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Why do people LOVE Valkyr (mainly) and other frames


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Yes I got tired of people hating XXX, so lets change the topic to why you like a frame, what you preferred method of play and what XXX frame excels at. 

The idea of this post is to bring other people to trying out new style of play, this ofcourse includes group makeup and combos :)

Edited by Kalel_087
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My favorite frames right now are Inaros and Valkyr (without Hysteria).

I love melee combat, and Inaros in particular is a shining example of everything a melee frame should be. He's durable enough to survive melee combat, he has a Blind, he has enough healing to forgo Life Strike, and overall feels like he really incentivizes melee combat without forcing it upon players.

Valkyr has many of the same things, but trades a little bit of crowd control and durability for her insane attack speed steroid. I actually build Valkyr to use Paralysis quite a lot, and it feels like it actually gives her an edge over a frame like Chroma. A 10 meter range stun that costs as much energy as a single channeled melee attack and opens enemies to finishers is something way better than most players give it credit for. 

I'm glad you made this thread. It's good to have a little positivity around once in a while. 

Edited by Gurpgork
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Lately I've really been enjoying max range Equinox with the Rest Augment and my Snipetron Vandal (blew the arsenal dust off it). Stacking up sleeping enemies while picking them off is nice, and the punchthrough lets you get multiple enemies so you don't let them get too crowded.

I also love my Ivara and Inaros. Mainly because I have a tendency to aim down the sights on my shots (and I'm not PvP fast at aiming), so either not being seen at all or being able to take some hits and recover the health back easily really helps.

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I love Saryn ever since I picked her up for the first time.

At first it was just to expand my Warframe collection, but after using her alot, I found that having a handy self Cleanse is pretty neat.

Then Regen Molt came along and made her 2 even better, hence sealing her in as my Primary Solo Frame.

When rework came, I was miffed that her EHP got nerfed, but then when I saw how her new kit worked, I was glad her new Duration based kit allowed Regen molt to be more effective than before, as opposed to the old Meta nuke builds.


PS: Having a chick with lots of health always made me happy. I used female avatars as tanks in other MMOs lol

Edited by YasaiTsume
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I'm of the opinion that people play the valkyr because its an idiot-proof frame. It doesn't require ability, skill, competency or a great deal of intelligence to play her.

The combination of invulnerability and high, easily targeted melee damage, means that anyone can pick up the valkyr and be good with her.

That said, the valkyr doesn't allow for much by way of benefit for those who are competent, which rather tells you something about the general mindset and ability of the average human being.

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Frost is my favorite. Beauty in simplicity. Even his name lets you know what he's all about

None of his powers are fancy or have any complicated mechanics, yet they all get work done. Press 1 to stop a baddie dead in his tracks.. Press 2 to make everything even slightly in front of you take damage and get slowed way down. Press 3 to throw up one of the best shields in video games. Press 4 for to give yourself some breathing space and carve a huge chuck out of enemy health.

He also has tons of shields and decent base armor. Short, sweet, to the point, gets his job done with no wasted effort

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2 minutes ago, Ryunokage said:

I'm of the opinion that people play the valkyr because its an idiot-proof frame. It doesn't require ability, skill, competency or a great deal of intelligence to play her.

The combination of invulnerability and high, easily targeted melee damage, means that anyone can pick up the valkyr and be good with her.

That said, the valkyr doesn't allow for much by way of benefit for those who are competent, which rather tells you something about the general mindset and ability of the average human being.


Let me just get the salt off you.



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My recently discovered frame I like is Mag. I do low level missions currently to unlock all the nodes and she is so awesome! She is great til like level 40 enemies. I added a max fleeting and a max streamline along with some range so all I do is use her one and she pulls everyone to her. After than I melee them. 


My #1 girl will always be Trinity. I actually bought her regular version and consider her as my first frame. She was also my first prime!! 


I know now you didn't ask for anything negative but im just gonna I do not like Nezha hehehe. 

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I enjoy playing Valkyr on occasion because I don't have to think as much.  WAIT! That's not a bad thing, it's just that I'm used to playing frames like Saryn and Trinity who have slightly higher skill ceilings.  I enjoy the simplicity of either being tanky with weapons or being immortal with melee only.  It's hard to get killed, so I can focus more on how I can tear my enemies apart.

I enjoy Trinity because I know I can survive just about anything.  Sacrificing CC and damage for great team support is another thing I like about her since it encourages teamwork and all that fluffy stuff.

Saryn is my main since her skill sealing is decently high and I can still destroy crowds long after most damage abilities have fallen off.  I also get decent survivability from Regenerative Molt and I can regen ~100 health/sec.

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Inaros is god-tier, 4K+ health, and can also heal himself and his allies perfectly. He's pretty much perfect for all mission types, except for maybe Defense, Mobile Defense and Spy, but I haven't tried him in those fields yet. He's also pretty decent at crowd control.

Edited by HammerofDusk
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Valkyr is very aesthetically pleasing to me & I like using melee with the eternal war augment mod. I don't really care for hysteria too much because the combo aren't very good, but I use it when i need to revive someone or when the enemies start out scaling.

Not sure why people dislike her or think she's op even though she's, for the most part, a single target melee frame. She can't instantly nuke the entire map, can't protect objectives well, can't perma cc enemies, & can't really help her allies, except by reviving them.

I think she's great because valkyrs' kit encourages a player to move around and actually do things, unlike certain frames that end up being an ability spamming bot.

Ultimately though, I really don't understand why some players believe that valkyr is a low skilled, newb frame. Like, she has 4 abilities that work pretty well in conjunction with each other, how can you say she she's for less competent players when other frames don't even use all of their abilities? How can players even relate pressing 4 buttons to a players skill?



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Valkyr was my third frame ever so she was always there to help me get through tough missions as a pleb :) I've recently paired her with the sibear because swinging that thing like a super sonic helicopter is pretty fun. And popping hysteria is nice for reviving but otherwise I love going eternal war with her.

I really like Atlas even though some people think he's boring since all he got is dat punch but that's what I love about him. I have a lot of fun turning things to stone and then smashing them into gravel with an easy to use mega death punch. It's very satisfying even if it's not flashy or complicated. Making mini rumblers is adorable too.

And my newest fav is nezha. All mine has on are duration and mobility mods so I can just slide my way to victory (or mostly into walls). I never had a use for the sliding mods until nezha and I've discovered for myself that they're really fun :)

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people mainly player her cuz she is really tankie, easy could be the best tankie frame. i have a friend who only cares about being unable to die... nothing else... like he dosnt care about being useful n killing.. just being unkillable... kinda feel 70% of the players who play that frame do it cuz of the same reason... she is also really easy to play as well ( thats not bad but kinda unkillableish/noob easy is why)

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2 hours ago, Senpai-Valkyr said:

Ultimately though, I really don't understand why some players believe that valkyr is a low skilled, newb frame. Like, she has 4 abilities that work pretty well in conjunction with each other, how can you say she she's for less competent players when other frames don't even use all of their abilities? How can players even relate pressing 4 buttons to a players skill?

I think you may be mistaking my argument. I'm not saying that the valkyr is a "low skilled, newb frame" I'm saying that she's an idiot proof frame.

The distinction here lies in how forgiving the valkyr is, or perhaps more specifically, how forgiving hysteria is. The way alot of people play the valkyr, is very much reducing the frame to that one singular ability, and they are getting rewarded for doing so. Its not unusual to see valkyr players who rely exclusively on hysteria rising to the top in a squad's kill count in a lot of content.

Barring game modes that require a greater degree of forethought and planning, such as defense, excavation and spy, the hysteria valkyr operates just fine.

There's nothing intrinsically wrong with the valkyr as a frame. I just feel that given that people will always fall into patterns of behavior that would invariably result in exploitative mechanisms to be preferred.

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Honestly I can't see any problem with idiot-proof or P4TW frames. I mean Warframe is just a PVE game and 90% of its content is grinding and praying to RNGesus. I do agree it could use some challenging content but there are a lot of casual players who just want to have fun and kill some time. High skill requirement just makes the tiring grinding even more tiring IMO, if you are so obsessed to skill-based gameplay, you probably should play LOL or something else, I believe they are better choice for you than Warframe.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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4 hours ago, Sixty5 said:

Ivara is best frame.

I dunno why, she just is.

For me she is like the best frame in the game, I think thats because she is very balanced. You don't feel too weak or too powerful playing as ivara, even though invisibly is op ivaras is slow and you can't use most of the weapons.oh and all of her abilities are very good except her 2nd and even that sometimes is fun to use.

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I was pleasantly pleased by Ivara. An Archer frame? I thought we were going to be looking at a Excalibur remix, but DE brought their A game when they designed and implemented her. Quiver essentially gives us four powers for the price of one. Navigator, while situational, can be surprisingly useful and fun to use. Prowl is everything I thought the various invisibility powers should have been, with its limitations and draw backs in full view. Artemis Bow was surprisingly well thought out.

13 minutes ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

For me she is like the best frame in the game, I think thats because she is very balanced. You don't feel too weak or too powerful playing as ivara, even though invisibly is op ivaras is slow and you can't use most of the weapons.oh and all of her abilities are very good except her 2nd and even that sometimes is fun to use.

They definitely struck a beautiful balance with her. 

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55 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

Honestly I can't see any problem with idiot-proof or P4TW frames. I mean Warframe is just a PVE game and 90% of its content is grinding and praying to RNGesus. I do agree it could use some challenging content but there are a lot of casual players who just want to have fun and kill some time. High skill requirement just makes the tiring grinding even more tiring IMO, if you are so obsessed to skill-based gameplay, you probably should play LOL or something else, I believe they are better choice for you than Warframe.

I don't really have an issue with them either marvelous. My main gripe is how it essentially panders to people who aren't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and allows them to advance far enough into the game, that I encounter them in later content, like sorties, trials and events like these.

While one might argue that there is a case for playing privately, I do enjoy mingling online from time to time. That experience however is often spoiled whenever I find myself playing with people who just don't know the game's intricacies, aren't interested in learning, don't have the capacity to pick it up and dislike being told what to do. I can't even excise these irritants since warframe lacks a kick function that would allow me to expunge the most noxious examples.

I cannot help but wonder whether this would be such a problem, if removing such idiot-proofing from warframe and ramping up the game's skill and difficulty requirements might function as a bar that would keep these individual segregated into their own space, where I could steer well clear.

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Well, my main for quite a long time has been Excalibur, with a Radial Blind build and the so beautiful Sheev, I simply enjoy it.


Apart from him, I have been enjoying a lot my Frost Prime, specially now that I have finally finished his build, mixing defense and a bit of Crowd Control (Ice Wave Impedance (Stats: Range: 181%, Str: 178%, Eff: 125% Dur: 99% /No Steel fiber nor survival mods). After playing it for a couple of weeks, I can assure a Slow Nova is not needed at all, nor a Trinity (as I combine the decent efficiency with Energy Overflow).

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