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Do You Like Archwing and Why?



So I'd like to see if people like Archwing and why,  I want to pile up things people think should be fixed (It's obvious 90% of the community hate Archwing) and post it in one huge post in the forums with ideas for things to be fixed, and I already have a post of an Asteroid Field Sector idea for Archwing, I love the gamemone and I want to see it grow, but DE just seems to ignore it and it makes me sad :( 

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I enjoy Archwing. More specifically, I enjoy Archwing when I'm using Hyperion Thrusters on the Itzal while afterburning while I cleave things in half. There needs to be a lot more play modes and ways to obtain certain archwing gear.

At the moment, trying to get the recent archwing scythe and other gun is just complete torture since no one seems to want to run it, and it's the only place where it drops.

I would personally like to see points in missions where we can choose to go outside, be it either side objectives, or getting to another location of a ship. Kind of like "shark wing", but without the stupidly slow water physics.

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I like Archwing as it serves as a breather from normal gameplay. It's simple and it reminds me of the old flight and Gundam games.

I think it's biggest issues are synergises with the rest of the game and the enemies you face with them. For one thing, the only mods that affect it from your Frame is the Aura mod which I didn't even know about till recently. It would help if either 1) Warframe Mods have a small effect on the Archwing or 2) each Warframe gets a passive that affects the Archwing (Ex. If using Volt, you have a higher chance of electric Damage or if Valkyr, you have a higher chance to do Crit damage or something)

Now the enemies you face. I think the issue is that they attempt to use the same formula in Archwing as in with regular mission. Kill a lot of guys, Protect objective, defend a point etc. Archwing is something the Tenno uses when simply going in and killing all the guys in the ship isn't good enough. The feeling of destroying something larger and bigger than what you'd normally face is the feeling I get from it. As is, the Archwing missions are just the regular missions but it has more directions to go by and a lot less fun to be honest. You know what is fun though? The Balor Fomorian and the Jordis Golem mission. It feel like you're taking on a larger enemy that you can't face normally. I don't mind having to kill a bunch of random enemies but make it that if I am, it leads up to some big battle in the end of it. Basically, I want more boss battles or multi stage destruction.
It also doesn't help that you get so little exp from these missions as well. It would really help sell the Grandness of the battle if I got more out of it.

Edited by AuraKai
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There are a lot of reasons I like Archwing.

Combat and movement is aesthetically pleasing to watch. Archwing came about while Parkour 1.0 was still a thing, and coptoring always bothered me because of how unattractive it looked. Watching videos of people playing Warframe was comedically dull - it consisted of coptoring at breakneck speeds into one room, using Miasma to clear of enemies and coptoring into the next room. Archwing is very fun to watch, and as you get into higher level matches (Caelus) it only gets more fun and exciting, not less. Parkour 2.0 did fix a lot of these issues, though.

There is a lot more care given to balancing in Archwing. It's obvious that they designed Archwing powers so there wasn't a button you could push to win the game. There's no Draco to auto-play. It's all very well balanced and contained, and actually encourages you to play the game. I love the way they reigned in some of the 'OP' things that exist in the main game, such as Power Efficiency and Multishot. I do think they messed up by making Archwing Elemental Mods deal more Damage though. Anyway, it's pretty clear they designed Archwing specifically trying to avoid some of the pitfalls that they saw develop in the main game.

Small but diverse arsenal. Every single Archweapon and Archwing feels like it has a place. I personally hate the bloated superfluous arsenal that we have in the main game, with ridiculous amounts of redundancy and borderline uninspired laziness. I would greatly prefer a smaller roster with more diversity and balance, and Archwing offers that nicely.

I'm definitely looking forward to the day they expand Archwing more - hopefully it will receive a more steady rate that one small update a year.

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Archwing needs a major revamp. It's an impossibly steep climb for beginners because they lack the mods to make archwing manageable. And what's worse is that these essential mods are locked up in high-level enemies with ridiculously low drop rates.

After climbing this mountain of hurdles, archwing becomes more fun.

Potential revamp ideas:

  • More easily accessible archwing mods and weapons
  • More lower level archwing missions that give better rewards
  • Make archwing defense and interception less time consuming (defending 2 points is nonsense)
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It's okay, and does provide something completely different from the norm.

The things I either don't like or think could be improved:

  • Distance scaling seems a bit far, so enemies are extremely small and difficult to see/hit with guns. Enemies go from almost too small to see to right on top of you too quickly.
  • Including the above, guns seem secondary to the auto-targeting melee
  • Distances between clusters in Grineer asteroid map still feel a bit far even with afterburners. First issue plays a role here as well for me during combat.
  • Corpus ships are tight and slow you down with narrow passages, even smaller entrances, pipes crowding some passages further, and so many 90 degree turns. Maybe add some arcing turns and give some more room where 90 degree turns occur.

I haven't done any Archwing runs in the past couple of weeks, so this is all that sticks out to me right now. May run a couple of missions and see what I notice later.

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I do enjoy flying around in an archwing from time to time,it`s a nice change of pace when I want to escape the monotony of the daily sortie/LoR grind. One of the reasons why I enjoy warframe is the sense of speed it delivers(the Tenno are highly mobile and luckily so are their archwings) and as mentioned by the tenno above flying at high speeds trough a corpus ship is quite amusing.. Can`t really explain it,I just like it.

The problems with archwing is the content on offer is limited. The dreadful RNG on the numerous parts is there just to artificially lengthen the amount if time spent in it,otherwise a tenno would have grabbed the weapons in a couple of days and be done with it.

Grinding Affinity in archwing is also an issue. The missions that actually deliver a decent amount of affinity feature enemies too tough to kill with lower level/unranked weapons. On the other hand the missions with low level enemies award only a miniscule amount. Archwing does not feature anywhere near the complexity of ground based missions due to the fact you only have two weapons,a minimum amount of archwing variety(3 archwings if we exclude the odonata prime) and the melee combat had to be simplified to make it work in an outer space environment (A violent game of connect the dots as someone on the forums described it humorously..Melee weapons feel the same, there are no stances/melee combos)

A bit more mission variety wouldn`t go amiss. Plus there are still those annoying shield dargyns with their nearly indestructible front shields and a frankly insane turn rate that make solo play on grineer maps a pain.

It`s an evolving game mode that`s best consumed in bite-sized chunks. it certainly has it`s moments,and I dare say it`s good.. but it needs a lot more to make it great. Again,more missions on every planet instead of just one,more mission variety and more tile sets. (Loot table optimization would be welcome..but this is DE we`re talking about here :) )

Good luck and good hunting out there tenno.

Edited by yetanotherunoriginalname
Bloody heck,I`m a slow typer.
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Archwing delivers, in a broad sense, a different gameplay experience imo. Flying through vast fields at high speed has always been an awe-inspiring thing to do for me. Some fixes I would recommend would be enemy/mission XP and more mission types. As for new content...there'd be nothing more awesome than an Archwing mission throught the Moon's cracked surface!

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I like Archwing every once in a while. I remember as a kid there was an arcade game called afterburn:climax that centered around aircraft combat, and that's what archwing's gunplay reminds me of.


The point is it's fun occasionally if people don't feel forced into it

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Archwing is cool not only because of the (yet small) diversity it brings from foot combat, but also for the way it reminds me of Star Fox and Dark Void, two awesome games in the aerial combat mechanics.

The sharkwing areas, more than i'd expect, feel pretty sluggish, and there are more places to explore with Archwing than the game lets on as of now. Also progress with them feels kind of slow and builds are hard to make due to mods rarely coming. Makes people feel unmotivated to play with it.

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3 minutes ago, Furutaka_ said:

Archwing is cool not only because of the (yet small) diversity it brings from foot combat, but also for the way it reminds me of Star Fox and Dark Void, two awesome games in the aerial combat mechanics.

The sharkwing areas, more than i'd expect, feel pretty sluggish, and there are more places to explore with Archwing than the game lets on as of now. Also progress with them feels kind of slow and builds are hard to make due to mods rarely coming. Makes people feel unmotivated to play with it.

Yeah, mods are a pain in the behind to get!

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2 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

There are a lot of reasons I like Archwing.

Combat and movement is aesthetically pleasing to watch. Archwing came about while Parkour 1.0 was still a thing, and coptoring always bothered me because of how unattractive it looked. Watching videos of people playing Warframe was comedically dull - it consisted of coptoring at breakneck speeds into one room, using Miasma to clear of enemies and coptoring into the next room. Archwing is very fun to watch, and as you get into higher level matches (Caelus) it only gets more fun and exciting, not less. Parkour 2.0 did fix a lot of these issues, though.

There is a lot more care given to balancing in Archwing. It's obvious that they designed Archwing powers so there wasn't a button you could push to win the game. There's no Draco to auto-play. It's all very well balanced and contained, and actually encourages you to play the game. I love the way they reigned in some of the 'OP' things that exist in the main game, such as Power Efficiency and Multishot. I do think they messed up by making Archwing Elemental Mods deal more Damage though. Anyway, it's pretty clear they designed Archwing specifically trying to avoid some of the pitfalls that they saw develop in the main game.

Small but diverse arsenal. Every single Archweapon and Archwing feels like it has a place. I personally hate the bloated superfluous arsenal that we have in the main game, with ridiculous amounts of redundancy and borderline uninspired laziness. I would greatly prefer a smaller roster with more diversity and balance, and Archwing offers that nicely.

I'm definitely looking forward to the day they expand Archwing more - hopefully it will receive a more steady rate that one small update a year.

Yep, imagine a WHOLE sector dedicated to Archwing? It would be like a reverse Uranus (On some parts), like, how cool would it be to raid a Corpus S#&$ of it's resources? And if it were an Asteroid Field you could get all of those ore/gem-like materials (Oxyum, Gallium, Ferrite, Tellurium and Rubedo)! Archwing can be more than Exterminate, Sabotage, Interception and Defense, but it currently isn't :/

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Just now, WolfTitan said:

Archwing needs a major revamp. It's an impossibly steep climb for beginners because they lack the mods to make archwing manageable. And what's worse is that these essential mods are locked up in high-level enemies with ridiculously low drop rates.

After climbing this mountain of hurdles, archwing becomes more fun.

Potential revamp ideas:

  • More easily accessible archwing mods and weapons
  • More lower level archwing missions that give better rewards
  • Make archwing defense and interception less time consuming (defending 2 points is nonsense)

Don't forget the bs fact that the ships only have a total of 3k health on a ****** Lvl 30 node!

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1 minute ago, NGSBRReAPeR said:

Yep, imagine a WHOLE sector dedicated to Archwing? It would be like a reverse Uranus (On some parts), like, how cool would it be to raid a Corpus S#&$ of it's resources? And if it were an Asteroid Field you could get all of those ore/gem-like materials (Oxyum, Gallium, Ferrite, Tellurium and Rubedo)! Archwing can be more than Exterminate, Sabotage, Interception and Defense, but it currently isn't :/

Yeah, it would be nice. The main problem is that Archwing has received such negative reception largely that the developers seem afraid to expand upon it. Every time they attempt to, people complain about being 'forced' to play Archwing, how awful it is, etc. It becomes a question of: why invest a lot of work into a mode that is largely unappreciated?

Obviously this is something that people brought up the instant the first Archwing trailer was shown, and they should've wrestled with the question then. Developing two separate game modes means cutting development in half for each one individually. Archwing would exist as some kind of tumor that would drain development from the main game. They shouldn't have even attempted it if they weren't prepared for that. Instead, they decided to cut their losses and just leave Archwing to stagnate.

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Summary:No because it is not fleshed to the point where it should be we should be able to see ships fly past deploying enemies at immense rates to make the gameplay more interesting and more fluid animations with the archwing and the archwing movement compared to what we currently have it should be as fluid as the normal warframe movement as that is the bar that DE has set.

1.) movement not as fluid like... at all

2.)No interesting mechanics of archwing it's basically press E to win unless beefy enemy comes out then one-three shot it with your weapon or on the other side of the coin just don't do archwing at all because it takes forever to level archwing gear, even the "Draco" of archwing only gives 3-4 levels a run

3.)enemies are mostly same model and are quite bland compared to normal enemies

4.)enemy difficulty is consistently easy

5.)Very few tilesets and the ones we have are very annoying and limit the purpose of archwing's open space fast paced fighting aka shooting yourself in the foot while you're trying to run fast

BLUE= main problem 

RED = effect 

just fix the blues and the reds should leave.These aren't all the problems but just a few as an example

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2 minutes ago, TheRaidNade said:

1.) movement not as fluid like... at all

I think this is the only thing I disagree with. I feel it is quite fluid... just difficult to control in small spaces... which there really only is 2 tile sets, open space and small spaces.

Though yeah, otherwise I agree.

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Just now, AuraKai said:

I think this is the only thing I disagree with. I feel it is quite fluid... just difficult to control in small spaces... which there really only is 2 tile sets, open space and small spaces.

Though yeah, otherwise I agree.

I feel that the pause between turning to be a major detriment to how fluid it is and i understand you're in space but the float after you stop boosting is ridiculously annoying and I think the lotus or tenno or orokin... whoever invented the (s)archwing should have them better suited to the vacuum of space as stopping to not hit a sword swing or bullet but hitting anyway due to archwing technology doesn't make sense on a battlefield which it was obviously designed for imo

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So far @Shuuro and @AM-Bunny have pretty much summed it up, but there's one more thing that I personally enjoy: it reminds me of Jedi Starfighter on the PS2, a game I grew up with. And on that subject, there's two things that Archwings needs the Jedi Starfighter has

The first is big frigates and stuff you can blow up by shooting a whole bunch

The second is a REAL Defense mission objective. A transport of some sort that flies through space as the enemy shoots at it. None of this static defense target in the middle of a big room that's exactly the same as what we do on the ground but with bugged and slow enemy spawns. No, we want to be zipping through space as we defend our defense target

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2 minutes ago, TheRaidNade said:

I feel that the pause between turning to be a major detriment to how fluid it is and i understand you're in space but the float after you stop boosting is ridiculously annoying and I think the lotus or tenno or orokin... whoever invented the (s)archwing should have them better suited to the vacuum of space as stopping to not hit a sword swing or bullet but hitting anyway due to archwing technology doesn't make sense on a battlefield which it was obviously designed for imo

That's fair. I mean I like it since it does give that feeling of a large open free space but I do see why people would find it annoying. I think if they didn't have it though, it'd feel kinda off personally. That said, now that you mention this, I feel like there should be a button that basically pushes air in all direction from your Archwing that to stop the momentum in free space. It just seem like a logical thing to put in considering that's commonly seen in most equipment in space travel.

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I would like archwing more about if they cut down the drifting some more and if melee had a slightly longer auto target range (or at the  very least make the range mod do that. Its not even usable) and make the auto target for melee not force you to point directly at an enemy for it to work. Except for melee range, the other two used to be so much better. Almost anything within melee range could be auto targeted and there just wasn't any drifting at all. Now the corpus archwing tileset has more ping-ponging around the place and more faceplanting into walls than parkour 1.0 ever had. 

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I feel it could be a cool way to implement a new "raid" where you raid ships for materials while other players disable engines so they can't escapeand then they all go inside and find as the resource room and then as you find it it's a insta-complete and you dip into space get on your liset and get like(depending on the planet) 15x orokin cell 15x neurodes 15xneural sensor 600-900 oxium 3000-4.5k plastids uncommon resources wont be contained in these "resource rooms"

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And also why are the arch-guns not made with seeking bullets when you aim that loosely follow (only bullet weapon not fluctus lol imagine opness XD) and i mean only when you aim not all the time so they could then speed up the enemies and also the momentum of the game mode 

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I enjoy Archwing.  I like flying about, strafing and gunning things down with an oversized automatic weapon.  It can be a nice little change from the norm but I do feel it needs some more draw.  It needs to provide an alternative method to achieve a game-wide goal such as an alternative key farm, core farm or resource farm.  Once I have all the weapon parts and Archwing parts there's no longer a goal to work towards through Archwing.  If there was an Archwing mission that I could run for a reasonable income of Cryotic I would've been doing that last week instead of Excavations for Sibear!

31 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

There is a lot more care given to balancing in Archwing. It's obvious that they designed Archwing powers so there wasn't a button you could push to win the game. There's no Draco to auto-play.

Elytron in the Defense mission gets fairly close to 'press 3 to win'.

23 minutes ago, WolfTitan said:

Potential revamp ideas:

  • More easily accessible archwing mods and weapons
  • More lower level archwing missions that give better rewards
  • Make archwing defense and interception less time consuming (defending 2 points is nonsense)

I actually like the two defense objectives.  It makes it a bit different and you get twice the rewards if you manage to keep them both going.  They do need to fix the shields and health not scaling though!  As to the first two points there, bring back the Earth Interception mission.  Pre Update 17.5 Erpo was a low level Interception that gave a variety of useful mods as mission rewards as well as having a reasonable enemy density for getting mod drops too.  After 17.5 it become a Mobile Defense with no appeal beyond the weapon parts.  Strangely I like Archwing Interception but don't like regular Interception...  Must be something to do with the easier movement from point to point and the more forgiving method by which the Grineer re-capture towers.

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