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Pay attention to your broken sortie rewards DE


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I dont mind the cores, but I can get them as drops in the missions.

Four possible improvements as far as I am concerned, (Im sure there are other viable options,) in rough order of preference:

1) a token system

2) roll once on the repeatable reward list and once on the tick list and let the player select which reward they want. When the tick list is full the player just gets the repeatable reward.

3) only give repeatable rewards after the tick rewards are done.

4) when a tick reward is selected that has already been given out, just roll again and hope you get either a repeatable reward or an unused tick reward. Limit rerolls to 5 or 10 and then choose a cores package.

Whilst we are at it, how about letting players have a list of sorties (from the current season only,) so that they have a chance to catch up on any they may have missed. (Empty the list at the end of the season.) Some players may not have a lot of spare time in the week, may go on holiday for a few days or may simply not want to do a sortie some days.

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1 hour ago, TMHowler said:

then there is the fact whether or not you're doing the last sortie mission in a group or solo

This literally doesn't matter. It's a myth, a rumor. Nothing else.

When you're in a group in a sortie and finish the last mission- it will roll a random reward for everyone. If someone doesn't have it- they get it. If someone DOES have it- it rerolls for them.

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3 minutes ago, AnnoyingBanana said:

I hope you guys know that if someone of your group have already got item you need, by example you need snipetron vandal stock, but someone of your squad (on last sortie) has already got it you will not get it at any chance.

Other people's reward lists do not affect the reward that is rolled.

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2 hours ago, Chantepleur said:

I sincerely playing daily sortie but...too much RNG makes our game worse.

lol, you know your odds of getting any specific drop in sorites are programmed in, right? 

random numbers (RNG) has VERY little to do with what is frustrating you. you're not unlucky

sorties, like most rewards in WF are WEIGHED (that is, the odds for each possible drop are different and programmed in, and can/will be changed without notice to players)

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10 minutes ago, AnnoyingBanana said:

You sure? Always when I ask what others did get its always same as me

I have received a reward when others in the squad received cores. They already had the part I got. The reward is randomly selected regardless of what anybody has. If you don't have it, then you get it. If you already had it, then you are randomly rewarded with x25 or x50 R5 cores. At this stage it's even possible for different people in the same squad to roll different core amounts as others posted earlier.

This is what is listed in the update that made the Sortie change:


Sortie Changes

  • Season 4 is here - but why the long wait, you ask? Read on to find out!
  • We've categorized Sortie Rewards in two: repeatable and non-repeatable. The world state window now displays these two categories.
  • Non-repeatable Sortie Rewards have a check box in-front of them. Once you receive that reward, the box is checked off, ensuring you won't receive it again in the currently active Season.
  • When a non-repeatable reward is removed from the list, it's reward spot is substituted by a 25 x Rare 5 or 50 x Rare 5 Core bundle.
  • Repeatable rewards can be received multiple times, as the name implies.
  • Please note that repeatable and non-repeatable assignments could change depending on feedback and more. For example, while many players are frustrated with getting repeat Lenses, some recipes rely on duplicate Lenses to craft. We will be watching and reading over the next while to assess.


Edited by Maicael
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I traded a Nikana Prime Blade for the last part of the Strun I needed, the Receiver. ran a sortie expecting to get it, got 25 cores. RNG thinks it beat me, but no. I beat RNG. :) all I need now is the Pyra Syandana and that's it for me until next season.

2 hours ago, Schregger said:

if they ever have a Assassination 3rd mission with the Jordas Golem, F*** that...

a level 100 Golem with enhanced Armour buff... Corrosive projection will be your best friend.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

a level 100 Golem with enhanced Armour buff... Corrosive projection will be your best friend.

Isnt corrosive projection a warframe aura mod? Does it actually work with archwing? Cause if it does, yay...

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4 minutes ago, Schregger said:

Isnt corrosive projection a warframe aura mod? Does it actually work with archwing? Cause if it does, yay...

yes, it does. they all do. if you have rejuvenation on, you regenerate health, and the team does too. same with energy siphon. all auras carry over to Archwing.

I always bring CP when dealing with the Golem, it makes the fight a lot less tedious, chasing him up and down the arena shooting his engines.. makes the juggernaut beforehand a little easier too.

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4 hours ago, Chantepleur said:

Well, maybe this is just a mere rant post, but please.

I sincerely playing daily sortie but...too much RNG makes our game worse.

The bright green checkbox is just a losing ticket.

I can imagine the next sortie mission, just the same, put some new goods on the checkbox-side,

luring me 'Hey, you can get some guaranteed good things!'

But you know, usually that is just a guaranteed 25 Fusion Cores, regardless of your effort, or difficulty of today's missions, etc. 

For now we have to spend al least 12 days for complete the checkboxed things. 5 lenses, 3 nezha parts, 4 vandal/wraith parts.

Isn't it enough? if you are super lucky, you can have that in 4 days, but many average players will spend full 12 days.

At least give some priority for those checkboxed items so I can get the new one in guaranteed 12 days,

and put DAT Freakin' gold fusion cores to drop table on and after day 13,

if you are willing to change this horrible situation!


DE said that they are thinking about token system for sortie reward, but when?

Maybe sortie tokens are primevaulted with the Excalibur Umbra I guess...

Its basically like running Trition 2k.

Except you get not cryonic.

Also sometimes you have to do spy missions... sometimes you have to do spy missions with MR 6 people.

Now that I think about it WHY exactly am I doing sorties?

I guess there is always an outside chance to get a legendary core.

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I prefer the cores to be honest since I used to get nothing but a lens but I have been getting enough cores day straight that I have to assume something might be wrong. I'll take 25 cores for my troubles over 1 lens for a system that might change on another whim. Not worth the 40 plat for a greater lens, let alone the materials it costs to craft one. 

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just stop.

Last time such topic gained popularity we got non-repetable rewards. ( I sincerly hope you peope are proud of yourselves and enjoy all those r5's).


Honestly, if you don't like sortie rewards so much don't run them, hit the void which is so much more fun and so muc less balls breaking rng'ed, and/or buy special weaps off people.

You're not going to be getting legendary cores on regular basis. I want this as much as the next guy, but that just won't happen.

Not even with token system (you really want to change this elusive LC chance for two full seassons-worth of grinding? Cause that's more or less how it'd play out), if it'll ever be implemented.

Edited by 5HV3N
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16 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

am i the only one who doesn't mind free gold cores from such easy missions? :|

If they were defauled like back in february and/or removed from the sortie reward table then I wouldn't mind them, but the less rewards you have on the non repeatable checkbox list the more chance you have of getting cores. (Maimly the 25 cores)


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19 hours ago, Noamuth said:

I think fewer people would complain about the Fusion Cores if they had the other items that wanted first.

Pretty much this. Like when we get to a season where the reward is, say, the Gorgon Wraith, I'll have no problem with getting as many cores as I have this season simply because I was here for that event. The only reason I've been annoyed by it is because I didn't have the Snipetron Vandal.

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Well, i just was seaching if was just me with the reward problem.

I Still have like 4 things unchecked, but from the many last days i am just geting "25 fusion cores"..
I Am only getting that, is so boring do al the job for this.

I Realy belive is somenthing bug, cant be real.

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