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Why I avoid the Corpus.


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DE just seems to place all the annoying enemies in the Corpus faction. Nullies are flat out annoying, Bursas are pains to deal with, Sapping Ospreys are just stupid, the Comba and other units are just redundant with Nullies around, though I'd much prefer fighting Combas than Nullies.


To go more in depth as to why I hate these units, Nullies just spawn way too often and can cover whole areas with their bubbles that basically tell your powers to screw off. Bursas have tons of annoying things like the fact their armor based in a faction that's generally shield based, certain ones have nullie bubbles, others just knockdown spam or apply a knockdown effect that no frame can avoid, or they just one shot you with their shotgun weapons.They did get nerfed earlier though, but they're still annoying. Sapping Ospreys suffer from ridiculous scaling where in the star chart they're a nuisance but then in sorties they cover the ground with their orbs that will one shot even the tankiest of frames. The Comba's I actually wouldn't have a problem with if Nullies didn't already exist, but because of Nullifier's already existing they just seem redundant and just more way to screw over your powers just by being near them, though they do have the issue where their power field that disables certain abilities just can't be seen at all. Special mention does go to Detron Crewmen who can deal a surprising amount of damage to frames quickly and the Corpus Techs who just shred frames who depend on armor.


If all they did was remove Nullies and lower the damage Sapping Ospreys can do in higher end content, they would be much more bearable as an enemy, but with all the ability disabling they have and units that can deal huge amounts of damage quickly and, especially in the techs and bursas case, eat up a lot of damage as well, they just aren't a whole fun to fight again. I'm hoping DE will at least do something to make the Corpus not so annoying, but the odds of that happening soon are really small, which sucks.

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Well, some people find fun in difficulties, they see fair challenge in it. Yes, Corpus units are just stupid ability spamming dummies, but if you know how to counter them, if you know their mechanics - game become slightly easier. Right equipment presets, right builds and weapon choices makes your game. If you run from something it won't give you fun either.

I sincerely can't understand kind of "fun" what most people in this game loves - spamming nuke abilities such as Bladestorm, or staying AFK for hours as Ember or Equinox. They think what they are breaking the game by these SICK MECHANICS OF PROS, but in my opinion they just wasting their time.

Opinions is a brilliant thing. You can tell about your point and nobody will agree with it because people kinda... different? Surprise-surprise, they are.

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Problem is that everything is becoming a gimmick. You are reliant on the powers, focus, and other gimmick mods for level 50+ content.  When something comes along that stops the gimmick, you're SOL. They say everything is viable, but that's false. Eventually, you are forced to play a certain frame, focus, and mods to do well in hard content. It's not fun if that's not your play style.

My biggest gripe with corpus is nullifiers. Nullifier shields block both regular attacks/shots and powers, yet you can run right through them. Makes no sense at all. Make them only block regular attacks or only powers, not both. I think blocking powers only might be better. Then make them harder to kill to compensate. I like to play the slower, heavy hitting weapons and it's a pain with nullifiers.  The energy drains also stop many of the powers (gimmicks) dead in their tracks. 

I prefer grinner because they don't have mechanics that limit my play style.

I don't like infested either because they are always in your face (or up your butt) mauling you.

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23 hours ago, NekroArts said:

Have you done today's Sortie 3? That mission is hell without using a specific setup, this hurts for players that don't have the proper frame(s) and/or build.

Just because its a F2P doesn't mean putting cheap gimmicks. Thanks for the Nullifiers, Sapping Ospreys, and Arctic Eximus but don't have them group up together.

Nobody said you had to do the sortie either.

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I don't personally get it at all. Firstly, this is a squad based shooter, with different Warframes fulfilling different roles. If you are choosing to play solo, you have to cover three other roles a team might have fulfilled. Don't like having to use an automatic weapon against nullifiers? Invite someone who does, and you do not need to change your playstyle. I am quite glad the game is designed toward squad play, there are plenty of much more polished single player shooters out there if I was looking for that. 

I also can't understand why people think "taking your powers away" is in some way cheap, or a poor design choice. It is the quickest and most effective way to make a player access the situation, change their tactics, or die continuing to use the same ploy. Forcing the player to adapt is a key component of engagement. As for making it so "you are just a soldier", a Warframe is only one of the four weapons you take to a mission. Prefer a sniper or bow and have a frame that can't afford to slide into the bubble? Take an automatic secondary weapon!

Grineer are much more annoying to me. They do not provide a dynamic gameplay experience in the slightest. The best tactic will always be "do more damage" or "proc more status", rather then actually engaging the player's skills. 

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14 hours ago, D6.Nordenfelt said:

Well, some people find fun in difficulties, they see fair challenge in it. Yes, Corpus units are just stupid ability spamming dummies, but if you know how to counter them, if you know their mechanics - game become slightly easier. Right equipment presets, right builds and weapon choices makes your game. If you run from something it won't give you fun either.

I sincerely can't understand kind of "fun" what most people in this game loves - spamming nuke abilities such as Bladestorm, or staying AFK for hours as Ember or Equinox. They think what they are breaking the game by these SICK MECHANICS OF PROS, but in my opinion they just wasting their time.

Opinions is a brilliant thing. You can tell about your point and nobody will agree with it because people kinda... different? Surprise-surprise, they are.

Yes there is definitely a tactic that works with Corpus, but that's the exact problem. What am i talking about?
Rapid fire , high DPS automatic guns, it shreds any and all in this game, especially the Corpus. the problem here? it just becomes a shooter.
"You have Mag who kills Corpus and is way OP against them." Really? what can she do against overlapping nullifiers bubbles covering 50% of all mobs, if not more, at most points during interception? yes exactly rely on her guns.

Warframe has always been a game design around the idea of combined arms. Powers, guns and melee. The Corpus eliminates Powers and melee viability for the majority of the time. Also you should notice no one even mentioned the void, even though they got nullifiers. Yes the void has them, but the other units that come with them don't immediately turn it into this giant mess that is high lvl Corpus.

Also the ability spamming you mentioned and the AFK farming are mostly employed to grind affinity or items. It's specifically tailored towards time efficiency, get the most with the least amount of effort. Ask many of those players if they're having fun and i doubt you'll get a "yes" very often. It's a play-style people developed to deal with the high amount of grinding in this game. Many play sorties just for fun cause they already have the rewards it offers. The fun fact is that it sets you of right at the difficulty spike most people encounter after 40 minute + endless gametypes, without having to wait the 40 minutes. This is completely different type of players or at least play-style then you find at Draco for example. Bringing in their playstyle into this discussion is pointless and a different issue entirely.

"Yes, Corpus units are just stupid ability spamming dummies" what are you even talking about here? Your talking about AI bots, they don't have an energy bar, they don't have much, if at all, of a cooldown on their tricks. They're programmed on a specific set of triggers to result in specific type of actions. It's purely mechanical, nothing "ability" about this.
For example: executing a sliding melee attack or sprint or slide past a Heavy Gunner will always result in them executing their "ground stomp attack". they can execute this trick in almost any animation state, for example if they're in the middle of getting knocked to the ground they will still suddenly slip back into the ground stomp animation.
Some players know about this and even actively use it against them to prevent them from firing heir relay dangerous weapon, their Gorgon.
The difference between these triggered tricks and an ability is the choice factor. Enemy AI doesn't make a choice, it simply follows the triggers it's been programmed with. It's fundamentally different."You know what i mean" yes i do, but it does show your lack of understanding how the underlying mechanics of this game works. which is exactly the complaint here. the Corpus are mechanically flawed, not on a difficulty lvl, but a mechanical, programmed lvl.

If you still feel your right about the Corpus beeing just fine as they are, I dare you to just try and finish a 20 minute survival, 4 wave intercept or 20 wave defence (on Pluto) on your own using only melee and powers and report back to me how fun it was. You may use any melee weapon and frame your heart desires, except Valkyr because she is simply broken with her 4th and literally only has to watch out for nullifiers. Also wouldn't be much fun with Valkyr i'd imagine.
Trust me, you'll understand once the combined force of nullifiers, Bursa's, Comba's and sapping Osprey's start showing up.

P.S. Don't like my tone, well you were being a condescending prick yourself.

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7 minutes ago, undernown said:

If you still feel your right about the Corpus beeing just fine as they are, I dare you to just try and finish a 20 minute survival, 4 wave intercept or 20 wave defence (on Pluto) on your own using only melee and powers and report back to me how fun it was. You may use any melee weapon and frame your heart desires, except Valkyr because she is simply broken with her 4th and literally only has to watch out for nullifiers. Also wouldn't be much fun with Valkyr i'd imagine.
Trust me, you'll understand once the combined force of nullifiers, Bursa's, Comba's and sapping Osprey's start showing up.

P.S. Don't like my tone, well you were being a condescending prick yourself.

TFW I go Pluto Suvival with my Excal for a little daily spice. It is not hard with most frames, you just need to pay attention, and build your frames correctly for the enemies you will be facing. 


Edit: I also quite regularly go 30m on Tycho, which throws in some adapting enemies on top of all the "annoying" stuff. 

Edited by GorgonKain
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I disagree with the OP.

Corpus cleverness with its Nullifiers, Combas and Bursas (though I will admit the frequency of Bursas appearing is a little high) is an excellent development for both the game's lore and mechanics. In lore, The clever Corpus faction must've at some point realized that the Tenno have a large advantage using their powers, and so they developed tools to starve them of this resource. (Grineer and Infested do the same thing with Energy Leech Eximus units, though this a simpler strategy). The Grineer aren't so bright and simply answer the problem of the Tenno with more power, and so they're usually a bit easier because we can either build to be more powerful or exploit their weaknesses (cough Corrosive cough). But against the Corpus, simply building more power isn't quite as useful.

Mechanically, yes, the Corpus are more annoying to fight -- and that's kind of the point. You have to approach a battle like a puzzle, taking out their defenses and removing their traps to most effectively take down a wave. Can you use a simpler strategy and just spam powers at them and shoot your multi-Forma'd Amprex vaguely in their direction? Of course! But fighting the Corpus rewards the player for being observant, strategic and methodical, not just powerful.

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I posted this to another thread so here goes:

My voice is tiny in this community. But I’ve been avoiding some sorties (read: corpus) intentionally. There are two reasons behind it. 1) To run them with ease you need to go with specific frames and builds. Yes, I’m talking about “meta” frames and squads (read: “proper” if you don’t like the word “meta”) 2) Developers gather statistic about the game: how many enemies we have killed, how many missions are completed, what are the most popular missions and so on. And in these kinds of things my voice is small but in a way I do something for it :)

My friend is trying to get me to play Destiny, and on the contrary I’ve been trying to get him to play Warframe. So couple weeks ago he brought he’s PlayStation to my house. He took me to this low level area and said that the gear I’m currently using is meant for end game but it’s scaled for this area. So there I was fighting against enemies who came from these portals -- among the other high and low level players in the vicinity. And because of the equipment and ability scaling I found it quite fun and challenging on that low level area.

In Warframe the difficulty is kinda on/off: on one run I was struggling with my team in corpus sortie 3 interception. We prioritized the targets and we almost made it - failing on the last wave. On the second run I chose a meta frame (read: proper frame and build) and we were chatting and talking about frost prime and his abilities until we suddenly got mission success. I could have done this all in our clan or alliance or region chat. And you can see this in the feedback people are giving: stating that the mission was extremely hard meanwhile others are just laughing and saying it was easy and that they need more challenge. The contrast is bit too high and I don’t want to support it.

As for a resolution, it's definitely not in my hands. It's up to DE to make the decisions or leave it as is.

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28 minutes ago, carnaga said:

I posted this to another thread so here goes:

My voice is tiny in this community. But I’ve been avoiding some sorties (read: corpus) intentionally. There are two reasons behind it. 1) To run them with ease you need to go with specific frames and builds. Yes, I’m talking about “meta” frames and squads (read: “proper” if you don’t like the word “meta”) 2) Developers gather statistic about the game: how many enemies we have killed, how many missions are completed, what are the most popular missions and so on. And in these kinds of things my voice is small but in a way I do something for it :)

My friend is trying to get me to play Destiny, and on the contrary I’ve been trying to get him to play Warframe. So couple weeks ago he brought he’s PlayStation to my house. He took me to this low level area and said that the gear I’m currently using is meant for end game but it’s scaled for this area. So there I was fighting against enemies who came from these portals -- among the other high and low level players in the vicinity. And because of the equipment and ability scaling I found it quite fun and challenging on that low level area.

In Warframe the difficulty is kinda on/off: on one run I was struggling with my team in corpus sortie 3 interception. We prioritized the targets and we almost made it - failing on the last wave. On the second run I chose a meta frame (read: proper frame and build) and we were chatting and talking about frost prime and his abilities until we suddenly got mission success. I could have done this all in our clan or alliance or region chat. And you can see this in the feedback people are giving: stating that the mission was extremely hard meanwhile others are just laughing and saying it was easy and that they need more challenge. The contrast is bit too high and I don’t want to support it.

As for a resolution, it's definitely not in my hands. It's up to DE to make the decisions or leave it as is.

This gives us a useful way of looking at "difficulty" in Warframe. Everything is easy, except when it's almost impossible.

There are a number of situations where challenge is nearly nonexistent with just the right setup, and off the charts otherwise. This makes game difficulty a topic that the community as a whole really stinks at discussing constructively, because so many people forget to include playstyles and habits that differ from their own.

It's almost as if the player base is stratified in a kind of equipment-based class system.

   We have an Upper Class, the players who have essentially a complete arsenal and typically make a point to bring the "correct" equipment to everything. You have the "money" to make everything easy; why not use it? This group is most likely to consider anything but the "optimal" loadout to be a waste of their time.

   Then there's a small-but-important Middle Class, players who have tools for most jobs but not necessarily all of them. These folks are less likely to be concerned about bringing the "best in slot" equipment for any given situation, and are more often happy to play with whatever they enjoy. Often, Middle Class players will be frustrated that the game pushes them to play with very specific setups if they don't want white-knuckled, hair-pulling, cold-sweating difficulty.

   Finally, the Lower Class. These are players who are either relatively new or simply lack the big fat library of frames, mods and weapons that most other players have. They are much more prone to being frustrated by the difficulty mines scattered around the game, and also seem to fall victim to the most scapegoating. Fairly often, they "come into money" when another player helps them speed up the progression of their account, whether through gifts ("generous trades" included) or just plain help with missions. When this happens, there is a certain risk that the "boosted" Lower Class player will be transmogrified through mysterious magics, becoming an Upper Class player.

This is all a very rough and incomplete picture, but it's how I view the community when discussions of game difficulty are concerned.


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16 hours ago, D6.Nordenfelt said:

Well, some people find fun in difficulties, they see fair challenge in it. Yes, Corpus units are just stupid ability spamming dummies, but if you know how to counter them, if you know their mechanics - game become slightly easier. Right equipment presets, right builds and weapon choices makes your game. If you run from something it won't give you fun either.

I sincerely can't understand kind of "fun" what most people in this game loves - spamming nuke abilities such as Bladestorm, or staying AFK for hours as Ember or Equinox. They think what they are breaking the game by these SICK MECHANICS OF PROS, but in my opinion they just wasting their time.

Opinions is a brilliant thing. You can tell about your point and nobody will agree with it because people kinda... different? Surprise-surprise, they are.

They don't spam abilities but limit gameplay and are almost outright lore breaking id their bubbles aren't powered by void energy. 

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6 hours ago, undernown said:

Yes there is definitely a tactic that works with Corpus, but that's the exact problem. What am i talking about?
Rapid fire , high DPS automatic guns, it shreds any and all in this game, especially the Corpus. the problem here? it just becomes a shooter.
"You have Mag who kills Corpus and is way OP against them." Really? what can she do against overlapping nullifiers bubbles covering 50% of all mobs, if not more, at most points during interception? yes exactly rely on her guns.

Warframe has always been a game design around the idea of combined arms. Powers, guns and melee. The Corpus eliminates Powers and melee viability for the majority of the time. Also you should notice no one even mentioned the void, even though they got nullifiers. Yes the void has them, but the other units that come with them don't immediately turn it into this giant mess that is high lvl Corpus.

Also the ability spamming you mentioned and the AFK farming are mostly employed to grind affinity or items. It's specifically tailored towards time efficiency, get the most with the least amount of effort. Ask many of those players if they're having fun and i doubt you'll get a "yes" very often. It's a play-style people developed to deal with the high amount of grinding in this game. Many play sorties just for fun cause they already have the rewards it offers. The fun fact is that it sets you of right at the difficulty spike most people encounter after 40 minute + endless gametypes, without having to wait the 40 minutes. This is completely different type of players or at least play-style then you find at Draco for example. Bringing in their playstyle into this discussion is pointless and a different issue entirely.

"Yes, Corpus units are just stupid ability spamming dummies" what are you even talking about here? Your talking about AI bots, they don't have an energy bar, they don't have much, if at all, of a cooldown on their tricks. They're programmed on a specific set of triggers to result in specific type of actions. It's purely mechanical, nothing "ability" about this.
For example: executing a sliding melee attack or sprint or slide past a Heavy Gunner will always result in them executing their "ground stomp attack". they can execute this trick in almost any animation state, for example if they're in the middle of getting knocked to the ground they will still suddenly slip back into the ground stomp animation.
Some players know about this and even actively use it against them to prevent them from firing heir relay dangerous weapon, their Gorgon.
The difference between these triggered tricks and an ability is the choice factor. Enemy AI doesn't make a choice, it simply follows the triggers it's been programmed with. It's fundamentally different."You know what i mean" yes i do, but it does show your lack of understanding how the underlying mechanics of this game works. which is exactly the complaint here. the Corpus are mechanically flawed, not on a difficulty lvl, but a mechanical, programmed lvl.

If you still feel your right about the Corpus beeing just fine as they are, I dare you to just try and finish a 20 minute survival, 4 wave intercept or 20 wave defence (on Pluto) on your own using only melee and powers and report back to me how fun it was. You may use any melee weapon and frame your heart desires, except Valkyr because she is simply broken with her 4th and literally only has to watch out for nullifiers. Also wouldn't be much fun with Valkyr i'd imagine.
Trust me, you'll understand once the combined force of nullifiers, Bursa's, Comba's and sapping Osprey's start showing up.

P.S. Don't like my tone, well you were being a condescending prick yourself.

Too bad, I don't care about you and your tone. I just shared my view here.
I have played a lot of Corpus missions, I have seen how this faction changes almost with every update since this game became OBT. And I played with every variation of viable equipment, my 2700 hours of gameplay wasn't just idling for "affinity". This was a different stages of playing from the beginning to so-called "endgame" (which doesn't exist in WF at all).
Now I have a lot of KNOWLEDGE and LAMBORGHINIS in my garage, because I had a lots of time to became kinda good at this game. And I have will and some lessure time to overcome DEvs laziness in balancing things and actually play the game, because I can. Thats the difference. People like you whining about unbalanced things, but you can't see root of the problem. Is the name of the game. This will never be changed, because this is DE conception of ideal grind simulator with elements of TPS. 
I don't have wish to continue this pointless chit-chat. Signing off.

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Some people are just fanboy enough to support something completely negate your effort on tactic and builds, promotes a waste of time, artificial difficulty and bloody grind on even moderate level, without skills Tennos are just infested weak garbage and there's no point for us to fight against. DE could just make them "less useful" but they apparently took a wrong step.

Edited by VCaptiion
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On 3/25/2016 at 7:19 AM, BarryPierce said:

I avoid the corpus because I feel like they get the most annoying enemies. *cough* Bursas, power nullifiers, comba, scrambus, etc...*cough*

Read the title of the forum, came here expecting to hear about Bursas and Power nullifiers. Wasn't disappointed.

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I'm sure someone else has already said this but although nullifiers are fairly easy to kill (fastest way is jumping into the bubble for the close range kill) It's fairly disheartening when doing so strips you of duration abilities, or in the case of Inaros, all of your scarab armor. 

If I want to keep my abilities on and still kill the nullifier I have to whittle down its shields from a slight distance, probably behind cover since it's going to take a few seconds and then kill it, though god forbid i have slow firing weapons or it's an ice eximus.

It just slows the game down forcing me to take cover and shoot or kill it quickly and re-cast, and one of the things I really like about warframe is the mobility and speed. But if I want to kill a nullifier fast (see method 1), it really dissuades me from using certain warframes (Mirage, Limbo, Mesa, Inaros, Chroma, Banshee etc.) whose gameplay relies heavily on duration-based abilities.

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Considering high level:

Detron Crewman - kill at range or disable with abilities. Don't get close otherwise.

Sap Osprey - kill at range or buff yourself enough to resist mines.

Nullifier Crewman - kill at range with overwhelming amount of dakka or explosives. Or just kill it in melee.

Bursa - kill it at range or dash forward and blast it from behind.

Comba/Scrambus - they disable abilities and have weapons that are devastating at point blank. Keep at range.

All other Corpus units are either have limited range (Elite Crewman) or projectile weapons. So they are very effective up-close and not so much at range.


TLDR: Corpus faction at high level forces you to use a very limited set of tactical options. No other faction does that.

Some people here have no problem fighting Corpus as this limited set is that of they use regardless. Other people like to use melee setups, ability-heavy setups, synergistic setups which are pretty much screwed by Corpus. For them it's not challenging - it's limiting, boring and unfun.


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5 hours ago, -_GrayFox_- said:

Read the title of the forum, came here expecting to hear about Bursas and Power nullifiers. Wasn't disappointed.

You can't say you like those enemies, though.



Unless you do... I don't judge!

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I avoid Corpus because I do not bother to mod for them.

Yes I'm lazy and I love to run Corrosive or Gas on everything, so I generally don't do Corpus Missions due to my weapons having decreased effectiveness or no advantage over Shields.

Ofc I use Saryn so if I do meet Corpus, I turn on Toxic Lash and shred them. 

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