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What do you want for Season 7 Sortie?


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Just now, IceColdHawk said:

First of all, you don't have to tell me that those 2 aren't event weapons. I know that already by myself, thanks.

Second of all, where did i say these are event weapons? Also, what is this "i got this as a gift for testing the game before it went into open beta"? This game is still beta and WHY, just tell me WHY should you specially treated for playing before me? The comparison i did was to show that those "gifts" are nothing you've worked for, while as for event weapons you had to work for. How big or small the event is, is not the point. The event weapons used to be exclusive too but DE decided to return them so newer players can get it.

Why aren't you complaining that people this year could get the dex furis and dex dakra? "Hey, i want my dex furis to be exclusive since i was playing early enough as opposed to the new 2015 - 2016 players, pff."

Just face it, founders are the only things 100% exclusive.

calm down. too much sodium is bad for you. I was saying that DE said EVENT weapons can come back. Lato and braton vandals aren't event weapons. Second where does it say we're in open beta? nowhere in the game, nor does DE say we're still in Open beta. We're unofficially launched at this point. and "those gifts are nothing you've worked for" That is the most ignorant thing i've read today. it was a GIFT FOR TESTING! we tested and were rewarded with the lato vandal. We played, reported bugs and did other stress tests and stuff and were given a reward like you get a reward for cheesing an event.



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8 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

calm down. too much sodium is bad for you

Why you blaming me?

8 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

"those gifts are nothing you've worked for" That is the most ignorant thing i've read today. it was a GIFT FOR TESTING! we tested and were rewarded with the lato vandal. We played, reported bugs and did other stress tests and stuff and were given a reward like you get a reward for cheesing an event.

So now you're strengthening my point. I said you didn't work for it. And i'm apparently true (not saying you've never reported any bugs). But guess what, we're still TESTING, still REPORTING bugs and still doing STRESS tests (cough jordas raid cough).

It's like saying: "Hurr durr i test this game since U17.5 so i think everyone after shouldn't be able to play the sonicor."

Look, i don't want to debate much with you here, i just want you to get a better sense of realism and fairness. That's all. There is nothing special about lato and braton vandal being locked out while every other gift or event weapon is not. Like i said, we're still doing the same things as we (or you, in this case) did in closed beta.

4 minutes ago, Fionntan said:

It be great if they released Lato Vandal and Braton :^)

I know right? But i still got the feeling latron wraith is next...it's now the oldest non-recycled event weapon haha.

9 minutes ago, LogaMC1995 said:

If CB testing "gift" is the reason, just release the weapon to everyone, and give a new badge or weapon skin that acknowledges CB testers.

I actually like this idea.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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Just now, IceColdHawk said:

I know right? But i still got the feeling latron wraith is next...it's now the oldest non-recycled event weapon haha.

Very likely it might be next one.

Just want DE release Lato/Braton Vandal so everyone can have it and enjoy. Nothing wrong with sharing a free item.

Just now, sushibend said:

sonicor vandal

amprex vandal

twin kohmak wraith

tonkor wraith

Very unlikely, DE will release new weapon variants in Sortie. They had been re-releasing weapons from past events or freebies.

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1 minute ago, IceColdHawk said:

Hehe....sortie weapon.....free....hehe

Well in terms two weapons were never ever charged for plat/$$$$ unlike Exclusive Founder stuff.

1 minute ago, LogaMC1995 said:

I think he meant free item=Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal

Pretty much.

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i am 900% sure that the braton and lato vandal are both exclusive... as stated by DE staff multiple times...


unless you are going to give something to the closed beta players, and those who were there on open beta weekend as compensation for them actually being there 3 years ago when the game was just barley on it's feet and openly supporting it then that is fine, give them something to still show off for how long they have been playing, if you only want it to complete your collection regardless of what the weapons mean to the players that already have them then just drop it...

did you play for closed beta testing? no? then no you can't have the lato vandal, it was given to them as an exclusive item for playing closed beta.

did you play on open beta weekend before the game went in to full open beta? no? Then you can't have the braton vandal... it was given to those who supported the game on open weekend  as an exclusive weapon for that weekend...

seriously people, the two weapons are exclusive, just drop it already... you don't see anybody who asks for founders stuff getting any leeway do you? then why are you still asking for other exclusive stuff? stop it already...

just because something is not as exclusive as another item does not mean that the item is still open for debate on release... it is still exclusive... there is no fine line seperating the difference between a paid exclusive (founders pack) and non paid (CB items) both are exclusive, and both are not coming back, sorry to burst your bubbles, but it has been said by the DE staff multiple times, people just seem to refer back to that one post that steve made about them 3 years ago when they were missed out on by a few days...

Edited by lightdragon64
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Anything that I don't already have from doing a previous event. Kind of don't have any reason to do sorties considering I've done every event DE has put out thus far, I already have Nezha built, I have plenty of Cores to level up whatever mods I feel like right now, and if I ever need lenses for Focus I just buy greater ones from the market.

Edited by -Mr.Meeseeks-
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non founders have a chance at a free 12k mastery xp so progression is fixed, only happens once every season, and is bonded to account so you can only get it once in the entire game. Boom DEs easy Band aid for a terrible MR system based off a 200 dollar bundle of crap.


in all seriousness, Latron wraith and Braton / lato vandal

Edited by -BE-VoltageKg
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1 hour ago, lightdragon64 said:

i am 900% sure that the braton and lato vandal are both exclusive... as stated by DE staff multiple times...


unless you are going to give something to the closed beta players, and those who were there on open beta weekend as compensation for them actually being there 3 years ago when the game was just barley on it's feet and openly supporting it then that is fine, give them something to still show off for how long they have been playing, if you only want it to complete your collection regardless of what the weapons mean to the players that already have them then just drop it...

did you play for closed beta testing? no? then no you can't have the lato vandal, it was given to them as an exclusive item for playing closed beta.

did you play on open beta weekend before the game went in to full open beta? no? Then you can't have the braton vandal... it was given to those who supported the game on open weekend  as an exclusive weapon for that weekend...

seriously people, the two weapons are exclusive, just drop it already... you don't see anybody who asks for founders stuff getting any leeway do you? then why are you still asking for other exclusive stuff? stop it already...

If by support on open beta weekend you mean login for 5 minutes, pay 1 credit, and then logout. That's essentially all anyone had to do to receive the Braton vandal, if that's supporting the game our views differ greatly. How many people actually "supported" the game on open beta weekend? How many people actually bought platinum on that specific weekend?

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On 5/8/2016 at 10:33 PM, Freelancer27 said:

Ignis Wraith, if possible.

o0ooo yes this

Was anyone specifically told that a weapon would never return? If not, then nothing should even be said about it. Snipetron Vandal isn't even that good. Braton Vandal is also isn't that good, and why do you want another Braton? Gun lust? Better to get the Latron Wraith for the higher crit chance or a new weapon entirely. My only complaint is unattainable guns like the original Gorgon and Vulkar Wraith that show on my profile, which is a pretty small complaint.

Edited by Neightrix
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2 minutes ago, Neightrix said:

o0ooo yes this

Was anyone specifically told that a weapon would never return? If not, then nothing should even be said about it. Snipetron Vandal isn't even that good. Braton Vandal is also isn't that good, and why do you want another Braton? Gun lust? Better to get the Latron Wraith for the higher crit chance or a new weapon entirely. My only complaint is unattainable guns like the original Gorgon and Vulkar Wraith that show on my profile, and which is a pretty small complaint.

The original Gorgon is the only primary weapon I'm missing on my profile, I can also no longer obtain this. I know it's just mastery fodder but in the very near future it will potentially be the 3k mastery I am missing to get to mr 22. Seems silly to me why it's not atleast put back in the login reward pool. 

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2 hours ago, lightdragon64 said:

.. you don't see anybody who asks for founders stuff getting any leeway do you? 

Just fyi Founders stuff has money invested involved and folks have a right to sue DE if they go against their word till the end of time.

Not the same story for CB weapons since there's no money involved to get them, just time :^) So can't really compare them.

Yes I seen Rebecca state they won't come back, that's fine by me. Just wanted to point out the flawed statement.

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