. Me or the Inaros had to go save him. Final time, just before we ended at wave 20 none of us revived him because we were more focused on the defense. He raged about noobs, me, the other members of the squad, called us a bunch of things that turned into ***** and left squad soon as we evac'd. I've had a few people rag on me for my MR rank before and after and its whatever. I still try and play my frames as hard as best I can and I'll listen to good advice. I've also had a kick &#! time with some MR21 Kiwi's the other night who hauled me around, gave me advice and generally gave me the best experience I've had in game.

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1 minute ago, Joel_The_Jackle said:

I had something like this happen to me a couple days ago. I joined a T3 def...one of the other guys looks at my MR..it was 4 then..just shy of 6 now but I've been playing 3 weeks or so. He starts to rage and asks the host to boot me. He was like MR 15 or so, the others were 10-11ish. The host declined and he left the party but rejoined after the host started posting LFM in recruiting. We went in and he continued to rant in chat about how I was going to be the end of the mission, we were never going to make it the full 20 minutes the host advertised..blah blah blah...The he takes of running around the map killing everything with his ember prime. The nova, Inaros and me (nyx) stuck at the defense. This went on for the first 8-10 waves. Then he went down. I chaosed the group, killed a couple and got him up. He blamed me for going down. According to him I should quit playing a nyx because if I had brought a good warframe he wouldn't have went down. He repeated this stunt 3-4 more times. Me or the Inaros had to go save him. Final time, just before we ended at wave 20 none of us revived him because we were more focused on the defense. He raged about noobs, me, the other members of the squad, called us a bunch of things that turned into ***** and left squad soon as we evac'd. I've had a few people rag on me for my MR rank before and after and its whatever. I still try and play my frames as hard as best I can and I'll listen to good advice. I've also had a kick &#! time with some MR21 Kiwi's the other night who hauled me around, gave me advice and generally gave me the best experience I've had in game.


You will find toxic players everywhere. Most of the time they have no idea what they are talking about... And t3 defense should be extremely easy for a nova...

If you die in a t3 def as a nova you need to go back to farming mods/fusion cores cause an antimatter drop will kill everything

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It only "brings out the worst in people" when someone screws up the simple "puzzles" in it up because they didn't do their job (that includes knowing what you're doing).

These people aren't bad- they're serious. Raids are serious business to people because the keys are expensive, they take a decent chunk of your time, and are something people generally want to get out of the way quickly since delays means they can't get the same squad together or do their runs the next day at the same time.

Edited by Stratego89
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Problem the OP describes is sadly present in almost every online game. I dislike such elitism, since the experienced players tend to forget the ywere learning too at one point, making novice's mistakes. This kind of behaviour turns dungeoneering/raiding into an unpleasant experience avoided by many players (analogical situation concerns PvP).

OP, the only advice I can give you is to read the tactics beforehand and host the mission, making sure that whoever you invite is aware that you and/or others are new to this particular mission. That's what I do and it works well most of the time. Reading tacics beforehand is all good and well but often you need to experience it at least once to fully grasp the meaning.

Good luck :)

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Just now, Lijka said:

Problem the OP describes is sadly present in almost every online game. I dislike such elitism, since the experienced players tend to forget the ywere learning too at one point, making novice's mistakes. This kind of behaviour turns dungeoneering/raiding into an unpleasant experience avoided by many players (analogical situation concerns PvP).

OP, the only advice I can give you is to read the tactics beforehand and host the mission, making sure that whoever you invite is aware that you and/or others are new to this particular mission. That's what I do and it works well most of the time. Reading tacics beforehand is all good and well but often you need to experience it at least once to fully grasp the meaning.

Good luck :)


lesson is run with friends ;P


randoms are iffy 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:


lesson is run with friends ;P


randoms are iffy 

Or with clanmates, yes, but it's not always possible for a person relatively new to the game :)

Randoms are exactly that - randoms. Some will be jerks and some will be good guys that will eventually turn into friends you can raid with ;)

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A lot of older player may be used to smooth runs (everyone knowing what to do without even communicating) even with randoms. So when something goes wrong it may frustrates them, no excuse for the insults though. If you're not really experienced tell it to your mates, some people don't mind carrying a new player but some don't have a lot of time so they want to be done with trials quickly.

Also you should look at the wiki pictures of the different maps to know where the pads and consoles just put them on your phone. Sometimes I find that even the so called "experienced" players are completely clueless as to where the pads are.

Last tip bring ciphers or be decent at hacking

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I didn't do a raid till I was at least a MR 17+ Also over a year of playing. However my 1st experience was nothing like op's. I guess I got lucky because the completely random lobby I joined a few of the users actually explained what to do. Although one guy did get yelled at for dropping a "ball" or something I dont know. It was my 1st raid ever & that was the only one I ever did after that. So.. not horrible.. but not fun either. There does need to be some sort of training or information though before you go into one I agree it's DE's job to get that part done. In recruiting I sometimes see people doing raids and specifically saying "no retards, no newbs, know what you're doing" I smh every time. Also, even though the one guy was yelled at no one used profanities or made anyone else feel like a piece of trash. Maybe sometime in the future I will bother to learn how to do raids but with this kind of negativity and headache is it even worth it. Probably not.

Edited by (XB1)Onyx Guarrd
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2 hours ago, Joel_The_Jackle said:

I had something like this happen to me a couple days ago. I joined a T3 def...one of the other guys looks at my MR..it was 4 then..just shy of 6 now but I've been playing 3 weeks or so. He starts to rage and asks the host to boot me. He was like MR 15 or so, the others were 10-11ish. The host declined and he left the party but rejoined after the host started posting LFM in recruiting. We went in and he continued to rant in chat about how I was going to be the end of the mission, we were never going to make it the full 20 minutes the host advertised..blah blah blah...The he takes of running around the map killing everything with his ember prime. The nova, Inaros and me (nyx) stuck at the defense. This went on for the first 8-10 waves. Then he went down. I chaosed the group, killed a couple and got him up. He blamed me for going down. According to him I should quit playing a nyx because if I had brought a good warframe he wouldn't have went down. He repeated this stunt 3-4 more times. Me or the Inaros had to go save him. Final time, just before we ended at wave 20 none of us revived him because we were more focused on the defense. He raged about noobs, me, the other members of the squad, called us a bunch of things that turned into ***** and left squad soon as we evac'd. I've had a few people rag on me for my MR rank before and after and its whatever. I still try and play my frames as hard as best I can and I'll listen to good advice. I've also had a kick &#! time with some MR21 Kiwi's the other night who hauled me around, gave me advice and generally gave me the best experience I've had in game.

Unfortunately those kind of people exist. I'm MR 20 w/ 1500+ hours in the game and I still get those kind of people complaining to me occasionally. Your best bet is to just leave the squad if there are any signs of toxicity. Also, play whatever frame you think is fun. There are some situations that call for the strategic compositions such as LoR, sorties, and some long survival/defense runs. Anything else just bring what you want. As long as you can hold your own and benefit the team in some way there is no reason for anyone to get mad. If they do get mad it's their problem, not yours.  

Edited by RideaTear
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There's always that one guy who doesn't do his job properly in raids. Quite a lot of the time someone jumps off the pad when the core touches the electricity on a nightmare raid and ****s all of us. I also seen a lot of people jump off the last second on the 8 pads bit. 

Sometimes there's even a few leechers like when our ev trin turned into a Saryn at the last second when the raid begun (pre rework so Saryn was a nuke) and once we had a founder who claimed that Excalibur pro,e was the most swaggest frame and how his blind is better then mirage's but during the raid he didn't use radial blind once, he just ran around the whole place using exalted blade :awkward: . I told him to use blind and he ignores me because he thinks he's a Legend as he's a founder...

why can't people just do raids properly most of the time :|


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You know im in a ghost clan probably maybe 4 out of the 10 of us really talk to each other, and i have been in a raid 7  times and completed 5 of them and shockingly i still don't have a full clue on what to do.in a trail, i understand pretty well what to do with each of my warframes but the trails aren't vary user friendly to new players at all, and im not "new" im old like since update 6 old and have around 6k hours in game and still im new to the hole trails, they really need to explain it alot better, and I have watched mogamu videos and i don't get it still honestly, and its not from lack of trying.

Edited by usedtokio
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2 hours ago, Lijka said:

Or with clanmates, yes, but it's not always possible for a person relatively new to the game :)

Randoms are exactly that - randoms. Some will be jerks and some will be good guys that will eventually turn into friends you can raid with ;)

i brought a mr 1 newbie into the raid and we beat it. Granted we had 4 people who were pros at it. as long as the trinity is paying attention and the crowd control is effective you'd be surprised

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7 minutes ago, usedtokio said:

You know im in a ghost clan probably maybe 4 out of the 10 of us really talk to each other, and i have been in a raid 7  times and completed 5 of them and shockingly i still don't have a full clue on what to do.in a trail, i understand pretty well what to do with each of my warframes but the trails aren't vary user friendly to new players at all, and im not "new" im old like since update 6 old and have around 6k hours in game and still im new to the hole trails, they really need to explain it alot better, and I have watched mogamu videos and i don't get it still honestly, and its not from lack of trying.

it helps if a person explains while you do the raid. The jordas verdict is so confusing when you get to the nerve section

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I am one of the players B xD 

When raid was kinda new i tried to explain what the objective is and why we do this or that but i just met too many new ppl not listening or reading the chat at all and mr10-15 players thinking they know what to do and spitting on me when trying to tell them what to do

So now, whenever i decide to do a pub-raid i just set wps, call a name and tell they should go there and do nothing while i manage the rest 

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Just now, RideaTear said:

An idea: they should have an intro version with earth level enemies just so people can learn the basics. Then when they do the real thing they would just need to learn what frames to bring and their roles. 

Well i would love to do a raid video with every phase being explained slowly and also giving side-tips for speedrunners but my connection has a horrbily slow upload speed of 10-15kb/s

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Is the whole point of the raid not to try and figure it out and create strategies for it? 

Id imagine,total guess though,that DE want the player base to co operate and figure it out and then help others. It being explained in detail by the devs wouldnt make sense imo. Most other games that have raids dont explain them in detail in my experience. 

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Obviously, flaming people is never a good thing. Being a #$&(% helps noone.


On the other hand, when i did the Raid for the first time, i watched a short 5 minute video about so i knew roughly what to do.
When i played it i had found another new player that wanted to try it, so we grouped together and searched for more players.
However, he did not research what to do and kept killing the core because he kept leaving his button.
We told him what to do next time, we tried again, but he still did the same mistake.
He just didnt listen so we threw him out.

Now, this is obviously a different situation, since you seem eager to be helped, but things like that are quite cumbersome.
Next time, just go watch a quick overview for the mission

Considering Raids are more or less a late game thing, people expect you to be prepared.

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1) Trial is a mission for experienced players, you should avoid it before having a full experience with the game.

2) Veterans have no duty to guide in you in the mission, since collecting infos should be a basic requirement before trying it, if they do it's a COURTESY.

3) Your precise will to ignore the "phase of collecting infos" and rush in the mission without any idea of what to do is lazy and make the game harder and longer for everyone else. 

4) In addition of being lazy cause you cannot spend 3 mins to see 1 of the 1000 guides available or videos, you PRETEND that other players should not only tell you what to do, but even explain you why! So you want veterans to understand your needs, and justify your laziness, and you pretend they do it at the expense of their interests. 

If you want to learn the basis of LoR you must DECLARE your intent at your party members, cause Veterans are not there to instruct you, but because they want to complete the mission as soon as possible. If you find players who can teach you, it's good, if not, you cannot force your needs on them.

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The very point of the raid is going in there without any instructions. Raids aren't mean't to be an easy mission for the average player. You need a coordinated group or atleast a skilled leadership and anything's possible. If you don't know anyone who can teach you, just find a new clan, it's really that simple.

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5 hours ago, Senpai-Pie said:

Now you're comparing something a lot less complicated (that is shorter and has no negative for when you fail since you can retry it instantly) to something that is much longer, consumes a key that consumes resources and takes time to build said key. Not to mention one has a valuable reward while the other doesn't.

Now you're going to compare the Nightmare version to Spy 2.0 and again, if you screwed up the mission by not knowing that (for example) the core explodes on instant contact with the electricity on the rail it will be your fault for not informing yourself and someone will most likely get angry. Some people get way too worked up though.

Players helping players is important, I can agree as much. But it's not their job. Not to mention I have gone through thoroughly explaining how certain parts work only for said new person to fail the whole mission even though I explained it. Being misinformed can be your biggest weakness anywhere, especially if the task you're not informed about requires precise teamwork.

The comparison may be how to cook noodles vs rocket science, but the point still stands. Alright. What about driving a car? I never watched any tutorials on that. I had someone teach me how to do that. And now... profit? Like, c'mon. It's the same point xD 

Or a simple "Hey, what's going on" can be just fine and the player says "Just don't let the core touch the electric part of the rail and we'll be fine"  would also be good. I don't know how you learn, but watching videos is not how I learned ANYTHING in Warframe. I learned everything myself, along side my friend. Whether it be doing a mission, failing, understanding where I went wrong, and re-doing it, or following more experienced players' steps. I learned bu doing. Not by watching. And same goes for LoR. And if someone gets angry because I accidentally failed the mission because I didn't know the failing conditions, that's their problem. Not mine xD If they choose to get worked up, that's all on them.

It's not a player's job to inform other players, no. But I mean if they want to get the mission done with minimal hiccups, then it's their duty to inform.  If they don't care so much, then fine. No communication is the way to go. But if a hardcore player doesn't want to fail, that player should do their best to make sure they don't fail. Whether it's carrying at a certain part, or simply informing others what to do (like that dreaded stage with all those buttons).

3 hours ago, Ryunokage said:

Its laziness.

Following a video by rote is laziness in and of itself. I don't see what was stopping you from watching the video and taking a moment to deconstruct what they were doing and trying to figure it out. Why you couldn't pick up what was going on mid mission either eludes me as well, phase 2 of LoR, the buttons you were speaking of were simple extended matching, while the bomb carrier phase only required you to transport a bomb, lower the shields around an injector and blowing it up.

Neither of these are such intricate and complicated tasks that you need to be a genius to do them. These are the same cognitive tasks that we test among the elderly through the ACE-R or MMSE, and i've seen demented patients perform better then some warframe players.

Nothing's stopping me watching an hour long video on what to do, but then again, nothing's stopping you (for example) from instructing me on what and how to do things. It's not my responsibility to watch a video to see how things are done, but it's also not your responsibility to make sure I know what I'm doing. But I mean if I didn't watch the video, but you don't wanna fail, then there's only one alternative while we're mid-mission.
Oh, and I don't know 100% what I'm doing because I've only done it like 3 times since it's been out. I haven't run it over and over so I don't know the routine and all that, so although it's not exactly hard to learn, you need to do it a few times to understand everything.


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5 hours ago, Senpai-Pie said:

Plus, it's DE's job to explain things in THEIR game. Not other people. You have the starter player experience as an example.


This sums up the biggest problems with New Player Experience. Even the revamped tutorial we have is already out-of-date with the introduction of Parkour 2.0, and it still doesn't explain things like Auras, Extractors, Gear, Stances, Companions, Clans, Alliances, Relays, social media connections and the wiki, etc.

Law of Retribution does not do a good job at explaining itself. It points in you in the general direction, but doesn't explain how/why to get there. The game itself doesn't even do a good job of pointing players to resources unless they read the forums (something that a lot of players don't always do, but isn't even mentioned in-game or the tutorial anyway).

To the OP: most players will expect you to do research on "End Game" raids before-hand. That's true of most games, to be honest. That being said, you are not a noob or an idiot. You were put in a situation where you weren't prepared, but really had no way of knowing you needed preparation. If Player A did not have patience they should never have joined a raid with new players. Player B could have done a better job, but who knows, maybe they were frustrated themselves, maybe they were in a rush because they spent more time already than they expected, etc. Chalk it up to a learning experience, even if an unfortunate one.

In the end though, if you find yourself in a similar situation I would recommend you just abort. No one deserves to be belittled or abused in a coop game they are playing for fun. As long as you're not intentionally trolling, no one has the right to make you feel small. Life's too short to force yourself to be around toxic people.

Happy gaming, Tenno!

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