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Trade Chat Prices

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So I just got Ignored in trade chat...


Really... I am definitely not paying the equivalent of $20 to get a single mod, the was probably even unranked too ...


Buzzkill and Fanged Fusillade didn't even go for that price before Baro brought them, maybe 250p if I remember correctly. Why is everything so overpriced? I understand primed sets like Frost going for over 200p but eventually, most discontinued items make it back into the game somehow, It makes sense for DE to release unique conditional mods like these, so wtf is with greedy people with less than 200 hours like this guy here selling this overpriced crap?

Edited by TheDubsteppingNinja
Edit: Has alot of rage in it, I know that now. But what I want to discuss is the prices in trade chat. Lock this if we've already had this before I guess
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The Mod is currently unobtainable, which boosts its price quite a lot. It's not really fair to compare the price of one item to the next - it's determined completely by what people are willing to pay. Narrow Barrel is theoretically just as rare as Argon Scope, but nobody would pay anywhere near that for Narrow Barrel.

I would advise just waiting - several of the Shadow Debt Mods returned in the Moon Vaults, so the others may follow suit eventually. If anything, it was stated that the Acolytes would return someday, so you'll have another chance then too. The Mod's really not that great in my opinion, but maybe that's because I'm rubbish at headshots.

Edited by AM-Bunny
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It's extremely common. Buzzkill, Piercing Caliber and Vengeful Revenant each top out at about 800p when it comes to offers. I still see that every once in a while, even though Buzzkill has been sold by Baro and Vengeful Revenant is no longer borderline unobtainable like it was.

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14 minutes ago, TheDubsteppingNinja said:



Buzzkill and Fanged Fusillade didn't even go for that price before Baro brought them

You are right, a Buzzkill was going for an average of 400p and blew up to 800p because of the Nikana Prime before Baro brought it. The prices are absolutely out of control, the going rate for a Ember Prime set is 1,000p at the moment. The current prices are downright absurd.

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Don't really understand why ppl willing to pay so much for Argon Scope. Its a good mod but it ain't a Must Have.

1 minute ago, S0V3REiGN said:

The prices are absolutely out of control, the going rate for a Ember Prime set is 1,000p at the moment. The current prices are downright absurd.

Yea I didn't see Ember getting such a big price jump on her set. Mag isn't even going for that much. Better start farming Loki just in case he get a huge jump as well. Lol

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Welcome to the free market where everyone is willing to buy and sell for high prices. DE can't directly control the prices of items for the trade market and mods like Argon Scope, Buzz kill etc get their high prices because of there exclusivity. If you think their price is too high or too low just walk away from the offer and find someone else.

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24 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

The Mod's really not that great in my opinion

That's pretty much it. In most mode/map/faction set ups any gained DPS once it procs is lost on the shots fired when it wasn't.

Unless you're specifically seeking to condense the number of damage types active on your weapon, such as when using Ember, it's six-of-one and half-a-dozen of another.

Edited by Roboplus
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Buyers set the prices.

If the prices are too high, then buyers need to collectively stop buying things. This will force sellers to reduce their prices until sales resume.

The fact that these are the going prices indicates that, while you may think the price is insulting high... somebody else does not.

(it also behooves players to do their research because there's obviously some who charge far too much for things, hoping to find a buyer who doesn't know better)

Edited by Momaw
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You are gonna love the price tag on Primed Chamber.


Anyways, If I'm selling a mod for a high price, there is no way in hell I'm selling it unranked. Hell, I'm selling a Toxic Flight for 50 plat and I have it at rank 5

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The seller was a walnut in how he deals business. Yet thats the cancer called trade chat. Its a horrible way to try and conduct trades and I cant wait for its demise. Until then however. You are just going to have to deal with these... entrepreneurs. I just avoid anyone who says "send offer" You for hell know what you are looking for when its a rare item, just have an opening price.

Edited by Firetempest
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Argon Scope prices ranging from 300 :platinum: to 100 :platinum:. I know it says as low as 0 and 1, but i honestly wouldnt trust anything below 100. Don't use trade chat for reasons like those you already experienced, people just throw out numbers and want your plat. Warframe market is much better in that price browsing is made waaaay faster and you can easily find what you want without having to sit in trade chat all day looking for somebody who may or may not have what you want. 

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22 minutes ago, TheDubsteppingNinja said:

So I just got Ignored in trade chat...


Really... I am definitely not paying the equivalent of $20 to get a single mod, the was probably even unranked too ...


Buzzkill and Fanged Fusillade didn't even go for that price before Baro brought them, maybe 250p if I remember correctly. Why is everything so overpriced? I understand primed sets like Frost going for over 200p but eventually, most discontinued items make it back into the game somehow, It makes sense for DE to release unique conditional mods like these, so wtf is with greedy people with less than 200 hours like this guy here selling this overpriced crap?

The fact that one, the mod is still event exclusive and had a low drop rate kind of merit this price.

As far as Buzzkill, you're definitely wrong there. I sold one for 800 at one point.

The thing that you need to remember when dealing with trade chat, is that if you know what you;re doing, price really has no meaning other rarity/limited status. People will sell mods for what they feel they are worth. Which the power this mod has is quite insane, on top of it being both rare and limited quantities. 

To put a little perspective on this mod. This Increases your Crit chance (while aiming) on headshot. This can allow weapon like Bows to hit insanely hard when paired with Bladed rounds and a crit build, allow for a really absurd chance to crit for more than 10x damage. 

So honestly, it's quite reasonable at that price. All I can say is do some more trading and you'll get one sooner or later. I can say with certainty though, that the price is accurate. Just because you're thinking of plat as a "real Money-only" currency, you're going to think that's high.

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I would not consider selling Argon Scope for less than 200p.

I've seen people offering 250-300 in trade chat semi recently. It's extremely valuable.

If you can get it for 150 or less, consider yourself fleecing the other participant.

Also, for comparison I put together a Frost prime set for 300p even recently, but I bought each piece individually. If you could get it for 200, again total steal.

Rarity breeds value...and gouging.

Edited by Sorkheff
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I bet you would sell the same mod for 20p plat RIGHT? Everything has a value and you can make that amount of plat by just playing too.

Love when people complain about something has a reallly high value but still make stupid low balling offers for it.

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I didnt study any kind of "economy" or anything and yet i understand why the high prices, i mean, if it was only 40 plat no-one would even be selling it anymore. be happy at least someone is selling it...

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On Ps4 as the Shadow Debt kicked in Argon Scope was going around 200p. Misery was a horrible grind but you could get a couple and so the price went down and is currently below 80 if we are talking about affordable purchase. It's only natural that no longer obtainable ipthings are getting more expensive. People are aware that if they keep them they might grow in value. Noone beats an eye for Frost selling for almost 500p? Ha, because you got it already. You want the unobtainable currently item you gotta look really long or offer something good. Either way its always an option to just wait patiently as the item eventually becomes available again.



Free market ftw.

Btw. It's a common thing to call people Scammers because they can dict the prices^  knowledge = plat.

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27 minutes ago, S0V3REiGN said:

You are right, a Buzzkill was going for an average of 400p and blew up to 800p because of the Nikana Prime before Baro brought it. The prices are absolutely out of control, the going rate for a Ember Prime set is 1,000p at the moment. The current prices are downright absurd.

Oh dear, Embre Prime set went higher than I though it be. 

Guess makes sense after seeing her BP only ask for 500p.

Just now checked trade chat and Frost P Set 700p.

Think reasons is, minus scammers, Star Chart 3.0 is nearing and "maybe" void revamp also brings back old prime stuff. So the sellers are trying really hard to prune the buyers; especially to the unaware.

@TheDubsteppingNinjaGood job OP for not falling on paying such a price. Best keep your toes and stick with either checking https://warframe.market/ or stick with what's comfy to spend for yourself.

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3rd party websites such as W#Trading tend to be awfully outdated. Not sure how is it with that one, but at some point its allowing the own3r of website to manipulate the prices to his liking and even make a profit out of that.

7 minutes ago, Fionntan said:

Oh dear, Embre Prime set went higher than I though it be. 

Guess makes sense after seeing her BP only ask for 500p.

Just now checked trade chat and Frost P Set 700p.

Think reasons is, minus scammers, Star Chart 3.0 is nearing and "maybe" void revamp also brings back old prime stuff. So the sellers are trying really hard to prune the buyers; especially to the unaware.

@TheDubsteppingNinjaGood job OP for not falling on paying such a price. Best keep your toes and stick with either checking https://warframe.market/ or stick with what's comfy to spend for yourself.

Asking for a price check in Alliance or Trading chat will always be a good option.

Edited by (PS4)K_4-far
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argon scope is been extremlly rare i farmed event entire day wen is been up i got only 1 argon.....trade is really chaotic... but some mods... are for reson high price......same as vengeful revenent  0.25% drop chance.... and price is ripperino......and i would not farm it for 1000p...aslo some ppl dont have any sense of mods value..... one guy selling xx mod 100p another guy that same mod 300p

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