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Challenge DE To Do Live Stream Taking Mastery Rank 17 Live On Twitch!!

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1 hour ago, EranTerran said:

Why people always complain about this test? you can complete it easily without movement based warframes

Because the timers were effectively halved. It's quite easy to fail this test if you aren't cheesing it now or if your parkour is merely average. 

1 hour ago, Evanescent said:

HOw do you fail it with parkour 2.0 man?

Pretty easy to fail since the changes to it.

Old parkour was faster for traversal and the old map was easier to navigate as walls could reliably be climbed as they were marked for it.

The bigger issue, imo, is that the time values were halved for all but orb gen speed.

So you get a map that can take 3-5 seconds to traverse for an orb that gives 8-ish seconds and a regen of 2+ seconds.

That means the orb is worth roughly ~6 seconds.

If you don't know that map and haven't devised efficiencies to run it, you will probably fail this test if the orb spawn is widespread on all the levels (which does happen)

I see the test as 70% skill and map familiarity, 25% orb spawn luck, and the remainder being dumb luck (random mishap with pulls, slows, staggers).

Still very doable... But people have to be patient and not get frustrated as bad luck plays a larger factor in success now than it used to.



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You have a lot of options:

-Use Nyx,mod for power and efficiency. Dump duration. You don't need that much range either. Press 2 while tracking down the orbs. Seriously Psychic Bolts is an underrated test clearing ability.
-Ember as seen above
-Saryn, reduce duration in favor of other stats. Grab orbs while degen happens
-Ash. Use teleport to quickly hop to enemies or take them out using the shuriken
-Equinox. Use maim.

Also make sure you have a good hitscan rifle so you can pick guys off from long range. You can either use the Redeemer to hit the spheres at long range, or use something like the Orthos modded with Reach and Fury so you have wide swings.

Also stay on the second floor. Getting to the first is easy, you have gravity working for you. Getting to the second takes longer.

Edited by SSNeoman
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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

Because the timers were effectively halved. It's quite easy to fail this test if you aren't cheesing it now or if your parkour is merely average. 

Pretty easy to fail since the changes to it.

Old parkour was faster for traversal and the old map was easier to navigate as walls could reliably be climbed as they were marked for it.

The bigger issue, imo, is that the time values were halved for all but orb gen speed.

So you get a map that can take 3-5 seconds to traverse for an orb that gives 8-ish seconds and a regen of 2+ seconds.

That means the orb is worth roughly ~6 seconds.

If you don't know that map and haven't devised efficiencies to run it, you will probably fail this test if the orb spawn is widespread on all the levels (which does happen)

I see the test as 70% skill and map familiarity, 25% orb spawn luck, and the remainder being dumb luck (random mishap with pulls, slows, staggers).

Still very doable... But people have to be patient and not get frustrated as bad luck plays a larger factor in success now than it used to.

Even if a good portion of the test relies on remembering the map and where to go, the relays are there to have you practice it. 

It's like saying you failed a math test even though there's a study guide eerily similar to the test.

I agree with you on the rest of your points. It's harder, but there's not really much to complain

Edited by Jaruis
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1 minute ago, Jaruis said:

Even if a good portion of the test relies on remembering the map and here to go, the relays are there to have you practice it. 

I agree that practice is a huge modifier for success (both my posts in this thread advocate it)

But that doesn't mean that someone who has practiced sufficiently it can't fail it... Because they can.

36 minutes ago, Jaruis said:

It's like saying you failed a math test even though there's a study guide eerily similar to the test.

...Your RL example actually happens though.

The real question is whether or not that should be possible since it's merely a Mastery Test for a video game and should be relatively low dose as it doesn't convey any real benefit.

Sure, it's a fair argument to make for someone trying to get professional certifications (BAR, Medical Boards, CPA,  all have a roughly 60-80% pass rate for first time testers)... The benefits are massive in those cases (exponentially greater salary, culmination of 4+ years worth of work, your professional future, etc)

...But a game where the title offers very few (all of them rather conditional) benefits at all other than being able to eventually test for rank 18 ?


I'm not bashing the test but i can see why some testers are annoyed.

Ideally, DE would one or more of the following changes:

  • Add more seconds at the outset
  • reduce respawn timer
  • award a second per kill

Any of those would reduce the random results you see in the test, imo. I don't build or balance games for a living though so that's just my opinion.





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I just did this test about a week ago, and as all the other tests I practiced it in the relay a couple of times before I went in to to it for real.  Passed it no problem using a valkry,   broken war and a vaykor hek to kill the mobs between orbs.  Only advice I have is foccus on orbs only and kill mobs that rush to you.  Plenty of time to do it.

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2 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Because the timers were effectively halved. It's quite easy to fail this test if you aren't cheesing it now or if your parkour is merely average. 

Pretty easy to fail since the changes to it.

Old parkour was faster for traversal and the old map was easier to navigate as walls could reliably be climbed as they were marked for it.

The bigger issue, imo, is that the time values were halved for all but orb gen speed.

So you get a map that can take 3-5 seconds to traverse for an orb that gives 8-ish seconds and a regen of 2+ seconds.

That means the orb is worth roughly ~6 seconds.

If you don't know that map and haven't devised efficiencies to run it, you will probably fail this test if the orb spawn is widespread on all the levels (which does happen)

I see the test as 70% skill and map familiarity, 25% orb spawn luck, and the remainder being dumb luck (random mishap with pulls, slows, staggers).

Still very doable... But people have to be patient and not get frustrated as bad luck plays a larger factor in success now than it used to.



That is why we have practice tests in the relays, right? People should get familiar and try a few runs before getting irked.

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Why other tests could be done with any frame and any weapon and this test not? (even without mods check this http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank , he also got lucky and near to fail)

I will encourage every player who has problems with this test to post on forums [maybe after a half of year DE will nerf it (we have to riot first)].

I will encourage OP to "slap" that DE face considering the fact every test is easy to do it with almost every unmoded frames and weapons and MR17 test is not.

Every test i did i just jumped in with frames fresh leveled and gear leveled on draco and i successfully complete them.

MR17 the most stupid possible test.

MR21 test is similar and 1000000 times easier than MR17 test and WTF is that MR20 test?

Edited by Zari2015
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Just passed it now (first try) with skana, braton and excalibur. Only one ability (slash dash once for mobility), and even then probably would have been fine without it. No range mods on skana. The time I actually passed it I admittedly made things easier for myself with the redeemer, but it really is fairly doable without cheese.

Pretty decent challenge, I'd say it'd a real mastery test if it weren't for the easy ways of passing it.

Edit: My strategy was focus on the orbs, even while shooting enemies, I was only aiming with peripheral vision and watching for where the orb would appear next. Once it did, drop everything and get that orb. Grounds slams are helpful.

Edited by RyanGo
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2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

That is why we have practice tests in the relays, right? People should get familiar and try a few runs before getting irked.

Oh, I agree... You can see me saying the same things a few times in previous posts.

That said, based on the OPs comments, It would appear that practicing, getting familiar, and then trying a few runs was what the OP did before getting irked.

So now what?

Perhaps practice isn't the only modifier to this test now.

My assertion is that the reduced times coupled with RNG on orb location is making the results of this test more random than it should be.

You can agree or agree to disagree with that assertion at your leisure.

Neither stance will stop the complaints though... Neither will the "git gud or cheese" suggestions everybody keeps throwing out.



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Apparently, the test is the same as the mr21 but easier, and its super easy, if you want to cheese it, get an excalibur, long duration, sprint mod. Pop some energy restores, cast your EB and just spam it in  all directions, once you see the time orbs cast a few waves at it, you can even do it from a floor below, and they will break.

Aside from that, improve your parkour.

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Complaining about tests nowadays feels irrelevant. Just practice them in the cephalon simaris area until you can complete them every time , then do the test and ace it...

Back when you had a single chance a day and no way to practice, some tests were brutal. especially if you went in blind with no youtube videos, plus with the stress of failing, but nowadays, you don't have any excuses to fail them. Honestly, I kinda miss the old system, as you really felt like you earned your mastery rank on some of the harder tests... I remember failing one for five days in a row... And feeling so happy when it finally worked out.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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Since everyone has been emphasising the need for speed in order to do this test I thought I'd show it can be done with anything. I chose the slowest frame I could in Atlas and then added a Dragon Hobbled key to make sure. Then I chose a Vectis Prime to slowly kill my enemies with and a dagger for the shortest possible melee range to hit the orbs. Despite my poor shooting in this clip, even with these handicaps it can be done, just don't concentrate on the enemy, just the orbs.


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7 hours ago, Zilchy said:

Since everyone has been emphasising the need for speed in order to do this test I thought I'd show it can be done with anything. I chose the slowest frame I could in Atlas and then added a Dragon Hobbled key to make sure. Then I chose a Vectis Prime to slowly kill my enemies with and a dagger for the shortest possible melee range to hit the orbs. Despite my poor shooting in this clip, even with these handicaps it can be done, just don't concentrate on the enemy, just the orbs.


How you jump like that? I try to do just like that and still fail. I do practice the tests. I will give you credit that was awesome. 

Some people have that luck. I will have to keep analyze the video more.

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On 8.5.2016 at 7:39 PM, (PS4)OMGITSNUKERXD said:

The one that I consider as a real challenge is the mr 19 one.I was barely able to complete it.

I did it with Ember and my Glaive prime, did fail the first time since I missed one guy but went all ok at the 2 try. It can be however made completely trivial with a cloaking frame.

52 minutes ago, (PS4)slayerserenity said:

How you jump like that? I try to do just like that and still fail. I do practice the tests. I will give you credit that was awesome. 

Some people have that luck. I will have to keep analyze the video more.

Slide, then point the camera upwards to where you want to go and press and hold space(or whatever button it is on the PS4 controller). Zooming in will also allow you to go further with horizontal bullet jumps, same as the double jump does.

For the orbs you want a quick melee weapon or something with good reach on a spin attack(staves or pole arms, I used my amphis, but mostly since it was one of the best coptering weapons in the game, allowing you to outrun people in ODE while using the hobbled key). As for shooting, since it is low level a full auto rifle like soma and co makes it trivial, same as shotguns with big spread(kohm or the boars, I used my boar prime for it). Alternatively you can just use Ember, Equinox, Saryn, Mag(just spam pull) or any other warframe with AOE damage to take the 30 targets out while you focus on the orbs.

Edited by Djego27
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4 hours ago, (PS4)slayerserenity said:

How you jump like that? I try to do just like that and still fail. I do practice the tests. I will give you credit that was awesome. 

Some people have that luck. I will have to keep analyze the video more.

Hey man it's part of the new Parkour movement. Hold down crouch and press jump while looking upwards and you will bullet jump straight up. Practice it a biy and you can go forwards very quickly by changing the angle you are looking at. Alternatively you can practice it by running forwards, pressing crouch to start sliding and then pressing jump to accelerate forwards. Good luck.

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I think it's funny you challenge DE to do their own tests just cause you couldn't do it.

I did this test with Saryn, Synoid Simulor, no parkour/sprint mods. 
All you gottah do is bullet jump as Zilchy says.

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I myself passed this test on the first try. But I got good orb placement. I can very much see how this test is hard for the average player. The only part of it i think that should change is the one try limit. Most other tests give you two-three attempts before failure.

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Is kind the same with Rank 21 test.

You want an easy answer?

Use Ember.

Check videos on Youtube before do the test ----- "This is a very important advice, and i dont know why people forget about it"

Then, use a proper equip (you can choose any equip thinking in the dificulty of the test) and go.

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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