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Ideas to improve game play and levels?


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The thing about weather hazards is that they would only logically happen on planets which might make some players play them even less then void,ships,etc.

An archwing update would be cool because right now it feels a bit lacking.

What I would prefer though is some new/revamped game modes. Like maybe one where we have to help a small group of grineer/corpus revolt and escape.

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Have more games have Draco's level of intensive spawns and eximuses if not more.

AI focus for more challenging enemy engagement experience.

More units giving the enemy more playstyle choices that adapt to what team composition you're running with.

Basically QoL stuff.

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archwing update all the way! 

though I doubt that'll happen since I think DE is not paying very much attention to AW. I mean I'm happy with the new weapons and worked-on archwing but still....there isn't even a team for AW, nor a forum section (PvP has one....I'm jelly >.>) 

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Add more rewards for replaying a node you have cleared. Spy and sabotage are good now. Exterminate and capture need a reward for completion. Nothing super good even. I do play for fun but some stuff has no real reason to repeat. And there is a lot of stuff to farm for so a better chance for anything is good. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)PillarOfWar said:

Add more rewards for replaying a node you have cleared. Spy and sabotage are good now. Exterminate and capture need a reward for completion. Nothing super good even. I do play for fun but some stuff has no real reason to repeat. And there is a lot of stuff to farm for so a better chance for anything is good. 

How about more gun blades 

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i reckon this is a good opportunity to dig out my old "Dynamic weather" idea.

Phobos/Mars Desert Tileset: Sandstorms can appear which greatly reduce visibility for both you and enemies, except for Arid Seekers due to their advanced optics. enemy accuracy is also greatly reduced until the Sandstorm passes. Lotus would warn you first, and you could also use the Sandstorm as cover to sneak past if you'd rather be stealthy.

Europa/Corpus Outpost Tileset: Snowstorms can appear which greatly reduce visibility, enemy accuracy and also inflict Cold proc on both you and enemies. only Bursas would be able to detect players as normal, so you can still avoid combat by sneaking past enemies. again, Lotus warns you first, and the storm only lasts a short time, maybe 20 seconds.

Ceres Industrial Tileset: Acid rain can occur that deals a Corrosive proc to both you and enemies when fighting outdoors. the Corrosive proc halves Armour (obviously), and will not affect the player or enemies if they have a roof over their head.

I also have a new Idea:

Orokin Moon Tileset: earthquakes (or wouldn't it be "Moonquakes?"). we know from the beginning of the new Tilesets, and segments of the older ones that the moon is rather unstable and the ground is fracturing. I think it would be cool to have an earthquake that directly hits the old facility mid-combat, causing everyone to stagger or fall over, and creating large chasms which we would then have to Parkour around or over. it could also have doors that suddenly become blocked by falling Debris, resulting in a map that changes and alters the flow of combat. I think a few cracks in the ground shooting up that mysterious energy from the moon's core like a Geyser would be pretty cool too, maybe inflicting blast damage, and Vibrating before it erupts.

I think stuff like this would make the places we go seem a lot more alive, and remind us that Mother Nature is still the one in control!



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10 hours ago, shadowfire380 said:

What I would prefer though is some new/revamped game modes. Like maybe one where we have to help a small group of grineer/corpus revolt and escape.

I've been thinking something like this would be great for immersion in the game, giving you an actual impression of helping people or contributing to the ill-defined war the Lotus keeps talking about. I had thought an evacuation-type mission to help endangered colonists would be cool.

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More world building!  We hear things about the war between the Grineer and Corpus hurting neutral people, but we never see these people and we have no idea what they're like.  All we ever see are Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Corrupted, and Syndicates.  What do all the normal people do other than get oppressed by the other factions?  What are the Tenno to these people?

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13 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

i reckon this is a good opportunity to dig out my old "Dynamic weather" idea.

Phobos/Mars Desert Tileset: Sandstorms can appear which greatly reduce visibility for both you and enemies, except for Arid Seekers due to their advanced optics. enemy accuracy is also greatly reduced until the Sandstorm passes. Lotus would warn you first, and you could also use the Sandstorm as cover to sneak past if you'd rather be stealthy.

Europa/Corpus Outpost Tileset: Snowstorms can appear which greatly reduce visibility, enemy accuracy and also inflict Cold proc on both you and enemies. only Bursas would be able to detect players as normal, so you can still avoid combat by sneaking past enemies. again, Lotus warns you first, and the storm only lasts a short time, maybe 20 seconds.

Ceres Industrial Tileset: Acid rain can occur that deals a Corrosive proc to both you and enemies when fighting outdoors. the Corrosive proc halves Armour (obviously), and will not affect the player or enemies if they have a roof over their head.

I also have a new Idea:

Orokin Moon Tileset: earthquakes (or wouldn't it be "Moonquakes?"). we know from the beginning of the new Tilesets, and segments of the older ones that the moon is rather unstable and the ground is fracturing. I think it would be cool to have an earthquake that directly hits the old facility mid-combat, causing everyone to stagger or fall over, and creating large chasms which we would then have to Parkour around or over. it could also have doors that suddenly become blocked by falling Debris, resulting in a map that changes and alters the flow of combat. I think a few cracks in the ground shooting up that mysterious energy from the moon's core like a Geyser would be pretty cool too, maybe inflicting blast damage, and Vibrating before it erupts.

I think stuff like this would make the places we go seem a lot more alive, and remind us that Mother Nature is still the one in control!



You should mention that to DE! spot on but i would prefer eruptions are better then the quakes In my opinion cause people the Players who Prefer a sniper rifle will have a hard time using the sniper rifle. 

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9 hours ago, freeformline said:

I've been thinking something like this would be great for immersion in the game, giving you an actual impression of helping people or contributing to the ill-defined war the Lotus keeps talking about. I had thought an evacuation-type mission to help endangered colonists would be cool.

Yes thats also a good idea Helping colonies like we can evac the colony or defend it and the settlements can have defences like ramparts and those turrets corpus use when the cameras spot players and then turn on and shoot us. 

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14 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

i reckon this is a good opportunity to dig out my old "Dynamic weather" idea.

Phobos/Mars Desert Tileset: Sandstorms can appear which greatly reduce visibility for both you and enemies, except for Arid Seekers due to their advanced optics. enemy accuracy is also greatly reduced until the Sandstorm passes. Lotus would warn you first, and you could also use the Sandstorm as cover to sneak past if you'd rather be stealthy.

Europa/Corpus Outpost Tileset: Snowstorms can appear which greatly reduce visibility, enemy accuracy and also inflict Cold proc on both you and enemies. only Bursas would be able to detect players as normal, so you can still avoid combat by sneaking past enemies. again, Lotus warns you first, and the storm only lasts a short time, maybe 20 seconds.

Ceres Industrial Tileset: Acid rain can occur that deals a Corrosive proc to both you and enemies when fighting outdoors. the Corrosive proc halves Armour (obviously), and will not affect the player or enemies if they have a roof over their head.

I also have a new Idea:

Orokin Moon Tileset: earthquakes (or wouldn't it be "Moonquakes?"). we know from the beginning of the new Tilesets, and segments of the older ones that the moon is rather unstable and the ground is fracturing. I think it would be cool to have an earthquake that directly hits the old facility mid-combat, causing everyone to stagger or fall over, and creating large chasms which we would then have to Parkour around or over. it could also have doors that suddenly become blocked by falling Debris, resulting in a map that changes and alters the flow of combat. I think a few cracks in the ground shooting up that mysterious energy from the moon's core like a Geyser would be pretty cool too, maybe inflicting blast damage, and Vibrating before it erupts.

I think stuff like this would make the places we go seem a lot more alive, and remind us that Mother Nature is still the one in control!



THIS ^^^ ALL OF THIS!! lol 

Definitely on board with in mission Weather Hazards!! 

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