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MR based on mods?


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2 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

You know this is a horrible idea right. you know you can buy R10 mods from players. you'd essentially be boosted higher by buying R10 mods than by doing draco.

Also conclave rating is a thing. if you ever look at your loadout and see a number next to the conclave symbol, it's the total amount of rating of all the mods in your loadout. it's used as a gate in some TA's to limit you and make it more of a 'challenge'

Yep the mastery system link is bad but the ability to watch the builds is fine imo

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9 minutes ago, ashrah said:

i understand point of that...but what with ppl who dont have stuff......how they will progress than....

Thats what public matchmaking is for or recruiting without restrictions, there is almost no difference to what we have now for newer players but instead of people treating them unfairly inside the game / lobby they would not invite them from the start because they saw that they cant compete in that situation

Hosted missions without requirements are still open to any of them

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based on Mods has it's own flaws as well (being able to buy them without doing anything but that isn't the main points), in that upgrading more copies of Mods does not determine that you are more experienced.
and you're basically saying clocked game hours should be MR, as higher game hours means more Mods upgraded.

just trades our problems for new ones.
the only good choice will be making getting Mastery Points from Equipment a process of proving your salt with each thing, rather than just 'i tried it' being the only requirement in order to 'Master' it.

On 5/7/2016 at 10:16 AM, WhiteMarker said:

We have that already in the game, you know?

Conclave Ratings are basically random numbers assigned to different Mods.
it's complete unuse nowadays is a good thing, as it is a very bad gauge of a Player's capabilities.

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Oh boy, let's give people more ways to force metas. Because we totally need that.

MR is not an indicator of skill. A "mod rating" is not an indicator of skill. Guess what the Warframe community will take that as? An indicator of skill. So yeah, it adds nothing to the game.

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5 minutes ago, ashrah said:

what warframe need is good tutorials for new players how to mod stuff...that would be really great....but to see mods  and how is player mod stuff that would be very bad......



2 minutes ago, -dicht.Amducias- said:

Thats what public matchmaking is for or recruiting without restrictions, there is almost no difference to what we have now for newer players but instead of people treating them unfairly inside the game / lobby they would not invite them from the start because they saw that they cant compete in that situation

Hosted missions without requirements are still open to any of them

Dude.. stop. I have hosted missions and can care less what people bring, as long as I can cheese the mission. i don't care what they bring. You completely forgot about void. This would make the grind for new players worse. Just because you think it should be implemented dosen't mean it should be implemented. If they did implement this. It would ruin the game.

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Just now, Robm said:


Dude.. stop. I have hosted missions and can care less what people bring, as long as I can cheese the mission. i don't care what they bring. You completely forgot about void. This would make the grind for new players worse. Just because you think it should be implemented dosen't mean it should be implemented. If they did implement this. It would ruin the game.

Too many arguments at once for me..

What did you actually want to say other than you dont care what others play and that you hosted missions? xD

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3 minutes ago, -dicht.Amducias- said:

Too many arguments at once for me..

What did you actually want to say other than you dont care what others play and that you hosted missions? xD

Just because you think it should be implemented doesn't mean it should be implemented. 

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Just now, Robm said:

Just because you think it should be implemented doesn't mean it should be implemented. 

I dont get how it could be bad to see how capable a player is.. 

Your whole argument is the exclusion of players who do not meet the requirements one wants for his mission.. there is nothing different now but at the moment you first invite the player and then have to reopen the lobby if he does not meet the requirements or in the worst case restart the mission.. 

Allowing us to watch the mods of others would save nerves and time by checking the peoples ability to compete in that mission out before we invite them.. this is especially helpful since we lack a kick function

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1 minute ago, -dicht.Amducias- said:

I dont get how it could be bad to see how capable a player is.. 

Your whole argument is the exclusion of players who do not meet the requirements one wants for his mission.. there is nothing different now but at the moment you first invite the player and then have to reopen the lobby if he does not meet the requirements or in the worst case restart the mission.. 

Allowing us to watch the mods of others would save nerves and time by checking the peoples ability to compete in that mission out before we invite them.. this is especially helpful since we lack a kick function

I have never had this problem. As many others have said, MR doesn't equate skill. I really don't care how people mod it either. As long as they can do what I want/need for the mission. So I have to restart a mission? big deal (actually not really, because restarting takes effort.). Their Primed continuity shouldn't add to their mastery rank. Then people would complain pay 2 win. Mods never equate to skill. 

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1 minute ago, -dicht.Amducias- said:

I dont get how it could be bad to see how capable a player is.. 


So tell me how player's mod config will tell you how capable that player is...  Many times I outperformanced a players with complete builds with only 5-6 mods in my gear... Mods won't tell you how good is my accuracy, mobility, how good can I adapt to S#&$ty situations.. That wouldn't change anything for good.

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Just now, Robm said:

I have never had this problem. As many others have said, MR doesn't equate skill. I really don't care how people mod it either. As long as they can do what I want/need for the mission. So I have to restart a mission? big deal (actually not really, because restarting takes effort.). Their Primed continuity shouldn't add to their mastery rank. Then people would complain pay 2 win. Mods never equate to skill. 

As i mentioned i am totally against the suggestion of adding any relation between mods and mastery rank, all my arguments aim towards the addition of a feature which allows us to inspect the mod configuration one is using via the profile

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20 minutes ago, taiiat said:

Conclave Ratings are basically random numbers assigned to different Mods.
it's complete unuse nowadays is a good thing, as it is a very bad gauge of a Player's capabilities.

That's right. That's my point. That's the reason why the OP's idea is stupid. A new ranking would result in random numbers again. Nothing would change.

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3 minutes ago, Zevrill said:

So tell me how player's mod config will tell you how capable that player is...  Many times I outperformanced a players with complete builds with only 5-6 mods in my gear... Mods won't tell you how good is my accuracy, mobility, how good can I adapt to S#&$ty situations.. That wouldn't change anything for good.

It would tell me if i will get 364% freeze force or 152% .. 

Edited by -dicht.Amducias-
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Seems like you're just asking for a new reason to exclude people and be elitist.

How many rank 10 mods you have is not a measure of skill.  It is merely a measure of how many mods you bothered to farm cores for.  Pretty much the same argumant against using Mastery to measure a players potential.  Plus, how do you decide which rank 10 mods are best for a player to show off?  I would be rather disappointed in someone who tried to brag about having a maxed Primed Fast Hands, but that's a Legendary 10 they ranked!

A part of me can see the argument for viewing mod loadouts but I expect it would not end well.  It would simply reinforce an already sickening level of meta-build use.  The meta only remains the meta until someone shows some originality and uses a new build.  Giving more tools that allow people to enforce the use of meta-builds will kill what originality there is and the next time the game changes no one will be able to cope because no one will be able to think outside the box.

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In my opinion, basing MR on mods is a bad idea. I've been playing WF for a while now and am up to MR15 but I've only recently started to bother maxing mods due to the insane credit/core cost. You don't need maxed mods to be good at the game. I've only got about 4 maxed mods but I usually end up doing well in most missions. Also, being able to see other players' builds isn't a good idea. I'd never get away with taking fun but usable builds anywhere since they look terrible. 

21 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

MR is not an indicator of skill. A "mod rating" is not an indicator of skill. 

I agree with this. 

I know that the current MR system isn't great but it is good enough. Even though Draco allows certain players to boost their MR in such a way that not all players would agree that they deserve it. Basing it on mods would allow boosting to a similar level and disadvantage good players that don't bother maxing their mods. 

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2 minutes ago, Katinka said:

The meta only remains the meta until someone shows some originality and uses a new build.  Giving more tools that allow people to enforce the use of meta-builds will kill what originality there is and the next time the game changes no one will be able to cope because no one will be able to think outside the box.

I do not think that meta-builds have to Do with originality but with efficiency and the optimal outcome. After all the probably best build for a specific situation wont change until there is a major change to the warframe or the enemies.

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I wouldn't mind just being able to see someone's warframe %. That would tell A LOT. Like if you don't want a slow Nova in your ODD and they just forgot to switch their build.

And then the people who are too picky about the RJ build for Draco just never get into a game because no one will put up with their crap, and they spend their only hour of free time sitting in their landing craft, where they learn not to be such a picky person. #dracolifelessons

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Question. Would your MR decrease if you unequip r10 mods? if yes then No. Sounds awful like the conclave points. All this is gonna do is limit ppl to certain builds when wanting when wanting to join a group just like those awful conclave points. Dont get me wrong. This was a nice suggestion for MR but it doesnt sound like a change. Because ppl can still abuse it. 

Idk how MR can be changed so it cant be farmed. I remember DE on a Devstream (or was it Pax?) said maybe MR can be based on challenges as a suggestion but even that can be farmed. Wonna know whats my Idea on MR? 

Have it be changed to how many hours you have in game. Also have the log in times contribute to your MR as well. When you reach a milestone. It'll give you bigger points to your MR. Now if someone literally log in & just stay in their orbiter & dont play the game just to get some hours. Then something is wrong with you

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3 minutes ago, Neightrix said:

I wouldn't mind just being able to see someone's warframe %. That would tell A LOT. Like if you don't want a slow Nova in your ODD and they just forgot to switch their build.


Yea the percentages might be enough, people will still complain with the usual exclusion argument though..

you are not allowed to know anything about the other player it seems because you treat him unfairly with that knowledge

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Well, about the only indication right now we have of our mod collections is that mod rating in the mod menu. Right now, mine is sitting at 94 million and growing. I think it would be really cool to be able to view another player's profile and view their current mod collection, at least then you could kind of get an idea of the loadouts they're capable of making at that point in time.

Not that I would use this to determine weather or not I would play with them of course. I just think it would be kind of cool to have because I'm pretty nosy and I want to see other people's mod collections haha

Edited by DuskLegendary
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El Rango esta muy bien como está.

El problema no reside en misiones faciles, sino en misiones duras, da igual que los mods de puedan comprar, pero prefiero jugar con un jugador malo con mods full, que con uno malo sin mods, porque tenemos muy claros que los mods es "una" de las cosas que influyen. Pero no se queda solo ahi, las polarizaciones también influyen. Y también tenemos muy claro, que no es lo mismo no llevar ninguna que llevar 6.

Por lo que esa información claro que nos interesa, prefiero jugar una mision con un jugador que polarizo un warframe, aunque después su configuración sea mala, a jugar con uno que no lo lleva, por realmente es una ventaja. Pero recordar muy bien, no hay niveles altos porque la mayoria se quejan que no pueden pasarlos.  Así que más de lo mismo, comentar por comentar. Pero el Rango en sí esta perfectamente y es justo.


this very well as the range is.

The problem is not easy missions, but in hard missions, gives like mods can buy, but prefer to play a bad player with full mods that one bad without mods, because we have very clear that the mods is "a "of things that influence. But it is not left alone there, also influence polarizations. And we also have very clear, that is not the same not carry any that carry 6.

So that clear information that interests us, rather play a mission with a player who polarize one Warframe, even after its configuration is bad, to play with one that does not wears, it really is an advantage. But remember well, there are high levels because most complain that they can not pass them. So more of the same, comment by comment. But the range itself is perfectly and fair.


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