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Is playing Trinity not very rewarding, or am I missing something?


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13 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

the idea with trinity is to rely on your guns more, since she doesn't have any real offense or CC. "squishy?", you mean tanky. a good link build makes Trinity one of the best tanks in the game. EV is a welcome support skill, and Blessing can be used in a tight spot or to rescue a team-mate from near death. she works best when she's with a team, because that's what she's designed for, but she can tank so well she can bullet-sponge her way through solo missions.

I'd say try the two main ways to play her the EV support trin, and the Link and blessing Tank trin. there's always two ways to play a single frame. if you find that neither of them are to your liking, then maybe Trinity just isn't your style.

I have to disagree about the "tank" aspect. Trin's Link is locked to 75% damage reduction and to be honest I use it mostly for knockdown resistance and batter timing on blessing since I take damage a bit slower. Link alone scales awfully so I can't call a LInk build tanky. Comboed with Blessing it's tanky but just Link, no.

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1 minute ago, Major_Phantom said:

I have to disagree about the "tank" aspect. Trin's Link is locked to 75% damage reduction and to be honest I use it mostly for knockdown resistance and batter timing on blessing since I take damage a bit slower. Link alone scales awfully so I can't call a LInk build tanky. Comboed with Blessing it's tanky but just Link, no.

but remember, it also hurts enemies that hurt you. ever directly stand in front of an Attack Drone and let it fire at you? I once killed a whole Suda death Squad without lifting a finger, the portion of damage returned from their own lasers killed them all!

maybe it needs a little help every now and then for Sorties and such, but she's still primarily support-oriented. helper first, tank second.

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Isn't a Link build and Blessing build kind of same? Sorry for my ignorance if it isn't, but doesn't both of them benefit from the same stat which is Power Duration? The more duration you have the longer both link and blessing last right, which is the main focus point in making both abilities useful?

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Depends on whether you find tough objctives won, hordes of enemies killed or a thankless support role more gratifying. I've had games where I've outdamaged the entire team as an EV Trin or supported everyohe across yhe map with a buff. Do what themmission requires or what you want. Both if possible. But the Tenno are an ungrateful lot.

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2 minutes ago, Haspitas said:

Isn't a Link build and Blessing build kind of same? Sorry for my ignorance if it isn't, but doesn't both of them benefit from the same stat which is Power Duration? The more duration you have the longer both link and blessing last right, which is the main focus point in making both abilities useful?

Links needs range, bless doesn't. The differance is a choice of taking some range for Link or focusing more on other stats sticking to bless.

5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

but remember, it also hurts enemies that hurt you. ever directly stand in front of an Attack Drone and let it fire at you? I once killed a whole Suda death Squad without lifting a finger, the portion of damage returned from their own lasers killed them all!

maybe it needs a little help every now and then for Sorties and such, but she's still primarily support-oriented. helper first, tank second.

It's true but remember the old melee mod Reflection? Enemies' HP scales way beyond what they can damage themselves so I still don't feel I can rely on it :/

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1 hour ago, Trichouette said:
  • Trinity link, playing on the link augment that reduce target’s armor to deal more damage to them. It’s the least useful trinity imo…
  • Average Trinity, using all spells (unless the first because it’s the ultimate cr*p ability of warframe) to be… average. She can grant immortality and energy, but less efficiently.

There is a fusion of these. Using your naming scheme, I'd call it Uber Trinity. High duration, high range, high strength. Efficiency is a literal that’s what 600 energy and high-strength EV are for.

Strong EV so long as you can kill, decent-length Bless/Link, and armor stripping on anything you can Link to.

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4 minutes ago, Haspitas said:

Oh, so that's the difference between the two? Rather insignificant in my opinion but thank you for the explanation.

Also just to help with the Topic. This thread is pretty much just based on every individuals opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

Well there's a few more minor stuff like that Bless needs ~25-30% extra power str to get it max effect while Link is unaffected by it.

For the most part the powers are considered close enough to be used together in a build.

As for the Topic, of course it's based on opinions, we can't talk subjectively about our personal experience in-game XD

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3 minutes ago, ChronoEclipse said:

There is a fusion of these. Using your naming scheme, I'd call it Uber Trinity. High duration, high range, high strength. Efficiency is a literal that’s what 600 energy and high-strength EV are for.

Strong EV so long as you can kill, decent-length Bless/Link, and armor stripping on anything you can Link to.

That's sounds interesting, I'll try the set up later today :)

Never went with a negative efficiency trin cause I never needed it :/

Even for EV I needed fleeting to reduce duration XD

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As a solo player, she has practically no use for me which, like you said, is a shame considering how great Trinity Prime looks (as well as her Deluxe skin). Yeah, she can face-tank a lot of content, but that's literally all she does and it's not even remotely interesting to do. When playing with a team, I avoid playing her because spamming EV is even more boring and stressful than just watching health bars and pressing 4. Not that I'm bad at it or incapable of being a teamplayer, but it's just not fun to use Trinity. I'd much rather play Nyx and keep people alive by manipulating enemies.

tl;dr - Her kit is infinitely more tedious and frustrating than it is rewarding and I don't feel inclined to use her for her intended purpose (team play) or even my own (solo play). Either I'm doing something wrong or her kit needs reworked.

Edited by Ailith
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I Link first, EV/Bless second, as I melee everything around me to dust before most folks can take down their own target. The catch is having Body Count + Blood Rush as ultimately necessary mods to do so. Shattering Impact helps too. There are many variations of war quotes, but I like "The ultimate defense is having the ultimate offense." (plus Trinity Prime, lol) :3

EV has its other uses, too, as both a 'target designation' and a 'this locks the land-based enemy in place for a few seconds'.

Edited by AandOE
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9 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

needed Fleeting Experise

no you didn't.
don't try and explain. there is only one justification, if you're using Blind Rage and you need to compensate for the unnecessarily low Energy Efficiency. which is also a bad decision but w/e people make many of those.

you wanted it to either cheese Smiting Enemies faster or to be able to AFK better while pulsing Energy to all Players. you did not need it.

6 minutes ago, AandOE said:

Shattering Impact helps too.

it really doesn't.
the Mod is effectively useless. high Level Enemies is when Armor becomes a problem, and removing 6 Armor per swing means that it's like having a Hit Counter that increases your Melee Damage by like +1% per hit until the Enemy is dead.

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3 years ago, taiiat said:

you wanted it to either cheese Smiting Enemies faster or to be able to AFK better while pulsing Energy to all Players. you did not need it.

A fully maximized EV Trin is very close to necessary if not absolutely necessary to do LoR without energy pads. Enemies tend to be unreasonably scarce when you want them around.

5 minutes ago, taiiat said:

it really doesn’t.
the Mod is effectively useless. high Level Enemies is when Armor becomes a problem, and removing 6 Armor per swing means that it’s like having a Hit Counter that increases your Melee Damage by like +1% per hit until the Enemy is dead.

Shattering Impact removes base armor, which means its a constant number of hits per enemy type to remove armor. Once the armor is gone it’s useless, but that’s what you brought the mod for.

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4 minutes ago, taiiat said:

no you didn't.
don't try and explain. there is only one justification, if you're using Blind Rage and you need to compensate for the unnecessarily low Energy Efficiency. which is also a bad decision but w/e people make many of those.

you wanted it to either cheese Smiting Enemies faster or to be able to AFK better while pulsing Energy to all Players. you did not need it.


I want fleeting so I can cast occasional blesses and if I happen to cast EV beyond the range I can get energy, I'd still have leftover power to recover. I appreciate the feedback but I don't appreciate the aggressive way it was given. I've had no complains on my playstyle and I'm sure you're aware that you make builds that suit you. If you read the comment I was referring to an EV build which is most efficient at low duration. With that in mind I can't take you seriously on that statement.

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19 minutes ago, ChronoEclipse said:


only because we already had it, therefore it was expected to always be present so ends up being mandatory.
these self defeating prophecies with game balance are a real thing.

16 minutes ago, ChronoEclipse said:

Shattering Impact removes base armor, which means its a constant number of hits per enemy type to remove armor. Once the armor is gone it’s useless, but that’s what you brought the mod for.

yes, and the point being that the Enemies that have a lot of Armor, yno, the ones you'd want to reduce it on - you'll be whacking at it for a while.
long enough where you'd usually Kill it from Hit Counter build before you strip its Armor.

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22 minutes ago, taiiat said:

it really doesn't.

I've read from various sources (including the wiki as another reference) that as an enemy grows, their 'base armor' is multiplied, which is also how Shattering Impact works. For example (the one I see the most), a lancer starts with 6 armor, and at level 100, the 'base armor' is 600. Since Shattering Impact strips with that multiplier, it takes 1 hit to take off all of that armor. :D This helps with my long term, Link-based, melee survivals, as I don't have to rely solely Corrosion procs, Corrosive Projection, or Abating Link to deal with the infinite armor problems. Not that those other three ways aren't effective or help out... they do! I just like to be able to rely on melee so that another more useful mod can take its place. :3

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The main issue I'm trying to say is the redundancies of her abilities. Whether she can tank or not is a side issue, but nevertheless, and issue when I play with EV builds. She is best at energy restore, and she can make the whole team tank, but there is always an acceptable, and much more readily available substitute, which people will already pre-build for, given the rarity of Trinity in games.

Zenurik+Energy siphon is an obvious one. Its far from good compared to EV, but much more readily available in all situations, and can be applied solo. Its cool to have EV, but you can easily do without it too.

If you want some sort of ultimate damage team of 3 mirages/equinox plus trinity, fair enough, but almost all the other frames have some way to deal with damage. I earlier said frost, chroma, valkyr and wukong, some of who are literally invulnerable. In addition there are frames like Loki, Ash, Atlas, Inaros, Ivara, Rhino, Oberon, etc. who can either become untargetable or have some sort of powerful damage mitigation, but have superior CC.

Also, a major point is prevention is better than cure. I'd take a massive avalanche or irradiating disarm anyday over blessing. CC is much more needed then DR. There is nothing to resist if its not there. Its much better for objectives too.

Playing with a Trinity is like, yeah, its cool you have energy, DR and heal, but we'll be fine without it too. Its helping, but not by much.

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11 minutes ago, AandOE said:

This helps with my long term, Link-based, melee survivals, as I don't have to rely solely Corrosion procs, Corrosive Projection, or Abating Link to deal with the infinite armor problems. Not that those other three ways aren't effective or help out... they do! I just like to be able to rely on melee so that another more useful mod can take its place. :3

it's not very effective against the Armored Enemies which you'd want to reduce the Armor/deal more Damage to, which are the ones that other methods are most effective at helping.
because that Heavy Gunner or Bombard over there needs 84 hits to strip it's Armor. meaning at minimum ~40 hits before you start to notice much of any difference.

now, if you're using enough Power Strength to mostly strip the Armor on Link Targets, and if it live updates and you only need a few hits or so to fully strip Armor with perhaps a Corrosive Status or two to help Shattering Impact out - then perhaps you'd be getting somewhere.
but i don't see Shattering Impact being a significant part of that situation though, honestly.

8 minutes ago, KBurn85 said:

Also, a major point is prevention is better than cure. I'd take a massive avalanche or irradiating disarm anyday over blessing. CC is much more needed then DR. There is nothing to resist if its not there. Its much better for objectives too.

Playing with a Trinity is like, yeah, its cool you have energy, DR and heal, but we'll be fine without it too. Its helping, but not by much.

100% uptime mapwide CC is going to be already present, infinite Energy and being invulnerable just tops everything off to ensure that Enemies are completely turned off so that they do not exist.

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1 hour ago, 321agemo said:

Already happened. Try to quick kill a few mobs but didn't work. RIP best combo in the game.



2 hours ago, Major_Phantom said:

I'm pretty sure it happened undeclared a few updates ago, with the recent lack of updates my sense of time is messed up but it's been that way for a while yeah :/

Well its time to get rid of her Well Of Life then. An ability that's never been used.

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