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MR Based On How Many Hours You Have In Game.

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except mastery is tied to experience with multiple weapons.


If its changed to a time based interval (which is a bad idea for a multitude of reasons) all you'll have is people running rhino and soma having never strayed from any norms will be much more inexperienced than someone with less time but more understanding of the game.


Also a time lock on mastery ranked weapons would literally kill the game."you need 300 hours before you can use that one weapon you really want at MR 6". Yea, no one would be around for that.

Considering the current system doesnt really hold anything back nor is it even an obstacle (compared to the amount of RNG grind walls) its fine as is. trivial but serves the purpose it needs.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Well inexperienced players wont be high MRs. Its not easy to get to 200 hours in the game if you only play for about 3 or 4 hours a day. Also ppl now dont even have to shoot for ranks. Just join Draco. Theres usually either an Ember, Excal, Ash or an Nova doing the killing for you (Shared exp). So that part is no different than what im suggesting.

I have 600 hours on 3-4 hours a day with occasional binges. And yes, Draco is a problem, but you can identify Draco-based High MRs by their substandard equipment and names like XXxx1337skillsxxXX or something similar. you know, basic red flags that you would find in any other game.

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4 minutes ago, Xen_Ashwood said:

It shouldn't be, as that would leave solo players like myself in the dust. The current system works better than any proposed alternative on this thread, and has far less potential for abuse. Yes, there are high MR noobs, but that's an almost negligible fraction, especially compared to the droves your system would create.

I guess theres no way to improve it then. Thats it, lol. You cant take it away completely because you still wonna tell apart from the players that just joined Warframe but you dont want MR abused. I cant see what alternate route to take that actually sounds like a good idea. I guess I rather have the current MR system than the conclave points displayed again. 

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1 minute ago, Zhoyzu said:

except mastery is tied to experience with multiple weapons.


If its changed to a time based interval (which is a bad idea for a multitude of reasons) all you'll have is people running rhino and soma having never strayed from any norms will be much more inexperienced than someone with less time but more understanding of the game.


Also a time lock on mastery ranked weapons would literally kill the game."you need 300 hours before you can use that one weapon you really want at MR 6". Yea, no one would be around for that.

Considering the current system doesnt really hold anything back nor is it even an obstacle (compared to the amount of RNG grind walls) its fine as is. trivial but serves the purpose it needs.


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8 minutes ago, Kano said:

Pretty much everyone is already boosted by draco anyway's so its pointless.

Before Draco it was Kappa and Xini. there will always be high xp farms and places where players gather in mass for quick missions or farming anything from credits to XP to fun.

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The problem I can see with this is that it would be seriously detrimental to newer players. You need MR8 to unlock almost all weapons, but you need MR12 in order to purchase or trade (including both buying and selling) a syndicate weapon. That's a lot of grinding through weapons to get there as the system currently stands, unless perhaps you tryhard it and grind weapons day in and day out nonstop and never actually have fun in the game. If the idea is that MR is too easy to get right now, how long would people have to wait to unlock syndicate weapons? A hell of a long time.

I have almost 600 hours in Warframe so far, as a pretty casual player, and I'm still MR10. Technically I have the points for 12, but I'm not in a rush, and the parkour rank-up tests are actually quite difficult until you've tried (and failed) them a few times to know the layouts. If they translated this into time played vs weapons leveled, it would be a ridiculously high mark to hit MR12, nevermind MR20. New players wouldn't reach 12 for a very good while...frankly, I don't really see the point.

Time played also doesn't prevent stupidity. I've met people in every game I've played that are well-seasoned, old players, and yet they're still oblivious to base game mechanics. Forcing an hours played requirement isn't going to make the lightbulb pop for those people.

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3 minutes ago, Dabus87 said:

I dare You to grind to mr 21 and try to repost this. Amount of time You need to spend on obtaining and leveling this amount of items in game is immense.

Ehh im Mr 18 & I dont farm for MR. Occasionally I may level a few underpowered weapons. But I dont make it a Must Do To Get The Highest MR.

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1 hour ago, SergeiTheBeast said:

Meanwhile I think we should all just acknowledge that MR is meaningless

Actually, it's not. It grants you in-game advantages. More trades per day, ability to deploy more extractors, ability to equip Mastery-locked weapons, and some clans (as superficial as it is) use MR to gate applicants out.


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4 minutes ago, SergeiTheBeast said:

Meanwhile I think we should all just acknowledge that MR is meaningless


1 minute ago, N4G4M4K1 said:

Actually, it's not. It grants you in-game advantages. More trades per day, ability to deploy more extractors, ability to equip Mastery-locked weapons, and some clans (as superficial as it is) use MR to gate applicants out.


Also this aswell ^^

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I think MR should be as it is and we should get another measure for a player.

MR gives you higher caps and stuff based on how many pieces of gear you've gone through. I don't think it's bad that way, even though it's not a skill measurement.

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The reason why this isn't going to work is that you basically want time (hence MR after the proposed change)=skill or proficiency.

The thing there is... it's not.

DE already proposed a good change to obtaining affinity (less/remove radial affinity and MR=base weapon rank). I'm still curious as to how they are going to implement it and for which weapons but there it is. This eliminates any team leeching, but may bring back the problem of, i'm a support frame, what do I do. It MAY.


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19 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Not really. It still has some meaning like telling the difference between ppl that just joined Warframe. You have to get it that atleast.

Can't see how that can help anything. Just had mr20 that didn't know how hijack in LoR (nightmare) works (if you'll be reading this I ain't even mad). And as a result, the core didn't even make it past first room despite I told them that if it touches the electricity we will insta fail. Meanwhile, mr9 a couple of days ago was perfectly fine to the point of hosting and leading that nightmare raid. 

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1 hour ago, Romalic said:

i cant see this happening, otherwise people would just leave their computers(or consoles)logged in while they werent playing in order to get their hours up, its no more of an indication than the current system and just as easy to abuse/manipulate

^ This. All of this. I have a bad habit of just leaving warframe open in the background when doing other stuff like watching anime or chatting with friends in another program. Even if it only counted IN MISSION time- still no. Time spent in this game is not at all representative of player skill or actual experience. Draco is proof of that.

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5 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Can't see how that can help anything. Just had mr20 that didn't know how hijack in LoR (nightmare) works (if you'll be reading this I ain't even mad). And as a result, the core didn't even make it past first room despite I told them that if it touches the electricity we will insta fail. Meanwhile, mr9 a couple of days ago was perfectly fine to the point of hosting and leading that nightmare raid. 

That happened to me too. MR20 player knowing nothing in normal LOR and a MR5 player leading an NM LOR.

There should show in statistics how many fails and trials completed you have.

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Just now, Zari2015 said:

That happened to me too. MR20 player knowing nothing in normal LOR and a MR5 player leading an NM LOR.

There should show in statistics how many fails and trials completed you have.

This is kinda maybe not quite right too. After all, some people only bring that specific frame each time, not knowing and not wanting to know what others are doing or using. Some never drive. Some never clear mines. And so on. Normal LoR you can probably even leech many times... I don't think it's very realiable way to know. Plus - so,in this case we failed that nightamre LoR but you will never know who was at fault of those 4-8 people and often it's just one person. What about the rest? Not quite fair they will have +1 failure in their statistics. 

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1 hour ago, SergeiTheBeast said:

Meanwhile I think we should all just acknowledge that MR is meaningless

Not really. IIRC, in U19, they're making it so that when you Forma a weapon, your MR is the level it goes to post-Forma. MR 12, Forma a weapon, it's already level 12. Lessening Post-Forma grind - less Draco usage - less complaint threads on the forums about too much Draco.

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43 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Can't see how that can help anything. Just had mr20 that didn't know how hijack in LoR (nightmare) works (if you'll be reading this I ain't even mad). And as a result, the core didn't even make it past first room despite I told them that if it touches the electricity we will insta fail. Meanwhile, mr9 a couple of days ago was perfectly fine to the point of hosting and leading that nightmare raid. 

that's more of an issue of the game's content being diverse

you don't need to be experienced at all of the game to reach high MR. heck, the first (and only) time I did a raid was at MR 14. And at that point I had unlocked the entire star chart, acquired pretty much all the weapons I cared about, beaten all the quests up to that point

And raid gameplay is completely different from typical run and gun gameplay (the kind you would see in an alert), you spend the majority of the raid perma-cc'ing and no-killing while your team completes the objective.


and I've personally seen high MR fail as well for content diversity: one time I was doing moon spy to level up some gear, and I had a teammate who was MR 21, with an excalibur prime profile icon. Pretty certain that guy was a founder (I'm no expert on founder perks, but I'm assuming the icon is exclusive to founders). He tripped the alarms and nearly failed the first vault he stepped into. Fortunately I've been running them long enough that I know them inside out (so I saved it), but I am extremely doubtful he knew how to clear them and what routes to take. Especially given how unique the moon spy vaults are compared to every other spy vault (even the Uranus sharkwing ones)

Heck the first time I ran moon spy I think I tripped the alarms on all 3 vaults. And a long time ago, I played non-stop Oceanium, Pluto for like a week to level up stuff, so I had plenty of experience doing spy missions and hacking consoles.

Edited by Obviousclone
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1 hour ago, SergeiTheBeast said:

Meanwhile I think we should all just acknowledge that MR is meaningless

Yes, partly. But I think it's a good tool for getting players to branch out and discover new weapons. If we linked mastery to time in game people would latch onto a few powerful weapons and never discover that they like any others. Sure, some of our weapons are pretty bad, and not worth ranking up except for mastery, but *many* weapons are actually much better than they look, or have interesting and useful mechanics. I think one of the big problems this community is dealing with is that players tend to think that anything other than the current meta is trash tier, and they never realize the incredible uses non-meta weapons can have. Linking mastery to leveling weapons means that (at least ideally) high MR players should have experience with more weapons and warframes than low MR players. Granted, some players just level stuff without using it, but MR will always be meaningless for some players no matter how you determine it. At least this way it encourages players to experiment.

And I'm in favor of the mastery tests, as well as in favor of fixing some of the easy-mode exploits. If you really want MR to mean something, make the tests hard. I don't care about being higher rank than other people, but new players should be able to tell the difference between someone who might give good advice and knows what they are talking about, and someone who doesn't.

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5 hours ago, Mokusvezer said:

Few days before in draco...

"aequinox what does your agment do? Shackle them?"

"You mean put them into sleep? Equinox can do that without any augment"

"aw thats cool what is that night? never seen it."

*Mastery Rank 21*

oh look! doesnt know one thing and now hes/shes a complete ignorant, even worst! the mastery system must be irrelevant if this single high mastery rank guy/girl doesnt know every single detail about the game! how outrageous!



Edited by Toppien
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