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Why is Valkyr Hated?


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See I do not understand how Valkyr is "dull" or "OP". Her 4 scales sooo bad in late/end game and she is actually really fun IMO. I run 3 forma Dur and 299% Str with Eternal War. I get to run around with my Jat Kitty Blast machine with Weeping Wounds, Blood Rush, Primed Reach, and Body Count, and release sparkle hammer. Valkyr is always complained about because she has invulnerability, but I guess I play her differently. I just do not get the salt people have against Valkyr and her potential.


Please no salt I am just wondering. Do alot of others play my way too? Or am I alone? I just think Valkitty needs some love and I am so hyped for Ice Hammer. :clem:

Edited by -BE-VoltageKg
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Because people are salty that there favorite frames like volt banshee or zepher are no where equal in survival ability to valkyr so people want to take away valkyrs only readiming  quality and replace it with something that fits the screwed up meta instead leaving valkyr the way she is.

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People hate her because they'll die and she'll still be standing. This frustrates people.

And some people really don't like the fact that they can become invincible because they feel it makes the game boring for them, despite the fact that they could just not use the ability.

But you are wrong, her 4th scales incredibly well. Kind of hard to not have invincibility scale, plus it deals really good damage.

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13 minutes ago, -BE-VoltageKg said:

See I do not understand how Valkyr is "dull" or "OP". Her 4 scales sooo bad in late/end game and she is actually really fun IMO. I run 3 forma Dur and 299% Str with Eternal War. I get to run around with my Jat Kitty Blast machine with Weeping Wounds, Blood Rush, Primed Reach, and Body Count, and release sparkle hammer. Valkyr is always complained about because she has invulnerability, but I guess I play her differently. I just do not get the salt people have against Valkyr and her potential.

This is pretty much as to why most players that complain about her dont like her or feel she's OP. Her 4th ability validates the concept of "press 4 to win" which is a big complaint in Warframe. She herself is fun to play with in most cases, but her 4th enables her to get away from most danger with not much effort, even if you dont use it for very long. Unlike most of the other warframes in the game that need to be careful as to where they activate their 4th, Valkyr can simply use it and just not really worry about the consequences (unless there is a Nullifier nearby or Energy Draining Eximus).


That IMO is why most ppl who complain about Valkyr do so.

Edited by WanderoftheAether
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Because Valkyr historically has pressed one button that lets you not die, at the cost of being almost useless later on. 

Her claws always felt clunky and just meh in general, and full on invulnerability is kinda cheap. 

Hell, my Valkyr class was named Easymode because of it. 

Regardless she doesn't bring much to a team unless you need a big fat tank or a resbot. 

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You have to separate people that hates her because their frames can't do that, and people that hate her mechanics for being broken.

I don't hate valkyr, I hate invulnerability as much as I hate perma stealth. No game has that for good reasons.

DE understand that but they didn't implement changes yet, the fact that they removed it from Trinity is the proof that they are not confortable with it and, eventually, invulnerability will be removed for good.

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Because invulnerability is a bad mechanic that should not exist in this game or any other game either.

Some people argue that "she's forced to melee so it's fair" but that doesn't have anything to do with anything since we can parkour, pve enemies are stupid and slow as S#&$ and Hysteria also has one of the highest damage outputs in the game. Well above weapons.

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To be honest I can get what they are saying. As she has a fourth that allows her to be immunes to damage while being in melee mode. I would say this is a fair trade till I saw the high efficiency and how much energy is taken. Which pushes her to be an Immortal for an entire mission, if modded right. Then she gets a healing factor after for enemy she kills. Basically, a free life strike. Most player would either would say she would have a damage drop off, which you could easily recast the ability. Why don't see people doing that. I feel like she needs some sort of backlash when coming out of the ability. So players won't go into God Mode without taking some risk. But this won't happen, as Val is same position like Loki. If nerfed or changed in anyway, people will go batsh!t insane and go after DE. We can talk about this, but I doubt anything would be done. I don't hate Val, I just hate the invulnerability mechanic. Making her got to frame when doing survival or some high level mission.

Edit: only way I see Val becoming useless in anyway. If Nullies were chasing her down in the mission xD

Edited by Ibro156
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19 minutes ago, -BE-VoltageKg said:

See I do not understand how Valkyr is "dull" or "OP". Her 4 scales sooo bad in late/end game and she is actually really fun IMO. I run 3 forma Dur and 299% Str with Eternal War. I get to run around with my Jat Kitty Blast machine with Weeping Wounds, Blood Rush, Primed Reach, and Body Count, and release sparkle hammer. Valkyr is always complained about because she has invulnerability, but I guess I play her differently. I just do not get the salt people have against Valkyr and her potential.


Please no salt I am just wondering. Do alot of others play my way too? Or am I alone? I just think Valkitty needs some love and I am so hyped for Ice Hammer. :clem:

I dont consider Valkyr overpowered, only Hysteria and thats because its basicly just godmode. Sure she may start to lose effectiveness against enemies in the level range of 110 to 120 but theres not many other frames that can go there and still be effective. The whole problem with Hysteria is how easy its makes it for players to cheese through the game. Even the whole stored damage concept barely have any risk. Get 100k damage stored and deactivate it near enemies and you die but do the same thing just this time theres no enemies near and your perfectly fine. Its why i dislike Hysteria, because theres absolutely no risk involved at all. Its a cheap godmode ability which even for some dumb reason has lifedrain abilities as well.

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This took a bit longer to do than I initially thought, my PS rank is not that high


OT: I don't think she's overpowered. I think she's fun to play, albeit a little cheesy. She's a good solo/pub frame, in a coordinated team you'd be much better off picking someone else.

Edited by Digistruct0r
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5 minutes ago, no_stripes said:

Why is this even an issue in a PVE game?

Aaaaaand there's the classic response whenever something is broken. Why don't all frames have invulnerability, permastealth, perma cc, perma everything, since it's a pve game it's not direclty affecting other players, who cares about difficulty anyway?

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Hysteria is pretty much the prime suspect here. Cheap unskillful god mode ability that you can keep up forever, deals insane damage (Dat slide attack bruh), did I mention there's zero risk to it?

I would've liked them to change Hysteria to have a flat damage reduction percentage (80%) instead of some "sv_cheats 1, god mode" ability. That built-in lifestrike is redundant, what's the point if you're in god mode, right?

Which is one of the reasons why I run a Eternal war build.

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6 minutes ago, EdBazokatone said:

Aaaaaand there's the classic response whenever something is broken. Why don't all frames have invulnerability, permastealth, perma cc, perma everything, since it's a pve game it's not direclty affecting other players, who cares about difficulty anyway?

Because all Frames are differant

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I can't speak for the community as a whole, but I can explain why I personally dislike Valkyr players.

It's because almost every single time I get in a mission with a Valkyr player, they end up overextending farther and farther until eventually they are miles away from the objective. Wanna know how it happens? They see one flank being covered by the people with ranged weapons and suddenly they fly off to kill whatever those other people are shooting at. Then they follow the chain of enemies pouring in towards the objective, cutting off affinity gains for the ranged weapon users left looking at the doorway. What happens when those people start protecting the other flank? Back comes the infinite Hysteria Valkyr, ready to do the exact same thing on the other side. This cycle repeats infinitely, because the Valkyr never considered just standing to the side of one unoccupied doorway so everyone can get the affinity/loot from the enemies without running down multiple kilometers of Valkyr-induced death.

I don't hate the frame. I hate the type of gameplay it encourages.

Edited by Nitresco
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If they rebuilt valkyr, a perfectly good frame the would hav to change ALL of her abilties because they are based on her 4. I mean changing valkyr is completely unneccesary with no energy valkyr survival ability is almost gone  despite her high armor because of her lack of actually useful abilities in the end game. I mean everyone complains about nerfing valkyr but lets NERF trinity instead i MEAN everyon uses Trinity TRinity could be Called OP with Bless builds and Ev builds so lets just just wipe those out of the game completely and turn trinities skills into something like OBERONS!!!!!

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35 minutes ago, EdBazokatone said:

You have to separate people that hates her because their frames can't do that, and people that hate her mechanics for being broken.

I don't hate valkyr, I hate invulnerability as much as I hate perma stealth. No game has that for good reasons.

DE understand that but they didn't implement changes yet, the fact that they removed it from Trinity is the proof that they are not confortable with it and, eventually, invulnerability will be removed for good.


13 minutes ago, EdBazokatone said:

Aaaaaand there's the classic response whenever something is broken. Why don't all frames have invulnerability, permastealth, perma cc, perma everything, since it's a pve game it's not direclty affecting other players, who cares about difficulty anyway?

Both of these are well said. +1

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I don't think she's hated, but rather frowned upon because of Hysteria. Overreliance on it makes her dull. She has other cool abilities, but they pale in comparison with complete invulnerability. On the other hand, take that away and Hysteria becomes a pretty weak skill.

She has the damage counter, but if it actually threatened her in a way, it would make her far more interesting. Basically she should be obliged to do damage with Hysteria to reduce the counter, otherwise she would die. 

Edited by Genitive
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I have her and find her pretty fun. But I hate playing as/with her in any team match. She offers next to nothing in a team game. You have no idea how many times I have been hosting LoR and some person with only an excal and valk says that I 'NEED' valkyr to run LoR and that I'll lose without her to revive me. They become arrogant if they get her early on.

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Valkyr is one of those frames that the community will always be divided on. You have Rhino and Nezha that can have more or less timed invincibility, but as far as I know Valkyr is the only frame that can stay invincible for as long as you have energy. Energy could be a semi-problem since when you are in her 4 you can't get energy from Energy Siphon or Trinity EV, but you can just go out of 4 kill a few things then go back into your 4. See, in addition to not being able to be killed in her 4 she has life steal. Farther more, at level 30 she has a base armor of 600.

Her downsides however are; she is melee only while she is in her 4, and next to no team skills.

Also, the more people get their favorite warframes reworked, the more people get upset that Valkyr stays the same.

...I'll admit, I use Valkyr more then any other frame. She was the first frame I ever actually started playing the game with.

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Because having 3 Valkyrs in Sortie 3 Defense makes me eager to smash someone's skulls in real life. And being the guy forced to do the "dirty" work of keeping excavators online in Sortie 3 while 3  USELESS to the team ......  run around doing bugger all in terms of playing THE GOD DAMN OBJECTIVE is tiring. 

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