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[Devstream 73 topic Discussion] Post-Forma Polarized Weapon Rank linked with Mastery Rank. Best Concept for Mastery Rank progression so far! why think it over, DE?!


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the concept of the topic was to link your mastery rank with the rank you get after polarizing your weapon.

for example, if your mastery rank is 20, any weapon polarized with a forma will be rank 20 after the added polarity instead of reseting it back to 0.

there are multiple reasons as to why this concept would be beneficial


reason 1: IT MAKES SENSE!! (lore-wise)

can i just say for one thing that i love the concept, not just because it would be beneficial to vets looking for a better reward after MR 12, but because of how much it makes sense.

lore wise, imagine the mastery rank as a reflection of the Tenno's overall knowledge of each weapon they fully rank.

using our favorite weapons or warframes means that we already have mastered their capability at its max rank.

it would only make sense that any weapon that we polarize is obviously a weapon we have already mastered, and just want to upgrade further.

with the concept we could imagine the level of mastery rank symbolizing our long-term memory.


reason 2: appropriate reward for Vets

can we also appreciate that this concept would finally present an actual reward for ranking up past 12!!

by ranking up, you may focus on the actual effectiveness of your weaponry, and ranking up even more will make the process of doing so much faster which is always welcome in a game with a history of slow reward gain.

lets also respect that even getting to a high mastery rank takes a lot more time than you think. therefore,the concept would already be balanced. i believe it would be a proper reward system for vets that have actually spent many hours ranking up. if a vet were to reach mastery 21 and gain a post polarization weapon level of 21, its well deserved for that player. please also respect that Mastery Rank is among one of the most slowest processes in the game unless one players is willing to purchase affinity boosters and weaponry every day. the time it would take to even reach half of a weapons rank would take a lot of time building weapons, warframes, and companions. literally years of grinding and building, still months with boosters and platinum.


reason 3: more demand for forma and use of forma.

the concept would also encourage players to use more of their forma and less of it at the same time. would you want to use your forma now with your current mastery, or later once you reach a higher mastery?

it would further motivate players to rank up.

also, many vets have spare forma due to the thoughts of cost and reward. usually, it is not worth polarizing their favorite weaponry, then having the need to rank it up again before they may experience benefits of the polarization.


thoughts on Draco



it is apparent that there is a growing argument in the discussion and it is Draco.

so i would like to remind everyone of one thing before they post any objections or support toward the mission node.

Draco will soon no longer matter. it will soon no longer be a supportive source.

the reason why is because Draco has already been confirmed to change with the maps new Star Chart update by DE. DE themselves have said that they do not want to limit the community to just one node for quickly ranking up. they have stated that they want their players to "have fun".

now lets all respectively state that we do not know exactly what they are going to change, or what aspects we will be experiencing from the Star Chart system. all we know is that it will change.

this is not just exclusive for Draco either, but all nodes that give an unusual amount of affinity.

we can also safely assume that, if this concept is confirmed, it will be added in update 19, along with Star Chart, and along with the Draco fix. meaning that any worry that Draco will unbalance this concept no longer applies.

there is no point in worrying.



so, should DE approve of this anticipated concept?

Edited by (PS4)L-B-H-100
added my opinions on Draco.
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I expect that what they are thinking over is less the forma resetting rank part of what they mentioned and a lot more the new weapons starting at current mastery rank along with the possibility of nerfing passive xp gains on weapons that are going unused while equipped. The passive leveling change especially, not only if they are going to implement it but how far they would end up scaling back the gains would need to be debated, tested, discussed, and then released. I doubt theu want to get this wrong, considering how long people have been clamoring for it on these forums. 

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7 minutes ago, Godzilla853 said:

I think it's a great idea but what happens when DE releases MR 30 test then you would not have to rank it then. Though it will be a while before then.

Once you reach MR30 you just get to polarise anything with no resets. At this point it's perfectly acceptable. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

Once you reach MR30 you just get to polarise anything with no resets. At this point it's perfectly acceptable. 

agreed. as mentioned before, ranking up mastery is no cakewalk even through missions like Draco, and with the addition of star chart missions are going to change affinity gain in an unknown way.

point is, if you are mastery rank 30, the reward is well deserved.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)Archibald Jax said:

I expect that what they are thinking over is less the forma resetting rank part of what they mentioned and a lot more the new weapons starting at current mastery rank along with the possibility of nerfing passive xp gains on weapons that are going unused while equipped. The passive leveling change especially, not only if they are going to implement it but how far they would end up scaling back the gains would need to be debated, tested, discussed, and then released. I doubt theu want to get this wrong, considering how long people have been clamoring for it on these forums. 

in my opinion, i wouldn't mind if passive Affinity were to be disabled for recently polarized gear if this concept where to be implemented.

it would motivate me, as well as other players, to rank up and learn the ropes of the new star chart system.

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16 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

Why even reset the weapon to begin with? I think it's a bit silly that applying Forma makes you sudden forget the intricacies of how your weapon / 'frame works.

exactly, which is why the concept makes so much sense.

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12 hours ago, Currilicious said:

I think if this is implemented, there will probably be a cap, at say 15.

Still better than nothing.

this is the only concept i want no limitation on.

if the cap is 30, then i would be more motivated to rank up my Mastery than ever before.

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9 hours ago, Fifield said:

Better one here:


i honestly do not believe that subjects such as damage will link with mastery rank any time soon.

the concept of a players Mastery Rank is a presentation of actual experience that he or she had with the wide variety of weaponry in game.

for example, a player with the MR of 18 will mostly likely give you the best informational review about the weaponry they have used in game than a player with the MR of 10.

this makes high mastery rank players the best source of information on warframe and weapon builds and review.

i see these concepts all the time. MR linked with affinity gain, MR linked with RNG chance, MR linked with damage output, etc.

to me MR level linked with post-polarization weapon level is the best way to present in game mastery while still keeping to the original concept of a players Mastery Rank. it is also more simple without the worry of percentages or calculations; it will work exactly how it is described. 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

i honestly do not believe that subjects such as damage will link with mastery rank any time soon.

This is already in their proposal with the following difference:
... that the weapon is viable when you first get it  -- which can only be a good thing.

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On 5/1/2016 at 11:42 PM, (XB1)Archibald Jax said:

I expect that what they are thinking over is less the forma resetting rank part of what they mentioned and a lot more the new weapons starting at current mastery rank along with the possibility of nerfing passive xp gains on weapons that are going unused while equipped. The passive leveling change especially, not only if they are going to implement it but how far they would end up scaling back the gains would need to be debated, tested, discussed, and then released. I doubt theu want to get this wrong, considering how long people have been clamoring for it on these forums. 

I think this is more or less the reasons why DE hasn't already followed through on this already. I know a lot of people with an aversion to forma due to the re ranking of the weapons and such. I've never had issue since I've always had my own system for doing this even before Draco was a thing. With the addition of Draco to the mix, it's even easier to rank, re rank, and re re  rank a weapon in a matter of an hour or so with a good team.

Took me a whopping 1 hour and 45 min to forma a paris prime three times. Right there is where the problem kind of crops up though. Not once did I even fire the thing. I simultaneously leveled it with syndicate secondaries so I could just level Ivara as well using her stealth to melee my way through the map while having the secondary equipped as the active weapon so that I could clear portions of the map with the syndicate proc. Lazy yes, but tactically easier.

That kind of exp leach system is kind of half the problem in so far with the system and truth be told, going directly to a mastery rank equivalent even if forma is required isn't exactly friendly to new(er) players as they nether have the MR to make real use of it, the MR access to better weapons to really sink forma into both frames and weapons, or the raw resources to seriously invest like older players do.

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22 hours ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

this is the only concept i want no limitation on.

if the cap is 30, then i would be more motivated to rank up my Mastery than ever before.

In the ideal world, you just apply 4 Forma to a newly made item, and done.

But with the way things are, I doubt a change to Forma, if any, would be implemented in a way that totally eliminates the grind barrier.

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4 hours ago, Currilicious said:

In the ideal world, you just apply 4 Forma to a newly made item, and done.

But with the way things are, I doubt a change to Forma, if any, would be implemented in a way that totally eliminates the grind barrier.

DE has already confirmed that something will be done with affinity farming along with the new map system.

it was never said that the concept was going to apply to newly made weapons. the concept will only apply after polarization.

please note that ranking up Mastery is no cakewalk even with Draco and affinity boosting. not to mention that the new map system will somehow alter the easy to acquire affinity presented today, so accuses like Draco may not even apply in the future.

whatever benefits are presented will be well deserved for high ranked vets.

DE even said themselves that affinity is not a subject that should require grinding; its the reason they are altering it with the new map system to make affinity gain more fun.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

DE has already confirmed that something will be done with affinity farming along with the new map system.

it was never said that the concept was going to apply to newly made weapons. the concept will only apply after polarization.

please note that ranking up Mastery is no cakewalk even with Draco and affinity boosting. not to mention that the new map system will somehow alter the easy to acquire affinity presented today, so accuses like Draco may not even apply in the future.

whatever benefits are presented will be well deserved for high ranked vets.

DE even said themselves that affinity is not a subject that should require grinding; its the reason they are altering it with the new map system to make affinity gain more fun.

Well we'll see. I wouldn't put my hopes up if I were you.

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I honestly don't see a problem with how it is now and I'll tell you why.  People forma items to use correct?  No one formas something then puts it away.  Leveling is trivially easy especially for levels under 20.

If your suggestion saved a week or so of leveling, then maybe.  But while your idea isn't necessarily bad, I just don't see the point.  Two or three missions after the item has been formaed, it's where you're suggesting it starts so what's the point?



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I think there was a thread posting this concept many months ago. I supported the idea then and still do. I personally hate having to regrind a frame's or a weapon's levels. It's because of that I rarely use Forma. It's also about the only reason I ever run Draco. There are only a few weapons I leveled the first time using Draco, and never a frame. 

I would use Forma much more frequently if this system was implemented. 

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7 minutes ago, Crewell said:

I think there was a thread posting this concept many months ago. I supported the idea then and still do. I personally hate having to regrind a frame's or a weapon's levels. It's because of that I rarely use Forma. It's also about the only reason I ever run Draco. There are only a few weapons I leveled the first time using Draco, and never a frame. 

I would use Forma much more frequently if this system was implemented. 

There is no grind to re-level a weapon or warframe.  None.  No grind.  No reason to use Draco.

You're going to play the game anyway, so just use another weapon.  If you've formaed a primary then just run missions with a epic secondary.  If you've formaed a secondary, then run your regular missions with an epic primary.  If you've formaed a melee weapon, then use your normal weapons.  If you've formaed a warframe, then just use your epic primary.

The only grind is players feeling like they're forced to go to Draco because they have to have that specific item back to 30 right now.


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1 hour ago, Troll_Logic said:

There is no grind to re-level a weapon or warframe.  None.  No grind.  No reason to use Draco.

You're going to play the game anyway, so just use another weapon.  If you've formaed a primary then just run missions with a epic secondary.  If you've formaed a secondary, then run your regular missions with an epic primary.  If you've formaed a melee weapon, then use your normal weapons.  If you've formaed a warframe, then just use your epic primary.

The only grind is players feeling like they're forced to go to Draco because they have to have that specific item back to 30 right now.


You are arguing semantics. To you it may not be a grind. For me with a limited amount of time to play each week, it is a grind. 

With my current play time availability it takes a couple weeks of 'normal' play to get a new frame or weapon from unranked to 30. Sometimes I go faster, and sometimes slower. Hence on the weapons I polarize, I really don't want the process to drag. 

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